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Remembering Love

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When all is lost, how do you remember love? When her beloved foster parents pass away, Holly discovers a past both shocking and heartbreaking: the murder/suicide of her biological parents on the South Pacific island of Pitcairn, famous for the HMAV Bounty mutineers. Travelling to a home she does not remember, Holly reconnects with long-lost childhood friend Jack. An old friendship quickly becomes more...until a dark secret is uncovered. Will joyous love remembered become heartbreak? Can she find out the truth before someone else is hurt?

152 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2013

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About the author

Nadine Christian

6 books168 followers
Nadine Christian lives on Pitcairn Island, a small isle in the middle of the South Pacific, with her five children, four goats, two cats and thirty chickens. With its rich maritime history, Pitcairn’s romantic past comes alive in her novels, capturing the taste of life on an isolated tropical island, miles from the rush and bustle of normal city life.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
June 20, 2013
Holly Christian is returning to the remote island of Pitcairn after many years. Since being orphaned at age five, she has lived with a loving foster family in New Zealand with no memories of her young childhood or birth parents. Now she wants to know where she came from, and wants the truth about her parents.
Full review posted in the June 2013 issue of InD'tale Magazine

Cool story...link to review will be posted when it's published for InD'tale magazine, but I wanted to show a couple of cool pictures and share some wow factor for this little tiny place that I'd never before heard of, Pitcairn Island.

-- It's a tiny, tiny, tiny island somewhere not off the coast of New Zealand but people usually leave New Zealand to get there.

-- It's listed as one of the 10 most remote populated places in the world.

-- The population varies, but as of now, it's somewhere around 60!!!! Whoa!

-- This author, Nadine Christian, is a resident of this lovely tropical paradise...
Profile Image for Richard Bunning.
Author 19 books90 followers
February 20, 2013
I feel I have to start with Pitcairn Island rather than the book. This island is one of four lumps of rock and/or coral sticking out of the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Only Pitcairn itself is inhabited, being one of the most isolated communities on Earth. The population of under a hundred is predominantly descended from the Mutineers of the Bounty and a few Tahitians, who voluntarily, or not, joined the group. In 1790 just nine individuals 6 men 11 women and a baby found the then deserted island and settled. Since that date the permanent population has never been greater than 240, and is now only a quarter of that number. In recent times the young have tended to leave, firstly for education and secondly for the benefits of the wider world. This problem is now shared by nearly all isolated communities. The life blood is constantly drained, and often faster than it can be transfused.
So what has all this got to do with this fiction novel? Everything! Nadine Christian is the writer in permanent residence, which on my count makes these Islands the most densely concentrated pool of writing talent on Earth. Christian draws heavily on her experience of living on the Island, and of its connections with the rest of the world. The romance is beautifully crafted with a great range of characters, and pulls in so many of the benefits, and problems, both physical and psychological, for communities living in such intense isolation. I really felt I was there, observing a real drama unfold, watching what happens when the pressure cooker of life explodes amongst such an unavoidably tight knit community. The backdrop is truly romantic and at the same time brutally claustrophobic. We see people living in a goldfish bowl when the water is outside.
So what was wrong with the book? Very little, except that in the version I read there were a variety of small typo and sentence construction errors. They may be enough to put off a few pernickety readers, which would be a great pity. Taken as a whole the book reads very well, painting some really beautifully crafted pictures. We look in vivid colour at domestic violence, psychological abuse, passionate and emotional love, lived in and desolate rooms and landscapes, and at the good and bad in people at many stages of life. There is certainly plenty here for the reader of genre romance, which I am only rarely, as well as for those who just like a good read, irrespective of the category a book is pigeonholed in.
Nadine Christian, author, will never have quite the fame of Fletcher Christian, mutineer; but in her own way I think she might well have done almost as much for the future of the Pitcairn Islands as its infamous founding father. Of course, that will require people taking the time to read her stories. I must admit that I only read the book to feed the thin "romantic" ideas I had about Pitcairn. In the process I stumbled upon a more than entertaining story teller; a most fortuitous accident. (This is a Bookpleasures review)
Profile Image for The BookChick .
1,454 reviews428 followers
June 23, 2013
My Rating: ❤❤❤½
GOOD: The characteristics of a 3 heart book include: interesting characters, a decent storyline, and unique story elements; there was something about the story that I didn’t completely connect with; the book is a solid read. I would recommend it to a friend.
This book was provided by the author for an honest review.

