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Episode 8 - RailsConf: HomeEdition Podcast Panel


Episode 8 - RailsConf: HomeEdition Podcast Panel

FromCode and the Coding Coders who Code it


Episode 8 - RailsConf: HomeEdition Podcast Panel

FromCode and the Coding Coders who Code it

42 minutes
Jul 5, 2022
Podcast episode


A live podcast recording from RailsConf: HomeEdition 2022!The panelists discuss what they're up to, if you can still build a career in ruby (spoiler: You can!), and how our ecosystem can benefit from more Ruby frameworks and podcasts!Moderated By:Brittany Martin, The Ruby on Rails PodcastPanelists:Aaron Francis, Framework FriendsAndy Croll, Chats in the CupboardBrian Mariani, The Ruby on Rails PodcastDrew Bragg, Code and the Coding Coders who Code itJason Charnes, Remote RubyJemma Issroff, The Ruby on Rails PodcastReady to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.Support the show
Jul 5, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (53)

We talk about Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and everything in between. From tiny tips to bigger challenges we take on 3 questions a show; What are you working on? What's blocking you? What's something cool you want to share?