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The Taste of Her Silence: A Jensy Willett Novel

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Love, loss, resilience,
The unforgettable conclusion of the Jensy Willett trilogyOn a seemingly ordinary April weekend, with her beloved wife Sophie out of town, Jensy Willett
finds herself reminiscing about the extraordinary events of her life over the past eight years.
From the long, slow arc of her recovery as the victim of a school shooting, to her hard-earned
success as a photographer… from the cultivation of a dear circle of friends and family, to the
spectacular “Jensyventures” she’s shared with her precious Sophie… Jensy contentedly reflects
on the peace and happiness she has found at last.

Now in her mid-forties, Jensy has a new career, a new appreciation for her life in the city, and a
love for Sophie that has only grown stronger over the two decades of their life together.

Then, an unexpected phone call shatters her world completely.

In the face of devastating loss, Jensy is forced to confront the limits of her own strength. Will she
succumb to despair, or will she rise from the ashes and find the courage to embrace the pleasures
and delights that life still has to offer?

A beautiful story of love and loss, tragedy and resilience, unbearable sadness and the
transcendence of love, The Taste of Her Silence is the powerful conclusion to the story of the
irrepressible Jensy Willett.

The Touch of Her Voice and The Sound of Her Smile (volumes one and two of the Jensy Willett
trilogy) are available on Amazon in paperback, ebook, and Kindle Unlimited.

327 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 13, 2024

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About the author

Sara Scott

3 books21 followers
I am a midwesterner transplanted to the southwest about eleven years ago.

During my working career I was an English teacher, Special Education teacher, school administrator and coach (basketball, softball, volleyball, track and field).

Retirement has allowed me to the more artistic side of myself. I enjoy photography (and reworking my photos in abstract works of art), drawing (geometric drawings designed with ultra-fine makers), and writing.

In 2019 I took an idea and several separate chapters I had written and decided to write my first novel. The result was "The Touch of Her Voice." It is a lesbian romance/relationship novel that follows the characters of Jensy Willett and Sophie Barnes.

It is to be the first novel in a trilogy. The second and third volumes ("The Sound of Her Smile" and "Taste of her Silence") are as yet to be published.

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Linda.
772 reviews113 followers
April 27, 2024
"The Taste of Her Silence" is one of the most challenging books for me to read. I shed far too many tears and had to stop several times to catch my breath. I'm not sure how to rate it, to be honest. On one hand, it is a heartwarming series with flawed characters who love each other deeply. On the other hand, it is devastatingly heartbreaking and not for the faint of heart.

Looking back on the series, though it pains me to finish the book, and as much as I'd like a once-in-a-lifetime happy ending, I have to admit that it's a beautifully written but heart-wrenching memoir. Kudos to the author for going where few have gone. For that...I give it a 5
Profile Image for JulesGP.
545 reviews166 followers
March 23, 2024
I couldn’t have asked for a more satisfying ending to the series. The 3 books are memoir-style chapters of Jensy Willett’s life, spanning from her mid 20’s starting in Book 1 to this story where she has now reached middle age. Just like with most people’s lives, there are challenges and tragedies which are tough to read but there are also moments of grace where Jensy is kindly reminded that she is tethered to this life. That’s what I take away from Jensy Willett’s story, a reminder to keep reaching out for joy in whatever form it takes. A very special trio of books about love and loss and love again. Please remember to read the author’s afterword where she opens up about her vision for Jensy Willett’s story.
Profile Image for Guerunche.
566 reviews37 followers
June 24, 2024
*spoilers, spoilers, spoilers. DO NOT READ THIS UNTIL YOU HAVE READ BOOK THREE*

DAMMIT, THIS BOOK! Anyone familiar with my reviews knows I love some angst, but this one completely caught me off guard. What happens in this third book is a big no-no in sapphic circles! Killing off a main, beloved character? Sara Scott said it was always her plan to end the trilogy this way, but WOW. Talk about a gut punch. I loved the character of Sophie soooo much. How could I recover from losing a character like her? So giving, so loving. The perfect partner in every way.