My Thoughts:
Remembering Love was a very sweet and emotional story that chronicled the troubled life of Holly Christian. At the tender age of 5 years old, her world was ripped asunder by the murder/suicide of her parents. Taken from her home on Pitcairn island, Holly is placed with a loving foster family in New Zealand, leaving her world and her memories of the island behind. After the death of her foster parents, Holly discovers that she's had a whole other life before -- a life that was filled with death and violence. Her world is once again turned on its axis as she begins to uncover details of her former life. Prompted by her foster sister Rosy, Holly decides to make the pilgrimage back to Pitcairn. That decision places her on a collision course with fate and destiny in the form of her childhood friend, Jack Quintal. Sadly, Holly's memories are still locked away and she doesn't remember who Jack is at all. But Jack is not deterred. He inserts...or reinserts rather...himself into Holly's life and becomes the strong and stalwart presence that he always was. As adults, Jack and Holly's relationship no longer has the childlike innocence of their youth. Their feelings are instant, intense, and wholly grown up. As their feeling for one another deepen, Holly begins to uncover more details, darker details, about her life. There wasn't just a murder/suicide but jealousy, hate, infidelity, and lies. Holly and Jack must sort through entrenched layers of the past to uncover the truth.

I appreciated the sweetness of this story. In some ways it read like a Harlequin romance because the sex scenes were not in-depth descriptions of their passionate activities but had the fade-to-black feel present in so many of the older Harlequins. The story was also very emotional in the hows and whys behind Holly's past and how her past directly intersected with Jack and his father James' past. Their story was actually heartbreaking once the details were fully discovered. I was only saddened by the fact that James was not present when Holly discovered the truth. And as with every romance, there is a villain or some conflict. The villain in this story came in the form of a grizzled, bitter older woman, Maise. *Sigh* She was trouble and I grew to dislike her more and more with each subsequent page. Regardless of her intentions, her motives were vile and destructive leading to years and years of heartbreak for many people.

Remembering Love was an engaging love story with compelling characters who certainly had a story to tell.
Profile Image for Deborah Sastroredjo.
176 reviews42 followers
May 23, 2013
You authors are gonna be the death of me someday. Yes, I foresee in my future paramedics finding me dead in my bed, clutching my kindle for dear life. Cause of death? Well sleep exhaustion of course!!! And it's all *YOUR* fault! Yes, all of you typing away on your typewriters and computers and laptops. Hey do some of you still use pen and paper? Well still your fault!

AND I LOVE IT, so never stop writing.

The latest culprit is the writer of this book. When I started the book I was kind of busy, so I picked at a few pages here and picked at a few pages there and it seemed nice, but kind of slow. But then I got into bed, exhausted, because I had a late shift last night, thinking I would read a little and then fall asleep. And here I am, two hours later, still haven't slept a wink and about to gush how much I *LOVED* the book!

It has love, deceit and intrigue. It touches foster care lightly - all you foster parents out there: HEROES! - and then... Yeah, I can't give the story away now can I?

But I can assure you, it is totally amazeballs, so read it!!!!

Profile Image for Stephanie.
8 reviews
May 7, 2013

This book was actually suggested to me by Nadine Christian herself! I have to say I am so glad she did because it is one of the most amazing books I have ever read. Nadine Christian herself seems so lovely and is obviously very talented. I started this book around 11am today and finished 3 hours later, left feeling as though I wanted to read it again.
It is different to what I have read before there is so much more mystery around the secrets in this book compared to others which drop big hints. I think thats what I loved most about Remembering Love, the fact i knew there was a big secret waiting to come out and the build up to it was fantastic.

This book was written in Third person, omniscient. This is when the narrator follows the actions and thoughts of all the characters. Nadine has done really well here as other books I have read written in this narrative have became really confusing, this is the first story I have not got confused about and have been able to follow every little action and thought from each character.

This story is an interesting one as there are so many deaths and you can feel heartbreak for each one. You can also feel the frustration Holly is going through to find out information about her real parents, especially when James died without telling her everything. Thank god for her mother’s diary! Although to read the ending with her her mother’s diary it was heartbreaking!

The characters are really relatable and I love how everyone is close together on the island I loved all of the characters and could feel the chemistry between them. I wish I has a best friend like Kristy. The one character that really annoyed me was Masie, she was so frustrating always calling Celeste and Holly whores and then to find out it was actually Masie that was having the affair with James I wanted to kill that woman myself. The worst bit was she made Holly and Jack question their relationship as friends/lovers by dropping the “you are brother and sister” bomb on them! So much love for this book I could go on all day about how much Masie ticked me off and how much I adored the relationships between the characters.

