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To You Shall All Flesh Come

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A brilliant Chief of Surgery and his team ensnare vampires, harvest their organs to donate or sell on the black market, then tag them like sharks and release them back into the wild. Encased within the 'pacetaker' attached to the heart are a toothpick and a monitor of the levels of human blood in the vampire's system. Their levels rise too high, and they get death by toothpick. It's a barbaric new method to keep vampires docile. Apparently, they've been on the honor system this whole time...

224 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 5, 2024

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About the author

Lumen Reese

13 books112 followers
Writer of science fiction, fantasy, horror and contemporary fiction from Michigan.
I think that a story should be entertaining, but should handle important social and class issues in order to be an accurate portrayal of our world. I value honest resolution over shock-value, and happy endings wherever possible, especially for my LGBT characters. None of my books will ever use artificial intelligence, because AI is theft. You can find me on Instagram @ZoominLumen
Or follow me on Goodreads for sales and announcements.

WITCH WIFE is a Fantasy/Sci-Fi novel.
(Coming November 21st, 2024! Available in ebook and paperback.)
Irene Shannon is taken from a battlefield in chains.
She has lost her husband and her sister, has killed a lot of people, and she is ready for it all to end. Instead, she finds herself the captive of a king. The British royals have heard tales of the two English sisters aligned with the people of the New World, and they believe her to be a witch. They wish for her to marry into their family. She refuses. What follows is a battle of wills, a plot with unlikely allies -an illegitimate daughter of the King's raised in a brothel, a one-legged Brigadier General of the British army, and a gay Earl- and a daring escape. Irene learns that her husband may still be alive, and she will do anything to get back to him, even cross an ocean back to the monster-infested New World.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews
Profile Image for Mel Bell.
Author 1 book51 followers
August 15, 2024
Vamp organ farmers? Yup, I'm in!

Just one chapter in and I was hooked. Vamp vibes, gay vibes, things behind locked doors vibes 👀

Pop culture references have always been controversial in the reviewer *gestures around me writing this review* but this book lands them all with a 10 10 10

Unique, fresh, and well-plotted story.
Profile Image for Books And Chocaholic.
492 reviews28 followers
February 17, 2024
** I received an arc of this book from the author. That in no way influences my opinion. **

This was another great book by this author. I really liked this books approach to vampires. It was a wonderful argument about the two sides of the dichotomy. On the one hand you have these hard working men who are trying to help humans and keep them safe - while making a little money on the side - however you can see how terrifying it would be for the vampire. I love books with murky ethics and questionable morals at the centre.

There were some grammatical choices that don’t quite suit my preferences in this one. Namely the sentence structures and verb tenses. It was a creative choice which I respect but didn’t match my reading tastes.

The characters were entertaining, with some amusing banter between them which offset the horror really nicely. They are not necessarily characters you feel a deep connection to but are very engaging and interesting to follow.

This author has some splendid action scenes and I think her pacing is phenomenal. I rarely want to put her books down and this one was no exception.

Overall it was a great book and I love what this author is doing with the speculative horror space.
Profile Image for Krystle Rouse.
134 reviews105 followers
March 13, 2024
This book was a real struggle to read. This book a multi POV in which made it very confusing. They would change in the middle of a chapter. I think that is what made it disjointed for me.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free ebook in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for vittoria.
21 reviews15 followers
February 14, 2024
When I initially read this book’s description and saw that it had an open giveaway, I don’t think I’ve ever entered one so quickly. I am so freaking glad I won because I knew I had to read this one way or other, and I was not disappointed! If anything, this book vastly exceeded my expectations because holy crap, what a thrilling book!

This was such a wonderfully refreshing take on vampires in addition to having an incredibly interesting plot line that I’ve never come across before. I could not put this book down, I had to keep turning the pages on this one. The concept of harvesting organs from vampires was very intriguing, and the twists that the book ended up taking kept me on the edge of my seat.

The book itself is paced wonderfully and it grabs you right from the first few pages without losing that momentum as you progress through the book. The characters are well written and you find yourself rooting for all of them as time goes on. Each character was multidimensional and you really get the feeling of each character as an individual with their own thoughts and feelings without it ever being repetitive.

I cannot recommend this book enough if you like horror, vampires, and just straight up ass kicking. What a thrilling read! This is definitely going on one of my top reads for 2024 and it’s only February.

