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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun (Novel) #5

The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun (Novel) Vol. 5

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As the day of Nangong Si and Song Qiutong’s wedding draws near, a scandalous rumor circulates among the guests at Rufeng Sect. The gossip implicates not only the bride and groom, but also Nangong Si’s childhood companion and Song Qiutong’s savior: the young hero, Ye Wangxi.

When the wedding festivities are interrupted by a mysterious man claiming to know even more explosive secrets, Mo Ran and Chu Wanning are thrown together in the ensuing chaos. But the more time he spends at Chu Wanning’s side, the more torturous it is for Mo Ran to suppress his feelings of fierce attraction and deep tenderness. Could love finally tame the beast that was the cruel tyrant Taxian-jun?

356 pages, Paperback

First published April 23, 2024

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About the author

Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou

58 books853 followers
Associated Names:
* Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
* 肉包不吃肉 (Chinese Profile)
* โร่วเปาปู้ชือโร่ว (Thai Profile)
* Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat (English Profile)

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Profile Image for Izabella &#x1fa90;.
149 reviews39 followers
April 25, 2024
He had surely misheard. He was so ugly, so harsh, so clumsy with his words, so uninteresting. He was a total fool without a single redeeming quality. Who would like him?

"I like you."


He covered Chu Wanning’s slender fingers. And then, one by one, he interlocked them with his own for the first time—their fingers folded together, their palms pressed close.

Blushing furiously, Chu Wanning turned his face even farther away. But this time he didn't try to struggle free. Holding onto Chu Wanning's hand, Mo Ran finally, belatedly, disbelievingly confirmed that Chu Wanning…liked him too.

Don’t play with me right now 🫵 What do you mean both Chu Wanning and Mo Ran actually realize that they like each other? That it’s reciprocated? On volume 5. Only volume 5? Shits about to go down.

Okay. Let’s take a step back and talk about this volume as a whole. First off, I think this might’ve been the wildest book so far. Shit after shit after shit just kept getting thrown out there. How did we start with a grand wedding about to take place to Song Qiutong being thrown aside, Ye Wangxi being revealed to be a girl (which was the spoiler that I was talking about in my last review but it was still a cool surprise), to finding out that the Rufeng Sect Leader is a rat bastard, to finding out Ye Wangxi’s foster father is actually also a rat bastard who’s been scheming the whole time, to Rufeng Sect burning down to the ground, to Mo Ran telling Chu Wanning he liked him.

I was so invested from the very beginning. All this plot had me jumping around my room in anticipation and excitement. But my oh my, questions were answered but new questions arise. Is there more to Mo Ran’s rebirth? Was someone else behind it and who? Who was the one helping Xu Shuanglin behind the scenes? Not to mention Shi Mei has been suspiciously quiet in this volume 🤨 (I’d just like to extend my early apology in the case that I keep slandering Shi Mei for no good reason. But my dude, I’m sorry, you’re just so sus) And I’m not unaware that there are still multiple volumes left, so what the hell is gonna happen??

"Ye Wangxi, you've done enough for Rufeng Sect." Gaze distant, Nangong Si raised a hand as if to wipe a speck of mud from Ye Wangxi's cheek. But in the end, he aborted the gesture.

Am I getting my hopes up when it comes to them? I love Ye Wangxi, and I started to love her even more in this volume, and I now am obsessed with her and Nangong Si, but I genuinely feel like I’m about to be let down. Does Nangong Si even like her back, I mean according to his father he doesn’t, but he so obviously cares for her and tries so hard to protect her. But I also feel like I’m building up this whole narrative to only be heartbroken and betrayed later on.

In the last lifetime, love had made him possessive, so he'd become selfish. In this one, love made him accepting, and thus he became selfless. He wouldn't, as he had in the past, attempt to imprison Chu Wanning or change him. This belated, pure love rendered the man who had once been Taxian-jun willing to serve, to spend the rest of this lifetime as Chu Wanning's companion and no more.

