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How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences

Last Updated: 29 Nov, 2024


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How to Compare two Excel Sheets - Quick Steps

  • Open Both Excel Files
  • Go to View Tab >> Click on View Side by Side
  • Click on "Synchronous Scrolling" from the "View" tab.
  • Compare Values and Formulas

Comparing two Excel files or sheets for differences can be a critical task for anyone working with data. Whether you're a project manager, accountant, analyst, or just someone who needs to ensure data accuracy, knowing how to compare Excel files can save you time and prevent costly mistakes. In this article, we'll show you how to compare two Excel files for differences, highlighting any discrepancies in data, formulas, or formatting.

By learning powerful tools and techniques, such as using Excel's built-in features or specialized comparison software, you can quickly and efficiently spot any variations between your datasets. Let's explore the best ways to compare Excel sheets, ensuring your data remains accurate and reliable.

Compare two Excel files or sheets for differences

How to Compare Two Excel Workbooks

Learn how to compare Excel files visually by viewing them side by side, making it simple to spot differences. Find out how to open and compare two Excel workbooks to quickly see and analyze data variations.

Step 1: Open Excel

Launch Microsoft Excel by clicking on its icon, and open a blank workbook (or any workbook you want to start with).

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences
Open Excel

Step 2: Open the Two Workbooks

Make sure the two workbooks you want to compare are open in Excel. You can open them from your file location or recent files.

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences
Enter data into the sheet or open an existing sheet

Step 4: Click on "View Side by Side"

In the Window group under the View tab, click on View Side by Side. This will arrange both workbooks side by side for easy comparison.

Note: If you only have one workbook open, you’ll need to open the second workbook first before the option becomes available.

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences
Go to View Tab

Step 5: Compare Side by Side

Excel will automatically display both workbooks horizontally next to each other. You can now scroll through both workbooks simultaneously to compare the data.

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences
View Tab >>Arrange all>>View Side by Side

Step 6: View them collectively (if desired)

Excel displays both reports horizontally by default, indicating that they will be shown adjacent.

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences

Step 7: Arrange Vertically (Optional)

If you prefer to see the workbooks stacked vertically instead of horizontally, click on the Arrange All button in the Window group under the View tab.

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences

Step 7: Select "Vertical"

In the Arrange Windows dialog box, select Vertical and click OK. This will stack the workbooks one on top of the other for vertical comparison.

Compare two Excel files for Differences

You are now ready to analyze the differences between the two workbooks in either horizontal or vertical layout!

How to Compare Two Sheets in Same Workbook

Follow the below steps know how to compare two worksheets in excel:

Step 1: Open Your Excel File

Open the Excel workbook that contains the two sheets you want to compare.

Step 2: Go to the View Tab

Navigate to the View tab on the ribbon, then click on the New Window button in the Window group to open a second window of the same workbook.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Open excel File >>View Tab>>Go to New Window

Step 3: Open a Different Window

A new window of the same Excel file will appear, allowing you to work with two views of the same workbook simultaneously.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Open excel File >>View Tab>>Go to New Window>>different window

Step 4: Enable Side-by-Side View

On the View tab, select View Side by Side to arrange the two windows next to each other for easy comparison.

Step 5: Select Sheets to Compare

In the first window, select Sheet 1; in the second window, select Sheet 2. You can now compare the data side by side for differences or similarities.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Open excel File >>View Tab>>Go to New Window>>different window>>Select sheet to compare

How to Arrange Multiple Excel windows Side by Side

Here’s how to view and arrange multiple Excel files side by side in a step-by-step format:

To View More than Two Excel Files Side by Side:

Step 1: Open All Workbooks

Open all the Excel files you want to compare. You can open them from your recent documents or file explorer.

Step 2: Click on "View Side by Side"

Go to the View tab in the ribbon and click on the View Side by Side button. This will allow you to view two workbooks side by side.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Go to View Tab>>Click on View Side by side

Step 3: Select Files

In the "Compare Side by Side" dialog box that appears, choose the files you want to display along with the active workbook.

Step 4: Compare all the workbooks

Now, you can scroll through both files and compare them side by side.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Compare your Workbooks

To Arrange All Open Excel Files:

Step 1: Click on "Arrange All"

In the View tab under the Window group, click on Arrange All. This option will arrange all open workbooks in a specific layout.

