Ask the Author: Laurie Woodward

“Ask me a question.” Laurie Woodward

Answered Questions (8)

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Laurie Woodward I'm great, having an awesome summer, reading a lot. I decided to follow you because you like sci fi books like me. Sorry it took me so long but I don't get on here all that often.
Happy reading!
Laurie Woodward I do research. I look to mythology or art history. This always sparks ideas.
Laurie Woodward You go to a place that is uniquely yours. And it's magic.
Laurie Woodward I am working on Artania III,working title: Dragon Quest. My young heroes must find the elusive Golden Dragon egg or Gothia will be lost forever. It will turn to the Blank Canvas.
Laurie Woodward The world is full of inspiration. I see it everywhere.
Laurie Woodward Trees have always drawn me.The each are so individual, like humans, that I imagined arms and legs sprouting from them. Once I had a creature in mind, I let my imagination do the rest.

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