A Spark of Light

Questions About A Spark of Light

by Jodi Picoult (Goodreads Author)

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Answered Questions (32)

Marge I am a long time fan of Jodi Picoult’s books but found this one to be very disappointing. For me it was too repetitious and a chore to finish. I skipp…moreI am a long time fan of Jodi Picoult’s books but found this one to be very disappointing. For me it was too repetitious and a chore to finish. I skipped large sections of the book because I needed it to end. (less)
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Allison Lyons I agree. Didn't like this style at all. When we first meet the characters, and learn who's been injured, who's dead, etc., we don't care about them ye…moreI agree. Didn't like this style at all. When we first meet the characters, and learn who's been injured, who's dead, etc., we don't care about them yet. It isn't until later chapters that we get to know them and by then, I already knew their fate. So now it's just sad. I would have much preferred a straight through, linear telling.(less)
Jayna For me, it got worse the farther I went. I don't regret reading it, but it wasn't very suspenseful. Very repetitive and I had the whole thing figured …moreFor me, it got worse the farther I went. I don't regret reading it, but it wasn't very suspenseful. Very repetitive and I had the whole thing figured out early on.(less)

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