
A Discipleship and Partnership Ministry
Our mission is to disciple teens to grow in unity, faith, service, and outreach for the strength of our church and the glory of God.
Our desire is to keep teens connected to church life as we partner with parents in their primary role of discipleship.

Meeting on Purpose

Knowing our Jesus

Serving the Church

Sharing the Gospel
What do our weekly gatherings look like?
Sunday School: We meet Sunday mornings from 9:30am-10:30am for discussion and discipleship around a Bible passage and apply it to every day living.
Youth Group: We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:15pm. This gathering includes fun activities, worship, and teaching from the Bible.

Wholesome fun together
We typically have one activity per month. We also try to have casual get-togethers from time to time. We want each activity to be intentionally directed toward accomplishing one of our four priorities:
Team Up - Building deeper relationships around the gospel.
Dig Down- Strengthening teens' knowledge and application of God's Word.
Jump In- Serving the church and meeting the needs of others.
Reach Out - Impacting our community with the Gospel.