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Dark-Hunter #13

Dream Chaser

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Hades doesn't often give second chances....

Xypher has one month on Earth to redeem himself through one good deed or be condemned to eternal torture in Tarturus. But redemption means little to a demigod who only wants vengeance on the one who caused his downfall.Until one day in a cemetery....

Simone Dubois is a medical examiner with a real knack for the job. Those who are wrongfully killed appear to her and help her find the evidence the police need to convict their killers. But when a man appears and tells her that she's more than just a psychic, she's convinced he's insane.Now the fate of the world hangs in her hands....

It was bad enough when just the dead relied on her. Now's there's the seductive Dream-Hunter Xypher who needs Simone's help in opening a portal to the Atlantean hell realm to fight insatiable demons. The future of mankind is at stake - and so is her life. The only question now is: Who is the bigger threat: the demons out to kill her, or the man who has left her forever changed?

359 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 5, 2008

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About the author

Sherrilyn Kenyon

243 books29.5k followers
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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at MySherrilyn.com and www.facebook.com/mysherrilyn

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 851 reviews
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
June 9, 2016

I can always count on Sherrilyn Kenyon to deliver such an engaging and fascinating story. Dream Chaser is another one of my unputdownable reads in which 369 pages didn't seem to be enough for me.

Xypher is a Skotos who had one month on earth as a human. One month to track and kill and get his vengeance. He’s cranky, brooding, and angry at the whole world.

Simone is a medical examiner who can see and communicate with ghosts. Her life changed forever the moment the Daimon snapped large gold bracelets onto both Xypher and Simone’s wrists. Their lives were linked together then. If one of them died, the other died too. And they would both die if they wandered too far from each other.

Xypher and Simone are a perfect couple. I loved the chemistry between them. To tell the truth, I’m not a fan of tortured heroes but I make an exception for all Sherrilyn Kenyon’s heroes. And in this book, Xypher gave himself up for Simone to keep her safe. It broke my heart, so how could I not love him after that?

The author knows very well how to write compelling fight scenes. I had moments where I could feel my heart pounding like crazy when Kaiaphas, Xypher’s malicious brother, tried to kill both of them several times.

I happened to really enjoy the secondary characters in this book, Jesse, Tate, and Jaden. I found that Jaden seemed to have a dark side and his powers made the hairs on my arms prickle. He’s an intriguing character whom I want to know more.

Overall, this was a fantastic paranormal-fantasy romance story. I thoroughly enjoyed every page.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
October 30, 2017
Xypher ( Half Oneroi Skotos/Dream hunter and half gallu demon) and Simone Dubois (Initially human, later )

"Move forward not with hatred or love. Move forward with purpose."

Xypher is the son of nightmares’ god and a demoness. He used to be dead and constantly tortured badly at Tartarus, because he fell in love with a BITCH centuries ago and he took the blame for all the disaster that she caused.
When he is given a second chance in the previous book to live again for one month and right the wrong; Xypher thinks only of revenge. Satara has to die and Xypher will never trust another woman EVER.

“I see dead people”

Simone is a nice lady and a medical examiner who DOES believe in paranormal. As a matter of fact she works closely with a squire to solve cases mostly caused by Daimons. And her best friend (almost a beloved brother really) is a ghost who actually lives with her since the day Simone lost her family and she was a little kid.
Soon Simone will learn that besides Daimons and ghosts; the paranormal world has dream-hunters, weres and demons. And maybe there is a reason that she can communicate with the dead people and their souls.

When Satara tries to destroy Xypher before Xypher destroys her; Simone will be connected to him with deamarkonians bracelets. So, if Simone dies, then Xypher dies. If Simone runs away from Xypher, they both die.
Simone and Xypher will be inseparable and Xypher will learn to trust again.

This is another awesome addition in the series.
The way Simone looks after broken Xypher who has never felt loved and cherished in his life, is really sweet.
The way Xypher scarifies his life and his revenge for Simone, is really honorable.

Acheron once again gives the correct advice:
"You know sometimes it’s by repeating our mistakes that we realize what went wrong the first time. Knowing that, we’re able to fix the mistake and move past it."
Yes, I am in love with Acheron (like almost everyone who reads the Dark Hunters LOL)
Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews406 followers
April 18, 2020
We first met Xypher in Devil May Cry where he helped Sin and Kat. For his help he is allowed to take a break from his eternal torture in Tartarus and granted a month on Earth to avenge his death and kill the woman who betrayed his trust and caused his downfall.
Hatred is your enemy. Vengeance is your friend. Hold it close and let it loose.