Now that I've licked my wounds, I have to admit - if this was Scott's plan all along, she did it the right way. The author held the love Jensy had for Sophie in high regard throughout this installment, giving her ample time to grieve the loss. I appreciated how Jensy honored that undying love until the very end.

I was relieved that Scott took her time to develop the relationship between old friend/new love interest Jamie. And when Jensy was still too deep in her grief to share herself with anyone, I admired that Jamie stood up for herself and expressed what she deserved from a partner. Later, she was respectful of the love Jensy would always have for her dead wife. Jamie was never a replacement and I appreciated all the references to how the loves weren't comparable, but both beautiful in their own way.

I found it very respectful of Jensy's first relationship that Scott didn't give her and Jamie a HEA. It was more of a "we're good where we are for now and are willing to let this continue to grow organically" kind of thing.

Such a perfect way to wrap it up too, with Jensy writing her story, the first lines in the first book. What a heart-clutcher! It brought tears to my eyes.

I wish I could say that all of my friends could handle this book. Emotionally, it's a killer. But like the rest of this series, it's also so damn good. I won't ever recover completely from it though. And that's a testament to Scott's writing. Kudos to her.

That said, Sara - if you're reading this - don't you ever do that to me again! :-)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cherie.
492 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2024
This book will rip your heart out, so beware. YOU HAVE TO READ THESE BOOKS IN ORDER, otherwise you will loose out of the deep emotions that are in the story.

Jensy is such a complex character who endures so much pain and suffering and continues to grow emotionally throughout the series. At times you want to kick her in the ass and other times hug her. She can be the life of the party and she can be completely selfish.

Sophie is the perfect person and everyone loves her. I get why Jensy keeps wondering how she got so lucky to have her as her wife.

Jamie is also a complex person who has suffered from cruel and hateful parents, but has risen above it. Thinking back to book one I always felt that there was a spark between Jamie and Jensy. Jamie is a character I admire and respect and would like you to know. Perhaps she’s my favorite person and who I relate to most in the series.

This is so true- “…while happily ever after is not a given to any of us, we can find long sweet moments of happiness, if we open our hearts and minds”. To me, this gives me hope.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for bookster.
634 reviews
March 18, 2024
5 Stars for the writing & all the feels
unable to rate for the enjoyment (I enjoyed around one third of the book when reading about how Jensy & Sophie's love story but since the book took the turn I was unable to enjoy the book because of the heartache I felt for the characters)

This book is very difficult for me to rate and I just feel so conflicting. I had no idea that the book will take us down this path and I was shocked when it happened. In the back of my mind I was hoping that it was just a bad dream or that there will be another twist or something but that never came.

It was very difficult for me to continue the story after that and I had to skipped through the rest of the book because part of me couldn't accept what happened after I've invested so much emotions in Jensy & Sophie's relationship. In this regard, it shows that the writing of this book (and the whole series) was a 5 stars since it made you care so much for the fictional characters. The way this author writes just made you feel so many emotions. Another big part that I'm an emotional wreck right now is because I just re-read Book 1 & 2 so their relationship and love story are still so vivid in my mind.

I read the Author's Afterword and understand why the story has to go down this difficult path and the messages behind it, but understanding and accepting is two different thing, and if I can choose I'd probably want the story to end in Book 2 or when they were watching the Northern Lights with Jensy & Sophie's HEA.

Sophie put her arm through mine and leaned against me.

"Thank you for this - all of this." She'd pulled me closer. "For all the Jensyventures. For all your love.

I took off my glove and put my hand on her cheek. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

We'd watched till the sky's magic show was over. That night, I'd fallen asleep with Sophie's head on my shoulder, my heart filled to bursting with love, and visions of the Northern Lights still dancing in my mind's eye...

This is how I wish the story ends. After so much they've been through, they should grow old together with many more Jensyventures to come.

