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Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World

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When Temple Grandin was born, her parents knew that she was different. Years later she was diagnosed with autism.
   While Temple’s doctor recommended a hospital, her mother believed in her. Temple went to school instead.
   Today, Dr. Temple Grandin is a scientist and professor of animal science at Colorado State University. Her world-changing career revolutionized the livestock industry. As an advocate for autism, Temple uses her experience as an example of the unique contributions that autistic people can make.
   This compelling biography complete with Temple’s personal photos takes us inside her extraordinary mind and opens the door to a broader understanding of autism.

160 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Sy Montgomery

58 books1,798 followers
Part Indiana Jones, part Emily Dickinson, as the Boston Globe describes her, Sy Montgomery is an author, naturalist, documentary scriptwriter, and radio commentator who has traveled to some of the worlds most remote wildernesses for her work. She has worked in a pit crawling with 18,000 snakes in Manitoba, been hunted by a tiger in India, swum with pink dolphins in the Amazon, and been undressed by an orangutan in Borneo. She is the author of 13 award-winning books, including her national best-selling memoir, The Good Good Pig. Montgomery lives in Hancock, New Hampshire.

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Profile Image for usagi ☆ミ.
1,200 reviews325 followers
July 20, 2012
Hi, my name is Usagi, and I’m autistic. More specifically, I have Asperger’s Syndrome, one of the “lighter” forms of the disorder on the autism spectrum. I’ve been mainstreamed (meaning never put in special education, but instead with a classroom with neurotypical (“normal”) kids my entire life. And never have I been so happy to have been raised as such. I was dubbed highly gifted in fourth grade, I did honors and AP classes (for everything but math), I went to UCSB, majored in Japanese, went to Japan and lived there while going to ICU in Tokyo, and graduated with a decent GPA in 2007.

In short, I am an autism success story – and success stories are not often talked about, which is incredibly frustrating. We are always spoken of in softer terms, couched in “tough stuff” and it’s as if we’re surrounded by eggshells upon which everyone has to walk on.

We’re tougher than that. And people like Temple Grandin, Bill Gates, and others only prove that.

That being said, I’ve found it incredibly hard to find books that deal with autism (or people with it) that actually take us seriously. Much like I have massive problems with Autism Speaks with wanting to shove everyone in Special Ed instead of mainstreaming when it’s an option (seriously, guys, it’s like trying to shove the GLBT community back in the closet), I also have problems with a lot of YA/MG books that have tried and failed to tackle the concept and issue of autism while giving respect to the individuals who have it.

I’m happy to announce that this fabulous little book does both – tackles the subject, gives the subject respect, AND is wonderfully easy to understand for the age of any person reading it. Sy Montgomery has really done Grandin a solid here, and has captured her life very eloquently. If you’re trying to find a book to introduce the issue of autism to any age group (but especially the youngest ones), I highly recommend this biography that speaks of the blossoming neurodiversity movement through Grandin’s experiences.

Grandin herself gives us a very simple introduction, getting our feet wet (as the audience) – telling us very briefly about her life and how autism affects her, as well as the goals of the biography in general. This is a very straightforward yet gentle way to ease people into the subject matter to come, and it automatically got my attention.

As for Montgomery, she has done an absolutely fantastic job with the whole book. From its style of storytelling (as if this were fiction and not fact) to the tidbits on how to help kids with autism, explaining more about the condition and an extensive bibliography at the end giving us a lot more resources for those who want to read up more on Grandin. What absolutely chilled me (and in a good way) was the way she explained how those with autism (present company included) experience the physical senses, and how sometimes those “senses (are) on fire”. I’ve never seen anyone be able to describe how sensory overload so simply and so well before, and for that I’m profoundly grateful. I too have sensory overload problems, and I’ve tried in the past to explain how it works, but failed. Now I have a great reference for people who want to know how it works.

This book balances autism education and Grandin’s life story very well – both in easy-to-digest forms. To be blunt, we need more books like this about those with autism both in all genres. By the end of the book, Montgomery builds a steady excitement that will make you want to cheer for Grandin and her accomplishments, as well as give those who know those with autism a new way at looking at them and interacting with them. The comparison with how animals think and how some of those with autism on the spectrum think was spot on, and I think it’ll definitely help neurotypical kids understand more about aneurotypical kids a bit better. It also talks a lot about animal rights, how Grandin’s work ties into them, and how important they are – never a bad thing to introduce to a young audience. While it does make some sweeping generalizations about Big Agriculture and livestock farming in general that I wasn’t really into, it’s at least something to get the conversation going.

But quite possibly my favorite part? Grandin’s final tips to kids with autism on how to manage it on their own in order to thrive. They’re great pointers, and it brought a smile on my face because I only got a fraction of that advice after getting diagnosed. Now it’s there for future generations to enjoy, and nothing makes me happier than that.

