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Wesley Chu Wesley Chu > Quotes


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“You made your own bed, and now curse others for putting you there.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Look to your right... It is the path back home. If you choose, you can take it. It is safe, easy, and comfortable. You do not have to work out or fight or do anything else you do not want to...

Or you can keep moving forward. I will not lie to you. I cannot predict what may become of you. It will require a lot of training, hard work, study, and danger. But in the very end, you will know strength. I swear it. You might just become someone who will make a difference in the world.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Besides, criminal masterminds are people too. They need groceries and cable like the rest of us.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Roen said, "I can't quit. I have rent, and a cat to support.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
tags: cats
Just because I am an alien does not mean I am a Vulcan or some soulless robot.
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
tags: alien
“Because she was here on a diplomatic mission, she decided to be gentle. She had learned from experience that murder was a terrible way to start a relationship.”
Wesley Chu, The Art of Prophecy
“Should he plead the insanity defense or the alien-told-me-to-do-it defense?”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“I take that back. Saying you fight like a girl is an insult to girls everywhere.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
tags: humor
“When someone asked Roen what he did, he'd explain that he typed incoherent commands that performed virtual tasks to create intangible objects.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Whoever said a good agreement was a compromise neither side was completely happy with just had poor negotiators.”
Wesley Chu, The Rebirths of Tao
“When there is no one else left to fight, then there will be nothing left but peace.”
Wesley Chu, The Rebirths of Tao
“Reminiscing is when one is thinking about the past. What you are dreaming about never happened. The word for that is fantasizing.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
tags: humor
“What happened to me?" he muttered. "I don't look so good. I go from cute and fat to ugly and skinny. Why can't I just have the best of both worlds?”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Do not judge an entire species based on the actions of their worst few. That is the trait of the Genjix. The Prophus choose to look at the best of humanity.”
Wesley Chu, The Rebirths of Tao
“This whole alien-in-his-body was starting to sound better and better. First, he got to hang out with a hot girl, and now he was going to be James Bond.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“I'll always wait for you. However long it takes”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
Explain to me how this is fun: thirty minutes in line, thirty dollars to get in, ten minutes to work your way down here, ten more saying hi to people I can tell you barely know, and now fifteen minutes ordering a beer that costs twice what it should. You just lost an hour of your life.
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
tags: fun
“The world spins despite me, not because of me," he muttered. Last week, one of his coworkers died after twenty-five years of service. There was an email and eulogy sent by one of the managers - and then a mad scramble by everyone else to loot his office supplies.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“He felt a mixture of fear and excitement, but his main concerns were not dying, making his mentors proud, and not making a fool of himself, in that order of importance.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“I had my doubts at first. You were an out-of-shape man with low self-esteem and underdeveloped social skills. Now you are an in-shape man with low self-esteem and underdeveloped social skills.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Since then, he watched the man live his completely stifling life over and over again, one repetitive day at a time. It was so consistent that Roen even complained about the same things at the same times every day.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“A family can be more than just a mother and a father, a husband and a wife, parent and child. My father views me only as an instrument to carry on the family name. My stepmother stopped acknowledging my existence the day she moved into our home. Love and respect is what makes a family, not blood. It can manifest in different ways and shapes, sometimes from people you least expect.”
Wesley Chu, The Art of Prophecy
“Really, Roen Tan? Do you actually think pizza makes you hear voices?”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“If I find out that you wasted the best years of my little girl’s life because of your fine-wine-aging process, I’m going to kill you.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Great men are forged, not born.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“All of our heroes will eventually disappoint us and let us down, one way or another. Best remember that.”
Wesley Chu, The Art of Prophecy
“Do you think the Prophus will reimburse me for gas?” I am glad you have your head in the game. “I’ve been in the car for almost two hours now. There’s only so many ways I can imagine getting killed. Now I want to think of happier thoughts.” Like gas reimbursement? May I remind you that we gave you this car?”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“Smitt walked up next to James and watched the planet slowly grow larger. "They say the water used to be so blue you could see it from space.”
Wesley Chu, Time Salvager
“Tao, I think I love her. She’s hot and a geek.” She is so far out of your league that you are not even playing the same sport.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao
“She was an athletic female, late twenties, a shade under two meters in height, and about fifty kilos.”
Wesley Chu, The Lives of Tao

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The Lives of Tao (Tao, #1) The Lives of Tao
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