The tragedy in this book brought down my enjoyment and it's difficult for me to see Jensy with someone else.

I know I'm ranting but Sophie has always been my fav character in this series because of her personality and the love & dedication she has for Jensy so it was difficult to accept her sudden death. Sophie deserves so much more. Even though this series is "A Jensy Willett Novel" but to me it's always feel more like a love story between Jensy & Sophie.

I hope that maybe, just maybe, I can come back to read the book again in the future with more open mind (but it would be hard to read about the tragedy and I don't know if my fragile heart can go through that again), and possibly able to reflect on the messages intended by the author.

But now I think I need to read something light after this. My emotions are drained..


18Mar24: I decided to re-read the book again (even though I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to get through it) because, as mentioned above, after the tragedy I just skipped read the rest since I couldn't accept Sophie's death. After I slept on it I still think about the book and I think it deserves a thorough read. The way this author writes just make you feel so much. I can't remember the last time a book affected me and made me cry and ache this much. I appreciated the Author's Afterword even more on my second read as it must be more difficult for her to write Sophie's death. On this re-read I liked and appreciated Sophie even more because of "her unflinching support, her profound love, and her unswerving devotion" to Jensy. Although Jamie seems perfect, but it is difficult for me as a reader to get into her story with Jensy after I just spent the weekend re-reading book 1 & 2, immersing in Jensy & Sophie's love story. Anyway, I realised that I have no choice but to give the book 5 Stars since it made me feel so much, resulting in my long rambling.

All in all, I highly recommended the series, but beware of the difficult path book 3 took and read it if or when you are emotionally strong. Sara Scott is clearly talented and I look forward to what she writes next (please no more death of the main character).

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Clara Addicted to sapphic books.
237 reviews154 followers
April 7, 2024
Do not read that book before reading the first two books of the series. If you are into fluffy reads, run away. If you are TRULY brave, dive in. Just reading the title gave me anxiety. So cruel and painful. So beautiful. I am speechless by Sara Scott's talent and bravery to write about topics most sapphic writers avoid, and she does it with incredible sensitivity, delicacy, and depth. I shed so many tears, I got dehydrated. I felt sick and had to take a break at some point because I felt everything with Jensy Willett. She is a true survivor. Following characters through more than two decades of their lives resulted in producing the most layered and interesting ones and one of the deepest love stories I have ever read, giving me the most intense pain while reading.I read the three books in a row, each book portrays a battle in Jensy's life. Scott simply illustrates how unpredictable life can be. My heart would want to rate it 4☆ because it is deeply hurt, but my brain rates it 5☆ for the author's bravery in pursuing her vision and for the quality of the writing. I have left a piece of my heart with this trilogy. Jensy, Sophie, even Jamie, these characters will remain dear to my heart.
It's the kind of book that I probably won't be able to read twice, but that I absolutely do not regret reading.
The author's afterword is something you need to read as well; it helped me understand her vision.
What a roller coaster! Now excuse me, I have to go ask my boss for some days off to recover.
Profile Image for Kerri Bailey.
4 reviews
September 16, 2024
This book wrecked me! Jensen Willett! Loved the progression of their relationship over many years! This one will sit with me a while!
Profile Image for Misha.
1,245 reviews42 followers
September 26, 2024
This book is about the conclusion of an established and happy relationship, grief, and coming to terms with continuing to find love and happiness in life after a devastating incident. I appreciated the format, which is flashbacks to happier times and some minor speed bumps in the lives of the main couple but I wish that we didn't fast forward through most of the grieving process and opened up in more detail to the process of healing and hurting as you take small steps forward. Aside from that, this would have been a tearjerker for most, I'm sure.
Profile Image for Hope.
14 reviews5 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
June 30, 2024
DNF at 72%

I can't finish... I've re-read books 1 and 2, and I'm too invested in their relationship. It's too difficult to continue.