Another thing that really had me hooked was the location knowing Nadine is from the island of Pitcairn it made me feel more like I was there, the description of the island and reading how they have to walk around with a torch at night, how there is such a small population there and everyone knows each other, also the part about the ghost birds and how their electricity is generated, shows it was all from Nadines own knowledge of her home island. Its really interesting to know this is where Nadine lives, this is her home and she is sharing it in her book. She has made it sound like such a loving community and a beautiful place to live. After reading this I researched the island a little and it is now on my bucket list to visit Pitcairn.
Many authors live in one country and base their book in another, and when reading you can sometimes tell they are not from the place of which they set their book in from little things like the weather, slang and even the characters. Whereas this book you can tell straight away it has a personally streak in from the author.

I don’t think I have anything bad to say about this book other than I want to read so much more about the peoples lives on the island! It is just so interesting. I suggest to everyone to research the island of Pitcairn, and to also read this amazing book.
Also I think it would be really cool if there was another book based back when Celeste and Sammy were alive and to tell Celestes story or maybe even James’s as he knew the mother and Holly personally.

I loved this book so much I will for sure be reading it again!
I am going to give it a 5/5 and suggest that everyone reads this. This book should have so much more recognition and so many more readers because it is honestly magnificent. I’m in love yet again with another book.
I hope you have enjoyed my review and wish for everyone else to enjoy this book as much as I did.

Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
October 13, 2013
Ebook Giveaway
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Nadine Christian is Giving Away
a PDF Ebook Copy of
Remembering Love
to (2) Two Lucky Rafflecopter Winners
October 13 - 20, 2013

Holly Christian is returning to her childhood home, the South Pacific Island of Pitcairn. Tragically orphaned as a small child and place in foster care on New Zealand, Holly has no memories of her family or the devastating circumstances behind their deaths. Now she is coming back to discover what truly happened all those years ago.

Jack was Holly's childhood best friend. Although Holly doesn't remember Jack, he comes back into her life like she never left. Romantic feelings ignite. But as Holly's memories start to re-emerge what startling secrets will she remember and how will it effect Holly and Jack's relationship?

Not everyone is happy to see Holly return. Not only does she have to face the raw and brutal emotions of remembering but the hatred and mechanization of a bitter person that tried to destroy her life once...will they succeed again? I have to say, Holly is a better person than I. My dislike of Maise only grew as the story progresses. I guess on the Island with a population less than my cul de sac you have to be a bit more forgiving.

This is a story about remembering home. The island life and residences are mostly charming and welcoming (with a big exceptions).

The sexual interactions is steamy but not erotically described keeping Holly and Jack's romance sweet only conflicted by others' secrets.

Remembering Love was a sweet and heart touching story of love, with a very bitter and vile intended antagonist and a tropical island paradise setting that will stick in your dreams.

I received a copy of Remembering Love from Nadine Christian in exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Kaylyn.
171 reviews18 followers
May 29, 2013
~4.5 Stars~
It wasn’t my normal read but I think that is part of the reason I enjoyed so well. It was an extremely different change of pace and was very intense emotionally. It has heartbreaking moments and you might need a tissue or two. Or at least I did.

Holly doesn’t remember anything about her childhood on Pitcairn Island. She blocked it out because it was so traumatic. She was in the woods when her father murdered her mother and killed herself. She went to the island to learn more about them and see if she can find out why it happened. What she got was hatred, pettiness and downright lies. I don’t know how she didn’t turn bitter about what she found because I would have been full of anger.

Jack loved Holly when she was 5 years old and once he sees her all grown up, he know his feelings haven’t changed. He was there when Holly’s dad murdered his mom. He wants to help her remember and help her fall for him. His dad has Alzheimer’s which makes things even more confusing and hard.

Massie is a evil, judgmental, hypocritical bitch. Can you tell I hated her? She spreads rumors and makes things twice as hard on Holly. Her nephew was Sammy (Holly’s Dad) and she thought he could do no wrong even though he murdered his wife. Life would have been a lot happier without her intervening.

This is a romance the focuses on the story with very little sex. I was completely enthralled and couldn’t wait to see how it ended. I was shocked and pissed when I found out what happened but I think that is the mark of a good book. To me a good book makes me become emotionally invested and this book did that. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a romance that is on the sweeter scale.
Profile Image for April Wood.
Author 3 books59 followers
December 15, 2013
"When all is lost, how do you remember love?"