 Compare two Excel files for Differences
Go to View tab >>Click on Arrange all

Step 2: Choose Arrangement Style

Select your preferred arrangement style from the options provided:

  • Tiled: All windows are displayed in a grid pattern.
  • Horizontal: All windows are stacked horizontally.
  • Vertical: All windows are arranged vertically.
  • Cascade: Windows are displayed in a cascading overlap.
Compare two Excel files for Differences
Choose Arrangement Style

After selecting the arrangement, click OK to apply the layout and view your open workbooks as desired.

How to Compare two Excel Sheets for Differences in Values

Follow the below steps know how to compare the values in two different Excel sheets to identify changes, additions, or inconsistencies.

Step 1: Open Your Excel Workbook

Ensure that the workbook containing the two sheets you wish to compare is open. Both sheets should be in the same workbook.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Open your Excel Sheet

Step 2: Create a New Sheet for the Results

Add a new blank sheet where the comparison results will be displayed. To do this, click the + (plus) sign in the lower-left corner of the sheet tabs to create a new sheet.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
add a new sheet and put the data

Step 3: Enter the Formula for Comparison

In cell A1 of the new sheet, enter the following formula:

=IF(Sheet1!A1<>Sheet2!A1, "Sheet1: " & Sheet1!A1 & " vs Sheet2: " & Sheet2!A1, "")

This formula checks if the value in cell A1 of Sheet1 is different from the value in Sheet2. If the values are different, it will show both values for comparison. If they are the same, it will leave the cell blank.

 Compare two Excel files for Differences

Step 4: Use the "<>" Sign for Comparison

The <> symbol in the formula means "not equal to." If the values in the two sheets are different, the formula will display the values from both sheets. If the values are the same, the formula will show nothing (blank).

Step 5: Apply the Formula to More Cells

To apply the formula to additional cells, click and hold the fill handle (the small square at the bottom-right corner of cell A1). Drag it across the rows or columns to copy the formula to other cells, comparing the values in corresponding cells of the two sheets.

 Compare two Excel files for Differences

By following these steps, you can quickly identify discrepancies between two sheets and analyze any differences in your data.

How to Compare Excel Files for Differences Using Formulas

To compare Excel files for differences using formulas, you can follow these steps to identify discrepancies between data in two worksheets or workbooks:

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Ensure the data in both files is arranged similarly for easier comparison. If necessary, align columns, rows, or data order.

 Compare two Excel files for Differences
Enter the dataset

Step 2: Open Both Excel Files

Open the files you want to compare. Let’s assume File1 is in Sheet1 and File2 is in Sheet2 for simplicity.

Step 3: Create a New Column for Comparison

In a new column, you can use comparison formulas to highlight differences.

Example Formula for Comparing Two Cells

For Identifying Exact Differences:

=IF(AND(Sheet1!A2 = Sheet2!A2, Sheet1!B2 = Sheet2!B2, Sheet1!C2 = Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!D2 = Sheet2!D2, Sheet1!E2 = Sheet2!E2), "Same", "Different")

This formula compares the value in cell A1 of Sheet1 with cell A1 of Sheet2. If they are different, it displays "Different"; otherwise, it shows "Same."

 Compare two Excel files for Differences
Preview Results

How to Compare two Excel files with Microsoft 365

To compare two Excel files using Microsoft 365, you can use the "Spreadsheet Compare" tool available as part of certain Office 365 versions (like Office 365 ProPlus). Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open Spreadsheet Compare

Click on the Windows Start button. Type "Spreadsheet Compare" in the search box and select it when it appears.

Step 2: Select Files to Compare

In Spreadsheet Compare, click on the “Compare Files” button.

Step 3: Select the two Excel files you want to compare.

A dialog box will appear prompting you to select the two Excel files you want to compare. Click “Browse” to choose the first and second files.

Step 4: Set Comparison Options (Optional)

You can choose specific options for your comparison (e.g., formulas, cell formatting, values). Click “OK” after selecting the desired options.

Step 5: View the Comparison Results

The tool will display a detailed comparison of the two files, highlighting any differences found. Changes such as value differences, formatting changes, and structural differences are highlighted in separate panes or tables for easy analysis.

