Nostalgic memories of Perivale's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 36 in total

I born in 1955. Went to Perivale Infants and Junior schools before going to Greenford County Grammar School. I was in 6 Perivale Scouts. I still have fond memories of Justice's fish and chips, working in Empire Greengrocers, buying American comics from Martin's Newsagents and getting sweets from Lauder's shop. Bilton Road used to such a great "village high street". It's not really the case anymore. John Alexander
Hi , we moved to Devon Close Perivale in the early to mid 60’s . I remember the names of some friends who lived at Devon Close -Neil & Jimmy Peterson , Diane & Stephen Dolphin, Pierre Barroso , Trevor Witney , . There were many others with just a few years in age between us. I attended Perivale Junior School my teacher was Miss Tunstall. I remember siting the 11 plus and got accepted to Ealing ...see more
Hi there ,I was born in Perivale hospital in July 1960. No longer there? I also remember flying a kite with my grandparents which was so much fun. I wonder if there is anyone out there who knew or knows a family who lived in perimede Road?surname BURNHAM?. Jeffrey burnham? Around the late 50s early 60s or a bit later? Great if anyone did and would like to share memories.
In the late '60's my mother & I had moved to Somerset. School holidays would often be spent at my Aunts house in Raynes Park. I was not 'a good traveller', at that age. I suffered very badly from motion sickness, & any journey on a bus or coach over a couple of miles was distressing. The long trip from Mid Somerset on a coach was a nightmare. The sight of the Hoover Building meant that the ordeal was nearly over, & a great relief.
My grand father and father owned the fish and chip shop
I had both our sons in there in 1968 and 1971, a lovely hospital, I had a lovely Jamaican midwife in 1968 for my 1971 visit I was in 24hrs so I had Mrs Golding as my District Midwife. How well we were cared for compared to today's Mothers and babies
I started at the nursery class at Perivale infants school in September 1956 aged 4 starting in the nursery class. The assistant was call Miss Whale we also had a French teacher and she made a little shop where we had to ask for things in French as directed by Mamouselle Another teacher was Miss Guard who I remember told us that Harold Macmillan had become Prime Minister . The boys ...see more
Hi Penny, I was born and grew up in Perivale, and loved the bread and cakes from your fathers bakery, my aunt Vi Brown worked there probably 1970 ish, I remember you too, but just the name! Not sure how old you are, I will be 61 soon, I do not have any family in Perivale now. I live in Suffolk, but still have dreams of Bilton Rd!! Nice to share with you Rebecca (House)
As a family we moved into house in Perivale in the early 1930's.Our house was situated in Conway Crescent . It was a new estate of privatly built Houses . A brand new school was at the centre of it .This was Selbourne School. I attended this school from the age of 5 until I left at 14 apart from a short period when I was evacuated during the war. Yes I certainly do remember the "Chinese" house at the bottom of the ...see more
I remember calling at a cafe in Bilton Rd every day as a van salesman for Walls sausage & pies.The cafe was used by lots of Walls van drivers before the start of there calls,it was run by a lovely Irish couple who's son was the famous MP Jack Dromney,he help out in the cafe when on holiday from uni. Happy memories Ray Hunt