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How to Change Date Format in Excel

Last Updated: 14 May, 2024


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You know that Excel is one of the best spreadsheets you can work on. Excel is the first preference of many users to create an impressive data set. Have you tried filling in the Date on the sheet? Date with the data is a common practice done by users in Excel to get information timeline.

To help organize data in an Excel worksheet, we will discuss four easy yet effective ways to change the date format in Excel.

How to Change Date Format in Excel?

What is the Date Format in Excel?

In Excel, a date is displayed depending on the user's chosen format. You may choose from the different formats available in your Excel worksheet, or you can even create a customized date format per your requirements.

The default date format is usually shown in your system's 'Control Panel.' However, you can even change these default settings if necessary.

Change Date Format in Excel

When you input a date in Microsoft Excel, the program will format it according to the default date settings. For example, if you want to enter the date April 14, 2024, the date could appear in either long date format, or short date format, as 14-Apr, April 14, 2024, 14 April, or 04/14/2024, all depending on your settings.

You may find that if you change a cell’s formatting to “Standard,” your date becomes stored as integers. For example, April 14, 2024, would become 47451, because Excel bases date formatting off of January 1, 1900. Each of these options are way to format dates in Excel. To help with organizing data in Excel, learn about how to change the date format in Excel.

How To Change Formatting of Date in Excel

You can change the date format using this method's "Custom" option.

Step 1: Select The Cell Range

Select the cell range.

Select The Cell Range
Select the cell range

Step 2: Go To Format Cells

Next, you must go to the Home tab and then the Cell group. Then, click on the drop-down option showing format, and after that, choose the option showing Format Cells.

Go To Format Cells
go to the Home tab and then the Cell group

Step 3: Choose Type

This is the third step, where you must select the Number bar from the Format Cells window. Next, go to the Category: group on the right side. Then, go to the option Type: group on the right side, and click on the option dd-mmmm-yyyy.

Choose Type
Select the Number bar from the Format Cells window

Step 4: Click OK

Lastly, click on OK and get your desired result.

Click OK
Click OK

How To Convert Date Formats to Other Locales

Suppose your worksheet shows dates in the US format, like mm-dd-yyyy. Now, if you want to change the formatting of the Date to the UK formatting rule, then here are the steps:

Step 1: Select the Data Range

First, you must select the date range on your Excel worksheet.

Select the Data Range
Select the Data Range

Step 2: Format Cells

After that, just hit the keys Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialogue box.

Format Cells
Format Cells dialogue box

Step 3: Select a Format from the Type list

This is the third step, where you must select a date format shown in the Type list.

Select a Format from the Type list
Select a format from the Type list

Step 4: Change Format and Click Ok

Now, click on the Locale drop-down menu below the Type list and select English (UK). Click OK button.

Change Format and Click Ok
Select English (UK)

How To Change Date Format in Excel by Using Power Query

If you are trying to import a large database with inconsistent date formatting, use Power Query to get standard date formatting in your worksheet. In that case, you must use an effective tool called Power Query and follow these steps:

  1. In this first step, click on the Add Column tab and then choose the Custom Column button.
  2. Type a column name in the New column name field on the Custom Column wizard.
  3. Inside the Custom column formula field, you have to enter the following formula: " =DateTime. To Text([DoJ], “dd-MM-yyyy”) "
  4. Now, click on the OK option to apply the formula.
  5. Finally, you will see a new column in the Power Query tool with the date format you created. Then, delete the unnecessary date columns.


  • You must change the date system if negative numbers appear as dates.
  • Always ensure the cell is wide enough to fit the entire Date.

Tips for Displaying Dates in Excel

There are two ways to enter dates in cells: formulas for dynamic dates that compute the current Date or time interval or static dates that remain constant.

  • If you want to add a date in multiple cells, then select the cell range, enter the formula, and press Ctrl+Enter to input the value in all of the selected cells.
  • Mark a point that setting the Date & Time requires a change in the number formatting of the Date.
  • The escape button helps you to restore the previous changees.

Suppose you're looking for different Date functions to utilize in your formulae. In that case, you can also find them in the Date & Time menu on the formulae tab of the Ribbon.

Default Date Format in Excel

The Date that you enter in the Excel workbook is automatically reflected in the format of the month first, then the day, and then the year. The default date format in the Excel workbook is mm/dd/yyyy format.