Simone Dubois is a medical examiner and has a special ability: she is able to see and communicate with ghosts. Her best friends are Jesse, a teenage ghost from the ’80s and Tate Bennett, a Squire and the parish coroner for New Orleans, whom we also met in the previous books by the way.
"Great history lesson on demons and their feeding habits." Tate slapped his hands together. "So, out of curiosity, how do I write up my report? Random demon slaying? Yeah. That's going to read real well." He turned to Simone. "You think I can get a job as a janitor with a medical degree?"

Xypher and Simone are forced together by accident and of course they fall for each other. Rushed romance, lukewarm erotica, but the rest is pretty good.
“We're bound together. If we get too far apart we die."
"That sucks."
"Tell me about it."

The plot is perfect, and the Dark-Hunter world is enriched with new aspects. Many kinds of demons appear in Dream Chaser – you get a complete guide of demon races here. Just like in Kiss of the Night, where we learned that not all Daimons are evil, in Dream Chaser we get to know the Dimme demons from a very different side. Ms. Kenyon smoothly changes the basic attributes of antagonistic paranormal creatures to make them likeable.

The secondary characters, Jesse, Tate, Acheron, Julian, Jaden are all awesome!

One serious problem though: the story is narrated alternately from both Simone and Xypher’s viewpoints. Annoyingly, the POV changes from paragraph to paragraph, totally randomly, making the story fragmented and hard to follow.

Not for the romance, but for another adventure in the Dark-Hunterverse, Dream Chaser is really worth reading.
He couldn't breathe as those words sank into his consciousness. She thinks I'm wonderful...

My favorite quotes.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
December 21, 2015
3.5 stars

Xypher may be half god and half demon but when fell in love with the wrong woman and agreed to take a punishment that she had earned he was sent to Tartarus where he has been tortured by Hades for thousands of years. The betrayal and the constant suffering have turned him into an angry and uncaring man, he has spent so long without any kind of comfort that kindness and friendship are completely foreign concepts to him. We first met Xypher in Devil May Cry and as a thanks for his help Kat convinced Hades to allow him to spend one month as a human and if he can prove himself worthy he won't have to return to Tartarus at all.

Simone is a human but she's also psychic and she's well aware of the Dark-Hunters and of the evil daimons and other creatures that often prey on humans. Her job as Medical Examiner mean she sees the worst of what these monsters do and she also helps her friend Tate (who is also a squire) cover up anything that would let the world know about the monsters in our midst. Simone's latest case involves a murder victim whose body was able to get up and walk out of the morgue and she's now trying to figure out who is behind the spate of deaths and how the bodies are becoming reanimated. She meets Xypher by accident when she is pulled into his world by his greatest enemy. The two have their life forces bonded together by magical bracelets and now they are forced to work together. All Xypher is interested in is getting revenge on the woman who wronged him before he is sent back to Tartarus to continue his existence of torture and suffering but as he gets to know Simone he starts to wonder if revenge is worth putting her life at risk.

Dream Chaser takes us back to New Orleans and allows us to catch up with some of our favourite characters from the earlier books (yes Ash, I'm talking about you!) which is something that's been missing from some of the more recent books. I really enjoyed seeing some of the core characters even though Simone was new and we didn't know a huge amount about Xypher. There was a lot of humour in this story, Simone has a ghost for a best friend and Jesse definitely added a lot of funny moments but I also really enjoyed the romance between Simone and Xypher. I wasn't sure if I'd like Xypher to start with, he's so grumpy and downright rude in the beginning but it doesn't take long to realise that he's just spent so long without any kind of kindness in his life that he's forgotten what it's like to care or be cared for. I quickly started to feel sorry for him and I loved seeing him slowly open up as Simone started to get under his skin.

There isn't much progression on the series story arc but we are introduced to a new character Jaden who I'm very curious about. I think he has a huge amount of potential and I'm really hoping we're going to be seeing a lot more of him. Dream Chaser is light hearted and heavy on the romance but there was a nice amount of action and it was good to see Xypher redeem himself. I'm loving the Dark-Hunters series and I'm incredibly excited that the next book is Acheron, I've been waiting such a long time for Ash's book!
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,704 reviews6,442 followers
November 15, 2010
This was a fun book that I loved reading. I am glad that I enjoyed it much more than the last book in the series (Upon a Midnight Clear). I thought that Simone was one of the more fleshed out and interesting heroines, and definitely one of my favorites so far. I thought she was a great match for Xypher. Ms. Kenyon has not diverted from her uber-tortured hero mode with Xypher, but that's okay. She does the tortured hero very well. I liked how he was so surly and untrusting, and how Simone slowly taught him to trust and to open his heart to her, since his first love betrayed him, and led him to being doomed to torture for an eternity in the underworld by Hades.

