Ask the Author: C.J. Carmichael

“Ask me a question.” C.J. Carmichael

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C.J. Carmichael No plans for more than the existing 4 books at this time. Thanks for asking.
C.J. Carmichael Hi, sorry I've waited a long time to answer your question, hoping that the answer might be yes, but it doesn't seem there are any plans to get Bittersweet in audiobook format. It's a shame.
C.J. Carmichael Hey Bonnie I announced the winners for the FB contests yesterday...sorry your name wasn't drawn. You can blame my husband...LOL...he makes random picks for the winners. I wish I could give all my long-time fans a free book Bonnie!
C.J. Carmichael Hi Robert, I planned the Twisted Cedars to be a trilogy, so I had story arcs for all the main characters which were resolved by the end of the third book. I kind of feel the series is done. A lot of readers have asked for more stories in this series. Maybe one day a new serial killer should move into town? !
C.J. Carmichael Hi Marjorie, glad you enjoyed the Twisted Cedar Mysteries! I'm working on book 2 of Bitter Root Mysteries right now. This will be another trilogy, this one set in a remote town in Montana. I do love the idea of a cat with ESP solving mysteries! Or maybe a dog... :)
C.J. Carmichael Hi Tena, Thanks for getting in touch. Sorry I didn't see your question earlier. I do prefer to write series, for both my mystery and my romance books. I enjoy creating a community with layers of secrets and mysteries and a series gives me the scope to do that. My romance novels, however, can all be read as standalone books as well. One of my older books, Seattle After Midnight, is a romantic mystery that is definitely a standalone. I hope this answers your question! CJ
C.J. Carmichael Hi, thanks for your interest in my book! Melt My Heart Cowboy will be available to preorder from Kindle in a few weeks--around the second week of August I think. The book launches on October 6. It's the first of a 12 book series (I write books 1 and 12) and I promise these are going to be delicious every way! If you haven't already signed up for my newsletter I encourage you to do so as that way you'll be reminded when each new book is available. (Link is: Thanks!
C.J. Carmichael I wish I could offer all my books for free, but I do support myself with my writing so generally I offer only the first book of a series for free. Thanks for your interest in my books Alicia.
C.J. Carmichael Hi Lori, I'm so glad you've enjoyed the Family Matters books. I'm sorry I never did write Grady's story. My editors at the time thought 3 books were enough! But if you enjoyed that series have you read my Carrigans of the Circle C? Right now Good Together (book 2) is available on a Free promotion. Just go to my website to find the link. cj at cjcarmichael dot com.

Cheers, CJ
C.J. Carmichael Alicia, I'm happy to hear you signed up for my newsletter. I do choose random names from that and send out free books, mostly the older ones that I published with Harlequin.

I hope you enjoy What Child is This. It's part of a 3 books trilogy. Roxy Boroughs and B. C. Deeks wrote books 2 and 3. Then the 4th book of the series is my "More Than A Feeling"...I'm really proud of that one and hope you enjoy it too!

Cheers! CJ
C.J. Carmichael Alicia right now we are putting out feelers to make "A Bramble House Christmas" into a Hallmark-type Christmas movie. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

And this is me answering you, not an assistant! My assistant is my husband who makes me coffee. :)
C.J. Carmichael Hi Alicia, I'm so glad you enjoyed my Family Matters series. I think you would find my Carrigans of the Circle C series very similar in tone and style, especially: Good Together, Close to Her Heart and A Cowgirl's Christmas. (You may enjoy reading the entire series in order, starting with Promise Me Cowboy, then Good Together, Close to Her Heart, Snowbound in Montana, A Cowgirl's Christmas and Christmas at Bramble House).

If you do read them, please let me know what you think.

In the future I'm going to be working on a small town series centered around the chocolate shop featured in my "Promise Me, Cowboy." Please consider signing up for the newsletter on my website to keep informed of all news. I'd love to keep in touch!

Happy Reading!
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C.J. Carmichael
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C.J. Carmichael Hi Jennifer, this book is definitely PG, it's the sort of story that would make a nice Christmas movie the entire family could watch. I don't have an exact page count for you, but it's a novella and will probably be around 100 - 110 pages. I hope this helps!

C.J. Carmichael Having finished the last book of my Twisted Cedar Mysteries I'm now moving on to write another book about the Bramble House in Marietta Montana. This house (and the Bramble family who built it in the late 1880's) has a lot of secrets!
C.J. Carmichael If I'm working on a story and the words dry up, I know I've taken a wrong turn somewhere. I like to go for a long walk, take a bath, or do a mundane chore that allows me to think while my body is busy. Usually the answer comes to me with some careful thought and reflection.

When I'm between books, I often find watching an amazing movie, reading a real page turner, or visiting a bookstore to be inspiring. I love stories so much, and can't resist the urge to write...not for long, anyway!

Locations also inspire me. Sometimes when I'm traveling I come upon beautiful countryside, or a charming small town, a place where I can imagine living...and before I know it I've started another trilogy!

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