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Lily Harper Hart Lily Harper Hart > Quotes


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“All she wanted now was to eat her leftover pasta and curl up with a good book. She needed to escape to a different world because she wasn’t overly fond of the one she was living in now.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Days
“Zander says you are.” “Zander also maintains that Betty White isn’t the only surviving member of The Golden Girls and that a reunion is still possible if someone could just uncover the conspiracy,”
Lily Harper Hart, Ghostly Interests
“What if … what if I’m not a good person?” Jessica asked, her voice cracking. “What if what he did to me ruined me forever?” “I don’t believe something that’s done to you can define you,” Ivy replied, not missing a beat. “You can’t change the heart of a person. Bad can be done to you, but it can’t invade who you are.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Warning
“I watch The Walking Dead because I like Norman Reedus. He’s beyond hot.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Days
“If they fight all of the time … .” “Fighting isn’t a sign that there’s anything wrong,” Max offered. “It’s a sign that something is not going right. I’m not talking about physical fights, mind you, because they never lay their hands on one another in anger. Emotional fights are important, though. They’re proof that you care about someone enough to risk unease in the relationship to get your point across.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Season
“She knew what Eric wanted, and it wasn’t something she couldn’t give him.”
Lily Harper Hart, Ghostly Start
“I do have one question,” Jack said, glancing down to the spot at the end of the couch where their feet were tangled together. “Why do you always poke your feet out from the end of the blanket? You’ve done it every night we’ve been together. I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and covered your feet, and yet every morning when I wake up, they’re poking out from under the covers again.” “I don’t know,” Ivy mused. “I’ve just always done it. Even when it’s the middle of the winter I like my feet out from under the covers. I can’t explain it.” “I find it cute,” Jack said. “I have no idea why, though.” “Your feet are out, too,” Ivy pointed out. “My feet are out because they didn’t want your feet to be lonely,” Jack said. “My feet are … chivalrous.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Dreams
“My sister doesn’t know when to shut up,” Jake agreed.”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Proposal
“Oh, really?” Max wasn’t about to be dissuaded. “Are you going to tell the mother of the woman you’re dating, the mother of the woman you love, that you’re not going to taste the pie she spent an entire day slaving over? That should go over well.” Jack shifted his eyes to Ivy, conflicted. “Is she going to make me eat the pecan pie?” “It could be worse. She used to make fruitcake around Christmas.” “Ugh.” Max involuntarily shuddered. “That was the worst. It was like eating a jelly brick and then being forced to stare at the television for four hours while it just sat there trying to kill you from the inside.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Season
“I can’t look at your right now.”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Proposal
“Ally,” the said in unison.”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Ever After
“Do you want to stop for pumpkin lattes on the way?” “Of course. We’re not animals.”
Lily Harper Hart, Ghostly Distress
“He bent over and kissed her on the nose quickly before shifting his attention back to the grill. “I see you didn’t burn them.” “I … .” Ivy wrinkled her nose. “I’m perfectly capable of cooking cow flesh.” “I love it when you refer to it that way,” Jack said. “It gives me this low-down tickle in my stomach.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Dreams
Lily Harper Hart, Grave Beginning
“Ha, ha,” Ivy intoned, rolling her eyes. She pulled up short when she neared her father, uncertain. “Are you still mad at me?” Michael didn’t hesitate to respond. “Yes.” “You still love me, though, right?” Michael’s expression softened. “Yes.” He grudgingly leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I will always love you, even when you do things I don’t like.” “That’s what makes you a good father.” “That’s what keeps me sane even though my children are crazy,” Michael shot back, turning to his wife with expectant eyes. “There. We made up. When can we eat?” Luna’s smile was indulgent. “Five”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Season
“You’ve convinced yourself of who I am and what I’m doing without any facts or listening to any other arguments besides the judgmental conga line in your head.”
