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How to Create Dynamic Excel Dashboards Using Picklists?

Last Updated: 11 Nov, 2022


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Dashboards are a report technique that visually presents critical metrics or a data summary to allow for quick and effective business decisions. Excel is capable of handling complex statistical calculations, many of which are built-in as Functions and can be easily displayed on a dashboard. Excel dashboards allow for quick overviews of data reports rather than sifting through large amounts of data. Overviews aid in making quick and urgent decisions by allowing users to skim through a large amount of information at once and in a short period of time. The user can select a report from a variety of reports contained within the model and then determine where on the page to place it using the dynamic dashboard. 

Creating Dynamic Excel Dashboards using Picklists

The following are the steps for building dynamic Excel Dashboards with Picklists:

Step 1: Create a Data Set.



Step 2: Create a Pick List:

  • To create a Pick List, first place your cursor in any cell, such as cell G1, and then click the Data Validation button on the Data Ribbon.


  • The Data Validation dialog box will appear, In the Settings tab, select the List option in the Validation Criteria area.


  • A Source field will be displayed. Select the spreadsheet range containing your pick list value in this field and click on OK.


  • If you click on Cell G1, you will now notice a dropdown arrow; if you click on it, you will see your data validation picklist of values.


Step 3: Create a chart.

  • First, highlight the horizontal axis categories (years and Profit series):


  • Then, on the Insert Ribbon, click the Column button and choose the 2-D Clustered Column chart.


  • Now, this is how your chart should look.


Step 4: Change the Vertical Axis.

  • Select Format Axis when you right-click on the Vertical Axis:


  • The following dialog box will appear: Format Axis.


Step 4: Create a Named Range for the Chart.

  • Navigate to the Formulas Ribbon and select the Name Manager option:


  • The dialog box below will appear, then click on the New option.


  • In the name option, enter ChartColumnSeries as the file name and input the following formula in the Refers to option:




Note: The offset formula is described as follows:

=Offset(beginning point, shift starting point down how many rows, move the starting point how many rows right by matching the value in cell G1 to the range of B2:D2, how many rows in the range, how many columns in the range ) 



Step 5: Update chart series with Dynamic Named Range.

  • Right-click on the chart and click on the Select Data dialog box:


  • Then select the Profit legend series and click on the Edit option:


  • Then, in the Series Values field, enter the name of the named range you defined in the earlier step.


  • Finally, Click OK


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How to Create a Dynamic Pie Chart in Excel?

In Excel, Pie-chart is a graphical representation of different sections or sectors of a circle based on the proportion, it holds from the complete quantity. Pie-charts are generally categorized into two types: Static Pie-chart: A pie-chart created with static or fixed input values is known to be a static pie-chart. The values of these types of pie-charts don't change over time.Dynamic Pie-chart: A pie-chart created with dynamic or changing input values is known to be a dynamic pie-chart. The values of these type of pie-charts changes over time. In this article, we will discuss how to create a dynamic excel pie chart? Creating a dynamic pie chart in Excel means creating a pie-chart that automatically(dynamically) gets updated when new values are entered into the table, which is used for creating the pie-chart. Creating a Dynamic Excel Pie Chart in Excel is very easy. We can create a dynamic pie chart using two different methods: Using offset formulaUsing TableCreating a dynamic pie chart using offset formula We can create a dynamic pie chart using the offset formula. So to this follow the following steps: Step 1: Create a table and insert values in it. Apply the offset formula to ge
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How to Create a Dynamic Chart with Drop down List in Excel?

The Dynamic Charts are the chart that gets updated itself when the range of underline data changes. In these types, of charts the dynamic range is used as the source data of the chart. So, as the data changes the dynamic range gets updated instantly which further updates the chart according to the new data range. These charts are very useful when we have a very large dataset and we need to perform a comparative analysis of that dataset. For example, in analyzing the revenue generated by different products of the company over a year. In this tutorial, we will look into a Dynamic chart with a drop-down list which will get updated itself, when we change the data of the drop-down list. Making Dynamic Chart with Dropdown List Now we are going to create a dynamic chart with a drop-down list for the revenue generated by different apps over a period of six months. (assume revenue in Cr.) Step 1: Create Dataset In this step, we will be inserting random revenue generated by various apps of google into our excel sheet. Below is the screenshot of the random data that we will use for the dynamic chart. Step 2: Insert a drop-down list In this step, we will insert a drop-down list. For this go t
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How to Create Dynamic Range Based on Cell Value in Excel VBA?

