The Corrections

Questions About The Corrections

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Answered Questions (9)

Melody So late into this conversation, but I wish I had read these comments before I wasted my time. I couldn't even finish it. When I told my friend I was s…moreSo late into this conversation, but I wish I had read these comments before I wasted my time. I couldn't even finish it. When I told my friend I was slogging through it I knew it was time to quit.(less)
Bl Late reply, but I couldn't either. It took me a very long time to finish it. At one point I left it behind at a restaurant, and didn't even notice it …moreLate reply, but I couldn't either. It took me a very long time to finish it. At one point I left it behind at a restaurant, and didn't even notice it had been there for 2 weeks. I should have abandoned it, but I was 3/4 of the way through the book and too invested. The characters are totally unlikable people. A lot like my family. In fact, after reading this book, I think of it often, which is ironic. I think he captures the nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling some families cause. People behaving badly, yet believing they are successful and even virtuous.(less)
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Annie Belyak I was considering dropping the book at that point as well because I just don't like the self-sabotaging guys like Chip but when the chapter ended and …moreI was considering dropping the book at that point as well because I just don't like the self-sabotaging guys like Chip but when the chapter ended and the story switched I started enjoying it much more. But the writing I found inventive and amusing rather than pretentious. And there's definitely much more about Al's Parkinson's and Alzheimer's which can be hard emotionally. (less)
Annie Belyak Honestly, I struggled as well but I thought it did get better when the narrative went off Chip and on his older brother. But there were, admittedly, s…moreHonestly, I struggled as well but I thought it did get better when the narrative went off Chip and on his older brother. But there were, admittedly, some paragraphs that I scanned through rather than read carefully. The language, though, often amused me... I didn't regret forcing myself through this book, I found it worth it in the end.... (less)

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