Holly returns to her native homeland Pitcairn Island to find out about her deceased parents, learn about where she is from, and fill in the blanks of a life forgotten. Much like her mother, she becomes the subject of rumors and is harassed by a bitter old woman named Maise who stirs up nothing but trouble. As she puts together the puzzle of her past, she leans on Jack, a childhood friend from Pitcairn.

Jack falls in love with Holly, but Maise won't have any of it, and starts a vicious rumor that even Holly fears may be true. Had it not of been for a tragedy that brought Jack and Holly back together, Holly may have never "remembered love".

The story opens up with a bang, (literally), and kept me fully interested throughout. Remembering Love, by Nadine Christian had me dabbing at my eyes one moment and laughing the next. The characters are genuine, and the story dramatic. Jack is a one of a kind guy, and he makes for an amazing hero. He can handle Holly with all her baggage, and (understandable) emotional outbursts. It was nice to read a romance that had such a strong drama theme to it. In other words, this wasn't your regular romantic "light" read.

I loved this story and I'm giving Remembering Love 5 stars!

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***I was given an E-Copy of this book by the Author for a fair & honest review.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews405 followers
September 12, 2014
I've managed to read this in just under a day. Nadine has a lovely way with words and making the characters become real.

Nadine Christian gave me this book as an ARC for a honest and open review, which this is.

I honestly loved it! I was hooked from the start, I just love it when a book opens to me right away and you get trapped in the storyline, that's what it did to me. I hear so many people say "I couldn't put this book down" and I'd think....yeah ok. BUT this book is a unput downable. I have to warn you, it teases you in, and it traps you, you can't get any sleep, you want to keep reading more, you can't get any chores done, so beware, give your house a once over, take the phone out the socket, put a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door, you won't be able to stop reading it.

This is not a hype for the book, this is MY honest review. I'm a fussy reader, if I can't get 'into' a book right away then I just know I may as well give up, its not the case with this one I can assure you. My emotions were all over the place.

I've found yet another fav author. Brilliant penmanship.
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,932 reviews414 followers
October 11, 2013
This book was totally fabulous. The author sent me this in return for an honest review. I'm so glad she did or I'd have missed out on reading a wonderful story from a brilliant author.

This book sucked me right in from the start. In part of it I found myself jumping up & saying oh my dayz I didn't expect that!!!!!
Really hope I get to read more from this brilliant author.
Profile Image for Janet.
5 reviews
February 9, 2013

I enjoyed this book so much, I've already read it twice. Chapter 10 made me tear up both times. It's a wonderful romance tied into the traditions of a South Pacific Island. A wonderful place called Pitcairn.
Profile Image for Torie.
1 review
February 7, 2013
Good book couldn't put it down till I was done. Mystery / Love Story.
June 17, 2013
Nadine Christian's Remembering Love is part love story, part gorgeous geography, and part mystery. Our protagonist Holly is devastated at the loss of her foster parents, but there are far more secrets to come. She learns that of the murder/ suicide of her biological parents on the South Pacific island of Pitcairn, famous for the HMAV Bounty mutineers. She has no memory of her homeland and as she begins her journey through the pains of death, she discovers the light in the darkness.

This is an alluring novel in every capacity. The characters draw you in with their very emotional intensity. Holly's a writer, on the cusp of success, when the pain of loss hits her squarely head on. Christian's quiet intensity in her prose brings Holly's confusion and emptiness into sharp focus. The insular community of the island, with its claustrophobic closeness gives the novel an underlying pressure that heightens and parallels Holly's emotional turmoil. Christian's descriptions of the geography of the island were stunning and lured me in just as powerfully as the plot and characters.

My only issue was the character of Massie. She was too narrowly drawn and predictable. It became too easy to anticipate her thoughts, actions, and motivations. Other than Massie, Remembering Love is a glorious read.

Profile Image for Roseanna.
338 reviews3 followers
February 14, 2014
This is the first I have read of Nadine Christian. I was pleasantly surprised how engrossed I became in this book, once I got past the first chapter or so. I know everything is not always unicorns and rainbows in families, but it’s not my favorite thing to read about tragic happenings to very young children. I was glad when that part was over, and we found out how her life turned out. Then came the page turning adventure. This island was like a Mayberry, tropical paradise, and a soap opera all rolled into one. My god, all the drama, romance, suspense, cattiness, it was awesome. I had no idea where the story was leading from page to page. I love books that keep you guessing and are not easy to figure out mid-way through. The characters were so well developed they leaped off the page. Some characters you’re going to love, some you’re going to love to hate. I am starting on book two of the series now. I can’t wait to see what else may happen on the Island.