I liked the new direction that Ms. Kenyon is opening up, with the various subplots, including the charonte and gallu demons. I'm excited to see where she is going with this. Jaden is also a very interesting new character. He's evil, but kind of good at the same time. I also liked Jesse, Simone's ghostly friend. He died in the 80s, so he is stuck in that time period, culturally. I loved all the 80s pop culture references that Jesse would make. He was a good secondary character; along with Tate, who is an ME and Dark-Hunter Squire, who calls on Simone's expertise when he gets a murder that seems to be supernatural in origin.

This book really hit the spot, and it's reinvigorated my interest in the ongoing Dark-Hunter series. I am so excited that I can finally read Acheron now!

Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 stars.
Profile Image for Viri.
1,235 reviews449 followers
July 14, 2017
Leído hace tanto que ni me acuerdo... no lo tenía calificado pero es uno de los que más recuerdo 😭😍 me gustó mucho!
Profile Image for Gavin.
984 reviews417 followers
September 19, 2016
This was a good instalment in the Dark-Hunter series. The romance was fun and we got to met plenty of familiar faces as well as get introduced to a few interesting new characters.

After helping Sin and Kat in Devil May Cry, Zypher has been rewarded by a one month reprieve from his eternal punishment in Tartarus. He plans to use the time to take his revenge on an old enemy. His plans go awry when that enemy binds his life force to that of a human in order to weaken him. That human was medical examiner Simone. She had a talent of her own in that she could see and sense ghosts. She even had her own hilarious ghost sidekick.

The story and the romance both turned out to be fairly enjoyable. I thought Zypher had potential when we first met him a few books back and he did not disappoint. Simone was not one of the more memorable heroines of the series but she was likeable enough.

Outside of the romance we caught up with a bunch of familiar faces like Acheron, Kat, and Stryker. We also discovered what happened to a bunch of characters who had minor roles in the events in Devil May Cry and met an interesting new character in the powerful Demon Broken Jaden.

Rating: 4 stars.

Audio Note: Narrated by Fred Berman. I think he is the Dark-Hunter narrator I like the best.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,477 followers
December 8, 2015
Better than the last Dream Hunter book, we get to go back to New Orleans. In this one, we have Simone, a human, getting chained to Xyper, a jerky undead guy who was being punished in hell but has a month to be human and prove himself worthy of no more punishment. They are so unsuited to be chained together.

Xypher: "Do you have to be so damned perky? Was it too much to ask that I get chained to a depressed mute or one of those chicks who dresses in black and writes bad poetry?"

Simone: "The last thing I need is to be pulling around a three hundred pound gorilla with a chip on his shoulder so big it's a wonder he's not hunchbacked from it."

Awww, it sounds like love at first sight!

opposites attract photo: 'Cause I'm dressed like a cat. likeacat.gif
Cuz opposites attract.. (You know you're singing it!)

One of the best parts of this story is that Simone has a best friend who is a ghost, named Jesse. Jesse was killed in the 1980's and is pretty much stuck in that era. He sits in his room listening to 80's music, dresses in 80's clothes, and even uses those amazingly annoying expressions that we learned from Valley Girl or Clueless. In other words, he is awesome!

clueless photo: tumblr_lna5dpMGiS1qkmpj8o1_500.gif

(oops, just realized that Clueless was from the 90's)

valley girl photo: valley girl valley_girl.gif

Anyway, so Xypher and Simone have to figure out how to get unattached and solve a serial killer crime in which the dead are getting up and walking around. That could eventually be a problem. We've all seen The Walking Dead.

walking dead photo: The Walking Dead twd-zombiekill-10.gif
Man, I love Rick!

Of course, they fall in love, and blah blah blah.... everyone gets immortality!

Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,643 followers
September 22, 2015
This was the first Dream Hunter I've enjoyed. The others were rather boring and didn't feel as if they had been written by the same author of the Dark Hunter and Were Hunter series'. THe love story between Simone and Xypher took a long time to develop but it felt very sincere. Xypher is a Dream Hunter that has been wrongly accused and convicted of a crime he didn't commit. A crime committed by Satara, Stryker's evil sister.