And after that insane series of events, major developments on the RanWan front. The last half of this volume was just them being ridiculously cute and dancing around each other’s feelings. But then!? Mo Ran took that leap and confessed?! And now he knows Chu Wanning loves him back?! This is too good to be true 💔 Tell me, what’s gonna stop them from being together? Chu Wanning’s severe insecurities? Mo Ran’s severe guilt from his past life? Or some random event that causes shit to hit the fan? I don’t know and I. Am. Nervous.


Cover Reveal:
Just when I think that the covers couldn’t get more beautiful, Erha goes and proves me wrong 😮‍💨🫶
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Evie.
288 reviews48 followers
June 2, 2024
The first half of this volume was the messiest airing of dirty laundry I’ve ever read and I am living for it.

The second half of this volume was just me screaming into my hands over Mo Ran and Chu Wanning. The way Mo Rans desires are written is so visceral and suffocating. I can literally feel myself holding my breath every time he stares in Chu Wanning direction for more than half a second.

I am hesitant to make declarations before I have finished it. But I actually think this one may be knocking off TCGF and MDZS from my favourite Danmei series. I’m trying so hard to be patient and wait for the next releases but it’s so hard 😭😭😭😭

Love chained his instinct and bridled his beastly desire. It compelled him to lower his lashes and restrain his ardent breath, and demanded that he abide by the rules. It tamed his primal impulse and pulled the frightful fangs from his mouth. - Most romantic way to say that you want to bang the breaks off someone but also be like super respectful and loving about it 😂😂😂.
Profile Image for daph pink ♡ .
1,118 reviews3,030 followers
June 2, 2024
3.75 stars

"He had surely misheard. He was so ugly, so harsh, so clumsy with his words, so uninteresting. He was a total fool without a single redeeming quality. Who would like him?

"I like you."

We should take a time to discuss the confession sequence and the chef's kiss, which is a stunning scene that follows. The thousands of pages it took to get to this point in the scene were worth it.

I occasionally need stories like these to evoke strong emotions in me, and it's preferable if those emotions are suffering and agony.

This volume had a lot going on in addition to the introduction of numerous new characters. There was a lot of action and stuff occurring, and by stuff I mean all kinds of stuff, in contrast to the previous volume.

With about half of the book left and no idea how long it will take to finish this series, I will now switch to the unofficial translation.
Profile Image for Xia and the Giant TBR.
Author 5 books197 followers
May 26, 2024
I've just finished 1750 pages filled with the "misunderstanding trope" for a . If somebody ever says I lack ambition, I'll just throw this series at them.
Profile Image for V..
223 reviews14 followers
September 5, 2024
Drama. Drama. Drama.
Sweet. CONFESSION. Knife.
Sweet, sweet knife.
Profile Image for kelly.
344 reviews23 followers
May 15, 2024
5 ✨ the way i would literally hug this book on my chest while shedding a tear every time i had to put it down bc i never wanted it to finish…

meatbun, i hope both sides of your pillow are cold and that you always find an empty parking spot wherever you go. i also hate you.
Profile Image for Shu Wei Chin.
667 reviews32 followers
April 28, 2024
In the last lifetime, love had made him possessive, so he'd become selfish. In this one, love made him accepting, and thus made him selfless... This belated, pure love rendered the man who .

I've missed actually feeling, aching and crying over epic and romantic stories. While painful, it is so precious to find characters I love so much. I am not ready for my loves to go through the absolute shitfest that is bound to happen next, but I am telling you I need the next volume like I need air.
Profile Image for Maartje.
110 reviews
May 2, 2024
❤️ The Husky and his White Cat Shizun - Meatbun ❤️

❤️‍🔥 enemies to lovers
❤️‍🩹 trauma/healing
🔥 revenge plot
🫀 reincarnation
🪭 danmei

all I need to say about this volume is... THE CONFESSION SCENE 🌙❤️😭

that is literally it 💫✨️
5 reviews
August 11, 2023
I died and died and just kept dying. If you’ve struggled with your emotions in even the slightest before, your fucked.