So if you’re looking for a respectful, eloquent way to introduce autism to anyone of any age, pick up “Temple Grandin”. It’s made my best of 2012 so far list, and its place there is well deserved. “Temple Grandin” is out now from Harcourt, so be sure to check it out – it’s seriously one of the best books on autism and on Grandin that I’ve read yet.

(posted to goodreads, shelfari, librarything, and birthofanewwitch.wordpress.com)
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,869 reviews2,298 followers
February 3, 2021
Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World
by Sy Montgomery
What an inspirational book! I guess I am behind the times in not knowing who Temple Grandin is. She went from being unable to speak, even up to age 4, to becoming a internationally known scientist for the welfare of animals! She now makes ingenious designs for animals that are penned up, bred, or those to be slaughtered. She lead the way for humane and quick deaths.
I may be a vegetarian but 95% of the world is not. Temple tried to be but her health deteriorated so she went back to eating meat. She wanted to make sure all animals that are confined and treated fairly and deserve a quick and calm death.
For this, I thank her from the bottom of my heart! She is really a miraculous woman to overcome her issues and pain and concentrates on those that can't help themselves!
Recommend to all animal lovers and to anyone who know someone with autism.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
11.3k reviews464 followers
January 6, 2021
I've already read several books by Grandin - she's my hero. But I'm excited to read this anyway. Not just because the mind of an autistic person is fascinating, not just because Grandin's mind is fascinating, not just because I am so very grateful to Grandin for her work with and on behalf of animals, especially her efforts to treat cattle more humanely, but also because everything I've read by Montgomery so far has been engaging, enlightening, and enchanting.
Done. My expectations were exceeded. This is wonderful. Inspiring to anyone, on the spectrum or just quirky... or neuro-typical. Enlightening and enjoyable for ages 8 to 88. Whether you read for a biography report for school, because you're interested in autism, or because you're interested in animal welfare or in inventions, you'll find stories and pictures here to satisfy. If you actually are autistic, you might love the blueprints of her cattle handling chutes, or benefit from her advice in the appendix.

Of note - a key factor in her success is her wisdom to know how to get help to get things done. Even in school, she didn't scorn well-meaning teachers the way so many characters in YA novels do, but rather took advantage of their offers. For example, it was her science teacher, Mr. Carlock, who helped her develop the squeeze machine. Be like Temple, a real person, not like those angsty imaginary teens in the melodramatic novels.
Profile Image for Mack.
181 reviews28 followers
June 23, 2015
This book helped me to understand the disorder more fully, having a nephew who fits into the autism spectrum and diagnosed with lack of social and verbal skills. My initial praise was for Temple’s Mother for not accepting the conventional advice and setting out to get the help that her daughter needed and showing that all things are possible. I also admired the photos illustrating her journey and her passion and understanding to all animals. Temple's brilliance with design helped with a more humane treatment of animals and I am grateful for that and her industry awards well deserved.
Profile Image for Josephine Sorrell.
1,786 reviews35 followers
October 22, 2018
This is a beautiful story of acceptance and inclusion, using autism awareness and education as the vehicles to achieve this aim.

Temple Grandin was different. As an infant, her parents knew she was a child unlike any other; her father believed her to be mentally retarded, a term we don’t use anymore. Her mother insisted that somewhere under Temple’s erratic, disturbing and odd behaviors lived a child filled with curiosity, talent, and the capacity to love.

Temple did not speak until the age of five, but once she did, she showed a personality and wit that stood out among the crowd of typical children.

Still, she often found comfort in twirling for hours on end, and dribbling sand through her fingers. Her senses were extreme as she was sensitive to touch, sound, and light. But Temple’s mother believed her daughter’s differences could be her assets. Temple was eventually diagnosed as autistic and at the time psychiatrists believed this to be a type of schizophrenia.

Autism caused Temple to struggle through elementary and middle school, at times subject to bullying and teasing, but as she got older she learned to make her way in the world. With her mother’s support, Temple found that not only did she have amazing talents but she also could do things no one else was capable of. She found that at times autism was a gift that allowed her to think in ways others could not: Temple thought in pictures instead of words and this allowed her to visualize things in a very special way.

For instance, Temple had the ability to think the way an animal could since she was so attuned to their senses and behavior. She especially loved and felt a kinship with cows. This ability led to her career in animal husbandry and her deep love of cattle turned into a talent unlike any other.

Today Temple Grandin is one of the most prominent figures in the meat packing industry where she designs humane treatment systems for all types of livestock. At this time in history Temple has done more for creating humane conditions for “food animals” than any other living human being. Some of her greatest reforms came through working with McDonald’s and other major restaurant chains.

