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195 – 5 Affirmations to Change Your Life


195 – 5 Affirmations to Change Your Life

FromGift Biz Unwrapped


195 – 5 Affirmations to Change Your Life

FromGift Biz Unwrapped

19 minutes
Dec 31, 2018
Podcast episode


5 Affirmations to Change Your Life this Year.
The New Year is upon us, and for many, it’s a marker in time to make a change. It’s a time to start fresh and reset your ways and to jumpstart the dreams you’ve been thinking about and putting off over and over again.
This all sounds amazing doesn’t it? A new future that aligns with what you want. It’s the chance to turn into reality the achievements and lifestyle you’ve had in your mind’s eye for a long time.
The truth really is … you could make this change at any time … in any day or month of your life, but for some reason the rollover of the calendar year makes it all seem more possible. There’s newfound optimism and hope. You think things like, “This is the year! I’m going to do it this time!” Sound familiar?
Unfortunately, you know what happens to New Year’s resolutions. Within a month or two they’re history and you’re back to your old ways.
I see this at my health club every year and if you’re a member of any type of fitness organization, I bet you see the same thing. In January my spin class is completely packed because everyone has decided to get fit and healthy. If I don’t book my bike early, I may not get a spot. But by March, it’s back to the regular spinners and it stays that way the rest of the year.
I’ve been good at keeping up with my spinning. But I’ve been saying I’m going to start doing yoga or pilates for the last two years. Still haven’t gone to my first class. I’m telling myself this year will be different! You see … I’m just like you in this regard.
I’ve discovered, the reason New Year’s resolutions aren’t followed through on, is that it really has nothing to do with the resolutions at all. It has to do with something much harder. It has to do with your mindset. What you tell yourself in your head – where nobody else can see. It’s about what you think you deserve and then the excuses you make up to stay in the comfort zone of your life. Whatever that is for you.
This is where affirmations come in. Affirmations are the language of the brain and are known to tap into your unconscious thinking.
You see, when you think a thought, your brain processes the information as true and sets you up to react accordingly – as a result of that thought.
And there’s more.
Your brain is constantly looking for clues in your environment to confirm your thoughts and guide your actions. It can pick up on any available influence. For instance, let’s say a customer comes back with a return or says your prices are too high. You mentally process this information and the result is you begin to question and probably undervalue your skills. That translates into reducing prices – or worse – pulling back on promoting and other business building activities.
Or someone looks at you funny and you read that to mean it’s something negative about you as a person. You begin to that that you’re a fake or not capable to be doing what you’re doing because of that one look.
These thoughts lead to counterproductive emotions, self-doubt, and then playing it safe. All these subconscious fears and doubts can sideswipe your New Year’s resolutions and plans for self-improvement.
Luckily you can do something about this!
The good news is your brain is eager to set you up for success, all you have to do is instruct it by telling it the right things. This is why positive affirmations are so powerful.
By speaking to yourself in correctly worded statements, your brain will activate everything you need to make your 2019 the very best year yet.
Think of affirmations as the way you speak to yourself. That then becomes the way you show up in the world. And the way you show up in the world affects your outcomes.
My gift to you, as we enter into the new year, are 5 affirmations for you to say these to yourself daily. Put them in your day timer or tape them to your mirror so you can see them when you brush your teeth.
They are also going to be included in my new planner coming out within
Dec 31, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Have you thought about turning your hobby into a profitable small business? This podcast shows you how to do just that. Whether you want a side gig for some extra cash or to get out of your 9-5, the handmade products you make for fun can hold the key! In each episode you'll hear steps and actions to take to start and grow a profitable business. It's created specifically for the handmade product business entrepreneur; a group I lovingly call Gifters, Bakers, Crafters, and Makers. You're a fabulous unique creative person and I'm here to help you get on the right path to making your vision a reality. There's a lot out there about building a service based business, some about building a product business, but handmade is different. There are specific nuances to handmade that we cover here. Have you thought about starting a business but not sure what the first steps should be and you're afraid to do it "wrong?" Have you started your business but it's not progressing as you had envisioned? Are you confused about Etsy, Amazon Handmade and Shopify platforms? What about email marketing and Facebook or Instagram ads for attracting sales? There is so much to know it can be overwhelming and confusing. I'm your host, Sue Monhait, and I interview business owners who have been where you are. This is combined with over 30 years of experience consulting hundreds of boutique and big brands along with opening two profitable product based business of my own, I'm here to help you realize your dream. At the end of each episode, you'll walk away with new ideas, tools, or processes that you can apply immediately to get results. Decide on your business. Learn how to get started. Hear what others do to get customers and increase their sales. A great first step is to subscribe to the show. Then you'll automatically get each new episode as it releases - ready and waiting for you when it's convenient to listen. The main show becomes available on Saturday morning with a short Tips & Talk episode on Wednesday. I want you to know that you don't have to do this alone. Find more free resources over at and if you're looking for a community of handmade makers just like you, join us over in my private Facebook Group - Gift Biz Breeze.