How to Create a User Defined Function in Excel VBA
A function is a collection of code. As a developer, we very often need a custom function (User-defined function) in our projects. These functions can be used as normal functions in Excel. These are helpful when the existing functions are not enough. In such cases, the user can create his own custom user-defined function to fulfil the need.
What are User Defined Functions
User Defined Function(UDF) is the custom function that is created by the user to perform a specific task in VBA(Virtual basic application) which is a programming language in Excel.
Function Vs. Subroutine in VBA
In VBA, a ‘Subroutine’ lets you run a group of commands, while a ‘Function’ provides a result.
For example, consider a list of numbers, some positive and some negative. With a subroutine, you can scan each cell and mark negative ones by changing their colour. The subroutine modifies the cell properties.
On the other hand, a custom function can be used in a separate column. It returns TRUE for negative values and FALSE for positive ones. Functions can’t change cell properties directly but can be used with conditional formatting for the same effect.
When you create a User Defined Function (UDF) in VBA, you can use it just like any other Excel function, as I’ll explain further in the ‘Different Ways to Use a User Defined Function in Excel’ section.
Function Definition
VBA, a function is like a helpful tool that can give you a result if you ask it nicely. It’s like having a magic box that you put some things into (we call them parameters), and it gives you something back (we call it a return value).
One cool thing about this magic box is that it can give you not just one thing but a bunch of things all at once, and we call that a list or an array.
Before you can use this magic box, you need to tell VBA how it works. You do this by using the word “Function,” giving your magic box a special name, and then describing how it should work with any parameters it needs. Finally, you use “End Function” to say you’re done explaining.
Function Functionname(parameter-list)
statement 1
statement 2
statement 3
statement n
End Function
How to Create a User-Defined Function in VBA
Here we explain how to create a UDF (user-defined function) to count/return the Number of vowels in a given string using Excel VBA.
Example Custom Function Syntax
Function Name: countvowel()
Input parameter: an excel cell
Output: Return an interger (Number of vowels)
Follow the below steps to create a User-defined Function in Excel VBA:
Step 1: Open an excel file, To create user-defined function “countVowel()” function.
Step 2: Press Alt + F11 – to open Visual Basic Editor.
Step 3: Click Insert >> Module – which will add a new module as in Img1.
The VBA code window will be opened where you can write the code of the Function.

Img 1
Step 4: Type the below code in “code window”.
- Function name with parameter Range
Function countVowel(rg As Range)
- Iterate each character of a given string and check the character is vowel or not. If it is vowel character increase vowelCount = vowelCount +1
For i = 1 to Len(rg.Value
textValue = UCase(Mid(rg.value, i, 1))
If textValue Like “[AEIOU]” then
vowelCount = vowelCount +1
End If
Next i
- Returns Number of vowels.
countvowel = vowelCount
End Function
Step 5: Save your Excel workbook as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)
Calling a Function
To activate a function, you simply use the function name, just like in the example provided in the screenshot.
Step 1: Type “Customer” in cell “A1” and “Vowels_Count” in cell “B1” as header.
- Fill names in cells A2:A6
Step 2: Write below formula in cell “B2” and drag it to fill “B2:B6” .
=countVowel (A2)
Step 3: Preveiw the Result
Scope of User Defined Function
You have to make your function public if you want to access that function in all worksheets of the workbook. For making a function public, you just need to use the word “Public”.
Public Function countVowel(rg As Range)
Note: By default the functions are public. if you don’t make it private.
When you make a function private you can use that particular function in the procedure of the same module. To make a function private just use the word “Private”
Private Function countVowel(rg As Range)
If you have made a function privately in Module 1, then you can it in procedures you have in Module 1. And it won’t appear in the function list of teh worksheet (when you use = sign and try to type the name) but you can use it by specifying it’s name and arguments.
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FAQs on Excel VBA
Why you should create a User defined function?
Following can be the reasons to create user defined function
When there is no function for this
Sometimes there is no specific formula for what you need to calculate. In that case you can create your own function to perform a particular task.
Replace a complex Formula
There are some formulas which are difficult to understand and also hard to use. In that case you can create your own easy custom formula to perform a particular task.
When you don’t want to use Sub Routine
Although you can use a VBA code to perform a calculation but if you want to repeat the task then you have to run that code and again if you update your calculation. But if you convert that code into a function then you simply insert it as a function instead of running that code again and again.
How you can create a user defined function in Excel?
Creating a custom function in Excel is a process that can be divided in following ways:
1. At the very first you have to declare your Procedure as a Function
2. Defining its Argument and their Data Type
3. Add code to calculate the desired value.
What are the different ways to create a VBA function in Excel?
Without any Argument
With just one Argument
With Multiple Argument
Using Array as the Argument
What are the Limitations of using User Defined Function in Excel?
Following are the limitation of User Defined Function in Excel:
- It can’t make changes to any of the environment options
- Make changes to another cell’s value.
- You can’t change, delete or format cells and a range by using a custom function.
- It does not allow to rename, or add worksheets to a workbook.