Through her role as an ambassador for the humane treatment of livestock and her role as an advocate for those with autism, Temple provides a voice to those who might not otherwise have one. She is also renowned for her ability to explain the differences in her brain from those of most other people as well as how autism feels.

Her well written biography offers children a very personal account of Temple and her life. Pictures, drawings, pull the reader into Temple’s world.

I like how the book addresses both children with and without autism, making it inclusive and educational at the same time. While showing the challenges that Temple faced readers can actually see the aspects of autism that can have a negative affect on an individual on the autism spectrum. However at the same time the reader is also shown those special abilities that can make an autistic individual exceptional.

There is a 2010 HBO movie starring Claire Danes as Temple that I hope to view in the near future.

The appendix includes a comprehensive list of resources for further information.
Ages 10 and up
Profile Image for ladydusk.
507 reviews235 followers
January 12, 2022
I liked this pretty well. I would say a 3.5 instead of a 4, honestly ... it was a touch redundant from time to time. I appreciate, though, the view into Grandin's life and it gave me ideas to think about from autism to animal husbandry, which one might expect as her main interests. It was out of my normal range of listens, aimed for a younger audience, but filled some holes for me.
Profile Image for Alicia.
236 reviews5 followers
February 28, 2012
People, especially children, have a very difficult time understanding autism and its symptoms. Like it is hard for Temple Grandin to understand people's body language and their motives, it is hard for other people to understand what is going on in Temple's mind. Montgomery explains autism in a very fresh and simple way, using insightful comparisons that children can grasp. Too many books about people who have autism or other disorders ask the reader to feel sympathy for these people. Montgomery does better. She asks the reader to accept and value Grandin as a whole person. Readers will come to admire her for exactly who she is and the many things she has accomplished. It may be difficult to read some of the descriptions of the cruel treatment of food animals or their quality of life but it forces the reader to see, not only the harsh reality, but how brave Grandin is and was to confront this reality. While the reader may think, "this is horrible", Temple thought "This is horrible- I need to change this," and "I *can* change this." I feel better knowing that a person like Temple Grandin is out there.
Profile Image for Peacegal.
10.9k reviews107 followers
April 20, 2015
Enlightening and engaging, students and adults alike will find something to love about this book. While the author writes for a tween/young teen audience, I’m willing to bet the average person of any age will learn quite a bit about autism from Temple Grandin.

Through her astounding story, titular visionary gives inspiration to youngsters who are autistic, suffer bullying, or simply feel “different” from their peers. She encourages readers to go against the grain and develop their own abilities.

Temple Grandin’s autism has given her a unique insight into her environment. She feels she has special empathy with animals such as horses and cattle.

“I’ve got the nervous system of a prey animal,” Temple explains. Her senses are ratcheted up—attuned to sounds and details that humans don’t notice but animals do.

Grandin uses her ability to design livestock handling systems, particularly slaughter systems, to reduce the sum total of fear and pain experienced by animals. When used properly, Grandin’s designs are meant to not only reduce the animals’ negative experiences, but keep the line of animals moving more smoothly for the slaughterers. Some of her most far-reaching reforms have come with working for major fast food chains on animal welfare policies.

Unfortunately, in some sections of the book the author seems to make rather sweeping generalizations regarding how much animal welfare reforms are really able to improve animals’ lives.

Dozens of huge corporations—from restaurant chains like McDonald’s and Wendy’s to giant meat-packing plants where food animals are slaughtered—consult with Temple about the animals who provide most of North America’s meat, eggs, and milk. Her clients don’t want to be part of the cruelty that, as humane organizations have shown, is too often standard practice on “factory farms”—huge outdoor facilities or warehouses where the animals are treated like machines instead of thinking, feeling creatures.

One reading this book with no prior knowledge of the subject might logically conclude that the major fast food chains have rejected all animal cruelty and do not deal with factory farms. This is, of course, absolutely false. While it is true that several high-profile restaurant chains have announced that they will no longer deal with suppliers who engage in the worst factory-farm abuses—such as gestation crates for pigs—it would be simply impossible for a fast food chain to serve the volume of meat they do, at the prices they do, without engaging in the rampant crowding and corner-cutting that is the hallmark of Big Ag. Every little step the fast food industry takes is encouraging and should be applauded—but it should never be mistaken that Big Macs and McMuffins are cruelty-free fare.

Nor will massive-scale commercial agribusiness ever fully embrace the idea that animals are “thinking, feeling creatures”…it’s simply not compatible with their business model. However, consumer pressure can convince them to make some changes—if only for the sake of their profit margins.

Mike Chabot, general manager of Cargill Meat Solutions, points out that Temple was way ahead of her time. “She was talking about animal behavior and even animal welfare” at a time when many in the industry “thought of the animals only as a source of their products”—not as thinking creatures with feelings like their own.”

