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The Tutuni-Joshua Creation (w/Exegesis)


The Tutuni-Joshua Creation (w/Exegesis)

FromThe Ancient Tradition: Audio Writ


The Tutuni-Joshua Creation (w/Exegesis)

FromThe Ancient Tradition: Audio Writ

24 minutes
Sep 27, 2024
Podcast episode


In 1900, Depot Charlie, Chief of the Tituni-Joshua people—whose ancestral lands are situated in southern Oregon—narrated the creation story of his people to an anthropologist, who subsequently documented it in Volume 28 of the Journal of American Folklore.  The Tituni-Joshua people had significant interactions with European settlers in the late 1700s, though the extent to which these encounters shaped Chief Charlie's account remains unknown.The Tituni-Joshua creation narrative is particularly significant for its depiction of the creator residing on the primordial waters in a sweat lodge, the mention of a foundation stone, the involvement of the First Man in the creation process, and the portrayal of the creator imparting instructions to the First Man prior to his ascension to the sky.Join us for this episode and visit us on the web at and for more amazing comparative religion.
Sep 27, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (27)

In this podcast you'll find recordings of ancient and modern writings that are directly relevant to "The Ancient Tradition" Podcast (see, a podcast which aims to reconstruct, from the evidence available in the ancient record, the original religious tradition given to human beings "in the beginning".