Lily Harper Hart, Ghostly Interests
“The men were happy to engage in some small talk – while they’re wives were busy shooting the models dark looks whenever they thought their husbands weren’t looking.”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Illusions
“you were going to”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Dreams
“Jack pursed his lips as he glanced down at his costume. He appreciated the fact that Ivy got him simple black pants and a shirt for the bulk of his costume. When she brought up the subject of a costume, he agreed as long as she didn’t go overboard. It was the felt tail and ears that were giving him pause. “I don’t hate it,” Jack said. “I just think maybe we should pick something else.” “We don’t have anything else,” Ivy said, jutting out her lower lip. “I picked that because I have a black cat and I thought you would look adorable … which you do.” “Honey, it’s one thing for you to find me adorable when we’re alone,” Jack pointed out. “It’s quite another for the entire town to find me adorable. I would think that’s something you would want to keep all for yourself.” “Oh, that was a brilliant save, man,” Max said, snickering. “I mean … it was masterful. Really.” “Shut up, Max,” Jack barked.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Fog
“My sister deserves the world,” Max agreed. “She’s not willing to take it for herself, though. Someone is going to have to give it to her. And, for someone to give it to her, she’s going to have to let that someone get close to her. The only one who has even made it through her front door is you. That has to mean something.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Dreams
“He’s also an unbelievably kind man. His patience is one for the record books, too. You’d have to have infinite patience to put up with this one.” She pinched Ivy’s cheek for good measure. Ivy jerked her face away from her aunt. “Ha, ha. I don’t know why you think Jack is patient. We argue all the time.” “That’s merely the way you communicate,” Felicity said, waving off Ivy’s statement. “You both have fiery personalities. That’s why you’re a good fit. I knew the moment I first saw you together that you were going to fall head over heels for one another.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Warning
“Luna wasn’t bothered by Ivy’s attitude. “I happen to have it on good authority that I am downright hilarious.” “Whose authority?” “I believe you call him ‘dad.’” “Dad doesn’t count,” Ivy protested. “He has to tell you that you’re funny.” “He has to tell me that?” Luna arched a dubious eyebrow. “Since when is that the rule?” “Since the first man met the first woman and she did hand puppets by the first fire and he faked a laugh,” Ivy replied, not missing a beat.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Winter
“I think you deflect with charm and flirty banter whenever someone asks something of you that you’re not comfortable giving,” Rowan corrected. “You ask questions of others and when they return the favor, you have a multitude of distractions ready to make sure you don’t have to answer the questions. It’s … interesting.”
Lily Harper Hart, Stormy Seas
“You’re already to rush into danger to save her.”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Illusions
“I just call a call from the sheriff’s”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Honeymoon
“We all ate a lot. I slept in this morning, though, so I think I’m more rested than you.” “You needed the sleep.” “So did you.” “I’m fine.” Jack touched his lips to Ivy’s temple as he rested his eyes, the warmth from the fire washing over him as the silence of the house welcomed him to a level of comfort he didn’t know existed before moving to Shadow Lake. “I enjoyed spending time with your mother and aunt. They always make me feel like a king.” Ivy furrowed her brow. “Didn’t they make you peel potatoes?” “They were kingly potatoes.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Season
“Aren’t you going to say something?” Jack asked. Ivy opened her mouth but no sound would come out. “Wow. You’re speechless.” Jack found her flummoxed response delightful. “I guess I should take advantage of that, huh?” He kept his hand under hers and let her stare at the ring as he searched for the right words. “I’m not very good with stuff like this – not that I’ve ever proposed or anything, of course – but I’ve never been a man of words. “You, honey, are the exact opposite,” he continued. “You always have the right words. You always know how to make me feel better. Even when you fire me up and cause my temper to flash, I’m always happy to hear your voice.” Jack cleared his throat to stave off a potential emotional breakdown. He had no idea he was close to crying until the first tears blurred his eyes. “I didn’t realize I was going through the motions of a life better left forgotten,” Jack said. “I didn’t know I was missing something so deeply that my soul ached … until I met you. People say it all of the time and I thought it was one of those trite things they spouted off about until I felt it myself. “You’re my everything, Ivy,” he continued. “You complete me. You make me happy. You make me whole. You’re … the other half of me.” Ivy finally found her voice, but it was weak. “Jack … I … .” “Shh.” Jack pressed his finger to her lips. “I’m not quite done yet. Once I am, you can talk to your heart’s content.” Ivy mutely nodded. “I love you. I would be really happy if you would be my wife. Before you answer, though, I need you to know what that entails.” Ivy widened her eyes to comical proportions. “I need you to live with me even when you’re angry, open yourself to me even when you’re sad, and love me no matter what,” Jack said. “That’s all I’m ever going to need from you. I’m willing to give you everything I have in return. Do you think you can do that?” When Ivy didn’t immediately answer, Jack shifted his eyes to her. “Now would be a good time to remember you can talk.” “Oh, well, I didn’t want to step on your toes.” Ivy’s eyes twinkled as she closed her hand around the ring, clutching it close to her heart. “I love you. I can’t wait to be your wife.” Jack already knew the answer, but the simple declaration was enough to fill his heart with so much love he thought it might explode. “Good. Can I put that ring on your finger?”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Winter
“I am not a true Wiccan. I like a lot of their beliefs, and I happen to believe in karma. I’m more of a … mixture. I pick what I like and stick to it. In essence, I believe in being a good person and holding true to myself. I also believe in magic.”
Lily Harper Hart, Wicked Days
“Hey, if they were in love, they were love,”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Ever After
“Ann. They’d been dating for six months, but it was more out of boredom than anything else. Barker Creek didn’t have a lot of choices when it came to women and James had finally settled on Ann because he knew it was impossible to become attached to her. She was pretty – in an overly made up way – and she filled out a pair of jeans better than anyone else in the school.”
Lily Harper Hart, Deadly Intentions

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