Meat solutions? Admittedly, the juxtaposition with the term “solutions” with a mass killing facility brings up some unpleasant associations.

She invents new ways to make sure that livestock handlers are not being cruel to the animals. Half of the beef cattle in the US and Canada, and a growing number overseas, are handled in facilities she designed.

Before Temple came along, cattlemen would often resort to yelling at the cattle and poking them with painful electric prods to force them into a scary situation.

It is passages like this that make me recommend that everyone who checks out a Temple Grandin book should also check out Timothy Pachirat’s Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight Pachriat worked in one of the Midwest’s largest cattle slaughterhouses and wrote of his experiences. Suffice it to say that humane handling reforms work when auditors or supervisors are looking, and often, only then. Because slaughterhouses “process” animals at such a breakneck pace, the pressure is on the chute workers to ensure there’s not an inch of space or hesitation between cows lined up for the kill box. What ends up happening in this strenuously demanding environment is exactly what you might imagine.

The part of the book that addresses vegetarianism is part refreshing and part Defensive Omnivore Bingo.

How can an animal lover work for an industry that raises animals to be killed for food? How can she eat a steak when she loves living cattle?

[Grandin] was so sick of all the cruelty she had witnessed on farms and in slaughterhouses that she gave up eating meat altogether. Polls show that 7.3 million Americans are vegetarians, and most of them are very healthy on a meat-free diet (including the author of this book). Another million Americans are vegans, whose diet includes no animal products at all—no eggs or milk or cheese. But when Temple gave up meat, she felt lightheaded and dizzy.

I don’t believe that meat possesses some magical property that prevents people from functioning without it, but I do know that some people who become veg*n do not research their diets properly, and do not eat a large enough variety of foods. I could see where making dietary changes would have been difficult for Grandin, as her autism causes her to process many tastes and smells as overwhelming. And, let’s face it, the meat industry is going to take a consultant more seriously if she eats their products.

On the other hand, I am glad that the author included the information of the viability of veg*n diets, which may not have appeared had the author not been vegetarian herself.

“If I had my druthers,” Temple says, “people would have evolved as plant-eaters and wouldn’t kill animals for food at all. But I don’t see the whole human race converting to vegetarianism anytime soon.” Ten billion animals in the US alone, including laying hens, provide food for people each year. What about the quality of all these animals’ lives? Don’t they matter? By choosing not to eat meat or animal products, a vegetarian or vegan saves thousands of animals from slaughter over the course of his or her lifetime.

This, to me, is the reason people like Temple Grandin and organizations such as the Humane Society of the US are so essential—because billions of animals are caught up in this system NOW, and any steps that can be taken to reduce their misery is worth it. Even if you are veg*n and promote a plant-based diet, take a look around you. The uncle who is unmoving in his conviction that God created animals for humans to use in whatever way they see fit. The co-worker whose solution to factory farming cruelty is “I just don’t think about it.” Thousands of animals will die for these individuals’ choices over their lifetimes…and no, they aren’t going to shell out for free-range, locally-raised organic. I’m with author Erik Marcus when he says that every animal born into this system is a tragedy, but we owe it to those who are to ease their suffering.

But Temple points out that if all use of animals for food—including laying hens and milking cows—were eliminated, organic agriculture wouldn’t work, because manure from animals is an essential part of this method of farming. Besides, 95 percent of Americans do eat meat, and even more eat eggs.

Ever heard of veganic crop farming?

Even if you never eat a hamburger or pork chop, you’ll find animal products everywhere. The thickening agent in Jell-O is made from the boiled bones and hides of cattle and pigs. … Even the strictest vegans use animal products in daily life whether they know it, or like it, or not: dyes that color dollar bills, oils that lubricate parts of computers and airplanes, and medicines that save human and animal lives are among the hundreds of common nonfood products made from the bodies of slain animals.

The origin of gelatin is practically learned in Veg*n 101 these days…and it’s not that difficult to avoid, at least in foods. You’ll find very few veg*ns slurping Jell-O.

As for everything else…the argument that animal products are everywhere so there’s no use avoiding any of them is a specious one. The only reason slaughter by-products show up in everything from laptops to detergent is because ten billion animals are slaughtered every year in the US. If so many animals weren’t being “processed” through the system, there obviously wouldn’t be a huge glut of their bodily byproducts at rock-bottom prices. If boiled-down bones and fats and cartilage weren’t flooding the marketplace, manufacturers would have to find other materials. (They did with whale oil, didn’t they?)

[Grandin states] “They can live better lives on a ranch than most animals live in the wild. And I’d rather die in a good slaughterhouse than be eaten alive by a coyote or lion!”