My major complaint with this book was that everyone was willing to make sacrifices with the mystery Jaden in order for him to grant their deepest desires but no one thought to bring true justice to Satara for all of her sins. And who does Jaden answer to?

Bonus: There was more than enough Ash to make my day. I love it when he and Katra appear because they are total badass.
Profile Image for CC.
1,770 reviews229 followers
March 25, 2023
I really enjoyed this installment in the series. Kenyon usually has her heros be tortured souls, but Xypher - yikes - it was bad! I felt horrible for him when I read about him in Devil May Cry. Now we get the full story and anytime someone is totally screwed over because they are desperate for the only kindness they have ever seen in their entire existence - I want that person to be happy.

It was sad to see Xypher not be able to identify any nice thing said to him or done for him. His pleasure, but insecurity, over accepting food or the jacket was heartbreaking.

The story was complicated trying to keep demons and daimons and various and sundry other creatures straight, but I am really into this series. I think if I took time off from it, I would be lost trying to remember who and what everyone is. As it stands, I still get confused, but I at least remember the previous books.

From a pure MC perspective, I liked the Hero and heroine and enjoyed their relationship. There was some banter, the action was pretty good, and there were enough familiar secondary characters to keep it interesting. I am really intrigued by Jaden and really want him to get a story. The scene at the end was quite upsetting and I hope that it indicates his story will come out in the future.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,630 reviews426 followers
July 17, 2017


Este es de los libros que más me ha gustado de la serie, casi no le pongo pero digo casi, sus protagonistas me encantaron al igual que la historia y lo que más me encanta es que las tramas se van volviendo más novedosas, haciendo mezclas de diferentes seres, mezclando panteones, no encasillando a los daimons o demonios que sean exclusivamente villanos, que podamos ver su otra cara de la moneda Tu muy bien Sherrilyn Kenyon

Xypher me ha enamorado, es que esta mujer escribe a los hombres bastante deseables e imposible no quererlos, me encanta su humor negro y sarcástico, todo gruñón, pero cuando empezó a cambiar y enamorarse fue de lo más lindo.
Simone también fue una gran protagonista y esa riña que tenía al pirncipio con Xypher que no lo soportaba lo máximo y me gustó como la autora fue llevando su relación porque fue de love-hate y no sé si lo pudiera consideran un intalove porque aunque sucedió en unos pocos días su amor no surge al principio del libro sino en más de la mitad.

Como todos los libros de esta saga que tienen su grado de drama y pasados trágicos con traiciones, tortura y venganza, también está la parte divertida y en esta ocasión fue Jesse un fantasma que ha acompañado a Simone la mayor parte de su vida y es que Jesse me encantó es un loquillo, esta interacción Simone y Jesse fue muy parecida a la de Charley Davidson y Angel.

Y como en casi todas mis reseñas de esta serie no podía faltar mi dosis de odio y en esta ocasión va para Satara.

Es una maldita y ahí está mi CASI del principio, porque la muy perra no tuvo su merecido AGG que coraje.
Profile Image for Ronak Gajjar.
273 reviews95 followers
May 2, 2018
And of course once again,
Greek Gods + Vampires + Daimons + Dream Gods + Dark Hunters + Atlantean Gods + Insignificant Humans blabbering + Of course Captivating dry humour = The whole book!
Concept: 2.50/5.0
Execution: 2.50/5.0
Characters Bespoken: 2.50 /5.0
Cover: 2.0/5.0
Overall: 2.50/5.0
As for Xypher and Simone:
P.S.: IT’S ACHERON TIME BABY! I am so excited that I have whole damn book – WHOLE DAMN BOOK on ACHERON! *heart eyes*
Profile Image for Mahlet.
214 reviews
August 12, 2008
To quote Simi from the YearofAcheron website:

"Don’t forget that Dream Chaser is out and before you read Akri’s book, you really, really need to read Xypher’s cause if you don’t know who Jaden is, you gonna be missing out."

Well if Simi says so, I guess that's settled! ;D

...ok, finished reading - here's my review:

I haven't read the first 2 Dream Hunter books, but I had no problem following along. Xypher is another classic Kenyon hero – gorgeous and tortured. He's a Skoti (a rogue Dream Hunter that alters dreams to enhance their borrowed emotions). But is Xypher really as bad as they say? After receiving a one month reprieve from his torture at the hands of Hades, Xypher has one goal: bring the traitorous woman responsible for his imprisonment back to hell with him. Poor Xypher is sleeping on the streets and barely eating, hunting Daimons to find a way into Kalosis, the Atlantean hell realm where Satara (Striker’s vicious sister) currently resides. Xypher is angry, untrusting, and lacks social graces when he meets the heroine, Simone Dubois. He’s even more upset when he realizes he has been magically bound to her and their lives depend on the other staying alive! I like this set up, because that means plenty of interaction with the h/h. We’re talking – can’t even use the bathroom without the other standing outside the door :) Like all Kenyon heroes, Xypher comes around and we get a sweet love story with amazing sacrifices that touched my heart.