I didn’t cry or anything in the beginning, I just absorbed it all in and used it as comfort for a long time, but this? This was legendarily bad for my mental health. Idk if this will have chapter 279 (the one that made me hyperventilate) but it doesn’t matter because it’s all horrible
Profile Image for tyler.
161 reviews3 followers
September 5, 2024
есессна только потому что всё время я просто в каком-то мареве безумия думала НУ ДА ПОХУЙ БЛИЖЕ К СУТИ БЛИЖЕ К СУТИИИИИИ проспойлерила себе нахуй всё что можно как только взяла в руки потому что люблю листать картиночки НАЛИСТАЛА БЛЯ к шестому вообще не подойдешь у меня, дура
господи я в таком экстазе, это ващеее никакими словами не описать, блять МЕШОК ЭТОТ ГОССССПАДИ сваха моя !!!!!!!!!! бля то как на этом мешке было первое упоминание чувств чу ваньнина И ПОТОМ ЭТОТ МЕШОК СОБСНА И ПОМОГ НАМ ВО ВСЕМ РАЗОБРАТЬСЯ мо жань ну наконец ты взял жопу в кулак и дело в свои руки 🙏🏼🙏🏼 храни тебя господь

девочки ну что шестой том и завязываем с этой психопатией (надеюсь)
Profile Image for Belicia.
81 reviews
April 25, 2024
“In the last lifetime, love had made him possessive, so he’d become selfish. In this one, love made him accepting, and thus he became selfless.”

i’ll never get over Mo Ran and Chu Wanning. they genuinely have my entire heart at this point.
Profile Image for Stacie Adams.
228 reviews6 followers
May 7, 2024
My love for Chu Wanning is endless 🥰. This volume gave me exactly what I needed from Mo Ran. I don’t think I can write a review without spoilers so I will just say I cried multiple times. I felt so emotional after finishing this book I had to reread the last two chapters and just stare at the last illustration. Not my best review but it’s all I can put into words right now!
Profile Image for L Ann.
629 reviews137 followers
August 18, 2024
The way the Rufeng sect's secrets were put on blast for the entire cultivation realm!! 🤣🤣 Omg! Nangong Xu's finally FU to everyone he hated was spectacularly epic! Before it all started going down in flames, I was all 👀😕😱🤦‍♀️🤡🍿😳💀!!! 🤣🤣 These people were so corrupt! Even I was shocked.

Chu Wanning and Mo Ran were closer than ever. The love and affection that poured from Mo Ran's thoughts whenever Chu Wanning was the subject made my heart ache. I wanted his adoration and devotion to be known to Chu Wanning. I wanted Chu Wanning's most desperate desire to be known to Mo Ran. I WANTED TO LOCK THESE TWO KNUCKLEHEADS IN A ROOM TOGETHER AND NOT RELEASE THEM UNTIL THEY KNEW!!

But the ending made up for all that pent-up aggrevation. It was perfect... and I felt like I could breathe again. 😌 I love these two. They still have a lot of things to work on, but I can finally see a path forward for them. 4.25 stars ❤️
Profile Image for Ray.
425 reviews16 followers
July 2, 2024
I am completely normal about the way this book ended.
*screams into pillow*
*invents a time machine to go to a time where the next book is out*
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,804 reviews71 followers
June 6, 2024
Poor Chu Wanning - his lack of self esteem explains a lot about him, and anyone who thinks there's no life left in the tsundere trope ought to read this book to see it done right.
Profile Image for ollie.
147 reviews8 followers
September 1, 2024
“Love, oh love—wasn’t it just like this? Unyielding and hot was the fierce blade that pierced one’s burning chest; gentle the tenderness that embraced one like spring water.”

Plunge the blade into my heart why don’t you? This is my second time reading this bit of 2ha and I found myself nearly going insane AGAIN from the slowburn. Thank god for Rufeng Sect’s scandals for distracting me.

This volume was big for us Ye Wangxi lovers. I loved her when I thought she was a guy and I love her even more now that I know she’s a woman <3 Truly a lesbian’s dream come true. I will be waiting patiently (not so patiently) to see my beloved Ye Wangxi again.

“‘Do you see him?’ he said. ‘The most beautiful person in the whole world.’”

I AM THROWING MYSELF DOWN THOSE 3799 STEPS!! The long awaited love confession was everything I could’ve wanted from Ranwan. Floating around together on a sword under the moonlight, oh my heart. Chu Wanning is too cute when he gets flustered.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sofia Boquist.
473 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2024
What do you call a book like this?


