Ask the Author: Chris Lemmerman

“Ask me a question.” Chris Lemmerman

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Chris Lemmerman I'm plowing through the usual pile of comic books I haven't read yet.

Then I have Lord Of Shadows, the two newest Descendants books (don't judge me), some Naruto prose novels, and Yahtzee Croshaw's newest too.
Chris Lemmerman I've written loads of fanfiction or random one-shot stories before, but sometimes an idea just hits me that I can really do something with, and my mind kind of takes hold of it and runs away with me.

As to actually sitting down and writing, I set aside a certain amount of time, or give myself a word target. Once I hit that time limit, or break the target, I take stock - am I enjoying what I'm writing, or isn't it flowing properly today? If it is, I carry on until it doesn't. If it doesn't, time to stop and do something else. I find that trying to force myself to write just leads to writing I don't particularly like and have to rewrite anyway.

Chris Lemmerman The idea for the Ormere Chronicles came from my mother, who mentioned something as a throwaway while we were in an airport bookstore. We were discussing how there were separate sections for different tiles, like how there were a lot of supernatural novels, and there were a lot of romance novels.

There was also a section for novels with gay protagonists. But almost all of the ones we picked up and looked at were about romance and/or sex first, and other plots second. There were very few books that had, for lack of a better description, a story that just happened to have a gay protagonist.

By the time I got off the plane coming home, I had characters and a basic plot already worked out, and it went from there.
Chris Lemmerman I'm hammering out the next installment in The Ormere Chronicles, as well as getting around publishing and promoting my first novel.
Chris Lemmerman Let your characters take you where they want to go. You'll know if what you're writing doesn't feel write.

Don't be afraid to delete a load of writing if you don't think it fits. Whatever you write next will be better.
Chris Lemmerman I'll let you know once I'm doing it professionally.

But for now, it's probably being able to get all these little worlds and characters that live in my head out onto paper to share with everyone else.
Chris Lemmerman I find that going for a walk, usually with my dog, lets my mind wander enough to overcome writer's block. Just anything that removes all distractions and gives me no choice but to think.

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