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10. Using Yogic Principles to Live a More Peaceful Life with Susannah Freedman


10. Using Yogic Principles to Live a More Peaceful Life with Susannah Freedman

FromThe Inner Work Podcast


10. Using Yogic Principles to Live a More Peaceful Life with Susannah Freedman

FromThe Inner Work Podcast

50 minutes
Sep 30, 2018
Podcast episode


In this week’s podcast Mat and Ash interview Susannah Freedman, the author of Suffer Less: Using Yogic Principles To Live a More Peaceful Life

Susannah shares how the deeper teachings of yoga can lead us to finding our life purpose, living joyfully, and is the pathway to lasting peace. 

This episode is for anyone interested in removing unnecessary suffering from their lives and becoming more in alignment with inner freedom. 

To connect with Susannah or to learn more about her book, trainings and retreats visit or find her on Instagram @susannahfreedmanyoga
Sep 30, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (43)

A light hearted and insightful talk show dedicated to inner inquiry, spiritual transformation, and Self-realization. The show offers a platform for a genuine discussion on the many paths we can take to discovering the true Self and unlocking true freedom and lasting happiness in our lives.