Straw-man argument alert. As human beings living in the developed world, it is highly unlikely that any of the above will happen to us. One could argue that it’s better to be shot in the head with a high-caliber rifle than bludgeoned to death with a crowbar—but do we really want either of these things??

“Many people forget that most farm animals would never have existed at all if people had not bred them.”

And we have a bingo. I’d argue that the predominant breeds of animals used in factory farming today—such as the ‘broiler’ chickens who grow so big so fast their legs can collapse underneath them—would be better off not being propagated at all. As for the healthier and more traditional livestock breeds—it’s primarily Big Ag that is driving them to extinction.

Despite the overused omni arguments, the author sprinkles throughout some grimmer facts about the modern food industry.

Temple realizes that horrible abuses of animals continue in both kosher and nonkosher slaughterhouses and on farms around the world. She’s concerned about not only her favorite animals, cattle, but also about pigs and sheep and goats and turkeys and chickens. Laying hens, she said, probably have the worst welfare of any farm animal.

Upon viewing one factory egg farm with especially poor animal welfare, Temple realized that

Cruelty had been tolerated for so long on this farm that “bad” had become the new normal. And if the management doesn’t care about animal welfare, workers follow suit.

Such seems to be the case on so many of the undercover videos captured in factory farms in recent years. Cruelty becomes work culture. There’s a great quote from Grandin on this phenomenon:

“I think we have to look at everything we do on farms this way,” Temple insists. “What would ten random people from the airport think if they saw this? What if you brought your wedding guests to this farm or packing plant? What would they think? Are you going to be proud to show them your animals—or are you going to be squirming?”

And that’s the motive behind the troubling deluge of ag-gag law proposals—instead of improving their farms into facilities they would be proud to show the public—some agribusinesses interests are simply saying “Don’t look.”

Temple can’t take millions of Americans to see the farms and plants where our food animals live and die. So she’s doing the next best thing: she’s putting video cameras in barns, feedlots, and even slaughterhouses. In some cases, only the farm manager sees the videos. In other cases, auditors are able to watch at any time, so that bad farmers can’t fake good behavior when the auditor shows up at the door. And in a few cases—anyone can see the videos—on the Internet.

I can’t think of a greater idea. If Big Ag wants to continue doing business, they’re going to have to make some big changes in their policies. Transparency and accountability are going to be the rules of the day. Don’t have anything to hide? Show us. Let the customer decide if you’re treating your animals in a sound and humane manner. It’s where things are going, and livestock companies that hide behind ag-gag legislation and other shady methods are going to be lost in the stampede.

Thank you, Temple Grandin and Sy Montgomery, for reminding that "not looking" simply doesn't cut it anymore.

Profile Image for Gwen the Librarian.
799 reviews51 followers
April 26, 2012
From book jacket and endpapers to interviews and author notes, this is a beautifully and thoughtfully crafted book. Opening with a prologue from Temple Grandin herself, it is obvious that Sy Montgomery has a great respect for her subject and took care to tell about Grandin’s life in a well-rounded way, not smoothing over bumps in her personality or the difficulties that autism present and also not putting Grandin on a pedestal in spite of her many talents and accomplishments. The friendly and detailed telling is immediately accessible to children and makes the reader want to know more about the subject. Also fascinating are copies of Grandin’s blueprints for humane animal facilities and the photographs of her many inventions from her childhood.

More than just a terrific biography, though, Montgomery has also accomplished the awesome feat of explaining how the autistic brain works, what sensory difficulties like Grandin’s must feel like, and how geniuses and eccentric people may have been undiagnosed autistics. She presents the information in an immensely helpful way for “normal” people to better understand the others we may meet. She and Grandin both also offer encouragement and tips for kids with autism so they can find their place in the world. It’s an encouraging, engaging read for kids and interested adults.
3,942 reviews26 followers
March 15, 2012
Sy Montgomery does an outstanding job with this book, managing both to chronicle the story of this truly amazing woman, and also bring an understanding of autism and its challenges to young readers. She does this while examining a subject a lot of us cringe away from - the treatment and slaughter of animals we use for food. She handles this difficult area with great skill, not shrinking from what happens but writes with a matter-of-factness that made it approachable. This had to be a challenging book to write but the result is fascinating.
Profile Image for Fran.
27 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2013
Compelling biography about Temple Grandin and her many accomplishments despite her diagnosis of autism. The book both explains autism and chronicles Temple’s life in a well written, thoughtful, and easy-to-read style. Powerful message to any student on the autism spectrum and also provides information to help other students appreciate their autistic classmates. Temple says that she would not trade her brain for a “normal” one even if she could. Wonderful photographs, graphics, and colors combine with the text to create a truly remarkable book
Profile Image for Connie D.
1,549 reviews52 followers
May 9, 2016
This is a biography of Temple Grandin written for young adults; in other words, it's the short version of her life story, which is what I wanted right now.