Compare and Merge Copies of a Shared Workbook

Merging different versions of the same Excel file is easier with the Compare and Merge feature. This is especially useful for team collaborations where multiple users work on the same workbook. This feature allows you to view changes and comments made by all users at once. Here’s how to prepare and use this feature effectively:

Share Your Excel Workbook:

  • Before others start working on the file, make sure to share your workbook.
  • To share it, go to the Review tab, click on Share Workbook in the Changes group, select Allow Changes by More Than One User checkbox, and click OK. If prompted, save the workbook. This also enables the Track Changes feature.

Save Unique Copies:

  • Each person editing the shared workbook must save their changes in a unique file name (.xls or .xlsx format).

With the preparations done, you can combine all copies into a single workbook.

1. Enable the Compare and Merge Workbooks Feature

The Compare and Merge Workbooks feature is available in Excel 2010 to Excel 365, but it may not be visible by default. Follow these steps to add it to your Quick Access Toolbar:

  • Open the Quick Access dropdown menu and select More Commands.
  • In the Excel Options dialog box, select All Commands from the Choose commands from list.
  • Scroll down, find Compare and Merge Workbooks, select it, and click Add to move it to the right-hand section.
  • Click OK.

Now, you have added the Compare and Merge Workbooks feature to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Compare and Merge Workbook

2. Compare and Merge Workbooks

After all users have finished their edits, you can merge all copies into one:

  • Open the primary version of the shared workbook.
  • Click the Compare and Merge Workbooks command on the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • In the dialog box, select the copies you want to merge. To select multiple copies, hold the Shift key while clicking on the file names, and then click OK.

All changes from the selected copies will now be merged into one file.

3. Review the Changes

To view the edits made by different users:

  • Go to the Review tab > Changes group, and click Track Changes > Highlight Changes.
  • In the Highlight Changes dialog, select All in the When box, Everyone in the Who box, clear the Where box, check Highlight changes on screen, and click OK.

Excel will highlight columns and rows with changes in dark red, and edits from different users will be marked with different colors. Hovering over a cell will show who made a specific change.

Note: If the Compare and Merge Workbooks command is greyed out, it means you are trying to merge different files. Remember, this feature only works with copies of the same shared workbook.

Best Tools to Compare Excel Files

Here are some of the best tools to compare Excel files for differences, helping you identify changes, highlight discrepancies, and streamline your data review process:


By using Xltrail, an Excel-focused web-based application similar to GitHub, you may avoid the headache of manually comparing spreadsheets. It is an invaluable tool for anybody who wants to maintain their spreadsheets stress-free and organized since it keeps track of all changes made to the spreadsheet and displays them in an easy-to-read format, including VBA code. Changes are indicated with colors, such as green for new additions and red for deletions.

Compare two Excel files for Differences

Synkronizer Excel Compare: 3-in-1 tool to compare, merge and update Excel files

Another excellent spreadsheet comparison tool is Synkronizer. It's a great option for anyone looking for a hassle-free way to stay on top of spreadsheet updates because, unlike others, it handles changes automatically. It displays both of your original workbooks side by side with color-coded cells (green for new info, red for deletions) for a clear picture of what's been modified.

Compare two Excel files for Differences

Spreadsheet Compare

Spreadsheet Compare uses Microsoft Excel to compare spreadsheets. Spreadsheet Compare is a free desktop application concealed in some versions of the Office suite (ProPlus in Office 365 and ProPlus since 2013). This tool can compare your spreadsheets, but it requires the correct version of Excel, so it's only for some. Even Excel itself has an add-in named "Inquire" that you may use to launch it.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Spreadsheet Compare


DiffEngineX is a little picky about rows and columns getting mixed up. This tool believes that if you have made any sophisticated changes to your spreadsheets, you should provide a unique "primary key" for each sheet, including the rows and columns. That would work OK for a brief comparison, but this "primary key" thing isn't going to cut it if you have a ton of workbooks to go through.

Compare two Excel files for Differences

Online Services to Compare Two Excel Sheets

For quick online comparisons, consider using services like xlCompare, Aspose Cells Comparison, and CloudyExcel. These tools offer secure, web-based ways to compare two Excel files and compare Excel sheets without installing software. Other than Softwares on your computer, there are websites where you can compare Excel sheets quickly. They're free but less secure.

xlCompare: compare and merge workbooks, sheets and VBA projects

XL Comparator is a free tool that allows you to compare two Excel or CSV spreadsheets without programming macros or installing any software on your computer1. It’s a convenient way to identify differences between data sets, making it useful for tasks like data reconciliation, validation, and quality control.