Jaden was a complete scene stealer – and very intriguing. He’s a new character that will play a vital role in the future Dark Hunter novels. Very sexy with one green and one brown eye, long black hair, typical YUM! I think of him as a demon death dealer – like Acheron, he is very mysterious, and Jaden can make things happen for you, but always at a price. Jaden won’t do your bidding, but he’ll give you the means to. In spite of this, Jaden is honorable…very complex guy. I’m looking forward to learning more about him…hey, maybe in the future, we’ll all flip out over Jaden’s book as we’re doing with Ash right now :)

Ash, his daughter Kat, Charonte Demons, vampiric Sumarian gallu Demons, and a Sumarian Dimme all make appearances here. A small part of this plot is connected to "Devil May Cry", the Dark Hunter book that preceded "Dream Chaser."

Profile Image for Tessa Teevan.
Author 43 books1,612 followers
November 13, 2015
Reread: October 2015


I wasn't sold on the Dream Hunters until Xypher. This Universe is so complex, creative, and I love watching it all unfold. There are surprises around every corner, and it's INCREDIBLE!

Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,087 reviews209 followers
August 19, 2012
Audio- I almost skipped this book. The last dream Hunter book just did nothing for me. This one woke up my need for the Hunter world. This edition to the series has strong ties to the Dark Hunters, with a few characters overlapping into the story. It was exciting, mysterious, romantic, and set in New Orleans !
Simone Dubois and Dream-Hunter Xypher are the perfect mix of hot and cold. They are trapped together, and boy oh boy talk about opposites. Snicker** this is where the fun starts. They torture each other by pushing those buttons and some how growing closer. He fights it more than her but he needs her to stay alive so he can full fill his greatest desire revenge.
Dead bodies start showing up and there is something not right when the bodies get up and walk away. Simone is the medical examiner and is called in to advise on these deaths. What she finds out sends her and Xypher on a path that will change her and his future forever.
Blood, ghosts, death and evil.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
917 reviews827 followers
August 11, 2021
Bueno, es de aquellos que dentro de la saga mantiene el hilo que conduce el argumento desde los primeros libros, por lo que su lectura es importante para seguir con los siguientes. Nuevos personajes, que además dejan interrogantes para las próximas entregas. Destaca, además, porque se conoce un poco más de criaturas que hasta el momento sólo habían participado en forma secundaria.
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,324 followers
April 29, 2015
I don't know if this book really deserves a 2-star rating or if I'm just burned-out on Kenyon after reading about 10 books in a row by her.

I really wanted to love this book - Xypher, the angry, rage-filled dream-god fromDevil May Cry - was going to be my next Zarek. You know, grumpy as all heck and a badass but then a sweetie inside. :) Love that trope.

ANYWAY. I was disappointed. For one thing, Kenyon makes the heroine, Simone And you know how much I hate that.

Also, Simone is being haunted. I mean, ghosts can speak to her, etc. and she actually has a permanent, resident live-in ghost (a 17-year-old named Jesse from the '80s). He has his own room in her house, his own bed, his own toys, tv, computer... o.O He's been her friend since she was orphaned at age 10/11 but still. It seems ridiculous.

AND I'm supposed to believe that this woman has no real friends. I mean, living friends. Except for Tate - her co-worker who is also a Squire.

What IS it with romance novels where I'm always supposed to believe that people have no friends? Usually people have friends. It's actually pretty rare to find someone with NO friends.

Demons, half-demons, demon gang wars... blah, blah blah I just couldn't get into the plot of this one for some reason. Again, not sure whether to blame Kenyon or myself for overdosing on her stuff.

Definitely time for a break. I think I'll go read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. That'll re-set my brain.

Profile Image for Juli.
1,500 reviews133 followers
September 13, 2016
Volvimos a los libros de esta autora que me vuelven loca!
Hay un personaje que me dejo MUY intrigada!!!
Profile Image for Yelania Nightwalker.
1,058 reviews181 followers
August 4, 2017
<3 Xyper

Había leído esta libro hace mucho tiempo en inglés pero su portada en español es tan bonita, que siempre lo había deseado hasta ahora, que definitivamente no pude resistirme a verla en mi librero.

