Ask the Author: Shae Ford

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Shae Ford Hey Stephen! Thanks for the message. Well, I've got stuff all over my desktop. But I'm currently focusing on something very different from the Fate's Forsaken series: new world, new characters, everything. It's been interesting trying to harness a new voice. But I just can't shake the excitement. We'll see where it goes :)

Thanks for reading, Stephen! I very much enjoyed having the opportunity to write the Fate's Forsaken series, and am looking forward to writing more. Have a wonderful week!
Shae Ford Hello, Matthew! I'm so pleased to hear you've been enjoying the Fate's Forsaken series. Yes, Daybreak will be released in audio format. When I last spoke to Podium, mid-November was their conservative estimate. It will likely be finished before then-- but to be safe, they are setting the date out a bit.

I believe the reason for this stems from the fact that Daybreak wound up being longer than I'd anticipated. Podium works very quickly, but I did throw them a bit of a curveball with the length. So I apologize for the delay!

I will keep everyone updated through the newsletter and social media. In the meantime, thank you for reading, Matthew-- and have a wonderful week :)
Shae Ford Hi Riki:

Not quite. Though I had originally intended it to be a trilogy, it became apparent early in the writing of Slight and Shadow that the story portrayed in the Fate's Forsaken series would need at least four books to be fully told.

I'm currently hard at work on the fourth (and final) book in the series. I'd like to stay in the Kingdom for a while even after Kael's story has ended: I have plans for the Whispering War and the Westlands. My latest story is an audible-exclusive prequel novella entitled "Poison" that will give readers some insight into the pre-War Kingdom-- as told by one of my favorite villains.

Since it usually takes me about a year to get a book written, edited, and into print, I've set "Summer 2015" as a soft release date for the final book in the Fate's Forsaken series. In the meantime, readers are welcome to sign up for my author newsletter via my website ( or follow me on Facebook or Twitter for the most up-to-date information on new releases.

I hope I was able to answer your question, Riki. Thanks for the post!
Shae Ford One of three ways: I either go for a long walk/jog, occupy myself with other projects, or binge-watch something mindless to force my brain to relax. The Office and Arrested Development are my go-to programs-- the humor helps distract me from the fact that I'm stuck.
Shae Ford Freedom. Not having to clock in, clock out, and just generally keep a schedule. Being able to wear sweat pants instead of pencil skirts. Always having the option of going outside on a nice day (you know-- for research purposes ...).

But if I'm honest, the true freedom comes in being able to reside in worlds where good always triumphs over evil. We sometimes get so caught up in plodding through the "real world" that we can't see the sun rising behind us. But in an author's world, her eyes are omniscient: she sees the dawn coming from over her character's shoulders. She knows that, in just a few moments, everything they've gone through will have all been worth it. The light will cross their feet and they'll see that all the while the sky was dark, they've actually been heading in the right direction.

We don't always turn to see the dawn in life. Most of the time we don't know if we've been heading in the right direction. So it's freeing to be able to travel into worlds where things are simpler.
Shae Ford Go for it. Seriously. It's never been easier to publish a novel; never in history have there been fewer gatekeepers/restrictions/hoops to jump through. In fact, for the very first time in history, the only one who need believe in your story is YOU. Let your characters out of the notebook, start weaving their adventures. The whole world is waiting ... so get writing!
Shae Ford Fate's Forsaken Series: Book 4 (a young adult epic fantasy novel). And a little science fiction.
Shae Ford For me, inspiration is like everything else: I never know what I'm looking for until I find it. The most important thing is to get out there and start searching. Have experiences. Try something new, scrape your knees, make a little mischief. As long as you walk away having learned something, you'll never have a bad experience-- and experience is where inspiration resides.
Shae Ford

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