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Power BI – How to upload Excel Files to Dashboard?

Last Updated: 17 Apr, 2023
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Power BI Provides a function to upload excel data into Dashboard form. The dashboard in Power BI is a single page that shows all data and visualization of reports, and datasets in a specific structure way. For Uploading data in Dashboard first have to upload our excel file in the workbook and then we can pin this excel data to the created dashboard or we can also create a new dashboard.

Steps to Upload Excel Files to Dashboard

A dataset is required, Click here to Download used Excel data.

Step 1: Open Power BI Service. Click on Workspace. 



Step 2: The following interface will show. now click on My Workspace.



Step 3: First we need to upload our excel file so hover on Upload.



Step 4: Now click on Browse



Step 5: Next Select data from your Computer. If you want to use the same data then before the steps there is a link for downloading this excel data. If you want to go with your excel data then you can continue. 



Step 6: Now we can see our excel data is uploaded in My Workspace.



Step 7: Now Click on Uploaded Excel Workbook. 



Step 8: It will show the following interface. 



Step 9: For Making this data a Dashboard, select Excel data. 



Step 10: Next Click on the upper right side icon Pin.



Step 11: Next We need to enter the dashboard name. There are two options Existing dashboard and the New dashboard.  We are entering a New dashboard name. You can select based on your choice. After entering the dashboard name, Click on Pin.



Step 12:  Now Our dashboard of excel data is created and we can see it in our My Workspace.  For checking Click on ExcelToDash or what dashboard you created.



Step 13: We can see now our excel data is on the Dashboard page. 



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Power BI - How to upload Excel Files to Dashboard?

Power BI Provides a function to upload excel data into Dashboard form. The dashboard in Power BI is a single page that shows all data and visualization of reports, and datasets in a specific structure way. For Uploading data in Dashboard first have to upload our excel file in the workbook and then we can pin this excel data to the created dashboard or we can also create a new dashboard. Steps to Upload Excel Files to DashboardA dataset is required, Click here to Download used Excel data. Step 1: Open Power BI Service. Click on Workspace. Step 2: The following interface will show. now click on My Workspace. Step 3: First we need to upload our excel file so hover on Upload. Step 4: Now click on Browse. Step 5: Next Select data from your Computer. If you want to use the same data then before the steps there is a link for downloading this excel data. If you want to go with your excel data then you can continue. Step 6: Now we can see our excel data is uploaded in My Workspace. Step 7: Now Click on Uploaded Excel Workbook. Step 8: It will show the following interface. Step 9: For Making this data a Dashboard, select Excel data. Step 10: Next Click on the upper ri
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Power BI - How to Delete Dashboard?

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Power BI - How to Create a Dashboard?

Dashboards are static, in nature, and are used to just view the final reports. Dashboards are only available, in Power BI online service, and not in the Desktop mode. In this article, we will learn how to create a dashboard, in a workspace. Creating a Dashboard In a Workspace in Power BI We have a workspace name, geeks_for_geeks. We also have a report name, temporary in it. For example, we want to create a dashboard name, temporary_dashboard. The following are the steps: Step 1: Click on the workspace button. Select the workspace and name geeks_for_geeks. Step 2: Now, click on the +New button. A drop-down list appears. Click on the Dashboard. Step 3: A dialogue box name, Create dashboard is opened. Write the dashboard name, for example, temporary_dashboard. Click on the Create button. Step 4: An empty dashboard is created. Step 5: Now, revert back to the geeks_for_geeks workspace. We will observe, a dashboard is added to this workspace. Step 6: Now, open the report name, temporary. Click on the three dots, and a drop-down list appears. Click on the Pin to a dashboard. Step 7: A new window name, Pin to dashboard appears. Select the Existing dashboard radio bu
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Power BI - How to add Image to Dashboard?

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Power BI - How to add Video to Dashboard?

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Power BI - How to add Title to Dashboard?

A dashboard is only part of the Power BI online service and not the Power BI desktop. Hence, adding a text box/title to a dashboard can only be done in the Power BI online service. Adding web content is a part of tile features/widgets in dashboards. Web content can help add the HTML code, into it, so that we could view the websites, in the Power BI online service itself. In this article, we will learn how to add web content to the dashboard. Adding Title to Dashboard in PowerBI We are given a workspace name, geeks_for_geeks. In a dashboard name, gfg_dashboard our task is to add a title for the Power BI dashboard. The following are the steps: Step 1: Go to your workspace. Click on the dashboard in which you want to add a title/text box. For example, gfg_dashboard. Step 2: A dashboard is opened. Click on the Edit button. A drop-down list appears. Select +Add a tile option. Step 3: A new window name, Add a tile is opened, on the right side of the page. Click on the text box option. Click on the Next button. Step 4: A blank image is added to the dashboard, which corresponds to the space provided in the text box. Now, a new window name, Add textbox tile, is opened on the righ
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