Reviewed by confessions of a booklovinjunkie blog
1 review
February 28, 2013
A sad tale with a happy ending, a delightful mystery with a sweetly blossoming romance. The characters are well formed and easy to relate to. The locale is exotic, yet you feel as if you are right there, smelling the flowers and the sea breezes (You WISH you were right there too!). Nadine has done a wonderful job at crafting her tale, but more than that...she has done a fantastic job at making this reader feel as if she were there on Pitcairn for a bit and in the midst of the story. Want it in Audible form to hear the awesome accents!!!
Profile Image for Marie Fostino.
Author 15 books98 followers
April 5, 2013
I read this book called Remembering Love by Nadine Christian. When I got into the first chapter I was supprised to see it was not at all what I had imagined. Yep it caught my interest. I love when I read about two people with that chemistry that flows into true love. The story had me guessing as to what was going on and with whom. I was torn between the past and the present & the love and the hate. I was all wrapped up in the story. Thank you Nadine for this suspence romance story.
Profile Image for Debs.
233 reviews17 followers
May 26, 2013
I just loved, loved. loved this book. I rec'd it from the author asking for an honest review and even though I had never ever heard of the island of Pitcairn in my life, I fell in love with the descriptions the author gave about the island. (By the way can I come visit Nadine??)
It was a heartfelt book filled with love & mystery. The characters were all well written and I totally hated Masie and fell in love with Jack and Holly. If I were you, I would definitely read this book!!
Profile Image for Julia.
60 reviews1 follower
February 21, 2013
Remembering Love is unique, sexier, and more captivating than the usual romantic best sellers people prattle on about. I wrote a longer review about it here, but I must admit I am a little biased because I am excited about anything that has to do with Pitcairn:

138 reviews5 followers
February 12, 2013
I really enjoyed this book, it had an interesting story that made me want to pick it up every night and gave a little peak into life on an island that I could only hope to visit one day. I would love to see more books exploring lives of other people in the island
Profile Image for Robin Malone.
76 reviews12 followers
September 10, 2013
I was given this book by the Author, Nadine Christian, for an honest review and so I shall deliver.

The Review:

Holly experienced a horrific tragedy when she was 5 yrs old. Her father killed her mother, then turned the gun on himself. Right after, she was taken into foster care. Luckily she had amazing foster parents and she grew up loved, finding success as an author and with no memory of her past. She doesn't find out anything until after her foster parents die and she finds news articles and pictures of her parents in a box. She feels the pull to Pitcairn Island, where her mother and father lived with her and she has so many questions. It begins to affect her writing and she knows it's time to find out the secrets her past holds and her memory has locked away.

When she goes back, she meets up with her childhood friend, Jack. She doesn't remember him at first, but she feels an immediate connection with him, so they begin to spend time together. Soon rumors begin to fly about Holly's mother(Celeste) and it's up to Jack and Holly to sort them out. Jack's father knew Celeste better than anyone, but Alzheimers has whittled his memories and only on rare moments does he have clarity. It's during these moments he gives Holly pieces of important information, but Masie, his caretaker, causes trouble, distorting things with lies and hate.

Jack sat forward and spoke in a voice that left Masie no doubt
that he was serious. "Masie? I appreciate all you do for Dad, but
what you're insinuating is just plain bull. It's hurtful, untrue and
based on gossip that was half baked twenty years ago and is worse
now. Cut. It. Out."

Masie's face colored a deep purple, her lips pressed so firmly
together they almost disappeared off her face into her mouth. She
shook a finger angrily in his face.

"I know what I know young man. You were too young to see it,
but I wasn't."

No longer afraid to look into his eyes, she glared at Jack, mouth
spitting venomous words.

I hated Masie...with a complete and utter passion. But I loved Jack and Holly's story. It was so sweet. Childhood friends, trying to make things work in the middle of chaos.

She closed her eyes tight with the agony of the hunger for his
touch. She gasped as his thumbs made slow swirls around her nipples, erect with desire. Waves of pleasure radiated out from his
combined ministrations to her breasts and his mouth as it traveled
back up her slender neck to her mouth. He claimed it, kissing
her hard, passion overcoming good sense.

