Crying in H Mart

Questions About Crying in H Mart

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Answered Questions (20)

Kat This is probably Michelle's mother with little sister Eunmi Emo when they were children -- both of the women Michelle lost in a short time period, whi…moreThis is probably Michelle's mother with little sister Eunmi Emo when they were children -- both of the women Michelle lost in a short time period, which she references in the first chapter.(less)
Allison Definitely. This is a beautifully written memoir / tribute about family, life, loss, love, art and food.
Allison Nothing at all wrong with this book for a teen. It may or may not hold their interest, but if it does, they will probably turn out as a more mature, t…moreNothing at all wrong with this book for a teen. It may or may not hold their interest, but if it does, they will probably turn out as a more mature, thoughtful and appreciative son or daughter.(less)

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