Ask the Author: Frasier Armitage

“Ask me a question.” Frasier Armitage

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Frasier Armitage That’s a great question. There are so many varieties of time travel across sci-fi that, for me, it’s impossible to come down on one of them and say: it’s this one. I think the most important thing about time travel is that it doesn’t break its own rules. It’s a mechanism on which a story hinges, and if that mechanism is broken, the whole thing stops working. My favourite time travel movie is probably one from the nineties — maybe Terminator 2 or Twelve Monkeys. Watching those kinds of classics is a bit like going back in time for me, which adds an extra dimension to watching them, and I think that’s quite apt! In terms of recent movies, I really liked Mirage — a Spanish movie which is more slow-burn-thriller than sci-fi. And I’m pro-Tenet! Honestly, there isn’t a time travel story I’ve come across which I haven’t liked.

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