With a guttural moan he lost control as her mouth responded
to his urgency. Lifting a taut, denim clad thigh, she curled her leg
around his waist, tilting her hips, and opening herself up to him.
His mind tipped into madness as he realized if they were naked,
he could plunge into her right now, deep into the very core of her.

They had the passion, but were they doing something completely and utterly wrong? A secret could be revealed, that could tear them apart, ruining not only their love, but their lives. It could also be the reason why Holly's parents had such a tragic ending. There was only three people who knew the truth. One was dead, the other's memories locked away by a disease and the other one was hell bent on keeping that secret from ever being found out, no matter the cost.

I screamed in anger, I laughed, I cried and I "awwwed", but most of all, I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN!! It went everywhere with me until I had finished every single word...and then I was left with this amazing sense of "WOW!" I LOVED LOVED LOVED "Remembering Love"!! This was one of the best books I've read and I can't express it enough, buy this book!

Because of all this, is why I'm giving it the rating I am and also is the reason "Remembering Love" is in the Indie Spotlight on my website!!

Profile Image for Book Binge.
838 reviews155 followers
August 1, 2013
Will joyous love remembered become heartbreak? Can she find out the truth before someone else is hurt?

As long as Holly can remember she lived in a foster home with loving foster parents. They never told her about her past before the age of 5 but when they both pass on and she helps clean up their possessions she finds out the truth. She is actually the child of a couple who lived on remote Pitcairn Island and she became an orphan because of her parents’ murder/suicide. She is shocked at the info but also confused as she can’t remember anything. She is also curious as to what happened with her parents and what would cause their deaths. Holly travels to Pitcairn and moves into the house that she lived in as a child. She is greeted with enthusiasm by her neighbor Jack who was a great friend of hers at one time but she can’t remember him either.

Jack is a Pitcairn native but had moved off the island for a time. He came back to live permanently and ended up moving in with his father who had Alzheimer’s. His father, James, was lucid part of the time but when he first meets Holly he believes that she is Holly’s mother Celeste. He lets on what great friends that he and Celeste were but Holly can’t get all the info from him without upsetting him.

Jack soon realizes that he has more than friendship feelings for Holly and tries to move quickly with her feeling that she is his soul mate. Holly tries to slow things down but she feels just as Jack does. They almost end up sleeping together until the evil Masie spews her nastiness and says they could be half-siblings because of the rumors that James and Celeste had an affair way back when. Holly is understandably upset but it doesn’t stop her from trying to get to the bottom of things.

This was a good story overall. I really liked Holly and her persistence. The thought of moving from all you know to a very, very, very remote island takes some guts, that’s for sure. I admired her determination to not let anything stand in her way and she did it with a kind heart and didn’t stomp all over everyone to get what she wanted.

I also liked Jack a lot after about half the book. When we first meet him as an adult he seemed strange to me. Yes, he was happy to see Holly after all those years but it was almost a creepy giddiness that I didn’t care for. Actually Holly acted a bit that was too but not quite as much as Jack. He seemed much more mature and definitely not creepy as the book wore on, that’s for sure.

The rumors that had flown around Pitcairn all those years ago about James and Celeste were started by Masie who had a tendre for James. She was an spiteful, evil woman who opened her mouth and the devil flew out of it. She constantly called both Celeste and Holly whores and was just not a nicer person. Holly was much nicer to the woman than I would have been that’s for sure. There were a couple of others in the town that treated Holly with disdain as well and I couldn’t quite figure that out and we were never told why that was.

The relationship with Jack and Holly was quick but nice. It was a slightly disturbing to thing that they might be related yet were making out but in the back of my mind I didn’t really think they were so I didn’t mind all that much.

In the end it was an interesting read. I liked reading about Pitcairn as it sounds like a lovely island (although with a very strange language, imho) and the romance was nice.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

This review was originally posted on Book Binge by Tracy.
Profile Image for Silver Petticoat.
233 reviews73 followers
October 21, 2013
Long lost friends, a murder shrouded in mystery, and a past buried deep within the recesses of the mind; Nadine Christian’s debut romance novel, Remembering Love, is sure to take your breath away. This should be no surprise as it deservedly won the 2013 Reader’s Favorite Silver Medal Award.

The story begins with two children: Jack and Holly. Carefree and playing hide and seek, they suddenly become witnesses to the murder/suicide of Holly’s parents. Jump ahead twenty years to an adult Holly with no memory of her past life or her old friend. She’s grown up happily with loving foster parents who have only just recently passed. When she finds the evidence of her past life among her foster parent’s boxed up belongings, she begins a quest to discover who she was and what exactly happened that fateful day.

