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Norway | arctic poppy |

Norway | arctic poppy |

17,334 13

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Norway | arctic poppy |

I have seen different varieties of poppies from semi-deserts up to the subpolar regions of Alaska. Now I found them on Magerøya, which is the very end of northern continental Europe, while I was on a hike into the mountains near Skipsfjord, Honningsvåg.

Von unserem Campingplatz aus bin ich in die Einsamkeit der Berge gewandert. Dabei habe ich die wunderschöne Flora entdeckt, die die Nordkappinsel neben Felsen und Gras zu bieten hat. Hier ist es der Arktische Mohn (Papaver radicatum).

Comments 13


Folders Scandinavia
Views 17,334


Camera DMC-LF1
Lens ---
Aperture 2.8
Exposure time 1/200
Focus length 6.0 mm
ISO 100