This didn’t impact my feelings on the book whatsoever, but as stated, I won this on a giveaway. When I received the book in the mail, the author had signed the front page and addressed it to me (thanks for the compliment on my name!). I am definitely going to be keeping this because this book was just phenomenal. I’ll be recommending this book put to people, but clearly I am going to make them get their own copy. :)
Profile Image for Paranormal_Madness.
268 reviews9 followers
January 12, 2024
A fresh take on vampires. Going back to their roots by relying on older vampire lore made them interesting and the stuff of nightmares. The idea behind this story was unique in a genre I’ve considered tapped dry for years, and most of the characters brought something important to the story. I did hate Riley, one of the main characters, and found myself wincing every time he took center stage, but the rest of the cast made up for him, especially Jazz and Sloane.

My big complaint was the writing style. I am not a fan of third person present tense and found a few of the POV switches to be confusing and/or unnecessary. It seemed the author overused commas in an attempt to avoid the natural (in my opinion) choppiness that comes with third person, and it felt awkward in places. That aside, the plot and the good characters really outshine the negative and I had fun reading this.

I wavered between 4 and 5 stars, so I'll settle for a 4.5 and round up. Definitely recommend for anyone tired of feeling like they've read the same vampire story fifty times. Fun characters and kind of a goofy plot that becomes serious.
Profile Image for Renée.
20 reviews
February 10, 2024
This is a story about a vigilante foursome which includes husband and wife duo, a janitor, and a vampiric surgeon who have taken it upon themselves to address the organ shortage by hunting and trapping vampires, harvesting their organs (they grow back), and implanting them into the humans who need them. During the harvesting process, they put a "pace taker" onto the hearts of the vampires that not only tracks them, it will skewer their hearts with a toothpick if they consume too much human blood.

The groups' activities harvesting and trafficking organs have caught the eye of the FBI who are now investigating. But someone in the group is keeping a secret that will blow the operation wide open and inspire the vampire community to rise up against the troupe.

This was a wild and bloody ride. Couldn't put it down for a second. Can't wait to read more! 10/10 no notes.
Profile Image for Jeffrey S. Kuehn.
85 reviews6 followers
January 14, 2024
Received as an ARC. A new kind of vampire story. New kind of vampire. Riley, Ray, and Jazz harvest organs from vampires to help the sick and the dying. Until the fbi and an ancient find out. It is a bloody, crazy battle for all. Highly enjoyed. Looking forward to more from Lumen Reese
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for merlin513.
250 reviews2 followers
May 26, 2024
NOT your run of the mill vampire story!

I very much enjoyed both the strangely compelling plot and the characters and their interactions. Ray & Riley, Jennifer & Jazz, FBI Agent Honore Sloan, all full rounded, human (ish) folks with their own moral quandaries, hopes, dreams and excuses.

I visualized Agent Sloan as a creole Phil Coulson : )

so happy to know that we’ll be getting further stories with him ( a new X-Files division in the making?)

Hope that Jazz and all the main characters make appearances occasionally but VERY sure Jazz is gonna say, ‘No, to the *^%! naw!’

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Kyrianna.
158 reviews2 followers
January 6, 2024
This is an ARC copy review. I received this book for free and am leaving a review voluntarily.

I went into this book blind. I will say that it is the first vampire book I have read since Twilight back in my sophomore year of high school. It was action pacted, and I loved the premise of the story.

It did fall flat for me character wise. I don't feel like I was connected to anyone personally or emotionally. There is so much going on in the book, and with some of the things that happen with the characters, you'd expect some type of emotional reaction, but I honestly didn't have one once. It was like when you're on your phone, just half paying attention to a TV show and an action scene comes on, and it grabs your attention, but you're not emotionally invested. For me, personally, as a reader, I need the connection with the characters to truly enjoy the book.

Lumen can write some amazing action scenes, though. So, if you're not so much a character reader, I am sure that you'll love this story.
Profile Image for Saif Shaikh.
27 reviews3 followers
March 8, 2024
Advanced Review Copy provided in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley.

Score: 2.5/5 (Rounded to 3)

Since this is an ARC, the review aims to be as Spoiler-free as possible.

Read this review and more on my Medium page: Distorted Visions

Lumen Reese’s new novella takes the tired trope of the urban vampire story and gives it her twist in her newest horror-tinged thriller To You Shall All Flesh Come.