Compare two Excel files for Differences

Aspose Cells Comparison

Aspose Cells Comparison is a website where you can compare Excel files easily. You can upload two Excel or CSV files to see the differences between them. It works on any device like Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS without needing to install anything. Your files are processed securely and automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Compare two Excel files for Differences
Aspose Cells Comparison

Xlcompare: compare and merge workbooks, sheets and VBA projects is the best tool to compare Excel files and highlight the difference. Compare Excel sheets just in one click. Find the difference between two Excel files. Pull matching and unique rows into another file and save it on disk. This online Excel compare tool will save time.

Compare two Excel files for Differences


CloudyExcel is an online service that provides tools for comparing and analyzing Excel files. You can upload two Excel workbooks or sheets and compare them to identify differences between the active sheets. The service highlights discrepancies, making it easier to spot changes, inconsistencies, or missing data. Generate customized reports directly from your Excel files.

Compare two Excel files for Differences


You can compare two Excel files for differences using built-in tools, third-party software, or online services, depending on your needs. From comparing two Excel worksheets for differences side-by-side to using formulas and conditional formatting, each method helps you compare Excel files for differences effectively.

How to Compare two Excel Files for Differences - FAQs

How can I view two Excel sheets simultaneously?

Excel's "View Side by Side" function is available. Open the two sheets you wish to compare, select the "View" tab, look for the "Window" group, and press the button that displays two overlapping sheets. You can arrange them vertically or horizontally to make it easier to observe both.

Can I compare two separate Excel files?

Yes, you can open and arrange 2 Excel spreadsheets side by side or use third-party tools for more detailed analysis.

Is there an online tool to compare Excel sheets?

Yes, you can use services like xlCompare or Aspose Cells Comparison.

How can I compare two Excel sheets to see what changes there are?

A: There are several options! You can use a particular formula to highlight cells with different values in a different color. Alternatively, make a new sheet using a formula that displays just the cells in which the information from the two sheets differs.

I have my data in two different Excel files. Can I still compare workbooks?

A: Yes! Every technique for comparing sheets may also be used to compare separate Excel files. Open both worksheets and follow the same procedures to compare the two workbooks or use formulae to identify data discrepancies.


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How to Compare Two Word Documents for Differences and Similarities

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How to Compare Two Columns and Delete Duplicates in Excel?

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Using Columns and Bars to Compare Items in Excel Chart

A Column chart is a type of chart in which data are shown using vertical bars. In the Column chart, categories are displayed along the horizontal axis(x-axis) and values are on the vertical axis(y-axis). It is useful for the comparison of different types of items of data in a very clear and understandable way. By using Column charts we can easily compare different things among different items of data, and we can justify whether the products/sales/price/etc. of different items are going upward or downward and able to find any relation between them. In a simple way, we can say that vertical charts are known as Column charts. A Bar chart is a type of chart in which data are shown using horizontal bars. In the Bar chart, categories are displayed along the vertical axis(y-axis) and values are on the horizontal axis(x-axis). It is useful for showing segments of information and comparing different items of data in a more clear way. In a simple way, we can say that horizontal charts are known as Bar charts. Steps to Compare Items in MS Excel using Columns Step 1: Let's Take a set of data, which you will want to compare using a Column chart. Step 2: Open MS Excel and save it as any nam
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Compare Data in an Excel Chart using Drop Down Lists

An Excel chart is a graphical representation of a set of data that can be used for analyzing the data easily. A drop-down list allows the user to choose a specific item or element from a list. Here, we will compare and analyze data using an Excel chart with the help of a drop-down list. We will use mobile phones and compare them with the help of a drop-down list and represent the comparison data in Excel charts. Read below to learn more about comparing data in an Excel Chart. Compare Data in an Excel Chart using Drop Down ListsHow to Compare Data in an Excel Chart Using Drop-Down ListsStep 1: Create a Database in ExcelIn this step, we will create a database for our mobile phones. For this, we will be using the following data which we will be using to compare with the help of a dropdown list. Create a Database in ExcelStep 2: Create Table Schema for Comparison in the same SheetCreate a table schema that will be used to change the mobile devices with the help of a drop-down menu and return allreturnAll the comparison data output. For this Select 2 Columns from the Database and then Paste Them into Some Other Columns. Create Table Schema for Comparison in the same SheetStep 3: Go to t
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How to Convert Multiple PowerPoint Files Into Pdf with Excel VBA?