I appreciated learning how Temple and her mother dealt with her early autism and panic attacks. I also appreciated Grandin's advice and encouragement to others with similar issues; it's lovely that she is aware of the positives of autistic abilities. Her understanding of animals, her assistance to them through extremely clever designs, and her reasoning all impressed me.
Profile Image for Peggy.
648 reviews
March 23, 2021
After reading The Soul of An Octopus by Sy Montgomery I decided to read the biography about Temple Grandin by the same author. It is a very short version of her life and how she dealt with her autistic life. It is amazing what the right person in your life can do to help you be the best you can be! Loved it!
115 reviews
January 7, 2024
Easy to read with many illustrations and photos, this is a book for you if you have autism, or know someone who’s autistic, or if you love animals or if you just want to read the true story of someone who conquered her naysayers to make the world a better place.
Profile Image for Kristin Bateman.
421 reviews4 followers
April 11, 2019
Loved it! Even more special is that Ms. Grandin personally autographed my copy!
Profile Image for BAYA Librarian.
798 reviews42 followers
September 15, 2012
A biography of one of the world’s most well-known and respected autistic persons, Temple Grandin – an animal scientist, advocate for the humane treatment of animals, professor, and revolutionary –overcame monumental challenges and changed the way an entire industry understands animals. Grandin was born in an era when autism was considered juvenile schizophrenia; her own father called her “retarded” and “crazy” and tried to institutionalize her, but Grandin’s mother supported her as the bullied daughter navigated her way through school, college, and into worlds dominated by (often intolerant and bigoted) males –ranching, factory farming, and engineering .

Autism is explained as a mental condition still not well-understood and often marked by a strong reaction to sensory overload, panic attacks, obsessive attention to detail, disinclination towards change, photographic memory, thinking in imagery rather than words, and a disconnect to the subtleness of human emotions. Grandin believes that her condition allows her to think like an animal – especially prey or farmed animals such as cows, horses, and pigs – and to intuit what triggers fear, anxiety, or peacefulness in them. Believing that worldwide vegetarianism is unrealistic, the focus of her work is to eradicate fear and abusive treatment in factory farms and ranches, to acknowledge that animals have feelings and to provide them decent, careful treatment and a dignified death. She strives to set and maintain industry standards that demand transparency and accountability and to support these goals nationwide. In striving to achieve these goals, Grandin has become one of the leading minds in her field and consults corporate giants such as McDonalds; her exceptional problem-solving skills, bravery in the face of adversity, and unprecedented work are inspirational and well-documented in this book.

The early chapters focus on Grandin’s infancy and school days; like others with her condition, she was unable to speak until age five and used outbursts and gestures to communicate. Concepts like neuro-diversity and the celebration of learning differences are explained and explored, and it is clear that Grandin’s success was achieved because of, not simply in spite of, her autism. Descriptions of her life are intimate and informative in this balanced and thoughtful biography. Pronunciation guides, “fast facts,” and lists of resources enhance the content, as do Grandin’s own words in the forward and her “advice for kids.” This well-illustrated and neatly packaged book is geared towards tweens and would appeal to middle school students. Some graphic depictions of animal abuse and slaughter could be disturbing, but are crucial to a full understanding of the subject. Highly recommended for school and public libraries; for students in grades 4+.
Profile Image for LaRae☕️.
649 reviews8 followers
April 20, 2023
Temple Grandin is a remarkable woman and I admire her so much. This book is a fantastic look for young readers at how she used the gifts autism has given her to change the way livestock animals are cared for, in a way no other person could have. It is both informative and inspiring.
Profile Image for Barbara.
14.1k reviews300 followers
November 12, 2017
Once again, Sy Montgomery uses her gift with words to explore a fascinating subject--in this case, autism and Temple Grandin, who may be one of the best known individuals with autism. In thirteen chapters, the author describes Grandin's growing up years and her mother's determination to find the right school for her daughter while her father wanted her institutionalized. Deftly, Montgomery finds the words to describe how Temple experiences her world, often seeing highly detailed images rather than simple outlines. She defines and characterizes autism and describes Temple's struggles to be respected for her abilities and not limited by what some might term her "disabilities." She includes comments from Temple's classmates and describes some of her successful educational experiences as well as how she was teased and bullied by classmates as she grew older. The book is filled with mementoes from Grandin's life, including photographs, awards, and blueprints of the animal-friendly livestock handling systems she has designed, many of which are now used in stockyards across the world. Because Temple connects with animals such as cattle on such a deep level, she understands what makes them nervous, and considers those fears when working on her designs. The author works hard to balance the controversial topic of using animals for food, and Grandin points out that since so many humans rely on animals for food, the least we can do is to allow them to die with dignity. I would have liked to know more about she made the transition from school into the world of work and what sorts of relationships she develops with others. What a fascinating person she is! I want to know even more.
10 reviews
June 1, 2015
Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World was a good read. This book is an eye opener. It not only explains what autism is, it also teaches us that anything is possible. I liked that the book gave a clear visual about how someone with autism view the world around them. I felt extremely educated by the book, I knew, like many of us know about autism, but it was extremely helpful to be told how an autistic brain functions. I knew there were differences when it came to how they sense things, but had no idea they thought in images rather than words, which explains why some don’t develop the spoken language.