Unfamiliar with Reese’s previous work, the title was what sucked me into her upcoming novella. To You Shall All Flesh Come has all the hallmarks of a fantastic title, it teases the reader with greatness without giving too much away!

The story follows four unlikely partners, a couple Jazz and Jennifer, along with medical professionals Riley and Ray as they navigate their side hustle of harvesting organs from vampires for implants into deserving patients or to sell on the black market. While they have been able to carry out their trade with seeming anonymity, the FBI is now catching up with them, as they are being investigated by Special Agent Sloane.

Oh, Ray is a vampire too, just to keep things spicy!

What worked for me in To You Shall All Flesh Come was the novel premise, as it took familiar tropes of urban vampire mythos and gave it a new, almost optimistic spin. In this regard, the setting felt a lot closer to the TV Show (and graphic novel series) The Strain rather than Dracula or Twilight. In addition, the inclusion of Sloane’s cop POV gives the novel a noir aesthetic, with his jaded characterization. In fact, Sloane’s character was the one that felt most fleshed out among all the major players.

However, that is where the positives sputter out with Reese’s newest offering. There were more elements, not egregious enough to make the book unreadable per se, took away a lot of gravitas and kept the story from reaching its true potential. The characterization of Riley in particular is found to be particularly grating. His dynamic with Jazz and Ray was saccharine in its quality, with cringey quips, immersion-breaking real world references (Twilight, etc.). I would assume that Reese intended on Riley being the comic relief, especially in the first act of the book, but the humor felt extremely forced and caused more sighing and eye-rolling than general mirth. The fact that an ancient vampire like Ray and a hardened no-nonsense bagman like Jazz keep playing along felt immensely counter to their character markup.

What really rankled at me were the confusingly uneven potrayal of vampires in To You Shall All Flesh Come. While Ray and other named vampires that form important characters to the story defy the age-old tropes and can daywalk, and blend well into human society to a point of total secrecy, there is an entirely different set of vampires that are potrayed as rabid beasts (as seen on 28 Days Later). While Reese pokes in-universe fun at established vampire lore tropes, she goes ahead and dilutes the mythos herself, leading to a vampire universe in her novels that neither have the Gothic cheese of Underworld or Van Helsing, the cheesy romance of Twilight, the classic tropes in Dracula, or the grimdark violence of The Strain or Castlevania. In truth the vampire mythos felt very like early True Blood, but without the length of content to make the world feel lived-in.

In addition to uneven characterization, the third person present tense style of prose that the book was written, while again, a minor qualm, didn't really work for me. Furthermore, and more egregiously, the multiple POV shifts within the same chapter, with “head hopping” between chapters felt particularly jarring and, on a few occasions almost confusing. Understandably constrained by the novella length, Reese would have been better served by sectioning her writing either with single POV chapters or doing a better job of differentiating different POVs within the same chapter via chapter-breaks more often than she does.

The novella length, the stylistic choice of prose, and the uneven characterization work against the pacing and plot of To You Shall All Flesh Comes and keeps the story from being truly special.

The first act of the book follows the main premise of the blurb at a pace more suited to full-length novels, and the pivot into the more dramatic second act leads to a rushed finale leading to a relatively unsatisfying climax. The premise and characters were interesting enough for Reese to consider expanding into a full-length novel or splitting into two separate stories to give both major trajectories their due. Without spoilers, she does indicate that Sloane will be (and possibly was) a recurring character in her Horror Noir series, which hints at a larger world.

While an enjoyable premise, To You Shall Flesh Comes is held back by the author’s choices in characterization, pacing, and prose styling, leading to yet another take on Urban Vampire fiction that comes in fangs bared with potential, but leaves everyone rather anemic!
Profile Image for Lauren.
135 reviews5 followers
March 2, 2024

-Supernatural horror
-Morally gray characters and situation
-Interesting approach to vampires

Is it really a crime if there are no victims? This supernatural horror centers around the morally gray organ business of Riley, Ray, and Jazz and the FBI detective trying to uncover the secret behind their operation. I am generally not a big fan of vampire books, but this one really hooked me with its unique approach and how each of the characters perceive the fascinating moral questions at the heart of this story. It is a shorter read that manages to pack a lot in and there is a wonderful balance between horror, humor, and drama. This book throws you right in and can be a little disorienting at first, but it is well worth letting the story unfold. My only complaint is that the writing occasionally feels disjointed or unclear at times, but this did not really detract from my overall enjoyment of the book. If you are looking for an engaging supernatural horror that includes a little bit of brain food, this is the book for you!