Dates entered into cells in Excel typically use the slash as their default delimiter between the day, month, and year.

Plus, this is constant regardless of whether you use dashes or not when writing your Date. Excel changes the dashes to slashes immediately.

How to Change the Default Date and Time Formats in Excel

Follow the steps mentioned below to change the default date and time formats in Excel:

  • Select the cell range in your Excel workbook that you want to format and press Control+1.
  • Go to the Cells option in the Home tab and click on the Format Cells tab box.
  • From the drop-down menu of the Home tab, select the "Number" option. Select "date" from the options mentioned on the screen.

How to Quickly Apply Default Date and Time Formatting in Excel

Step 1: Select the cell and Enter the formula

Click on the cell that consists of the Date or enter the Date in a blank cell. Enter the CTRL+SHIFT+# or CTRL+SHIFT+@ formula in the cell.

Select the cell and  Enter the formula
Enter the CTRL+SHIFT+# or CTRL+SHIFT+@ formula

How to Change the Default Time Format

Step 1: Select the Cell

Click on the cell that consists of Time or enter the Time in a blank cell.

Select the Cell
Select the cell

Step 2: Go to the Home tab

In the Home tab, click the Number group.

Go to the Home tab
Go to the Home tab

Step 3: Select Time

Choose Time from the Number Format drop-down list.

Select Time
Select Time


Though changing the date format is a small task, singing it enhances the data presentation in your Excel worksheet. It is not only simple to share but also easy to understand. Here we discussed, all four methods of changing the date format in your Excel workbook. Follow each step in the sequence to make your datasheet presentation visually appealing. You can choose any method; the result will always be the same without any hustle.

How to Change Date Format in Excel - FAQs

Why is the date format in my Excel Not changing?

If the date format in your Excel worksheet is not changing, then your dates may be formatted as text. Hence, you have to convert them to the date format first.

How do I change the date format in Excel to UK?

To change the date format in Excel to UK:

  1. Open an Excel spreadsheet on your desktop.
  2. Select the file and click "Options."
  3. The "Regional Format settings" tab opens. Click on the drop-down box and tap on the region.
  4. Tap on "Change".

How do I convert text to Date in Excel?

To convert text to Date in Excel:

  1. Assume your Date is in cell A1.
  2. In a different cell, type " =DATEVALUE(A1) ".
  3. Hit Enter to apply the formula.
  4. Right-click the cell with the formula.
  5. Select "Format Cells" from the menu.
  6. In the Number tab, choose Date from the list.
  7. Confirm by clicking OK.

How do I convert a date to a month in Excel?

  • You can convert a date to a month in Excel using the MONTH function. Suppose your Date is in cell A1. In another cell, type " =MONTH(A1) ". Press Enter. It will return the month number (1 for January, 2 for February, etc.) of the Date in cell A1.
  • If you want the month name instead of the month number, you can use the TEXT function in combination with the MONTH function. Suppose your Date is in cell A1. In another cell, type " =TEXT(A1, "mmmm") ". Press Enter.


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How To Convert Date To Number String Or Text Format In Excel?

Excel's built-in date system by default supports dates between January 1, 1900, and December 31, 9999. In this range, the numbers start at 1 and increase by 1 each time. In addition to text and numeric data types, Excel also allows dates that are internally stored as serial numbers. In Excel, the date format is typically recognized by default. However, Excel also allows you to input date format by choosing the cell and pressing (Ctrl+;). Methods to Convert Date to Number StringDATEVALUE Function Syntax: =DATEVALUE (date_text) Where date_text is the only argument DATEVALUE FunctionCell FormattingStep 1: Once the cell with the value has been chosen, click the home tab and choose the NUMBER or TEXT option. Step 2: The cell format then changes into the original serial number internally stored by Excel. Note: The first serial number stored by excel is of date 01/01/1900. Methods to Convert Date to TextTEXT Function It is used to convert a date into a specified text format. Syntax: =TEXT(value, format_text) For today’s date: =TEXT(TODAY(), format_text) Where value: The value that needs to be converted. This could be a numeric cell reference or value, or a numeric value returned by
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How to Create a Custom Date Format in Excel?

