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Interviewing the Inventor of MyHeartApp


Interviewing the Inventor of MyHeartApp

FromHeart to Heart with Anna


Interviewing the Inventor of MyHeartApp

FromHeart to Heart with Anna

29 minutes
Jan 26, 2015
Podcast episode


What happens when you're born with a congenital heart defect but have the opportunity to lead a normal, healthy life until you reach adulthood but then your whole world gets upended when your heart becomes the focus of your existence? How can a person go from feeling just like everyone else to realizing her heart is special and unique and that it also needs tender, loving care? What's a person in a high-stress, corporate world position to do? If you're Christine Courtelis, it just might be to leave all of that behind and to analyze what's really important in life. It just might be the right time to take a chance and do something even more meaningful with her life. Join us today as we uncover Christine's heart defect, how and when it started to dominate her life and what she chose to do in order to make lemonade from lemons.In this clip, Anna thanks listeners of "Heart to Heart with Anna" and asks them to keep the comments on the podcast episodes coming!Support the showAnna's Buzzsprout Affiliate LinkBaby Blue Sound CollectiveSocial Media Pages:Apple PodcastsFacebookInstagramMeWeTwitterYouTubeWebsite
Jan 26, 2015
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

"Heart to Heart with Anna" is the longest-running podcast devoted to the congenital heart defect (CHD) community. Our shows feature Survivors, family members, medical professionals and others in the CHD community who wish to share their stories, expertise, and advice. This show is devoted to empowering, educating and enriching the lives of members of the CHD community.