Along the way Holly meets up with her childhood friend, Jack, now all grown up and dangerously attractive. The two rediscover their friendship and love for each other as Holly works to regain the lost memories of her childhood and parents and find the answers to the questions surrounding her parents’ deaths. Nadine Christian mixes mystery with romance in this haunting and at times heartbreaking tale.
A Pitcairn Island native, the author chose to set her story there as well. The reader gets a beautiful picture of the small town life and the quirks of the islanders. My favorite part of this was her inclusion of the Pitcairn language, or Pitkern. The reader can really get a feel for these people and their culture by reading the character interactions through this dialect. I could almost hear the characters speaking to each other, and imagine the unique cadence of their dialogue. There is a real musical quality to it.

Nadine Christian shares her love for this island, giving readers a taste of the remote life in such an isolated place. We really see this in the scene when Holly discovers, as she walks into her parents old house for the first time since she was a child, that people from the town have cleaned and left food for her; hospitality you would be hard pressed to find in a big city. The rumor mill also abounds in this novel. Nothing stays secret for long in a place with so few people. You really get the feeling of everyone being privy to everyone else’s business on this small isolated island.

While this book is definitely worth a read, it had a few problems. There were moments when the plot dragged slightly, making one itch to put it down or skip ahead a few pages. The end is definitely worth the wait, however. There were also a few typos here and there. All in all, though, I don’t have too much to complain about.

Whether you read it for the romance, the mystery, or the experience of Pitcairn Island I would suggest giving Remembering Love a try.

Adaptation Recommendation:
I think this novel would adapt nicely into the movie format. It would also be interesting to actually see the Pitcairn lifestyle, which you won’t be able to do any other way without traveling thousands of miles. The novel is also a nice length that would transfer into a good length movie without it having to be cut up and made much shorter. I’d compare its adaptability to that of the movies made of Nora Robert’s books.

Review originally posted on www.silverpetticoatreview.com
Profile Image for Danielle Taylor.
Author 28 books144 followers
October 31, 2013
Remembering Love has it all; a shocking past, twists and turns, a sexy man who will stop at nothing to win the heart of the woman he loves, a romantic setting in the South Pacific, bitter and twisted people, a strong heroine, and secrets unfolding in perfect pacing. I wasn't even halfway through Remembering Love and I never wanted it to end. Plus, I understood EVERYTHING in the book, which went a long way to winning my heart ;)

Holly is such a strong character, with a forgotten past. I fell in love with her from the first page. She's passionate, quirky, and engaging. Not many people in her position would go back to a place where so many horrible memories would open up, and where the islanders were almost all (seemingly) against her from the word go. Regardless of the looks and comments, she pushed through, determined to discover the truth, even if it wasn't one she wanted to hear.

Jack... Oh my, where can I get me a Jack? Pitcairn? See ya, I'm on the next flight to New Zealand...then the next boat! He was just as determined as Holly was, only he wanted her and he wouldn't let anything stand in his way. The man is sex on legs, AND he's a total sweetheart. But it isn't all roses for Jack. I admire the way he stand up for himself, his family, and those he loves. A man with integrity, who believes the good before the bad. That's the kind of man I like reading about.

When push comes to shove, Jack and Holly prove that love really can be enough, even when the entire population of Pitcairn Island is against you.

Now, I want to say a few words about the author and her wonderful style here. Nadine Christian weaves a perfect story. You're never left wanting for lush description and intriguing story, she makes certain you can picture the island in your mind, as well as experience what the characters feel. I highly recommend Remembering Love to anyone. Even my husband, who doesn't read romance ;)
Profile Image for Heather.
113 reviews8 followers
January 14, 2014
Remembering Love by Nadine Christian is a well-written, well-thought-out novel full of beautiful scenery and suspense. I was hooked from the first page and wanted more even after I read the last word.

Christian shares a story full of twists and turns, love and loss, secret after secret, and characters that you will love … along with some that you will loathe; did I mention there is a seriously sexy man involved? Can you imagine all of this on a small, gorgeous, isolated island in the South Pacific? Before I started reading, the title had me sold on the idea that I was sitting down to read a fairly light romance. Boy was I wrong! It has been quite some time since I’ve read a romance novel with such depth and a book that was able to invoke emotion after emotion as I read.