Dynamic ranges in excel VBA provide us with the flexibility to define ranges beyond the specific values. The dynamic range enables the program to perform transformation and data management steps with ease without the worry of changing the range of the data set. The dynamic range in excel VBA promotes code reusability and does not make the programming logic to be redundant. By utilizing the range object and cells object, the dynamic ranges in Excel VBA can be defined and created. There are many ways in which dynamic ranges can be created. Following are the methods listed below: Variable initialization to the range and cell object.Create a Dynamic range passed as the value in another excel cell. The following examples help in illustrating the above methods, Variable Initialization to Range and Cell Object With the change in the size of the data, it would be useful if the range object that is used to refer to the ranges can be modified. The following code helps in counting the last row and column in an excel as shown below Sub test() Dim EndR As Integer Dim lastCl1 As Integer Sheet2.Activate EndR = Sheet2.Range("A1").End(xlUp).Row lastCl1 = Sheet2.Range("XFD1").End(xlToLeft).Column Ms
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How to Create a Pareto Chart in Excel (Static And Dynamic)?

A Pareto Chart is a type of chart that contains both, a line chart and a bar chart where the cumulative total is represented by the line chart. They are generally used to find the defects to prioritize, in order to observe the greatest overall improvement. The chart is named for the Pareto principle, which, in turn, derives its name from the noted Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto. How to Create Pareto Chart? This section focuses on discussing two types of Pareto chart: Static Pareto Chart.Dynamic Pareto Chart. Let's start discussing each type of Pareto chart in detail. 1. Static Pareto Chart: A static Pareto Chart is a simple chart that shows all the data and there exists no option for the user to view data corresponding to particular values. Below are the steps to create a static Pareto chart: Step 1: Creating the data table of an e-commerce retailer's user complaints. Note: Arrange the data in descending order if it isn't. Step 2: Create another Column under C and title it as Cumulative Percentage. Then, select the first box under this column and paste the following formula and apply it to all corresponding cells. =SUM($B$2:B2)/SUM($B$2:$B$10)*100 The result will look something
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How to Create a Dynamic Chart Range in Excel?

A Dynamic chart range is the range of a data set which automatically updates on any modifications in the original data set. It is beneficial because at some point in time we need to add or delete data from the original data set. So, we want a method to automatically update the chart on performing any modifications in the source data set. This is known as Dynamic Chart Range in which as the source data changes, the dynamic range updates, and within a fraction of seconds the chart associated with the data set automatically gets updated. In this article, we are going to see how to create a dynamic chart range in Excel. Basically, there are two methods : Using the Excel Table made with the data set.Using the Formula method. Let's consider an example shown below and see how to create a dynamic chart range using the above-listed methods. Example: Consider the data set shown below which consists of the data about the number of students enrolled in our famous courses. We will create a dynamic range so that if any new data are either added or deleted the chart gets modified automatically. Dynamic Chart Range using the Excel Table: This feature is available from Excel 2007 version and higher
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How to Create Dynamic Chart Titles In Excel?

Excel is a tool that is generally used by accounting professionals for financial data analysis but can be used for different purposes. It can be used for data visualization, data analysis, and data management, which uses spreadsheets for managing, storing, and visualizing large volumes of data. Cell, a rectangular block(intersection of rows and columns), is used to enter the data. This tool uses functions and formulas to get insights from the data. This tool supports data visualization through the creation of charts, and we can create different kinds of charts like line charts, bar charts, etc, based on the requirements for visualization purposes. Dynamic Chart Title In Excel To change the chart title, one needs to manually change it by typing the text in the box. But we can make the chart title dynamic which means it will get automatically updated by referring to a cell in the excel sheet. Whenever the value in the cell gets updated same gets reflected in the chart title. For the purpose of demonstration, we will compare the sales(in units) of two different products over the given years: To create a dynamic chart title, follow the below steps: Step 1: Select the cell containing
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Dynamic Named Range in Excel

