The Lathe of Heaven

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Answered Questions (7)

Meika I took a peek at some of the books listed on your profile, and I think you might like it. The main plot-driver is dreams, which lets you suspend reali…moreI took a peek at some of the books listed on your profile, and I think you might like it. The main plot-driver is dreams, which lets you suspend reality in a way that's compatible with a rational world-view. It's also very psychological, obviously, since one of the main characters is a psychiatrist who studies dreams.
There's no magic in this story. The science isn't foolproof, but it bends along the existing unknowns. If that's too much, you can easily take the story as an elaborate zen koen (there is one about a farmer who finds a horse, and his neighbors say he's lucky, and he says "maybe," and then his son tries to ride the horse and is thrown and injured, and the neighbors say he's unlucky, and he says "maybe," then the army comes to town.... and so on.). (less)
James Edwards I presume that this refers to Rudi Gernreich, an influential fashion designer in the middle of the 20th century. In 1970, when LeGuin was writing Lath…moreI presume that this refers to Rudi Gernreich, an influential fashion designer in the middle of the 20th century. In 1970, when LeGuin was writing Lathe in Heaven, Gernreich popularized unisex clothing, and he liked somewhat muted colors like russet. (less)
Sween McDervish This is a reference to Sigmund Freud's "Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy" more often referred to as the Case of Little Hans. A horse figure…moreThis is a reference to Sigmund Freud's "Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy" more often referred to as the Case of Little Hans. A horse figures prominently as a symbol of repressed sexual urges.(less)
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Jillian Haha, say George Orr out loud, or get someone else to, then you’ll get it!
Joanna Yeah, the beginning part is a bit weird, but it gets better as it goes on, you'll see!…moreYeah, the beginning part is a bit weird, but it gets better as it goes on, you'll see!(less)

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