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"Northamptonshire, (or Northampton), south-midland county of England, bounded N. by Leicestershire, Rutland, and Lincolnshire, E. by Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and Bedfordshire, S. by Bucks and Oxfordshire, and W. by Warwickshire; greatest length, NE. to SW., about 70 miles; greatest breadth, E. to W., about 26 miles; area, 629,912 acres, population 272,555. Although the surface appearance of the county is generally hilly there are no elevations of considerable altitude, the highest being near Daventry, where Arbury Hill reaches 804 ft. The NE. part of the county belongs to the Fen district. In some localities, particularly the W. and SW., the scenery is especially attractive; while here and there throughout the county rich woods and well-watered vales afford pleasing aspects. The chief rivers are the Nen and the Welland; the Avon forms a part of the N. boundary of the Co., the Cherwell of the SW. boundary, and the Leam of the W. boundary; the Ouse has its rise near Brackley in the S. . . Throughout the whole county, farming is successfully prosecuted, all kinds of cereal and green crops being raised; while upon the splendid pastures large numbers of cattle are reared, principally for the London market. Northampton is celebrated for its ash trees, old oaks, and elm avenues. . . Iron is largely found, and although worked as early as the time of the Roman occupation, its modern manufacture dates only from 1850. . . Apart from ironworkng, the great industry of the county is centred in the manufacture of boots and shoes in the town of Northampton and the towns of the middle of the county." [Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles, 1887]
Northamptonshire Archives
Wootton Hall Park
Northampton Central Library
Abington Street
Memorial Inscriptions; Northamptonshire Family History Society has an ongoing programme to record and publish the memorials from churchyards around the county.
Registration Districts in Northamptonshire
Certificates of birth, death and marriage can be obtained from the Superintendent Registrars at the Local Register Offices
Pete Brown has established a discussion group on Rootsweb for the sharing of information relating to the surname BROWN and its variations (BROWNE, BRAWN, BRAUN etc.) in the county of Northamptonshire. To subscribe to the list send the word "subscribe" (and nothing else) in the message text to brown-eng-nth-l-request[at]rootsweb[dot]com (mail mode) or brown-eng-nth-d-request[at]rootsweb[dot]com (digest mode). Any queries about this list should be sent to the listowner Pete Brown.
Alan Hobbs has traced the Hobbs family in the Daventry area back to 1583. He would be pleased to reply to enquiries by post to his home address: "Amberley", 11 Barnby Lane, Claypole, Newark, Notts., NG23 5BD, UK.
Transcripts of Gretton Parish Records are held by Elisabeth Jordan, of the Gretton Local History Society.
A look-up facility, provided by Carole Eales, covers a number of Northamptonshire parishes from the 16th. century.
A look-up facility, provided by Mary Taylor, covers Towcester Church and Census records.
A CULPIN Family History, compiled by Dave and Lynda Boston, traces the history of the family in the north of Northamptonshire. With extracts from baptism, marriage and burial records, the site studies the occurrences of the name across the whole county, developing into a full one-name study.
ESSAM Family Genealogy on the wikitree site
The late John Fuller has provided full details of NORTHANTS, the Genealogy Mailing List covering this county.
C.R. Chapman. Tracing Ancestors in Northamptonshire: Guidance in local, social and family history, Dursley, Lochin Publishing, 1994.
"The reader is directed to material not only in the County Record Office but also in the Public Record Office and to items held in libraries, museums and local councils in the vicinity, whose addresses and telephone numbers are provided. There is a complete list of Northamptonshire parishes indicating which rural deanery, hundred and registration district they were situated in, and a list of the campaigns in which the Northamptonshire Regiment was involved."
Northamptonshire Local History Directory
Northamptonshire Family History Society
Gretton Local History Society