I don’t have to say much else. When you get to the end of the book you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Really liked the story overall even though the entire book was only focused on one event. I will never understand how RBBCR can write such a long series and still keep the reader hooked through every sentence. It’s also a nice change from the last book which only consisted of Chu Wanning and Mo Ran being horny for each other. We got more action and plot progression, finally!


I’m flabbergasted that it’s happening in this book! They confess in this book! We have six books left to read! What’s going to happen in all the other books!? In every danmei series I’ve read the confession scene happens in the last book so this took me completely by surprise. And that confession scene was so good. I’ll need weeks to recover from it!
Profile Image for kimidoodlez.
32 reviews10 followers
May 4, 2024
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Im currently at the airport as I finish this book so my review might not be lengthy or detailed but OMG so many things happened in this volume. I couldnt stop reading! Although the drama around the sect had me at a loss, I’m very forgetful with names and such so I might need to reread this book to fully grasp the entire context of it all. But gosh THE DRAMA the SCANDALS it was like watching a reality TV SHOW! Cultivation sect politics have always been very messy and icky. These cultivators who were supposed to be righteous often were the most un virtuous ones.

The revenge plot of the lost brother of the rufeng sect was SPICY and glorious. He just outted everyone! The gender reveal of that Yin Yu-like person also had me shook! It was just reveal after reveal!!! I couldn’t keep up and was honestly lost most of the time. However, I was very there for the drama and how it was executed! Simply intriguing and entertaining. What’s shocking is SO MANY DIED in that fire too! God, it was a whole whiplash. This was definitely a red wedding moment omg. Or gold banquet in terms of xianxia historical events.

Anyways, things winded down a little towards the end AND I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD MAKE IT IN THIS BOOK BUT WE GOT IT! We got a RanWan CONFESSION OMGGGG AHHHHHH these two are just SO IN LOVE. One can clearly see it in their dialogues. It was so beautiful but Mo Ran’s POV and how guilty he still feels for missing all this for two lifetimes broke my heart. It was painfully beautiful. I enjoyed it quite a lot. It was beautifully written! I am very much looking forward to how their relationship would proceed in the future….!!! AHHHHHH I WANT TO SCREAM
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Helia .
84 reviews
April 19, 2024
Wie soll ich bis August überleben wo Band 6 rauskommt??
Profile Image for Rumyana.
365 reviews8 followers
April 30, 2024
Ah, the beauty of reading Seven Seas translation instead of one after another crappy MTL! Though all those MTLs weren't able to damage the story so much that it would have been unbearable to read, something I believe was rather due to the story itself and the author's talent than anything else, I'll always prefer the official translation.
My first reading of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun was quite unconventional. After reading the first two chapters I skipped to chapter 179 because two chapters and some spoilers were enough for me to understand that The Husky and His White Cat Shizun was too emotional read, so I checked when are the confessions and went straight to there only to find out that after some pleasant chapters there was the real disaster. So after I made it to the end of the novel and returned to the start there was nothing that made me hurt more than the third part of the novel (last 100 chapters of the main story, every next chapter more painful than the last). After that I read the novel from beginning to end. In short, this was actually at least the third time I read chapter 179.
Be prepared. Soon (after 30 something chapters) the real ugly business will start. Though you might not understand it immediately, but after the next somewhat peaceful chapters things will only go downhill and only get better in the end.
I was quite disappointed when I found out that this volume would be so short and that probably wouldn't go beyond chapter 179. It went to chapter 180 but there's no much difference. Fortunately, by the time it was released I got over it.
The illustrations were pleasing as ever of course, I'm almost convinced that Severus Snape transmigrated into this novel and became Jiang Xi and Chu Wanning is my favourite (as always).
In any case, I was glad to find out that I still feel the same about this novel and everything that transpired in this volume. I even wish to read the rest again now but I'll wait till it's released by Seven Seas. At least, now I know what happens so I can be patient this much.
But I can't wait for the cover of the next Seven Seas volume. That is sure to be something awe-inspiring, beautiful and romantic and I just wish to see Chu Wanning on the front cover again.
Profile Image for Susanna.
Author 50 books91 followers
April 24, 2024
The most satisfying volume so far, emotionally. It’s the wedding of Nangong Si, Chu Wanning’s former disciple, and Song Qiutong, Mo Ran’s wife in his previous life whom he hates. The reader was given to understand already in the previous volume that something big was going to happen during the wedding, but it went beyond even that.

