The people who make your problems their problems

Trust only can be built with time and when trust is broken it sure takes time to heal, but without trying and testing we will never know if we can trust. Therefore we could be hurt by sharing or happy to find that special person who we can …

Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world

My seed is planted in my heart, a seed of kindness , generosity, respect for others, why is it we have people comment on winkles, weight, hair. I say get a life! ~ Margaret O’Sullivan  A kindness is like a freshness of a flower you smell repeatedly! If you …

When there’s a big disappointment in life

Life is a school….. Time is the teacher… We are the students….. Every exam is a lesson to deal with difficulties… The day I ‘let go’ of the ex and all things connected to her was all of a sudden I got back to me and found what …

Happy are those who take life day by day

I love nature, children, & just enjoying each day & whatever it brings. True inner peace will come to you if you just don’t let materialistic things get in your way. ~ Nellie Fike  ‘Stop and smell the roses’ is cliche, but have you stopped, really taken a moment …