50 Shades of Morally Gray

Pun aside, this book manages to accomplish something that many books try and fail to do: present and develop intriguing moral questions/dilemmas in a way that feels natural. The story centers around Riley, Ray, and Jazz’s side hustle of secretly donating and selling organs they collect from vampires in order to save human lives. Being immortal, the vampires don’t die from this process and can be tapped again for harvesting once their organs regrow. For Riley, Ray, and Jazz, it’s a win for all involved. However, there are a lot of moral questions that grow from both their operation, and their true motives behind it.

Though I would not call this a strong character novel, how their varying motives and attitudes caused them to act still made them intriguing to follow. More importantly, everything was allowed to sit in a morally gray area without feeling like they were forced to be there. Overall, I was left not really knowing what to think, but in a way that still felt satisfying and elevated beyond most supernatural horror books.


We have all had those moments where our brains don’t quite register what we have just read and we have to go back before continuing to charge ahead. However, after a certain number of times going “wait…what?” I have to admit that in this case, the writing isn’t always clear. There is nothing specific I can point to as the reason, but there were many times where an odd detail would stand out or I would suddenly feel like I had missed something and would have to go back to try puzzling it together. It could just be that I wasn’t completely vibing with the writing style despite being engaged in the story. However, it made it a little difficult for me to become hooked at the start and is the main reason I am rating this a four instead of a perfect 5.

Special thanks to NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Paula Lopes.
171 reviews5 followers
March 14, 2024
The first half of the book goes slow. It’s setting the scene.
Letting you get to know the characters, their backgrounds, the base for the plot. Showing how each of the characters is deeply human and full of good intentions despite their flaws.
This first half will make you consider morals and methods and think of all those questions that plague scientists looking for solutions. Ethics. And humanity.

I was conflicted about the characters and their antics. It felt weird being both on their side and against it.
It could be a bit better paced, but it got where it was meant to be.

Then the second part will make your heart race and fear for every single character. They are now human and you care for them and they don’t deserve to die, even when you know they brought it all on themselves, in one way or another.

My heart was racing for 40% of the book! If the first 50% were slow and at times a bit boring, this part is all about the adrenaline! I feared for them all! The rivers of blood and ash made my breath ragged waiting for them all to die. In bloody bloody ways…

At the same time, it made me consider the ethics of being human and Blake voiced my thoughts.

I did crack up laughing like a maniac at the rice.

This is more than a book about vampires.
More than a thriller.
More than good vs evil.
Because… what is evil???
Who is the villain? Who is the hero? Is there ever a black and white answer?
The whole damn humanity is a spectrum of gray.

And then there’s greed…

But there might also be light and splashes of colour. If only you pay attention…

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
Profile Image for Two Odd Socks.
62 reviews3 followers
January 2, 2024
“To You Shall All Flesh Come”- Lumen Reese


Summary: Ray, Riley and Jazz are all hard working men, with an unusual side hustle; extracting organs from vampires to donate or sell on the black market. Some are killed and others have a machine attached to their heart to keep track, but also to kill if they consume far too much human blood. All is going well, until Agent Sloane catches on, and the trio have to reconsider their whole operation.


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you again to Book Sirens!

This was an interesting premise, and I found myself feeling bad for the trio but also for some of the vampires. They believe what they are doing is helping people and will bring no harm, but you hear it from a vampire’s side, and realise how scary it would be in their situation.

Some of the vampires; boo to the others.

I liked the characters, particularly Sloane; I found him fun to follow alongside with as he tried to investigate what was happening, while following the trio as they are harvesting organs from vampires.

I would have liked it more if we got to spend more time with the story. Ray has an intriguing story arc, which I wish could have been fleshed out more.

Regardless, I couldn't stop and read this in one night. It was such a different premise from what I had read before, and I needed to know what happened.

Good luck to the author! Believe this book will be published on April 5th 2024.
Profile Image for Krystelle Fitzpatrick.
748 reviews40 followers
March 19, 2024
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This was a really interesting and refreshing take on the vampire genre, which of late has been mired in more of the romance and less of the gore. The start of this novel was an immediate hook - really well written and approached, with interesting characters and a focus on the struggle between good, not-so-good, and probably just plain evil. The world is written well to start with, and the book really draws you in.

