Geotechnical testing equipment is used to determine the compression ratio, grain size, moisture content and strength in varying moisture contents.
Proctor Compaction and Density equipment is used to determine the optimum moisture and density of the soil. Compaction equipment and molds create samples to measure the compacted density and unit weights of soils. The test results are used to check the placement and compaction of soil embankments and engineered fills. There are also products available to test the relative density.
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test Equipment is used for laboratory or field use. CBR laboratory test determines the moisture content and strength of laboratory samples. Field tests measure strength in situ.
Consolidation equipment tests are performed for soil swelling and expansion to estimate the potential for settlement under load.
Atterberg Limits products determine when cohesive soils will transition from solid phase to plastic and liquid phase. Liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit tests determine the plasticity index, which is an important value in foundation design.
Triaxial Shear Strength equipment tests the strength of the soil with limiting pressures.
Soil Sampling products are used to profile soil layers and collect field samples for testing and classification. Models are available for use in soil, clay, sand and mud.
Unconfined Compressive Strength equipment determines the compressive strength of cohesive soils in accordance with international standards. Test equipment includes load frames as well as products used for sample preparation, measuring load and displacement, and more.
The permeability test or hydraulic conductivity determines the flow and permeameter properties of water and other liquids in the soil.
Direct Shear Strength testing equipment includes pneumatic direct shear, dead weight direct shear, and direct/residual shear testing machines. These machines measure the resistance of soils to direct and residual shear forces. Various weight sets, shear boxes and other accessories are available to test size, weight, test method and standards.
Field Testing / Soil Classification equipment provides visual and manual estimates of soil qualities such as moisture content, strength, density and grain size. Soil properties indicate whether the soil will be stable and show good infrastructure and load performance. Moisture testers, dial and pocket penetrometers, vane apparatus, grading charts, color scales and more are used for accurate identification.
Hydrometer Analysis of Soil measures the particle size distribution of silt and clay in soil in accordance with relevant testing standards.
Nuclear density and moisture meters use radioactive sources to determine the thickness, density, compression percentage or structure of asphalt, RCC, concrete and soil or similar surfaces. Safe to use when appropriate safety precautions are taken, these devices help people build safe buildings, roads and make reliable products.