My heart ached for Holly as she tried to reconnect with a past that she could not remember. Jack is a hero among heroes that I couldn’t help but love. I can’t imagine the intense connection that these two people shared at such a young age, a connection that picks up right where it left off when they are reunited. Then there is James, words can’t describe my feelings for this man based on past experiences with a close family member. As with any good story, there is always a villain or at least someone that you can’t help but dislike … in my world, someone that you stick your tongue out at and cuss at as you read. This cast of characters had it all and what I love is that everyone felt genuine.

This was a fantastic read and one that I recommend to those that love the romance genre or anyone looking for a taste of life on the Island. The ending is sure to catch you off-guard and leave you with a wow… enjoy!

Please visit us at Griffin's Honey Blog and check out our full review http://www.griffinshoney.com/remember...
Profile Image for Michelle Muckley.
Author 13 books62 followers
August 6, 2013
The copy of Remembering Love that I read and for which this review is written is an advanced release e-book.

The story focuses on the life of Holly, a woman who grew up in a loving foster family far away from Pitcairn Island. After her foster parents die she discovers more about her past, and the fact that she herself is originally from Pitcairn Island. But the more she digs, the more secrets are revealed, and she decides that she must travel to Pitcairn Island to trace her history and understand the tragic murder/suicide of her parents.

There was a lot that I liked about this book. The story is rich and interesting, and the plot develops in unexpected ways with satisfying resolutions to the twists that occur. The characters were also well developed and believable. I enjoyed the descriptive style of writing, and the sense of a small and at times claustrophobic community was well portrayed. It is also a nice gentle romance story, with only a bit of steam when it came to the sex scenes.

There were a few elements which I didn't fully connect with. Without any spoilers, there was a twist in the overall love story which I wasn't expecting, and I was glad to find that this particular element to the story was dealt with fairly quickly, as otherwise I wouldn't have enjoyed the rest of the book. There were one or two typos, which did nothing to prevent my enjoyment of the book, but may put off a fussy reader. The dialect spoken on Pitcairn Island appears to be quite distinct, and at times I found the dialouge in the book difficult to follow, but on the plus side it did add a level of authenticity.

This was an enjoyable read, and I would recommend it to a lover of the romance genre, or anybody that wanted to get a glimpse into the life on Pitcairn Island.

1,405 reviews18 followers
February 22, 2014
This is a tale about a woman returning to her birthplace after many years, love and family secrets.

Holly returns to Pitcairn Island after spending much of her life in a New Zealand foster home. A native of the island, her parents died in a murder/suicide when she was a child. (Pitcairn Island is in the South Pacific. The nearest recognizable land mass is New Zealand. The island's claim to fame is because of the story, and the movie, "Mutiny on the Bounty." The only way on or off the island is to get a ride on a supply ship that visits the island four times a year.)

Holly runs into Jack, her childhood friend from when she lived on the island. The attraction is mutual and instant. The people on the island (the total population is around 60) seem to thrive on gossip; the worst offender is Masie, an older woman who implies that Celeste, Holly's mother, may have been unfaithful.

Just before Holly and Jack are ready to take their relationship to the next level, a huge and sudden obstacle threatens to destroy it. Holly's search for answers is complicated by learning that soon after Celeste died, Masie intentionally burned all of her things. Does Holly find out the truth about her mother? Do Holly and Jack get back together?

Not being a romance reader, I was ready to not like this book, but I was pleasantly surprised. It moves very easily, and it is set in an exotic part of the world (the author lives on Pitcairn Island). It is recommended for everyone, especially those who don't normally read romance stories.
Profile Image for Sandy Grassini.
171 reviews4 followers
September 18, 2013
I was given this book by the author for my honest review.

This book seem to have it all. Mystery, deception, sorrow, and with all that 2 people find love.

Holly comes back to the island 20 years after the tragedy of her parents death. She comes to try to find out the truth and to try to remember. Taken away at such a young age, she learned to find love with her foster parents. Once they pass away, she is determined to find out where she comes from.

I felt really sorry for Holly, for her to have to suffer such pain. She did have a shoulder to lean on and that was Jack, her childhood friend. Even when she got to the island, she had to endure the gossip around the island. Jack came into the picture right away to help Holly remember. Jack is such a sweetheart, I loved his character. There are some things that happen in the book that you will stop and stare and just say: "WOW..I didn't see that coming."

Masie took care of Jacks father because he was ill. She has got nothing else better to do then to get into other peoples business. Again, after reading about Masie you will have another WOW moment.

In the end the book turns full circle and fits the title of the book. Overall I gave this book 4 stars and can't wait to read more of her work in the future.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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