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How To Convert Date To Number String Or Text Format In Excel?

Last Updated: 16 Nov, 2022


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Excel’s built-in date system by default supports dates between January 1, 1900, and December 31, 9999. In this range, the numbers start at 1 and increase by 1 each time. In addition to text and numeric data types, Excel also allows dates that are internally stored as serial numbers. In Excel, the date format is typically recognized by default. However, Excel also allows you to input date format by choosing the cell and pressing (Ctrl+;).

Methods to Convert Date to Number String


Syntax: =DATEVALUE (date_text)

Where date_text is the only argument



Cell Formatting

Step 1: Once the cell with the value has been chosen, click the home tab and choose the NUMBER or TEXT option.



Step 2: The cell format then changes into the original serial number internally stored by Excel.



Note: The first serial number stored by excel is of date 01/01/1900.



Methods to Convert Date to Text

TEXT Function

It is used to convert a date into a specified text format. 

Syntax: =TEXT(value, format_text)

For today’s date: =TEXT(TODAY(), format_text)

Where value: The value that needs to be converted. This could be a numeric cell reference or value, or a numeric value returned by a formula.
format_text: The format to display the number. It should be in double quotes.

There are different formats possible for the day, month, year, and separator.




  1. d
  2. dd
  3. ddd
  4. dddd
  1. Number without leading 0 (Eg: 6)
  2. Number with leading 0 (Eg: 06)
  3. Day in short form (Eg: Mon)
  4. Day in full form (Eg: Monday)
  1. m
  2. mm
  3. mmm
  4. mmmm
  1. Month number without leading 0 (Eg: 8)
  2. Month number with leading 0 (Eg: 08)
  3. Month three-letter abbreviation (Eg: Jan)
  4. Month full form (Eg: January)
  1. yy
  2. yyyy
  1. Year in two-digit (Eg: 16)
  2. Year in four-digit (Eg: 2016)
  1. / (slash)
  2. – (dash)
  3. . (dot)
  4. , (comma)
  1. 10/10/2020
  2. 10-10-2020
  3. 10.10.2020
  4. 10 Oct, 2020





Adding Apostrophe

An apostrophe can be added in the formula bar where the date is entered to make it text. In some excel versions, adding space in the formula bar adds the apostrophe itself.



Format Cell Option

Step 1: Either select the cells, right click and click on the FORMAT CELL option, or in the Home Tab, select Cell then format and click on the FORMAT CELL. 



Step 2: In the Custom option of the Number Tab, specify the format. Click Ok.





Text to Column

Step 1: Select the cells. Go to the Data tools in the Data tab. Click on Text to Column. 



Step 2: In the next widget, choose delimited and click next.



Step 3: In the next screen, deselect all the delimiters and click next. 



Step 4: Finally, enter the destination cell number and click finish.



Note: The Text to Column tool will always convert dates to the short date format according to your system.



Copy-Paste Through Notepad

Step 1: Copy the selected cells with date and paste them to Notepad. The dates are instantly transformed into text when pasted into the notepad.



Step 2: The target cells should be chosen and changed to the Text Cell Format in the next step.



Step 3: Finally, paste the content in the target cells. It will be in the text format as shown in the figure.




VBA is located in Excel’s “Developer” tab.

Step 1: The “Developer” tab must first be enabled before it can be accessed from the ‘File’ option.



Step 2: Select Customize Ribbon from Options. Check the Developer box from the right menu.



VBA is now enabled. We can access VBA Editor through the Developer tab or the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11.


Visual Basic from Developer Tab

Step 3: Insert Module in the workbook. 



Step 4: Add the following code to convert Date to Text. Name the function ToText in the blank next to General. Click on Run Button.

Sub toText()
Dim d as Range
For Each d in Selection
d.Value = Format(d.Value, “”)
Next d
End Sub



Step 5: In the next Dialog Box, click No and change the Extension to “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook” to save it.



Step 6: Macros in VBA are a collection of codes that form a programming language. In the excel sheet, add a macro button for the above code by adding a shape/ text box. Add the text “Convert to Text” in the shape.



Step 7: Right-click the text box and choose “Assign Macro” for the toText code to make it a clickable button. 


Step 7: Assign macro to the button

Finally, using the created button, we can change the date to text in the format specified in the code.




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How to Create a Custom Date Format in Excel?

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Custom Format to Show Units Without Changing Number to Text in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a great software that is used by individuals to store data in the form of spreadsheets in a formatted manner. Microsoft Excel allows us to store a variety of data such as characters, text, numbers, decimals, date, time, etc. Since Excel is a smart tool, it automatically identifies the data type of the records and places them accordingly inside the cell based on its default convention. But, there can be scenarios in which we want to store data which is actually of kind number but along with some unit which is generally text. Let's say we want to store unit values like 10 Litres (10 L), 20 Litres (20 L) or we want to store distance traveled like 2 km, 5 km. In such cases, when we input let's say 2 km or 20 L inside a cell then it will be treated as a text by Excel automatically. But, what if we want these records to be actually stored as numbers inside the cell, so that we can perform some functional operations on these numbers such as calculating the total amount of currency or calculating the total distance traveled. In such cases, mathematical formulas cannot be performed on text values. Hence, we are required to change those texts back to numbers. In this artic
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How to Calculate End Date from Start Date and Duration in Excel?