Profile Image for Laura.
147 reviews7 followers
July 14, 2024
How do you review something which needs to be felt so as to be truly appreciated? I'm not sure you can, but I'll try.

I've had the pleasure of reviewing for Sara Scott since her debut novel released in 2022 - The Touch of Her Voice (also the first book in the Jensy Willett trilogy) . She was kind enough to divulge that she'd had my review typed up and framed, and that it now hung on her wall; I know that many folks feel that reviews are for readers and not authors - and on the whole I agree. But, writing is hard, probably more so than I'll ever know given I don't write(!), and I've always believed that receiving well deserved praise for a job well done, doesn't hurt. As with everything in life we're often a society who are quick to point out the negatives, but not so much the positives, and thus it's always a pleasure when authors do choose to read their reviews; I hope in some small part it keeps them writing - otherwise books like this one - The Taste of Her Silence - may never see the light of day.

First off, I cried when reading the culmination of Jensy Willett's story - and that never ever happens. The Taste of Her Silence is the third book in the series, and whilst it is technically possible to read as a standalone because the author does a good job of using the first few chapters to remind readers of key plot points from the first two books, I highly recommend that you don't. If you want to experience Jensy Willett's story as it was meant to be read, you need to commit to it and start from the beginning!

The book picks up eight years after the ending of the second story - by which point Sophie and Jensy have been together for twenty two years. All three books are a journey in time through the whole of Sophie and Jensy's relationship, from the first time they meet, through to the good, the bad, and the ugly. The trilogy is a homage to a life well lived; not always easy, not always pretty, but real and true. Taken together the stories are a blueprint for authentic romance in fiction and in real life; through Jensy's eyes we are able to see lust and love, hurt and sorrow play out, and in this third act: tragedy, trauma, resilience and recovery.

I won't go into the synoptics of The Taste of Her Silence as to do so, would in my eyes be a disservice to the journey that the author wishes readers to experience firsthand. However, I will say that this is one of the best books I have read this year and certainly it is in my top five Sapphic series' of all time. This story will leave you emotionally flayed, raw from the tragedy that unfolds and simultaneously hopeful in the restorative qualities of friendship, family and love.

With main characters who are now in their mid-forties, Jensy and Sophie's love story has transcended both age and the passing of time. It is a poignant reminder of the power of love, the resilience love enables in each of us, and the reviving hope that can be found in a second chance at love if one is willing to be open to the possibility of the future.

The Taste of Her Silence is an exquisite, beautifully devastating story; a reminder to each and everyone of us that love in every iteration is the glue that completes each and everyone of us. Despite the tragedy that is the core of this final installment of Jensy's journey, I came away with imparted strength from her moving story - a personal recollection that loss and grief are not invulnerable to resilience, courage and love.

I have loved Sara's writing from the beginning, and no more so than in this book - the text is an elegant and simple prose which conveys every heart-warming and heart-wrenching moment with equal vigor. Her ability to instill readers with such a range and depth of emotions is nothing short of outstanding; it is hard at times to remember that Sophie, Jensy, and all the other characters are fictional, so tangible is the emotional rollercoaster of their lives together.

The epilogue is a gorgeous end to Jensy's story and a reminder that memories are what remain long after we are gone, they are immersive and made to be shared both with others and indeed to our own mind's eye. In closing the series, the author's afterword is the perfect summation of the rationale and context behind Jensy Willett's narrative, ending with a touching reminder for us all.

This is a story that will stay with me for the rest of my life; I'm not sure I can give higher praise than that. Thank you Sara for sharing a story which few in the Sapphic romance genre would have dared to bring to the page.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Menestrella.
306 reviews13 followers
March 25, 2024
Life doesn’t always go the way we want, and we need to learn how to adapt to it and strive to find happiness in our own terms.