I like the message this book carries. It not only teaches us about who Temple is, it also teaches us the power of perseverance. I am sure this book will inspire others to keep dreaming and never giving up, despite what others might say or think as Temple did. I’m glad I read this book because it taught me so much that I can in return teach someone else.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wanting to learn more about autism or someone who has been blessed with a special someone with autism in their life. I feel like this book would benefit all children because it teaches about accepting others differences, a concept I believe all children should be exposed to. This book is simply written, and yet it explains so much in such simple language. I know many people's views regarding Autism will change after reading this book I know mine did.
Profile Image for Darlene.
1,829 reviews201 followers
December 27, 2016
I was lucky enough to pick this up from my local library system through Overdrive. My friend, Cheryl, wrote an intriguing review that had me searching it out. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1...

I had hoped to read while listening but the ebook but it didn't come to me in time. That was okay. It provided my background entertainment while I worked on the charity hats and dolls. The reader, Meredith Mitchell, kept me involved in the story of Temple Grandin's life.

I have read other books about and by Ms. Grandin. Though this book is for young people, I found it more thorough than the others in covering the aspects of autism, living with it and knowing someone who has it. The author was able to bring this disorder to the understanding that a young person would need.

Something that I felt when reading this book and others about autism is that I think there are levels of this that many of us have. The sensitivities Temple had to scratchy clothing or loud noises or too many people or strong light I can relate to. The inability to connect to others, especially in a crowded room, I can understand, too. Knowing that Ms. Grandin found ways to make her disability work for her in her life gives us all inspiration to see how we can overcome our own problems.

Though this is for children, it is neither a short book nor pablum for babies. I felt there was a lot of depth to the stories told and much to learn for all of us. Please, seek it out and see how you like it.

Profile Image for Wendy.
952 reviews168 followers
November 12, 2012
A good, fun read, though not necessarily on a literary level--I didn't see anything to make this a Newbery. In particular, the organization felt haphazard at times, and the language is occasionally clunky. ("Back then, that future seemed farther away than the clouds in the sky." Maybe an attempt at putting a visual to a concept in order to mimic Grandin's thinking? It readsawkwardly to me.) Sometimes the author throws in clauses that seem apropos of nothing, making me wonder what point she was trying to make: "That theory was made popular in a best-selling book by Bruno Bettelheim, a doctor who had survived a Nazi concentration camp and who thought something awful must have happened to young autistic patients to make them so withdrawn." (p. 20) What does the doctor's Holocaust history have to do with his misguided theories on autism? I'm also puzzled by the author's statement within the book that she is a vegetarian. Is that an appropriate declaration of bias, or is it advocacy? On the other hand, I eat eggs, dairy, and meat now, myself--I didn't for many years--but even so, I thought some of it was sort of an apologia. I'd rather just hear "most people eat meat so we'd better treat animals right" than explanations about how farm animals wouldn't exist if people didn't farm them, and so on.

A good book, one that many kids will enjoy and that might inspire many, but I didn't find it exceptionally well-written on a Newbery level.
Profile Image for Victoria.
2,512 reviews68 followers
December 6, 2012
For younger readers, this book serves as a wonderful introduction into more than a simple biography of Temple Grandin’s life, but also works to introduce children to autism, animal welfare and offers advice that would be helpful to higher functioning children on the autism spectrum, as well as to other children. A solid overview of Grandin’s life is given here, with details about her schooling as well as her professional successes. Her extraordinary life, and the way she far surpassed all the expectations for her career and life will be inspirational to children and parents alike. And though much of the information here has been included in her books for adults (like Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior and Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals), younger readers may be inspired to tackle these more difficult books after finishing this one (with the help of an adult, if necessary). This is a book sure to spark necessary discussions - either in the home or the classroom. Very well done!
Profile Image for Arminzerella.
3,746 reviews90 followers
June 3, 2012
Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism when she was a small child (back in the days when autism wasn’t well-known or understood). Her father thought she should be institutionalized, but her mother worked hard to keep her daughter at home and give her the opportunities that “normal” children had. Temple didn’t always have it easy as she struggled to overcome many of the obstacles autistic people face (inability to read people’s expressions, sensitivity to noise/light/crowds, anxiety, teasing, bullying, etc.), but she was able to use her interests in animal welfare (particularly cattle) to create a career for herself and better conditions for farm animals throughout the food industry. Her unique ability to understand how animals think and to see what they see allows her to design more humane ways to keep them happy and healthy while they are alive and comfortable and calm on their way to slaughter. This engaging biography is a wonderful introduction to a fascinating woman who has really made what many see as a disability (her autism) work for – instead of against – her. The audio edition is well-executed, but readers may also want to take a look at the print version for the full visual effect (photos, illustrations, blueprints of Temple’s designs).
Profile Image for Alicia.
7,270 reviews141 followers
July 19, 2015
Gosh, I'm in love with everything Temple Grandin stands for, everything she's fought for, everything she's imparted. She is a hero.