Xypher es uno de los pocos personajes que ha conseguido llegar a mi corazón por múltiples razones. En primera saber que su madre lo trataba tan mal, que su padre no lo defendió cuando él lo necesitaba, que la mujer que creía amar lo traicionara... Y luego, cuando llega a la tierra para cumplir su venganza, se encuentra con que sus podres funcionan cuando quieren y que no tiene el poder para generar comida, dinero o un lugar dónde dormir... Sí, sufrí enormemente con él. Es lógico que esté cabreado con el mundo. Pero entonces conoce a Simone. Ella, que pese a lo mal que él se comporta, lo trata con cariño y respeto. Es evidente que Xypher no podría resistirse a ella y termina enamorándose.

Aunque en esta relectura ya sabía cómo irían las cosas, recuerdo que cuando lo leí por primera vez, estaba angustiada de ver cómo resolvería el asunto para poder quedarse con ella, a fin de cuentas sólo le habían dado un mes para cumplir su venganza. Sin embargo, ahora estuve igual de maravillada por cómo suceden las cosas, tal vez porque hacía mucho tiempo desde la vez que lo leí y ya tengo muchos más detalles de los libros posteriores y así, como para pintar el cuadro completo.

En fin, que yo estoy esperando el momento en que Jaden regrese para cobrarse la deuda con estos dos.
Profile Image for Miss Kim.
535 reviews137 followers
October 30, 2008
I really liked Xypher. He is a half demon/half god Dream Hunter. He assisted in the Dimme and the gallu fight in Vegas a few weeks back. In return, Hades allowed him to leave Tartarus (hell), for one month and live as a human. The reason he has been banished to Tartarus is an interesting one. No spoilers here.
He literally runs into Simone while fighting some demons in New Orleans. Simone is a human, and medical examiner in New Orleans. She is friends with a Dark Hunter squire, and is also able to see and communicate with ghosts. So she is aware that there are ‘other’ beings in the world. During the demon fight, one of the demons slapped a bracelet on Xypher's arm and another on Simone's arm. They soon learn that because of these, they are linked and both could die if they do not stay near each other. While saving the world from a stray Dimme (a verrrrrrry bad demon) and disgusting gallu demons, they find they very much like each other. I was pleased with the nice HEA in this one. Also, Ash, Julian of Macedon, and some were-hunters make appearances. I recommend for any Dark Hunter fans, because we learn a little more of the back story of Stryker, and others.
December 22, 2012
By far my favourite dream hunter book of the series.

As a skoti, Xypher still knows what emotions feel like and even though he has been seriously betrayed in the past he didn't do a good job of remaining detached. If anything this made him so much more adorable. Given his history he could have been a total ass but he wasn't. Gruff yes. Caustic definitely. Trust phobic oh yeah but still connected to the people around him.

Simone was his perfect counterpart. Despite her role dealing with the grisly world investigating death there was a light hearted ness to her. Amazing given she'd lost so much. Her relationship with Jesse is great and sets up the fact she's something 'else' right at the beginning. Good thinking Ms Kenyon as it made this book so much more believable.

I really enjoyed this one and it totally redeemed the dream hunter series which I haven't really liked until this one.
Profile Image for Liriom_Land.
436 reviews80 followers
August 30, 2017
4.5/5 😍

En la linea de los primeros libros de la saga, fresco, con mucha accion, con dialogos chispeantes y divertidos y con unos protagonistas y secundarios maravillosos 😝. Muy buena historia 💖.
Profile Image for Veromika.
255 reviews25 followers
February 15, 2017
Review by: Vijetha Kumar!

5 I-love-Xypher Stars..!!!!

13th book in the Dark-Hunter Series
3rd book in the Dream-Hunter Series
1st book in my love list of the week!

I simply Loved this book! No better way to describe it. Loved Loved Loved it. Sorry if I'm sounding like broken record, but I loved it!
You don't have to read the entire 12 books before this to plunge into this one. This book can be read as a stand alone But, I do recommend you to read Devil May Cry (11th book in the Dark-Hunter series) before this one because that is where Xypher is introduced and a bit introductory is given about him.
It is not absolutely necessary, but do read that for better perception.

We meet Xypher first in Devil May Cry. Frankly, the way they described him first I didn't think he would have any redeeming qualities. Boy, was I ever more happy that I was wrong!