What a wild ride this trilogy has been. I still remember the first time I started The Touch of Her Voice. Sara Scott is a brave author who doesn’t shy away from writing a story from start to finish. Themes that are usually avoided by most of the sapphic community are to be found among the three books that make Jensy Willett’s story and pursuit of happiness, between happiness, sorrows, unexpected events, insurmountable obstacles.

Jensy Willett is a survivor, one of the most resilient characters I have ever read about.

The Touch of Her Voice, The Sound of Her Smile and The Taste of Her Silence are not for the faint of heart, the level of angst is sublime, especially for someone like me who simply adores the genre. It makes you feel “alive”. It makes you go on a rollercoaster of emotions, crushing your heart, making you laugh, letting you experience true longing, and making you wish you had a time machine to experience it all over again, erasing your memory.


Memories are what we are made of. When willing, our heart is capable of storing them forever or burying them in the deepest darkness of our soul. The good and the bad ones. A touch, a sound, a taste. A voice, a smile and the loss of them. A silence that can swallow you whole if you let it. A silence filled with regrets.

In The Taste of Her Silence, “Silence” has never been so loud. It’s a visceral silence that wants to be understood and accepted, and never judged. Accepting that silence is to accept life. When silence becomes memory, you can choose either to avoid it or to welcome it and listen to it. Silence will then become a melody that will be part of the soundtrack of your life.

If you have loved Jensy Willett as much as I have, all of her adventures, and all of the characters in her world, you will also love The Taste of Her Silence so much.

Everybody deserves happiness, and when you fall, you try to get up, and if you can’t do it alone, there will be people on your path that will help you rise again.

The Taste of Her Silence is a beautiful story of resilience, of family, friendship and love in all its forms.

The Taste of Her Silence is the story of a heart opening to welcome love and life.

Dismantling the walls of a wounded heart has never been so bittersweet and fulfilling.

There have been tears reading this trilogy, and I will never regret them.
Profile Image for Sandi.
95 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2024
Truly beautiful
Amazing read!

In the Author's Afterword, Scott explains what she hoped to achieve with the trilogy, and in the telling of Jensy's story. In my opinion she has succeeded in everything she set out to do. I don't want to elaborate too much on the intricacies of the plot as it would ruin the story for you.

In this the final of the trilogy, we see Jensy facing another tragedy that has the potential to ruin her completely. We take each painful step with her as she recovers to finally discover that life does offer second chances as long as we are open to and mindful of them. Jensy's growth from book 1 to book 3 is exponential, her character is written so truthfuly and honestly, she is flawed and she is real. It is obvious that Scott has spent a great deal of time in Jensy's mind, fleshing out all of the intricate aspects of her character as a person. Such dedication to her character has made Scott's 3rd novel in the series both powerful and vibrant.

I knew at the start this would be a difficult book to read in that I had guessed the plot would take me down a path I did not want to travel. However, after reading books 1 and 2, I was compelled to see the series out. Once I took that first step there was no turning back. I felt to my core Sophie's love, Jensy's devastation and Jamie's desperation. It was painful, but it was also so very tenderly beautiful. And totally un-put-downable!

I can't pinpoint what it is about Scott's writing that is so successful. She writes well, has a fully rounded and balanced plot, has characters that are meaningful and relevant to the story. But there is just something more I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe it's empathy? Maybe affinity with her characters? I don't know, but I do hope she will keep writing many more beautiful stories.

Definite 5 stars
327 reviews
June 27, 2024
Reading this, I feared for the worst a couple times, but Sara Scott always pulled it off, and it was an… well, *in the end* it was an enjoyable read.

Getting into things, I feared it would go like the last one, where it seemed to take too long for the drama in the story to manifest. But, that didn’t turn out to be the case. It was closer to the beginning than the end, which I appreciated. And then afterward, I worried Jensy would just spend the rest of the book being crushed (like after the drama in the previous one), and thankfully that also didn’t turn out to be the case.

I really appreciated where things went during the second half of the story — I thought it was a wonderful direction for the story and for the next phase of Jensy’s life. I definitely ended up liking this more than the second book, and possibly more than the first… the structure of moving the life-changing event earlier in the story definitely worked better for me.

