
July – Delphinium

Photo/Illustration: Steve Aitken
Photo/Illustration: Steve Aitken

Botanical name: Delphinium spp. and cvs.
Common name: Larkspur

Delphiniums grow to about 3 or 4 feet tall and are regarded by many as the queens of the border. They are so stunning that you could make the argument that no garden is complete without a few of these dramatic perennials standing tall at the back of the border… except possibly for gardens that are frequented by pets and small children. That’s because delphiniums are extremely toxic (like, if you eat one, you could die), so site them with care.

In history, delphiniums have been used for making dyes and inks. Apparently, some very brave souls have used them in folk medicine to make tinctures to repel scorpions, lice, and nits; but that’s definitely something you should not ever try yourself. These beauties, along with people born in July, are better admired from a distance.

See all birth flowers/plants:
January: Carnation, February: Iris, March: Daffodil, April: Daisy, May: Lily of the Valley, June: Rose, July: Delphinium, August: Gladiola, September: Aster, October: Pot Marigold, November: Chrysanthemum, December: Paperwhite

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