Excel is a powerful data visualization and analysis software, which uses spreadsheets for managing, storing, and visualizing a large amount of data. A cell, a rectangular block is used to store each unit of data. This tool can be used to visualize trends or compare data by creating graphs, or get insights from the data using functions and formulas. It is primarily used for accounting purposes but can be used by anyone for many different tasks as per the requirements. Let's see how to calculate the end date from the start date and duration. Calculate the end date from the start date and duration (weeks) To calculate the end date from the start date and the number of weeks(duration), use the below formula: =IF(start_date, start_date+(duration_in_weeks*7),"") This formula will add (week * 7) days to the start date, as a week has 7 days. For purpose of demonstration use the below data to calculate the end date: Step 1: Apply the formula, Step 2: Drag the fill handle over to the data range. Step 3: To change the value into date format, click the Home tab, and choose Short Date from the General drop-down list. Output Calculate the end date from the start date and duration (mont
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How to Combine Text with Date or Time in Excel?

Microsoft Excel allows its users to store and manage different varieties of data in the form of rows and columns and store it inside an Excel workbook. Since Microsoft Excel allows its users to not only store data but also manipulate that data later on as per their needs. Combine Text with Date or Time in Excel Let's assume a scenario where a user is having data in two different columns. In the first column, the user has some text and in the second column, the user has either date or time values and the user wants to manipulate this data in such a way that he/she can combine the data of both of these columns in a third column. Text Date Final Form MS Dhoni was born on07/07/1981MS Dhoni was born on 07/07/1981Virat Kohli was born on 05/11/1988Virat Kohli was born on 05/11/1988 Now, we can observe that our goal is to append data of one column with data of another column. Microsoft Excel provides us with two useful ways using which we can combine these two elements. The first one is the Ampersand (&) symbol/operator and the second one is the CONCAT() function. Method 1: Combining text with date/time using Ampersand (&) operator We can use the & operator to combine two elem
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How to Convert Data from Wide to Long Format in Excel

Do you find your Excel data hard to analyze? Sometimes, changing the way your data is arranged can make it much easier to understand. Converting data from wide format to long format can help you organize your spreadsheet better, making it simpler to spot trends and patterns. This method is useful for business reports, school projects, and more. In this guide, we’ll show you, step-by-step, how to change your data from wide to long format in Excel. Let’s make your data work for you! Convert Data from Wide to Long Format in MS ExcelReshape data is an important step in Data analysis. Most of the time the raw data will be unstacked. The below example of the data presents each quarter in a column. Before doing further analysis, the user may need to know stack/pivot the data. In this article, we explain how to convert data from wide to long format in Excel. So we have a table that contains some data as shown in the image below: Sample DataNow we convert the data from wide to long format as shown in the below image:  So to this, we have to follow the following steps: Step 1: In Excel, press Alt+D+P to popup PivotTable and PivotChart WizardStep 2: Select “Multiple Consolidation ranges“ then
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How to Convert Scientific Notation to Text or Number in Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a universal software tool that is used by companies throughout the world to store data/numbers in the form of a spreadsheet. Excel not only helps users to store the data into spreadsheets, but it also gives us the freedom to use multiple smart features to manipulate, organize and analyze the raw data. Some of these helpful smart features also create an issue in a few cases. In this article, we are going to read about one such issue and how we can resolve that issue. But, before we go on to identify the issue and resolve it let's understand how Excel generally treats data and stores it inside the cells. Convert Scientific Notation To Text Or Number In Excel Suppose, we want to store the salary of five people in an Excel spreadsheet. It can be done as: Salary record of five employees in a company If we carefully observe the picture shown above, we can notice, all the cell constituents like "Employee Name", "Ram", "Rajni", "Sameer", etc. are identified by Excel as text and are generally stored with left alignment inside the cell whereas if we notice constituents like 50000, 75000, 45000, etc. Excel automatically understands and treats them as numbers and all of the
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Custom Excel Number Format

MS Excel is a very important tool for businesses as well as for individuals with very useful features and tools. It is a market leader in spreadsheet editing and managing software. MS Excel contains many inbuilt number formats that can be used as per the needs of the user, however, sometimes users may need specific custom number formats that are not available in Excel by default. Custom Excel Number Format For example, if we want to round a decimal number to one digit after the decimal point, if we consider the number 44.64 we can use the custom number format ##.# to convert it to 44.6. If you want to represent number 347523450 using the Indian number system, of crores, lakhs, and thousands you can use the custom number format ##\,##\,##\,### to convert it to 34,75,23,450. First, let's consider the list of the following numbers given below : To Convert these numbers into our required format we have to execute the following steps: Step 1: Drag and select the numbers whose format has to be changed using the cursor. Step 2: a) Go to home and click on format. b) Then click on Format Cells. Or a) Right-Click and choose Format Cells. Format Cells Dialog Box appears. Step 3:
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How to Format Numbers in Thousands and Millions in Excel?

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