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How to Extract Text Only from Alphanumeric String in Excel?

Last Updated: 06 Dec, 2023
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In the vast landscape of Excel spreadsheets, managing data efficiently is crucial for streamlined analysis and reporting. Often, one encounters the challenge of dealing with cells containing a mix of letters and numbers, commonly known as alphanumeric strings. Extracting only the text component from such strings becomes essential for various data manipulation tasks. In this article, we will explore practical methods to effortlessly extract text-only portions from alphanumeric strings in Excel. Whether you’re a seasoned Excel user or just embarking on your spreadsheet journey, mastering these techniques will empower you to wrangle your data with precision and ease. Join us as we unravel the secrets to extracting meaningful text from the alphanumeric complexity, making your Excel experience more efficient and tailored to your specific needs.

What is a Substring in Excel?

To put it simply, it’s a text entry. In this article, we will be using various approaches to extract text from Alphanumeric strings.

How to Extract Substring of a Certain Length

Three distinct functions are available in Microsoft Excel to extract text from a cell that is a certain length. Use one of these formulas based on where you want to begin the extraction.

  • LEFT function – to take the leftmost substring and extract it
  • RIGHT function – to take the rightmost substring and extract it
  • MID function – to begin extracting a substring from the centre of a text string at the specified position

Extract Substring from Start of String (LEFT)

Using the Excel LEFT function, we can extract text from the left of a string.


=LEFT(text, [num_chars])

Here, Text is the cell’s address where the source string is located and The amount of characters you want to extract is num_chars.

E.g. To select the first 5 characters from the start of the string, use:


LEFT formula to extract a substring


Get Substring from End of String (RIGHT)

Use the Excel RIGHT function to extract a substring from the end of a string


=RIGHT(text, [num_chars])

E.g. To select the last 5 characters from the end of the string, use:


RIGHT formula to extract a substring


Extract text from Middle of String (MID)

MID is the function to use if you want to extract a substring that begins in the centre of a string at the place you provide.


=MID(text, start_num, num_chars)

Here, apart from the aforementioned elements, start_num indicates the starting point 

E.g. To select 2 characters from the middle of the string starting at the 5th character, use:


MID formula to extract a substring

Most often, we receive “ID fields” as alphanumeric strings. Suppose we have to extract only text from “ID fields” for further process.  

Let’s explore different approaches to extract text from an alphanumeric string in Excel.

Approach 1.  Using Excel Formula

The above-discussed problem statement can be resolved using inbuilt Excel formulas, as discussed below:


=SUBSTITUTE (text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])


  • text: It is the input cell (text).  
  • old_text: It is the text to find.
  • new_text: It is the text to replace.

Step 1. Open Excel.

Step 2. Type any alphanumeric string in cell “B5” (e.g. geeksId345768).

Step 3. Write below formula in cell “C5” (we used nested substitute function to replace numbers 0 to 9)

= SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE(B5,”0″,””),”1″,””),”2″,””), “3”,””),”4″,””),”5″,””), “6”,””),”7″,””),”8″,””),”9″,””)

extracted text from an alphanumeric string

Approach 2. Excel VBA User-Defined Function

In Excel VBA we can define functions to resolve the problem statement. An implementation is given below for the same.

Step 1. Open Excel.

Step 2. Type any alphanumeric string in cell “B5” (e.g. geeksId345768).

alphanumeric string in cell

Step 3. Write below VBA code in the module:

Function onlyText(rg As Range) As String

Dim ipVal As String

Dim opValue As String

  • Initialize variable

ipVal = rg.Value

  • Iterate the input string

For i = 1 To Len(ipVal)

  •  Check the character is Numeric or not

   If Not IsNumeric(Mid(ipVal, i, 1)) Then

       opValue = opValue & Mid(ipVal, i, 1)

   End If


  • Return output

onlyText = opValue

End Function

Step 4. Save your Excel file as “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook”  [*.xlsm]  

saving the file

Step 5. Type the function name “=onlyText(B5)” in cell “C5”.  

