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11 of 2017’s most googled diet plans explained

Diets. Sometimes it feels like it’s all we ever talk about.

Dieting has been a thing for the last 200 years (yes really!) but the good news is that what we now consider ‘diets’ are more about focusing on a much healthier approach to food– more vegetables, less meat, less sugar and less processed foods.

Still, there are a lot of diets and often it can get confusing as to which one does what. What are the diets everyone’s talking about now? What do they consist of? How do you follow them?

Here is your rundown of the 11 diets we think are probably the biggest. We see some old friends making a comeback (welcome back, Paleo) and the low-carb diet, to new kids on the block DASH and FODMAP via diets that are more of a lifestyle change than a diet, such as going vegetarian or flexitarian. Admittedly some aren’t brand-new but buckle up and have a read.

Remember that eating healthily and getting plenty of exercise are the best form of diet, so before cutting out food groups or skipping meals make sure you consult your doctor.

Paleo Diet

Named after the Palaeolithic era this is literally the diet of the cavemen. Fear not you won’t have to hunt your own food on the Paleo diet, but you should be prepared to eat lots of protein and fruits, which means giving up sugar, dairy, some vegetables and processed foods (maybe more difficult than actually hunting).

Low Carb Diet

As the name goes low carb is all about reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and focusing your diet on proteins, good fat and vegetables.

Mediterranean Diet

Not only is the Mediterranean diet simple and sociable (eating with family and friends is encouraged), it’s also proven from decades of studies to promote weight loss and lead to lifelong health.

16:8 Diet

The 5:2 diet’s cousin, the 16:8 revolves around eating your meals in a period of eight hours and fasting for the rest of the day, simple on paper but this one takes a *lot* of discipline.

Gluten Free Diet

Going gluten-free has become a popular choice among health-junkies, although there’s not necessarily any benefit to cutting out gluten(unless you have Celiac disease) the simple fact of excluding ailments with gluten, like white carbs, from your diet will help you reduce bloat and loose weight.


Originally introduced as a treatment for IBS, FODMAP has been used as a base for many other diets, like the gut health diet. By controlling the intake of specific carbohydrates and sugar alcohols you will allow your system a natural detox and eventually feel lighter.


Bet if we tell you that this diet involves chocolate and wine you’d be intrigued… The SIRT diet is said to work for short-term weight loss and promotes overall wellness. Convinced?

Gut Health Diet Plan

The gut health plan aims to re-align the bacteria and microbes in your gut by removing and introducing certain food groups into your diet to heal IBS, leaky gut and bloating. It is also believed to help with skin conditions (bonus!).

Vegetarian Diet

Being a vegetarian is more of a lifestyle than a diet, but why not give it a go for a couple weeks? There are huge health benefits to cutting out meat – vegetarianism is associated with lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Flexitarian Diet

And if you’re not quite ready yet to give up meat altogether, look into the flexitarian diet. It focuses on a mainly vegetarian diet by reducing the intake of meat but not excluding it from your diet. This is a very popular lifestyle choice and one on the rise.


DASH = Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Based on your caloric needs this one will teach you how to eat for a healthy life, there are no food groups excluded and no fasting (in other words no starving and getting moody because you’re hungry).

Taken from GLAMOUR UK. Click here to read the original.

Can you eat sweets all day, workout hard and stay healthy? Click here to find out!

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