This book (and I want to explore the others) are absolutely spot-on in worshiping her for the intelligence, thoughtfulness, and drive that she has irregardless of her autism. Growing up in a time when autism wasn't understood and was likely to get you institutionalized and labeled (as her father wanted), her mother fought to understand and figure her out. What did she do? She revolutionized the agriculture industry and I love the dichotomy they mention with both winning awards from PETA and the agriculture community. She's in-demand but doesn't seek much (as they mention that at close to sixty, she's husbandless, childless, with a simple home and continued dreams to affect change-- she's not slowing down). She's introspective and awesome as a cattle-whisper.

Likewise the science the book imparts along with her biography is presented phenomenally, easily, and thoughtfully. I would love kids to dive in and she is an awesome candidate for any project on people who have overcome obstacles.
Profile Image for Joan.
2,240 reviews
April 9, 2013
This was a fascinating book! Grandin is an Asperger's Syndrome person. Often these people get deeply involved in their passions. Grandin's happened to be cows and other livestock animals. She has produced huge changes in how the livestock industry works. Because of her condition she has an uncanny aptitude for placing herself in the mindset of various animals, especially cows. She is probably the only person ever to win awards from both the livestock organizations and PETA. She has made life incredibly better for livestock. At the same time, she is an advocate for Autism people. She says that she wouldn't give up her Asperger's Syndrome if she could because it has made her life the success it has been. Sy Montgomery wrote an empathetic book that also reminds young people that different isn't bad and that animals deserve compassion and kindness from us.

I read this because of SLJ's Battle of the Books (BOB). The judge gave this such an enthusiastic review that I had to read it!

I might come back and add to this review later. Right now it is bedtime!
Profile Image for Tracey.
2,031 reviews58 followers
June 2, 2013
I breezed through this memoir co-authored by Grandin and Sy Montgomery in ebook format, courtesy of the Indiana Digital Media online library consortium. I didn't realize until I started reading that it's basically a YA book, with age-appropriate vocabulary, sentence structure and tone. However, that in no way takes away from the work; in fact, I can see it becoming a valuable resource for teachers and parents working with young people on the autistic spectrum.

While I was already familiar with the basics of her career from her other books, I enjoyed the look at her younger years, as well as the wealth of pictures and illustrations. This book also gives a very good overview of how her work has improved the lives of livestock without going into gory detail (tho it comes close in one short section). Recommended to anyone interested in a engaging biography that illustrates overcoming obstacles in a straightforward, non-cloying way.
Profile Image for Nora.
21 reviews
October 3, 2014
This book was really inspirational, it’s about a girl who was born with autism and didn’t think the way “normal” people do. She couldn’t read peoples’ faces, which made interacting in a “normal” way harder. But she was amazingly smart, and could make inventions she knew would work, not in spite of her autism, but because of it. She loved animals, and when she found out about how animals were treated at slaughterhouses, she began to think of new ways to make these animals’ last days much better, and better for the farmers, who know that stressed-out cows don’t have as much meat. She did it despite the fact that nearly everyone was telling her that she should give up, because she was a girl,and because she had autism. I Would recommend this book to anyone who likes reading about that sort of thing.
36 reviews2 followers
November 24, 2014
Montgomery, S. (2012). Temple Grandin: How the girl who loved cows embraced autism and changed the world. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Starred Review School Library Journal April 2012
How this book made it past an editor I will never know. This book is not written in person first language and throws around the R word too many times. I was listening to this book while driving my daughter to daycare and had to turn it off when she was in the car with me because the language was so degrading. Temple Grandin’s life sends a very positive message of overcoming adversity, but I could not get past the wording used in this book. I would not use this book in my classroom, if I did use it would be to show how powerful words are. Grades 2-5.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 589 reviews

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