Ask the Author: Jo-Ann Carson

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Jo-Ann Carson Hi,
Sookie and Eric, because the affair is complicated, but oh so hot.
Jo-Ann Carson A novella called Lovin' Danger. Sadie who is a model by day and spy by night is attacked in New York. She's really fed up with the group of assasins who have been stalking her and wants to figure out who they are and why they are after her. Sebastian rushes to her side, furious that she keeps living a life of danger. Sadie's labradoodle has a key role this time. And the ending is sensational.
Jo-Ann Carson Write, write, write and read, read, read. I know this is not new advice.
Oh, and find like minded people who will encourage you.
Jo-Ann Carson The joy of creating a story. There's nothing like it. To create something out of nothing gives a great sense of accomplishment.
And then when others tell you they like it... OM goodness that's just wonderful.
Jo-Ann Carson I haven't experienced paralyzing writer's block. Yet.
I do have "fuzzy" days when the words don't come as easily, but I make myself put words on the page knowing that I can fix them later.
When I'm stuck on a plot point I go for a walk or talk to my husband or friends. Sometimes I just need to get a way from the draft for a bit of time and let my muse sort things out.
Writing is a fascinating process.
Jo-Ann Carson

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