Xypher is a Dream-Hunter. A ex-demigod who turned into a phobotory skotos. That literally means his job is to give people nightmares. A fun job right? And he is also walking dead i.e in assistance to Katra he got one month on earth to find humanity or be damned to hell, quite literally.
We first get to know that Xypher was killed by the Dream-Hunter police beacuse he gave such nightmares to people that drove them to insanity. I didn't think how he would be called good after that. But, we only know the half story here. The damned does turn out to be not so damned after all!

Then spotlight on the heroine folks. Simone Dubois. Pronounced as Sim-moan Dew-buaw. Man, I love surnames that spell different and pronounce different..!Simone is a Medical Examiner. Her job is to cut up the dead and find out their cause of death. Holy Cow on a Bender. These people have fun jobs don't they..! *sigh*But, wait for it, she has a ghost sidekick. That's right, a Ghost!!Simone is orphaned at 7 and has been facing the world around since.

How they two meet is actually twisted. The people who are gunning down for Xypher need a weekness to kill him. And hence they use an Atlantean twin bracelet, one on Simone and one on Xypher to bind their life forces. Now, they kill Simone, Xypher is thrown back to hell. Problem solved *Dusting Hands*What ensures after that unfortunate (fortunate!!) incident and how to overcome a secret Simone's keeping without even her knowledge makes up rest of the story.

What I liked:

Xypher. Man, the guy was YuMM! He was strong, compassionate, vulnerable, and capable of loving to an extent that blew me away! The restaurant scene where he is dumb folded by Simone's kindness is so touching. He is my dream man personified.
Simone. She was compassionate beyond belief and the only person capable of thawing the frozen heart of Xypher.
Jesse. The boy was funny!
Jaden. An unexpected surprise. Want to know more about him.
Acheron. Our own Bad Boy is here too, helping the condemned. Oh Man, his book is next. Can't freaking wait!!
The Dimme. What a pleasant surprise there!! Nice twist!

What I could have liked better:

Frankly, Once I love a book I accept all it's faults. Not that this book had many to begin with. I told you I was very easy to please. Give me a heart touching story and I'm appeased. Hence, I liked everything in this book and there was nothing I disliked!

Oh Man this one passed with flying Colors..!! I picked this one with only the intent of reaching Acheron's book, but I finished it solely for it's own unique fragrance.

I gave this book: 5 Stars..!!

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Profile Image for AJ.
3,095 reviews1,037 followers
August 22, 2012
"Sacrifice is for the weak. Hatred corrupts. Love destroys. Vengeance is the gift of the strong."

"May the gods have mercy on those who have wronged me because I will have no mercy for them."

And so it begins…

This is the story of Xypher, who we meet briefly (and I instantly loved) in Devil May Cry. As usual, he is an angry, tortured soul who is out for vengeance against the woman who betrayed him and damned him to an eternity of torture in hell. When he comes to the rescue of Simone, a ghost-seeing Medical Examiner with a tragic past of her own, they are magically bound together and unable to be more than 15 feet from each other. I really liked this twist as it led to lots of quality time – including a seriously funny scene where Simone tries to shower with Xypher standing outside the door.

As Xypher spends time in Simone’s world, they become entangled in an investigation of demonic killings, as well as fighting off attacks from Satara (Stryker’s evil-bitch sister) who is out to kill Xypher before he can kill her. And along the way, of course, Simone shows Xypher kindness and compassion that he has never had before, and they have a very tender and playful romance, which was gorgeous - and again, completely functional with no game playing or bullshit. Love it! I also loved watching Xypher start to drop his defences and enjoy his life – shopping for kickass boots, laughing with Simone and dancing to bad 80s music.

Both the hero and the heroine were jam-packed full of sarcastic snark. As was Jesse, Simone’s teenage ghost-friend who lives his life as if he’s still in the 80s. He had some very funny moments! We also got to revisit with Julian, Acheron (squee) and Katra. Plus we got to meet the mysterious Jaden – looking forward to seeing a lot more of him!

I really liked this story, and even though it's technically a Dream Hunter book, I thought it fit into the Dark Hunter world beautifully. There are a few twists along the way, and although the last few chapters felt a bit rushed, I was satisfied with the ending to Xyhper and Simone’s story, and am left with more questions and anticipation about what is to come in the series – just the way I like it.

But next… it’s finally Acheron time. Squeeeeeeee!!!

