
Questions About Centennial

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Answered Questions (4)

Cathy Start at the beginning and finish at the end. Michener, provides a LOT of back story. During my first book of his, I wondered what it had to do with t…moreStart at the beginning and finish at the end. Michener, provides a LOT of back story. During my first book of his, I wondered what it had to do with the story, I was a bit impatient and just wanted him to get on with it. But I've grown to enjoy his style of writing and let it take me further into his stories.(less)
Cathy Just like you're doing, start at the beginning and read to the end. The author is known for his historical novels. I can't imagine all the research re…moreJust like you're doing, start at the beginning and read to the end. The author is known for his historical novels. I can't imagine all the research required for each. Personally, I enjoy every minute of them. But with the first one, I too was waiting for the book to start, but now, I enjoy the history lessons.(less)
Andy Wiesendanger Define "detail". Certainly buffalo and beaver are big part of the story, and their eradication. The buffalo were more prominent. …moreDefine "detail". Certainly buffalo and beaver are big part of the story, and their eradication. The buffalo were more prominent. (less)
Roger For some reason, it was not available as an ebook for a couple of years, but whatever the problem was, it is now resolved, and you can get it on Kindl…moreFor some reason, it was not available as an ebook for a couple of years, but whatever the problem was, it is now resolved, and you can get it on Kindle again.(less)

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