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From Current Events to Time Travel w/ Dr. Bailey


From Current Events to Time Travel w/ Dr. Bailey

FromDiscovering Truth with Dan Duval


From Current Events to Time Travel w/ Dr. Bailey

FromDiscovering Truth with Dan Duval

121 minutes
Sep 29, 2012
Podcast episode


You may have heard about the illuminati, the plans for a new world order, and the impending financial collapse of our country. However, how deep does your knowledge base go? Moreover, where do all of these things intersect with the Bible and the principles that govern the spirit realm?
This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be joined again by our special guest Dr. Preston Bailey. He is an expert on SRA, DID, and occult activity. He is also the author of Spiritual Warfare: Defeating the Forces of Darkness. This week we are going to open the floodgates and explore information that is simply not being talked about. While we will touch on subjects familiar to some, we are also going to talk about higher and parallel dimensions and even touch on the illusory topic of time-travel.
This program promises to be both revelatory and mind-bending. Join us for another powerful episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval.
Sep 29, 2012
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program.