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003 Performance Testing in Continuous Delivery / DevOps


003 Performance Testing in Continuous Delivery / DevOps



003 Performance Testing in Continuous Delivery / DevOps


49 minutes
May 24, 2016
Podcast episode


How can you performance test an application when you get a new build with every code check-in? Is performance testing as we know it still relevant in a DevOps world or do we just monitor performance in production and fix things as we see problems come up?Continuous Delivery talks about breaking an application into smaller components that can be tested in isolation but also deployed independently. Performance Testing is more relevant than ever in a world where we deploy more frequently – however – the approach of executing these tests has to change. Instead of executing hourly long performance test on the whole application we also need to break down these tests into smaller units. These tests need to be executed automatically with every build – providing fast feedback on whether a code change is potentially jeopardizing performance and scalabilityListen to this podcast to get some new insights and ideas on how to integrate your performance tests into your Continuous Delivery Process. We discuss tips&tricks we have seen from engineering teams that made the transition to a more “agile/devopsy” way to execute tests
May 24, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.