Dancing in the Dust
- Original title
- Raghs dar ghobar (Dancing in the Dust)
- Year
- 2003
- Running time
- 95 min.
- Country
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Drama
- Synopsis
- When forced to divorce his wife by family and social pressure because her mother is a prostitute, Nazar works double shifts to pay back the loan he took out for his impulsive wedding and to pay some ongoing restitution to his sweet jilted bride, Reyhaneh. When he falls behind in the payments he flees the police and ends up in the desert with an uncommunicative old man who catches poisonous snakes for their venom. These two are forced to coexist in the desert, because Nazar is unwilling to return to the city and wants to catch snakes to make enough money to settle his debts. His verbose, chattering annoys the reticent old man until Nazar's life is endangered.
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- Awards
2003: Asia-Pacific Film Festival: Best Director, Screenplay & Supporting Actor2003: Moscow International Film Festival: Best Actor (Faramarz Gharibian)
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