Ask the Author: Lee Matthew Goldberg

“What inspired you to write The Desire Card?” Lee Matthew Goldberg

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Lee Matthew Goldberg Definitely, it did. I was in eighth grade and just remember everyone being stunned and gathering in the hallway and playing Nirvana on our headphones.
Lee Matthew Goldberg Thank you!! I’m working on a sequel Lemonworld so it might be a while. Have a few other books I’m writing first. But it will happen!
Lee Matthew Goldberg Haha, that was back in 2016 when T***p was president, so things have gotten better, horror-wise. We'll see in 2024.
Lee Matthew Goldberg One of my favorite books of all time is Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. It's a thriller, it's gothic, it's a classic, and it made me want to be a writer. Of course, I'd always recommend all of my books as well - The Ancestor is a good place to start!
Lee Matthew Goldberg I have not. Everything in The Ancestor came from research.
Lee Matthew Goldberg Maybe Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I love the gothic creepiness. It was one of the first books that I hated the beginning but then was completely transported by the end. This reminds me that it’s been too long and I need to read it again.
Lee Matthew Goldberg In 2016, there was an election and now we are are nation without a fit leader. The horror!
Lee Matthew Goldberg Definitely looking forward to reading this summer while I'll be on a book tour for my new novel, The Mentor. On my list to get to is The Nix by Nathan Hill, Bright, Precious Days by Jay McInerney, Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, which has been on my shelf forever, The Sport of Kings by C.E. Morgan, Morning Star by Pierce Brown, since I'm a big fan of the first two Red Rising books, and A Doubter's Almanac by Ethan Canin. All of those should keep me busy while in transit!
Lee Matthew Goldberg Good question. Once when I was walking in NYC, I saw a pretty similar doppelganger of myself. It was on a very crowded street, and I thought to follow him like it was some mystery. But then before I could decide, he vanished in the crowd. I'm starting to write a new thriller soon that begins this way, although it's set in Alaska and the two doppelgangers eventually meet!
Lee Matthew Goldberg Wuthering Heights is one of my favorite books so I got to go with Heathcliff and Catherine. Even though they aren't the most healthy of couples!
Lee Matthew Goldberg So I wrote the first draft of this book a decade ago and then put in my desk for years. Recently I picked it up and saw it needed work but the plot was all there. I do remember hearing the song "Yellow" by Coldplay and the line "They were all yellow." I started thinking about a similar yellow circle tattoo that began appearing on people throughout NYC and the rest of the plot came from that.
Lee Matthew Goldberg I'm always reading a book, usually connected to what I'm working on. Film, TV, art, music all inspires me as well. If the project needs a lot of research that will inspire me too.
Lee Matthew Goldberg I'm always working on a bunch of projects, that way I never get bored. Right now I'm working on the first two books of a planned thriller trilogy and the pilot episode of a TV show that began as a novel but always felt it needed to be bigger. I'm also writing a Sci-fi script with a writing partner.
Lee Matthew Goldberg Rewrite and rewrite and rewrite. Just keep getting better. Rejection will happen and you have to learn how not to let it affect you. Also find people in your life that will give you an honest critique of your work. That has been invaluable to me.
Lee Matthew Goldberg I can't imagine doing anything else. When I'm working on a book or a script that I'm really into, I lose all sense of time. Nothing is better than the feeling of creating a perfect sentence. It makes my heart swell.
Lee Matthew Goldberg I rarely get writer's block. I live in Manhattan and always feel constantly stimulated with ideas. I also have a pretty regimented writing schedule: edit in the mornings and write in the afternoons.

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