
An electronic book (eBook) is a digital form of a book that consists of text and sometimes images, or both. Common formats of ebooks include: .iba(Apple iBooks), .azw(Amazon Kindle), EPUB and PDF files.

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)
Pride & Prejudice
Divergent (Divergent, #1)
A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)
The Fault in Our Stars
The Elephant Tree
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)
Gone Girl
Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)
The Deal (Off-Campus, #1)
The Zombie Room
Being a Witch, and Other Things I Didn't Ask For by Sara PascoeJust Love Her by Raz MihalA Christmas Homecoming by Anne PerryMistletoe Murder by Leslie MeierIn a Holidaze by Christina Lauren
Best Ebooks To Give As Gifts
5,278 books — 1,327 voters

Witch in the Woods by Taylor Ann BunkerMy Lady Love by Bridgitte LesleyComplicated Moonlight by Lynessa LayneDon't Close Your Eyes by Lynessa JamesMad Love by Lynessa Layne
Ebooks Under Five Dollars
379 books — 266 voters
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana ZapataStuck-Up Suit by Vi KeelandThe Score by Elle KennedyKulti by Mariana ZapataBossman by Vi Keeland
2016 Romances You Don't Want To Miss
460 books — 1,288 voters

The Alchemist by Paulo CoelhoThe Ultimate Human Secrets by Ramzi NajjarMan’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. FranklTao Te Ching by Lao TzuSoul Cure by Gregory Dickow
Life Transformation Books
3,388 books — 1,975 voters
Dark Lover by J.R. WardLover Awakened by J.R. WardLover Unbound by J.R. WardLover Eternal by J.R. WardLover Revealed by J.R. Ward
Great Vampire/Paranormal Romances
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J.A. Konrath
Back in August, I wrote a post about the supposed race to the bottom with ebooks, refuting some nonsense written by an establishment bonehead. This meme won't die. People are still convinced that new ebooks are going to be priced at ten cents, and writers will starve, and this will cause a second Great Depression where banks will close and people will be forced to buy Kindles with food stamps, and then the earth will enter another ice age where all the bunnies will freeze to death. ...more
J.A. Konrath

Grace Willows
She was a ray of sunshine, a warm summer rain, a bright fire on a cold winter’s day, and now she could be dead because she had tried to save the man she loved.
Grace Willows

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