The Geograph Team

These are some of the amazing people who help out with the running of the Geograph Project...
Hover over a name to see the role(s) they do

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The following members have also helped out in various capacities previously...

Founder : Started the project back in 2005! - Developer : Writes code and keeps the site running - Company Director : Makes sure the company is working to further the project - Moderator : Checks new submissions for unsuitable material and faciliates updates to images - Complaints Resolution : Liaises with landowners and other parties in case of disputes - PoTY Coordinator : Organizes the weekly photo competition - Forum Moderator : Keeps the discussion forum in check - Documentation Writer : Create pages to help site users find their way around the site - Moderator Coordinator : Central point of contact for communication between moderators - Support Representative : Answers questions submitted via Contact Us

Company directors, and their specializations (if any) are listed on the About Geograph page.

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