Macro remove all numeric character from cell “B5” and return to cell “C5”.



Simply put, dealing with a mix of letters and numbers in Excel doesn’t have to be a headache. This article has some neat tricks to help you pull out only the text you want from those alphanumeric jumbles. Whether you’re a pro at spreadsheets or just getting started, these methods using Excel functions or combining them will tidy up your data, making it more sensible and user-friendly. Think of Excel like a toolbox, and by adding these text extraction skills, you’re giving yourself an edge in handling all kinds of alphanumeric puzzles. So, give it a shot, try out these techniques, and watch how they can make your Excel adventures smoother and more productive!

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How to Extract the last N Words from Text String in Excel

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How to Extract Text before @ Sign from an Email Address in Excel?

You got a dataset and you want to extract the name part of the email address. This task can be done with a text to column and formula that uses the LEFT and FIND functions. Using LEFT and FIND functionsThe LEFT function: The LEFT function returns a given text from the left of our text string based on the number of characters specified. Syntax: LEFT(text, [num_chars]) Parameters: Text: The text we want to extract from. Num_chars (Optional): The number of characters you want to extract. Default num_chars is 1 and the number must be a positive number that is greater than zero. Example: Step 1: Format your data. Now if you want to get the first geeks from geeksforgeeks in B2. Let us follow the next step. Step 2: We will enter =LEFT(B2,5) in the B3 cell. Here we want Excel to extract the first 5 characters from the left side of our text in B2. This will return Geeks. Let us move to the FIND function. The FIND function: The FIND function returns the position of a given text within a text. Syntax: FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) Parameters: Find_text: The text we want to find. Within_text: The text containing our find_text.Start_num (Optional): The starting position of our f
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How to Extract the Last Word From a Cell in Excel

Explore how to extract the last word from a cell in Excel. Whether you’re working with text data, names, or any other content, knowing this technique can be incredibly useful. In this article, we explain how to extract the last word from a text in a cell using the Excel function.  Extracting words from a text is an important task in text processing. Functions to Extract the Last Word from a Cell in Excel Eg.  Suppose we have a data file with a field called “Product_Category”, which combines both product name and their respective category name with space as below.  Assume that the last word from the “Product_Category” field is a category.  We have to extract categories from the given data in column B for further analysis. Sample Data: We use the below list of 4 Excel user-defined functions to extract the last word. The REPT() Function Syntax: REPT(text, number)Where, text – character to repeatnumber – number of times to repeat the characterEg: REPT(“*“,10) – returns ********** The SUBSTITUTE() Function Syntax: SUBSTITUTE( text, old_text, new_text, [instance_number] )Where, text – the original text old_text – text need to replacenew_text –text replace with old text[instance_number] –
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How To Convert Date To Number String Or Text Format In Excel?

Excel's built-in date system by default supports dates between January 1, 1900, and December 31, 9999. In this range, the numbers start at 1 and increase by 1 each time. In addition to text and numeric data types, Excel also allows dates that are internally stored as serial numbers. In Excel, the date format is typically recognized by default. However, Excel also allows you to input date format by choosing the cell and pressing (Ctrl+;). Methods to Convert Date to Number StringDATEVALUE Function Syntax: =DATEVALUE (date_text) Where date_text is the only argument DATEVALUE FunctionCell FormattingStep 1: Once the cell with the value has been chosen, click the home tab and choose the NUMBER or TEXT option. Step 2: The cell format then changes into the original serial number internally stored by Excel. Note: The first serial number stored by excel is of date 01/01/1900. Methods to Convert Date to TextTEXT Function It is used to convert a date into a specified text format. Syntax: =TEXT(value, format_text) For today’s date: =TEXT(TODAY(), format_text) Where value: The value that needs to be converted. This could be a numeric cell reference or value, or a numeric value returned by
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Editing Excel Macros in Excel

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