However, that's where the positives ended for me with this one. The point of view switches were all just a bit too much, and the changes between them were meant to culminate, but instead they ended up making the plot confusing. There was also just a little too much tied up in the characters that didn't make sense, and I just didn't connect very well with the book as a whole.

It was also a little short compared to what I might have expected, particularly for something that was trying to build out a bigger world. I enjoyed it, but not quite as much as I might have with some adjustments and less of a focus on the action and more of the world in the end.
Profile Image for Joy.
28 reviews
January 12, 2024
***While I received this book for free from Book Sirens, all opinions are my own and I'm leaving this review voluntarily***

I understand a 2-star might be a little harsh, but honestly, I felt like the whole book I was being flung around with how often the POV changed. In one paragraph there were 3 POVS alone! I don't mind multiple views, but when there's no break in the page or a chapter dedicated to that POV, it ends up feeling like a hot mess. My main other problem, and honestly I might just be dumb, but it felt like there were a few inconsistencies with character relations/history and the vamps. Other than that it felt a little flat for around half the story.

A few positives for me, though, were that the characters didn't feel cookie-cutter, the premise was new (to me) and original, and the author can for sure write a good showdown!

While this has definitely -not- discouraged me from checking out more of this author's work, it has made me a bit hesitant.
Profile Image for Leigh Wilkinson.
34 reviews
February 20, 2024
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy in return for an honest review.
Wow, I really enjoyed this book! I always enjoy a new take on vampire mythos and ways to deal with the beasts, but I also enjoy the use of classic tropes (susceptibility to religious items, insatiable instinct to count items). Reese does a great job making vampires exist in a realistic, modern world. The team's mission is a really fun idea too, and one I've never even considered.
Speaking of the team, Reese does a great job of giving the characters heart and depth. There's real love there, and the fact that one of them is a vampire serves to complicate things but Reese does not either dismiss this after introducing it nor beat the reader over the head with it.
This the first book I've read by Lumen Reese, I look forward to reading more by her!
Profile Image for Gil.
41 reviews1 follower
March 26, 2024
Never read anything by Lumen Reese but this was such an interesting look into vampires and between this and The Passage trilogy I'm starting to enjoy vampire books.

There were a few scenes where I was completely blown away by the violent descriptions of the deaths. Seeing both sides of the organ donations was also engrossing. From the witty banter involved with the first surgery to the despair felt by the vampire as the organs were removed, it was a genuinely new experience.

Overall, this was such a solid read and it's short enough to be done in one sitting which makes it that much better. If you enjoy vampires, horror, things hidden behind locked doors, and suspense then this should immediately be added to your TBR!

Thank you to NetGalley and XpressoBookTours for the ARC in exchange for an honest rate and review.
Profile Image for Janet Halsey.
66 reviews3 followers
February 6, 2024
This was an interesting take on vampires. Jazz, Ray, and Riley know vampires exist even if the rest of the world doesn't. Together, they hunt vampires and harvest their organs to sell on the Black market to terminally ill patients that can't wait on the donor list. They soon capture the attention of the FBI and an ancient evil that wants revenge for what they are doing.

Even though this was a fairly short book, it packed a lot into its pages. Right off the bat, the action starts and you feel for the three main characters and why they chose this path. The ending was action packed and had me on the edge of my seat. While this wasn't a deep story, it did raise ethical questions about the rights of beings that aren't considered human. Overall, a good read that I enjoyed.
Profile Image for Rachella.
210 reviews3 followers
April 1, 2024
I was drawn to the premise of this book. Ethical vampires who take only enough to survive. A punishment for vampires who are mass murderers or who have gone rogue. I liked the sense of humor with the toothpick and some of the other seemingly harmless instruments being deadly for vampires.

While I found the characters interesting to follow, they're not ones that I easily identified with. I also found this book hard to follow at times, particularly in the first half. There wasn't anything that established the world of the book. I often felt outside the loop. The second half became clearer, and I enjoyed it more.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for claudia reads it all.
353 reviews7 followers
February 18, 2024
A surgical team that lures vampires, then takes their organs and releases them with an implant that will kill them if they drink too much human blood?

The premise of To You Shall all Flesh Come is brilliant, but the execution is sloppy. The ever changing points of view are not that much of a problem since the main three are basically interchangeable. Agent Sloane is possibly the most interesting character, but even he is not well rounded in this book.