Often clients need PPT files as PDFs. It helps to view on any device. Use below VBA Macro to convert PowerPoint files from a folder and save them as PDF in the same folder. Implementation: Follow the below steps to convert multiple PowerPoint files into PDFs using Excel VBA: Step 1: Open Excel. Step 2: Type text “Folder Path” in cell “B5” (Image 1). Step 3: Enter your folder full path in cell “C5” (Image 1). Here we have a folder “D:\Excel\29.ppt2pdf\ppt” with two PPT files (Image 2). Image 1Image 2 Step 4: Write below VBA code in your VBE module Sub ppt2pdf_Macro() Dim oPPTApp As PowerPoint.Application Dim oPPTFile As PowerPoint.Presentation Dim onlyFileName As String, folderPath As String, pptFiles As String, removeFileExt As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseInitialize variablesfolderPath = Range("C5").Text & "\" pptFiles = Dir(folderPath & "*.pp*")Check and exit macro if no ppt files are in the folderIf pptFiles = "" Then MsgBox "No files found" Exit Sub End If Do While pptFiles <> ""Assign PowerPoint application to variable Set oPPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application") oPPTApp.Visible = msoTrue On Error Resume NextAssign PowerPoint presentation to
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Power BI - How to upload Excel Files to Dashboard?

Power BI Provides a function to upload excel data into Dashboard form. The dashboard in Power BI is a single page that shows all data and visualization of reports, and datasets in a specific structure way. For Uploading data in Dashboard first have to upload our excel file in the workbook and then we can pin this excel data to the created dashboard or we can also create a new dashboard. Steps to Upload Excel Files to DashboardA dataset is required, Click here to Download used Excel data. Step 1: Open Power BI Service. Click on Workspace. Step 2: The following interface will show. now click on My Workspace. Step 3: First we need to upload our excel file so hover on Upload. Step 4: Now click on Browse. Step 5: Next Select data from your Computer. If you want to use the same data then before the steps there is a link for downloading this excel data. If you want to go with your excel data then you can continue. Step 6: Now we can see our excel data is uploaded in My Workspace. Step 7: Now Click on Uploaded Excel Workbook. Step 8: It will show the following interface. Step 9: For Making this data a Dashboard, select Excel data. Step 10: Next Click on the upper ri
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How to Merge Multiple Excel Files into one Folder?

Power Query is a data manipulation tool frequently used for business intelligence and data analysis. Both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI support Power Query. A single source of truth and well-organized, error-free data are requirements for high-quality analysis. While many analysts spend many hours merging data, running lookups, and altering data, Power Query enables all of these tasks to be automated with straightforward steps. One of the most revolutionary tools available to any analyst dealing with data in Excel is Power Query. It will not only save up hours for analysts, but it will also lead to fewer manual errors and a better capacity to gather data from a single source of truth. Power Query, as its name suggests, is Excel 2010 and later a most potent data automation tool. Data may be imported into Excel using Power Query from various external sources, including Excel workbooks, CSV files, text files, and the web, to name a few. The information can then be cleansed and made ready for our needs. Power Query includes a number of helpful capabilities, including the ability to append data and establish connections across various data sources. The joining of the data sets
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How to Recover Unsaved Excel Files: Step by Step Guide

How to Retrieve Deleted Excel Files: Quick StepsCheck Recycle BinOpen the Recycle Bin, find your file, right-click, and select Restore.Use Recovery SoftwareDownload tools like Recuva, scan for deleted files and recover your Excel file.Check BackupsLook in OneDrive or system backups and restore the file if available.Have you ever spent hours perfecting a spreadsheet only to realize you forgot to save it? Excel crashes or unexpected power outages can cause panic, but there’s good news! Microsoft Excel offers robust tools like AutoSave and AutoRecover to help you recover unsaved or accidentally deleted files with ease. Whether you've closed a file without saving, experienced an overwrite, or deleted it entirely, this guide will show you step-by-step methods to retrieve your lost data. Let’s get into these essential techniques and ensure your hard work is always protected!How to Recover Unsaved Excel FilesExcel AutoSave and AutoRecoverFeatures like AutoSave and AutoRecover can be lifesavers in MS Excel (literally for your data!). Here's the explanation of the same,Excel AutoSaveAutoSave automatically saves your file as you work. It’s especially helpful for new files that haven’t been s
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