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Function and Sub in Excel VBA

Last Updated: 30 Oct, 2022


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In Visual Basic, the functions and sub-procedures play similar roles but have different or unique characteristics. However, both perform a programmed task. They utilize a set or group of commands to deliver the required results. The key difference between the sub and the functions is that a sub-procedure generally does not return a result whereas functions tend to return a result. Hence if there is a need for having a value post execution of tasks, then place the VBA code under a function or otherwise place the code under a sub-procedure. In Excel, there is the availability of large numbers of VBA functions that could be utilized in the development of new VBA codes. Such functions are referred to as Built-in functions. With the increase in the size of a VBA program, both Functions and Sub-procedures play a crucial role in the management and performance of VBA code.

Functions in VBA

A function in VBA can be defined as a procedure that executes a piece of code or instructions and post-execution, it returns the value of the tasks performed. A function is hence invoked using a variable. Functions are directly called in the spreadsheets by using excel based formulas. An excel VBA function is not of executable nature. They help in performing a set of repetitive tasks. Following is the syntax for the VBA function: –

Function <Function name>  (Parameters) as variable type

Piece of codes

End function.

Here is a small example of the VBA function: 

Function CalcArea(a As Double, b As Double) As Double

CalcArea = a * b

End Function

In an excel spreadsheet, place the formula in range A1 as shown below:



The following would be the output in range A1 of the excel spreadsheet as shown below: 



The above code is a very simple example of how to program or develop custom functions. A VBA programmer can develop as many custom functions’ basis the need of the program. He can insert a new module and start developing a new function just by naming it by a new unique function name.

Sub in VBA

A sub-procedure in VBA can be defined as a procedure that executes a piece of code or instructions, but post-execution does not return the value of the tasks performed. A sub-procedure, therefore, does not require a variable for getting invoked. An excel VBA sub-routine or a sub-procedure is of executable nature and can be assigned as a macro to any excel based object. Like functions, they help in performing a set of repetitive tasks. Following is the syntax for the VBA sub-procedure: 

Sub  <sub name>  (Parameters) 

Piece of codes

End sub

Here is a small example of a VBA sub-routine: 

sub CalcArea() 

Dim a As Double, b As Double

c = a * b



End sub

In an excel module, select run sub/user form present under the Run option:



The following would be the output in range A1 of the excel spread sheet as shown below:



The above code is like functions but the only difference is that in this program, the values are hard coded in the sub-procedure itself whereas, in functions, the values are to be passed by the end user. The following things should be followed when creating a sub-routine: 

  • It should not have any spaces.
  • It should not begin with any number or special character. It can however begin with an underscore or a simple letter.
  • The name of the sub-procedure should not be the same as that of the reserved keywords present in the excel VBA.

To Summarize, the following are the differences between a function and a sub in VBA: 

Function In VBA

Sub In VBA

Functions always return a value after it completes their required set of instructions. Sub does not return a value after it completes its required set of instructions.
Functions do not have any alternate nomenclature in VBA In VBA, Subs are referred to as subprocedures as well as subroutines
To Execute Function, it is to be passed on to the excel sheet beginning with equal to sign. In Short, they are invoked as excel based formulas. To execute a sub in VBA, it can be run or could be executed through Project explorer or by assigning it as a macro on excel objects.


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How to Create a User Defined Function in Excel VBA

A function is a collection of code.  As a developer, we very often need a custom function (User-defined function) in our projects. These functions can be used as normal functions in Excel. These are helpful when the existing functions are not enough. In such cases, the user can create his own custom user-defined function to fulfil the need.  What are User Defined FunctionsUser Defined Function(UDF) is the custom function that is created by the user to perform a specific task in VBA(Virtual basic application) which is a programming language in Excel. Function Vs. Subroutine in VBA In VBA, a 'Subroutine' lets you run a group of commands, while a 'Function' provides a result. For example, consider a list of numbers, some positive and some negative. With a subroutine, you can scan each cell and mark negative ones by changing their colour. The subroutine modifies the cell properties. On the other hand, a custom function can be used in a separate column. It returns TRUE for negative values and FALSE for positive ones. Functions can't change cell properties directly but can be used with conditional formatting for the same effect. When you create a User Defined Function (UDF) in VBA, you c
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InputBox Function in Excel VBA

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VBA Find Function in Excel

In an Excel sheet subset of cells represents the VBA Range which can be single cells or multiple cells. The find function will help to modify our search within its Range object. A specific value in the given range of cells is to search with the help of the Find function. Excel VBA provides different parameters in the Find function so that we can search according to the search order or direction and also we can make a case-sensitive search which will be discussed further in this article. Excel VBA Find FunctionAs we know about the Find Function in Excel, we can use the Shortcut key "Ctrl+F" to find the content that you are looking for. The FIND function of VBA searches for a specified value in the range that is defined by the user. A VBA code is written by entering arguments of the FIND function. Below is the syntax given for using the find function in VBA, Syntax: Find(What, [After], [LookIn], [LookAt], [SearchOrder], [SearchDirection AsXlSearchDirection = xlNext], [MatchCase], [MatchByte], [SearchFormat]) As Range Parameter Required Description WhatRequiredThe value for which we are searchingAfterOptionalRange of cells from where the search will startLookinOptionalFunction search
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Variables and Data Types in VBA Excel

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VBA Date and Time Functions in Excel

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How to Insert and Run VBA Code in Excel?

In Excel VBA stands for (Visual Basic for Application Code) where we can automate our task with help of codes and codes that will manipulate(like inserting, creating, or deleting a row, column, or graph) the data in a worksheet or workbook. With the help of VBA, we can also automate the task in excel to perform all these tasks we need to insert and run the VBA code properly which we will discuss in this article. Steps to Insert and Run VBA Code in Excel To use the VBA code properly in Excel we need to change the default macro security settings of excel for that we need to follow further steps Step 1: Click on the "File" menu at the left top of the excel tab. Step 2: Select "Options" to get the "Excel Options" window. Step 3: Select "Customized Ribbon" in the "Excel Options" Window and then select the "Developer" check box in the "Main Tabs". Step 4: Then return to the main Excel window to select the "Developer" ribbon and then click on "Macro Security" in the "Code" group. Step 5: Click on "Macro Settings" to select "Disable all macros except digitally signed macros". Now, to insert and run the VBA in Excel so that we can write codes we need to follow further steps: Ste
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