Added to the messy storytelling is a complete lack of editing, with misused words and bad grammar that have put me off reading anything else by this author.
Profile Image for Beth Rosser.
293 reviews8 followers
March 14, 2024
I really struggled with this. I almost DNFed several times, but forced myself through it.

It's third person PoV, which is not a problem, but the perspectives changed mid-chapter and it was quite confusing sometimes.

The characters weren't very likeable, especially Riley. They were quite shallow. There wasn't enough backstory to make them interesting or to really connect with them. Jazz and Jen were probably the two that you got to know the most.

The differences between the vampires wasn't explained. Why were some mindless beasts and others able to blend in with society? It was just a bit of a mess.
Profile Image for Sara Sykora.
86 reviews3 followers
February 24, 2024
This book was a slow burn.

It took its time introducing you to the characters, gave you insight on where you thought the book was headed and it kept you invested.

Then it took a 90 degree turn and all hell broke loose! I read through the last third of the book so fast, I was disappointed when it ended.

I enjoyed all the characters in the book and the roles they played. They were well written and well thought out.

It would be great to see book sequels that follow them.

This was a great spin on the vampire genre.
Profile Image for Noah Red.
160 reviews2 followers
March 18, 2024
Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours and NetGalley, I was able to secure an eARC of ‘To You Shall All Flesh Come’. #ToYouShallAllFleshCome #NetGalley.

I am personally deciding that 2024 is the year of the vampire. The characters are all so much fun and feel like fully realized people. Their banter is hilarious. The concept is both really interesting and suspenseful from the jump. I was invested the entire time. Overall, I had an enjoyable time with ‘To You Shall All Flesh Come’, which releases very soon (April 5).
September 14, 2024
Unfortunately, this was a bit disappointing.

The writing style was very confusing for me and made it difficult to get through the almost 300 pages. This was mainly due to the constant change of perspective in the middle of the chapters.

I also found the aspect with the vampires far too short. Some simply lived in society and others were "monsters". There could have been a lot more background information on the vampire aspect and the situation. I personally missed that.

In general, the concept of the book would have had so much potential, but unfortunately it wasn't realized perfectly.
Profile Image for Nikki.
91 reviews3 followers
February 10, 2024
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This was amazing. A vampire book that’s not just vampires v humans. It is a bit graphic at times, but I didn’t feel like it was over-the-top. I would really like to see more of the characters, especially the super-complex Ray. I feel like there’s so much more to Sloane’s story, so I’m really hoping that we learn more in the next book!
Profile Image for QueenDee.
99 reviews3 followers
February 23, 2024
#Netgalley #ToYouShallAllFleshCome
I pre-read this novel in exchange for my honest review. I love the concept of vampires having a pick near their hearts that go off if they have too much human blood in their system. I also enjoyed the plot of an hospital that takes vampires to harvest their organs. At times the story felt a bit slow build for a plot that sounds so cool. Overall, it's a decent read for anyone who likes supernatural horror.
Profile Image for Mary.
311 reviews12 followers
April 8, 2024
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I'm giving this a mid-range average rating, as it was neither that good, nor that bad.

It was a pleasant read, but at times felt like it was dragging, the POVs were muddled and the comic relief fell flat.

The idea itself of the organ harvesting breathed new life into the genre, and it had lots of potential.

It is difficult for me to recommend this book or advise you to stay away from it.
51 reviews
May 24, 2024
I wanted to like this book more than I actually did. While I loved the premise, the execution of it was lacking. The author has a confusing habit of changing POV in a disjointed way that takes you out of the action to try and figure out whos head you're in now. It was jarring enough that I considered DNFing the book the entire last 30% but at that point wanted to know how it ended. And it just...ended. Not a good or bad ending. Just and ending. Would not recommend.
Profile Image for Charity.
141 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2024
I liked this book. A quick read. It offered an interesting perspective on vampirism. I loved that the characters discussed the moral dilemmas. Action-packed (a little too much for me). Kind of a Roswell feel but with vampires. (I am Roswell fan.)

Thank you BookSirens. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
44 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2024
What a great vampire story! Blood, gore and an intriguing unique storyline. Was an enjoyable read from start to finish. I finished this book in record time. Lumen is a wonderful writer and their work is full of passion. Love it, would read again

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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