(And by the way – just take a moment to appreciate the cover of this book. Look at it! My God, even looking all mean and angry, that man is gorgeous!)
Profile Image for Jessica  `~Blahyze~`.
590 reviews61 followers
August 23, 2011
Simone is a psychic who can see the dead, Xypher is a fallen dream god who was led astray by Satara and killed, doomed to be tortured fir eternity, but Hades lets him out for one month. Now Satara must find a way to get Xypher before he comes to seek his revenge, she binds him to a human, Simone to be exact, if Simone dies, Xypher dies and if she gets more than twenty feet away from him they both die. He needs to find a way to get the bracelets off before he gets sent back to hell in twenty-two days. Xypher started off as a real ass and abrasive, but the more he connected with Simone he softened up. The ghost that follows Simone around, Jesse, is a riot:

“She smiled at him.”Not you. Jesse. He’s using his ghost voice on me. It’s extremely unnerving.”
“Yes, but you still love me.” Jesse winked at her.
“Of course I do. But save the voice for a haunting.”
“I would if anyone else could hear me. Have you any idea how annoying that is? No, ‘cause everyone hears you when you talk.” He stood up and danced in the corner. “Hey, people!” he shouted. “See the freaky ghost dance.” He flapped his arms around and shook his booty.”I’m bab, I’m bad, I’m bad.” He stopped and looked around at the people who went on about their business, oblivious to his offbeat antics.”See. Sucks.””

The twist with Simone being half demon was pretty unexpected, her father a demon, her mother a human. After a demon attack she gets sick and starts to unlock her true power which allows her for the first time to touch Jesse, who had comforted her through the toughest time in her life. When it is time for Xypher to return to hell it leaves Simone broken, thankfully the deal to allow him to be human for one month hinged on the contingency that he finds his humanity he be free. A pretty good read overall, a nice balance of humour, action and steam.
Profile Image for Unapologetic_Bookaholic.
565 reviews71 followers
March 13, 2015
**My impression of this book before I had finished** Every book in this series you learn something new about: the Dark Hunters, Were-Hunters, Dream -Hunters, Acheron and other gods, and demigods(correct me if I am wrong about the rank in races of beings). What i try to connect with is the mind of the main character. If they feel real enough for me I am convinced I will enjoy the story. There's so much happening that I know I will enjoy re-reading this series.

This is the story of Xypher a Phobotory Skotos (nightmare Dream Hunter). He is released from Tartarus (Hell) for one month to get his vengence against the one person who he feels betrayed him and sent him to Tartarus. Satara.

He meets Simone and they end up shackled together and have to figure out how to get unstuck. Of course during this time Simone's utterly enduring personality chips away at his otherwise unfeeling exterior.

Since the Dream Hunter series is not my favorite of the Dark Hunter series I bascially read this in order to move on to Acheron. I did enjoy learning about a new Hunter. I liked the relationship between Simone (and finding out her secret!) and Xypher. Overall fans of the series will enjoy this story.
Profile Image for Continuum.
37 reviews11 followers
June 6, 2017
Well, again we have a hero who had never known a gentle touch, a feisty heroine who tames the beast, and a lot of plot holes - like the fact that in Devil May Cry Xypher was asking about what kills Dimme (meaning he had no idea), and yet here he is part Sumerian demon, which means he has a deeper knowledge into demons; or the fact that it was established (in Devil May Cry) that Dimme only kill, and not reanimate as the galu, and yet, here, when they are at the crime scene and talking that this could be dimme kill, Xypher mentions that the victim will rise again; and I'm not even talking about the fact that the dimme should have been something so strong, gods couldn't control them, and yet, here the dimme is captured pretty easily I might add.
But I can look past it all, because I found the story of Xypher and Simone very enjoyable.
Xypher just melted my heart. I mean, those eyes...

and the hidden vulnerability...
it gets me every time.
And then there's Simone

a heroine that I actually liked.
So all in all, the heroes saved this book for me :)
Profile Image for Laura..devouring books like crumpets.
1,716 reviews99 followers
October 1, 2019
After the previous dark hunter edition Upon the Midnight Clear I was frightened Kenyon had lost her flair, i am so glad i was wrong!

This was brilliant the most lost Hero since Zareck paired with someone who persists in helping him find his humanity....

We have some oldies but goodies pop up to tie the story in a neat little bow.

Acheron is up next it has been the book i have most anticipated and most feared!!!!!
Profile Image for Val_99.
414 reviews38 followers
September 19, 2016
Volvemos a los libros de esta saga que me gustan. La historia me ha tenido enganchada, me ha encantado Jesse, los personajes son geniales y Jaden me tiene muy intrigada. Xypher me encanta y siempre está genial las relaciones con libros anteriores.
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