The pre-wedding feast is ruined by accusations of a masked intruder, that Song Qiutong has not been chaste and that she’s carried a relationship with Nangong Si’s best friend, Ye Wangxi, who saved her from being sold as a slave. That led to a stunning revelation that I didn’t see coming. But it was only a start.

A rift opens to a demon realm, and when Mo Ran and Chu Wanning go to investigate, they learn it’s done by the enemy they’ve been chasing for years. But the truth behind their identity is nothing either them or the reader expect, and the reason for their actions comes a bit out of the blue. But what is revealed causes a literal inferno that sends everyone to fleeing for their lives.

Mo Ran and Chu Wanning take shelter in a remote fishing village and there we finally come to the best part: feelings. Both are really bad expressing them, and both believe their feelings aren’t returned, so there’s a lot of angst to get past before we get a confession. Nothing happens, but it’s very satisfying nonetheless.

There’s no cliff-hanger ending this time, but nothing is solved yet. And the way things were left, taking back their confessions is entirely possible too. I’ll have to read on to find out.
Profile Image for SakuraReader.
542 reviews3 followers
January 12, 2024
This is my rating for the entire series. I know this is not the last volume but I've read all the chapters the series has and let's just say I need to lick my wounds now... what a tsunami of emotion this series brought me honestly.

I am only deducting a star because sometimes the story dragged a little and we do get some repetition... which is 50/50 good and bad for me. I know the style (at least for Japanese) anime and manga has this type of repetition to create drama. In some instances it worked and in others I was like "ok yeah we got it let's move on" oh and also some flashbacks took way too long 😅

but other than that ❤️‍🩹 loved it and I'm destroyed.
May 3, 2024
Eeeeee 😆😆

This book was quite exciting. Lots of things going on and lots of questions answered.

This bit had me laughing “Your biceps are so hard that hitting them might be no better than that file.”
Mo Ran chuckled. “There’s something even harder that Shizun hasn’t seen yet.”


I love how hard Mo Ran is trying to change, how his inner demons keep trying to pull him back but he fights on. “In the last lifetime, love had made him possessive, so he’d become selfish. In this one, love made him accepting, and thus he became selfless.”

Chu Wanning, oh, Chu Wanning 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
On the one hand I think he’s just bloody adorable and naive and on the other hand I think he’s a stubborn stupid mule, I want to slap and say wake up. He is making me all sorts of emotional. I love him, he annoys me, he makes me want to cuddle him, and he makes me sad. “I’m so ugly…— I’m not good looking.” Mo Ran Stared.—“Do me a favour, look into my eyes?” “Your eyes?” Chu Wanning asked, confused. Mo Rans gaze was warm and mild. In his irises was reflected the image of a man in white robes. “Do you see him?” He said. “The most beautiful person in the whole world.”

This is why we wait the 5 books! This is why right here, this one line that makes us giddy like school girls 🥰
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle Easton.
486 reviews31 followers
April 25, 2024
2Ha will always be my favorite danmei novel. From the way Meatbun builds complex characters to stunningly beautiful writing style I’m never disappointed.

This time we get to see the downfall of Rufeng Sect while Mo Ran deals with his love of Wanning turning from something gentle into the near-mad obsession he had as Taxian-Jun. his mantra of Love him, Cherish him starting to lose it’s effectiveness.

But during his emotional turmoil we get so many secrets revealed it’s kind of insane. Some of the twists I knew about but there were others that kinda shocked me. The world building in this is absolutely amazing and I love that we get to see so much of it.

I need volume 6 immediately to see how both the romance and insanity progresses.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for mery☆.
150 reviews3 followers
September 29, 2024
'"Do you see him? The most beautiful person in the whole world."

and once again, life is worth living
I've been crying my eyes out, this book is perfect
Displaying 1 - 30 of 397 reviews

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