A dynamic named range expands automatically when you add values to the range. To better understand this concept let's take a look at the below example implementation. Sample Implementation: Step 1: Select the range A1:A5 and give the name like prices. After that calculate the sum of the range as shown in the below image: Step 2: Then we will add a number after the A5 range, Excel does not calculate the updated value, which we have entered. Now the calculate the sum after the A5 range we have to do the following steps for expanding the named range automatically. Step 3: Go to the Formulas tab > Defined Names group > Name Manager > Click Name Manager. Step 4: Click on Edit. Step 5: After the click Edit we have to enter this OFFSET($A$1,0,0, COUNTA($A:$A),1) Bold formula in the reference to section then click on the ok button. Step 6: After clicking OK and then Close. Step 7: Now, whenever you have entered the value one after another the excel automatically counts the sum automatically. For reference see the below image: That's it. We have successfully used the dynamic named range feature of excel.
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Dynamic Excel Filter Search Box

Filters are the most commonly used functionalities for filtering out any particular result in a large data set. Dynamic filters searches are used by large companies like Google, Amazon, Youtube, Flipkart, etc. where we just type a single character and it starts showing the recommended result. In this article, we will learn how to create a dynamic excel filter search box with the help of an example. In this example, we will create a dynamic excel filter search box that will search and filters the data based on what is typed in the search box. Step By Step Implementation of the filter search box Follow the following steps to implement filter search box: Step 1: First, we will open the Microsoft Excel application, and we will define the following columns Course Name and Course Link. And add the data to it. You can define your own columns and data as per your requirements. Once you choose your table style, excel will give you a popup where you need to check "My table has the header". Step 2: Now, we will create a filter and search output layout. For this select some different cells (here, we will choose D1) and name it GFG Search Filter. We will beautify our filter by formatting it. Fo
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Excel VLOOKUP with Dynamic Column Reference

Suppose anytime you work with colossal tables of data and you want to implant a VLOOKUP function that dynamically updates to the accompanying portion as you copy it across. In that case, the VLOOKUP with the COLUMNS capacity is what you truly care about. That is; the col_index_num a piece of the VLOOKUP capacity intensely revives as you copy it across your worksheet. Before learning VLOOKUP with Dynamic Column Reference, let's first learn what is VLOOKUP function, VLOOKUP VLOOKUP is utilized when one necessities to track down the worth of a cell/data of that cell that is available elsewhere (can likewise be available in another sheet). The following is the capability of VLOOKUP, =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) Example: Okay, we ought to imagine this summary is hundreds or even a considerable number of sections long and we really want to find a quick strategy for getting expenses and maker information on demand (other than CTRL+F for Find clearly). In the table underneath we have the Book Title, Author, and Price. The book title is found utilizing a Data Validation List or Drop Down List, and in sections C and D we want a VLOOKUP equation that finds t
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Trapping Dynamic Ranges in Excel VBA

Dynamic Ranges give the flexibility to work with more range of cells as compared to a specific range of cells which usually limits us to work with a particular range of cells. As the size of the data may change in an excel sheet so it is also necessary to change the range in the code dynamically for that dynamic ranges are used. We can trap dynamic ranges in different ways: Last Row in ColumnLast Column in Row Special cells Used RangeCurrent RegionNamed Region TablesLast Row in Column This is used to get the number of the last row in the column by using two methods i.e Range() and End(). Range("x1048576") is the syntax where x represents the name of the cell for which we are trapping the last row and 1048576 is the total number of rows in the sheet. End(Direction as xlDirection) where we are searching for the last row we will mention xlUp to go in the last row of the worksheet. The following code is written to get the number of the last row in cell "C" Last Column in Row This is used to get the number of the last column in the row by using two methods i.e Range() and End(). Range("XFDz") is the syntax where XFD is the last column of the worksheet and z represents the number of the
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