Your Pregnancy1 min read
Great Event
Babies R Us has your back! Attend one of the retailer's in-store car safety events for a hands-on, practical installation session. Getting it right is absolutely essential. You'll learn how to choose the right seat for your needs, and get expert advi
Your Pregnancy5 min read
Should They Watch Scary Movies?
Ever since its publication in 1963, Maurice Sendak's seminal children's book Where the Wild Things Are has been delighting and terrifying its diminutive readers in equal measure. Telling the story of Max, a naughty little boy sent to bed without any
Your Pregnancy2 min read
Little Flower
Lily is named after her great-grandmothers, both of whom shared the name Lily, one from her father's side and one from her mother's. Her middle name, Rose, was given by her grandmother, who sadly passed away just three days after Lily was born. This
Your Pregnancy3 min read
Admin Like An Adult
There are some important tasks to do before you leave the maternity ward. These include: ■ Check baby's armbands to make sure you're taking the right baby home. ■ Make a note of dates and times for follow-up appointments. ■ Your baby may need a bilir
Your Pregnancy3 min read
The key to successful breastfeeding is looking after yourself as well as your baby. You are the supplier, which means you need to be healthy and relaxed enough to make the milk that will nourish your baby. Making sure you eat a healthy diet is especi
Your Pregnancy3 min read
Pure Beginnings Soothing Teething Gel (15ml) is a nonmedicated, natural teething remedy with organic liquorice, marshmallow root extract and chamomile to help ease discomfort. R64,95, Dis-Chem Baby City, Woolworths Foods, Wellness Warehouse, Amazon,
Your Pregnancy4 min read
Q Now that I'm pregnant, I'm very careful about what I put in my body. But surely that doesn't mean I can't take anything when I'm feeling ill, right? And what about supplements? And do the same rules apply when I'm breastfeeding? A THEMBEKA GULE ANS
Your Pregnancy4 min read
BABY'S First Feed
During labour and birth, your body uses a powerful mix of hormones to birth your baby and also prepare the way for breastfeeding. As your placenta separates from the uterus, your body releases a mix of prolactin (to stimulate milk production) and oxy
Your Pregnancy4 min read
BREASTFEEDING Questions & Answers
Q Will my breasts shrink after breastfeeding? A Pregnancy will alter the shape of your breasts, not breastfeeding, so whether you breastfeed or not, your breasts are bound to change when you become a mother. Make sure to wear supportive underwear thr
Your Pregnancy4 min read
I picked up quite a lot of weight for my height while I was pregnant. I lost all my pregnancy weight relatively quickly after giving birth though, and I have breastfeeding to thank for that. I went from 66kg to 46kg! JADE MARIANO, PINETOWN If I thoug
Your Pregnancy1 min read
Murphy's Mom's Law
1 As soon as you change your baby's nappy, they will do a poop in the new one. 2 As soon as you put your new top on, they will have a runny nose (all over your top of course), and you'll have to change. 3 As soon as you're brave enough to wear someth
Your Pregnancy1 min read
Send a clear, good-quality, high-resolution photo to [email protected]. Each photo published receives a R350 Babies R Us Voucher.
Your Pregnancy2 min read
A slow-down in your sexual desire, or even no sexual desire at all, is a completely normal part of the postpartum experience. As your hormones plummet after pregnancy, so does your interest in sex. Combined with the exhaustion that caring for a newbo
Your Pregnancy4 min read
Generally speaking, c-sections are performed by choice or for a specific purpose. If you're delivering your child through a private healthcare facility, your gynaecologist may ask you if you'd prefer to have your baby via c-section or if you'd like t
Your Pregnancy3 min read
Are These My BREASTS?
Breast changes are often one of the first signs of pregnancy. Many women will experience discomfort, tingling and tenderness only a few weeks after conception. As your pregnancy progresses, you might feel like you are working your way through the alp
Your Pregnancy5 min read
When Food Is A NOPE!
A baby who's fussy with his food needn't be the cause of as much worry as you might fear. Toddlers regularly turn their noses up at food, and often the reason is not something that should overly concern you. It could be a genuine dislike for a food,
Your Pregnancy1 min read
The Absolute Essential
are relatively inexpensive and can easily be installed to prevent your intrepid, crawling explorer from emptying or eating the contents of your lower cupboards. Toilets can be fascinating for young children, and they can quickly become big fans of fl
Your Pregnancy2 min read
Mammogram Musts
Set aside the notion that mammograms are often regarded as an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. They are an essential tool in detecting early breast cancer. Consider the following when scheduling your annual mammogram: ■ Use a facility that ei
Your Pregnancy1 min read
To enter send a clear, good quality photo to us at [email protected] Sensitive breasts shouldn't stand in the way of the special moments of breastfeeding. Made from 100 percent organic cotton, which is free from harsh chemicals and synthetic ma
Your Pregnancy1 min read
Natura Tissue Salts can help alleviate some common niggles associated with pregnancy. Tissue salts are biochemic remedies encompassing 12 essential minerals necessary for proper cell function and health. Tissue salts are gentle, non-toxic and have no
Your Pregnancy5 min read
All The Feels
Before you were pregnant, you had no idea how a child “within” could consume you. For nine months, you and your baby are one – growing together and undergoing amazing changes. Your baby-to-be is your constant companion, not only in body, but also in
Your Pregnancy6 min read
Eina Ears!
Ear infection is one of the most common reasons for antibiotics to be prescribed for children, with 75 percent of children having had at least one ear infection before their third birthday. What's more, it's caused by the same germs that give way to
Your Pregnancy4 min read
6 Quick Fixes
There are hundreds of books out there, with thousands of rules and rituals that promise to divulge the secret to the perfectly happy baby. But none of them worked with my first baby. Second time around, I decided to put my foot down early and not be
Your Pregnancy6 min read
Mom, Know Your Meds!
You know the feeling very well: your baby doesn't seem to be sick enough to justify a doctor's appointment, but she is awfully miserable! Relax, we have advice on when and how to selfmedicate, and when to call the doctor. “With babies younger than 6
Your Pregnancy1 min read
FROM The Editor
Pregnancy is a time of wonder and amazement at what your body can do. In 40 short weeks you are growing a complete human being. Breastfeeding is equally amazing. Your body can feed and nourish a baby! Once you're up and running, breastfeeding is the
Your Pregnancy4 min read
FIRST Six Weeks
The first few weeks can be a real roller coaster ride as you get to know your baby and they get to know you. It can take up to six weeks for you and Baby to get the hang of breastfeeding and for breastfeeding to become established. The best way to do
Your Pregnancy3 min read
Ease Teething Troubles
Swollen gums, drooling, restlessness and chewing on fingers or toys are all signs that indicate your baby may be teething. While some parents sail through the teething process with their babies, others experience frustration. There is no telling how
Your Pregnancy2 min read
At birth, your newborn's stomach is the size of a small marble and can comfortably digest about 5ml (a teaspoon) per feed. In the first week, his stomach will grow to about the size of a golf ball and be able to hold about 50 to 60ml. By day 10 it is
Your Pregnancy5 min read
Head It Off!
Low-grade headaches tend to be more common during the first trimester, says Dr Louis Grundlingh, an obstetrician and gynaecologist practising from Mediclinic Panorama in Cape Town. This is because during the first trimester, your body experiences a s
Your Pregnancy1 min read
…Or Discover Something New