Date formatting is very important when you prepare any set of data, then there are different types of formatting used for different categories, which are different from our normal formatting which is dd/mm/yyyy. When you enter any date in MS-Excel then excel considers it as the default format of date as your computer has, but you can change their format in numerous ways, and also you can make your own custom format of a date. Such as 14-Dec, December 14, 2023, 14/12/2023, and may more depending on individual choices, you can change it. Here we are going to show the different ways to format a Date. Let's understand it in a better way by taking an example, Step 1: Open MS Excel and save with any name. Here we are going to save it by "Date Format" name. Step 2: Take any date, like here we are taking 15/04/2001, which is in the format of mm-dd-yyyy and also it is the normal format of a date. Step 3: You can change the format by selecting that particular date cell, and press ctrl+1, then a new "format cells" window will open. From this format window, you can choose date formatting according to your needs. If you want that date to be on 15 April 2001 format, then choose dd mont
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How to Calculate End Date from Start Date and Duration in Excel?

Excel is a powerful data visualization and analysis software, which uses spreadsheets for managing, storing, and visualizing a large amount of data. A cell, a rectangular block is used to store each unit of data. This tool can be used to visualize trends or compare data by creating graphs, or get insights from the data using functions and formulas. It is primarily used for accounting purposes but can be used by anyone for many different tasks as per the requirements. Let's see how to calculate the end date from the start date and duration. Calculate the end date from the start date and duration (weeks) To calculate the end date from the start date and the number of weeks(duration), use the below formula: =IF(start_date, start_date+(duration_in_weeks*7),"") This formula will add (week * 7) days to the start date, as a week has 7 days. For purpose of demonstration use the below data to calculate the end date: Step 1: Apply the formula, Step 2: Drag the fill handle over to the data range. Step 3: To change the value into date format, click the Home tab, and choose Short Date from the General drop-down list. Output Calculate the end date from the start date and duration (mont
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How to Format Numbers in Thousands and Millions in Excel?

Microsoft Excel allows its users to store raw data in a well-structured format in a spreadsheet. The spreadsheets consist of numerous cells in the form of rows and columns in which an individual can store data. An Excel spreadsheet can store different types of data such as numbers, characters, strings, dates, date-time, etc. A lot of the time when we store a large amount of data inside an Excel spreadsheet and when we want to look out for a particular entity within that spreadsheet it becomes quite cumbersome to get information about that in a single glance. In order to manage such situations and avoid such scenarios, a user must always think about keeping the records formatted in such a way that it looks easier to the human eyes and conveys much more information in a glance. Suppose, we have an Excel spreadsheet containing data about the net worth of different persons in a city or sales of a particular company as shown in the below image. Now, when we give these extremely large raw numbers to any individual, it would be really hard for that person to digest these numbers in one glance. To make it more convenient, we can write these numbers in a particular way like writing the num
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Custom Excel Number Format

MS Excel is a very important tool for businesses as well as for individuals with very useful features and tools. It is a market leader in spreadsheet editing and managing software. MS Excel contains many inbuilt number formats that can be used as per the needs of the user, however, sometimes users may need specific custom number formats that are not available in Excel by default. Custom Excel Number Format For example, if we want to round a decimal number to one digit after the decimal point, if we consider the number 44.64 we can use the custom number format ##.# to convert it to 44.6. If you want to represent number 347523450 using the Indian number system, of crores, lakhs, and thousands you can use the custom number format ##\,##\,##\,### to convert it to 34,75,23,450. First, let's consider the list of the following numbers given below : To Convert these numbers into our required format we have to execute the following steps: Step 1: Drag and select the numbers whose format has to be changed using the cursor. Step 2: a) Go to home and click on format. b) Then click on Format Cells. Or a) Right-Click and choose Format Cells. Format Cells Dialog Box appears. Step 3:
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How to Format Chart Axis to Percentage in Excel?

By default, in Excel, the data points in the axis are in the form of integers or numeric representations. Sometimes we need to express these numeric data points in terms of percentages. So, Excel provides us an option to format from number representation to percentage. In this article, we are going to discuss how to format a chart axis to percentage in Excel using an example. Example: Consider the dataset shown below : Plotting a chart The steps are : 1. Insert the dataset in the worksheet. 2. Select the entire dataset and then click on the Insert menu from the top of the Excel window. 3. Click on Insert Line Chart set and select the 2-D line chart. You can also use other charts accordingly. 4. The Line chart will now be displayed. We can observe that the values in the Y-axis are in numeric labels and our goal is to get them in percentage labels. In order to format the axis points from numeric data to percentage data the steps are : 1. Select the axis by left-clicking on it. 2. Right-click on the axis. 3. Select the Format Axis option. 4. The Format Axis dialog box appears. In this go to the Number tab and expand it. Change the Category to Percentage and on doing so the axis data p
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How to Convert Data from Wide to Long Format in Excel

Do you find your Excel data hard to analyze? Sometimes, changing the way your data is arranged can make it much easier to understand. Converting data from wide format to long format can help you organize your spreadsheet better, making it simpler to spot trends and patterns. This method is useful for business reports, school projects, and more. In this guide, we’ll show you, step-by-step, how to change your data from wide to long format in Excel. Let’s make your data work for you! Convert Data from Wide to Long Format in MS ExcelReshape data is an important step in Data analysis. Most of the time the raw data will be unstacked. The below example of the data presents each quarter in a column. Before doing further analysis, the user may need to know stack/pivot the data. In this article, we explain how to convert data from wide to long format in Excel. So we have a table that contains some data as shown in the image below: Sample DataNow we convert the data from wide to long format as shown in the below image:  So to this, we have to follow the following steps: Step 1: In Excel, press Alt+D+P to popup PivotTable and PivotChart WizardStep 2: Select “Multiple Consolidation ranges“ then
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Excel Format Painter

Imagine you spend a lot of time making a cool-looking chart in Excel, with just the right colors and fonts. But then you need to copy that look to other charts. No need to do it manually! Excel's Format Painter is like a copy-and-paste button for formatting. You just pick the pretty chart, click the painter, and then brush it onto the other charts. Table of Content What is Format Painter in Excel How to Use Format Painter in Excel How to Use Format Painter in Excel for Multiple RowsHow to Use Format Painter in Excel for Entire Column How to Use Format Painter for Multiple CellsShortcut for Format Painter in Excel How to Use Format Painter for Multiple SheetsHow to Use Format Painter in Excel on Mac FAQs on Excel VBAWhat is Format Painter in Excel The Format Painter is a command that allows you to copy formatting from one cell to another cell in the same worksheet( or other worksheets or workbooks). It is a nifty tool that saves you lots of time. How to Use Format Painter in Excel The Format painter can be used to copy to single cells or ranges. Format Painter can be used by clicking on its button in the Ribbon. The best practice in creating a dashboard/report is to maintain consist
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Custom Format to Show Units Without Changing Number to Text in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a great software that is used by individuals to store data in the form of spreadsheets in a formatted manner. Microsoft Excel allows us to store a variety of data such as characters, text, numbers, decimals, date, time, etc. Since Excel is a smart tool, it automatically identifies the data type of the records and places them accordingly inside the cell based on its default convention. But, there can be scenarios in which we want to store data which is actually of kind number but along with some unit which is generally text. Let's say we want to store unit values like 10 Litres (10 L), 20 Litres (20 L) or we want to store distance traveled like 2 km, 5 km. In such cases, when we input let's say 2 km or 20 L inside a cell then it will be treated as a text by Excel automatically. But, what if we want these records to be actually stored as numbers inside the cell, so that we can perform some functional operations on these numbers such as calculating the total amount of currency or calculating the total distance traveled. In such cases, mathematical formulas cannot be performed on text values. Hence, we are required to change those texts back to numbers. In this artic
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Format Reports in Excel

Excel 2013 introduces the Format pane. It offers advanced formatting choices in clean, bright new task windows, and it is also highly useful. When you alter the theme, it is applied to all Power View Views in the Report and Sheets in the Workbook. You may also modify the size of the text in all of your Report Elements. You can add Background Images, alter the Font or Font Size for One Visualization, change the Font or Font Size for the entire page, and Format numbers in a Table, Matrix, etc. Dataset This is the major dataset that will be used in this case. Table Formatting Step 1: Formatting a report, begin with a table. Choose the following options: Months, Percentage of sales, Quarter, and Sales in billion. In Power View, a table with these fields is displayed. Step 2: Select any number and then go to the Design tab on the top of the ribbon and then select a percentage from the dropdown list. Step 3: You can now see that the entire column containing the selected cell is transformed into a percentage. Step 4: You can also change the font, Theme, and size of the table in power view. For that just go to the Power View tab on the top of the ribbon and from the theme section, y
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