This book reminded me a lot of Erica Lee’s And Then I Met You + Living For You combination. That one I guess hit me a little harder at the conclusion of the first book, but just like the second half of this story, the second book in that pair really turned the story around and left me feeling like the whole thing had a happy ending despite everything that had happened.

All in all, this was a great way to finish the series.
Profile Image for Cathy R.
195 reviews2 followers
September 25, 2024
I am not usually a crier, but damn, Sara Scott - I’m still wringing out my hankie! “The Taste of Her Silence”, indeed, the entire trilogy is so well-written, that I might have to re-read all three books - and I don’t usually do that, either! The characters in the series are people I’d like to meet, and spend time with. They’re all very real and relatable. Jensy and Sophie navigated the many challenges that relationships can bring, to love and thrive together for more than twenty years. This third and final installment of the trilogy brings heartache and pain that might just be too much for Jensy to endure. Despite having a circle of loving and supportive friends, Jensy wonders if she can even go on living. As Jensy drowns in grief and despair, her circle of support expands to include Jamie Lowell, the physician who saved her life eight years ago. Can Jamie save Jensy again? If you haven’t read the first two books in the trilogy, I urge you to do so. “The Taste of Her Silence” can be enjoyed as a standalone, but you will enjoy it so much more if you first get the complete backstory for these wonderful characters.
1,058 reviews
April 21, 2024
A Hurting Heart ❤️‍🩹 Finds Relief!

To prepare for this third book in the Jensy Willett series, I reread Book 1&2. It was a great reminder of what I loved about Sara Scott’s storytelling and writing style. I also was able to have a fresh perspective on the life of Jensy Willett and Sophie Barnes and Tobie. As this story opens up it is eight years later(after the shooting) and Jensy is taking us back to the past happenings in retrospect. You still feel the deep love these two have for each other. They are older but still in sync and happy with their life. But life or writers, like to throw in a wild half court shot. I do not want to reveal too much but I will say keep the tissues close. I was afraid for the writer and what she was unleashing but I dare say it was the right decision and the book was better for it. A Must read!
April 3, 2024
Beautiful writing.

What can I say, first of all I should have been issued with a box of tissues. Following Jensy and Sophie through these three books has been both a delight and devastating it's been quite a ride, although you kind of know what is going to occur in book 3 if you don't burst into tears and stay that way for a while you're pretty tough. As we crawl out of a hole with Jensy we can breath again. Such a beautifully crafted book I just cannot find a fault and look forward to others. The characters in this story and so real you want them in your life, although there's a few exceptions. I can't recommend all 3 enough they certainly make you think you choices in life.
117 reviews1 follower
April 20, 2024

I said about the author’s first book in this trilogy that I read it with a sense of trepidation as I feared something bad was going to happen. And I read this with much the same feeling…but this time I blubbed like a baby at what happened! That’s all I’m saying about the plot suffice to say that this is again involving and emotional as we follow Jensy on her journey through life. I confess there’s a little part of me that wishes this had stopped at being a duo rather than a trilogy, but this was still intensely pleasurable in its own way. The writing feels very autobiographical but it may just be that Ms Scott is THAT talented! I wonder if we’ll get more from her after this? I rather hope we do…!
159 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2024
Beautiful story

Sara Scott’s Jensy Willett three-book series is a sensitive, deeply touching tale of the main character’s life as a lesbian, experienced richly, and realistically.

Scott doesn’t bring two women together in a saccharine, simple relationship. Jensy Willett’s story is both satisfyingly heartwarming and tragically heartbreaking.

Scott presents her characters as complex, intelligent, multidimensional, inspiring people. These women are lovable, damaged, frustrating, and flawed but easy to imagine as friends…and maybe more.

This is a series I’ll revisit.
Profile Image for Pauline Smith.
30 reviews
May 21, 2024
I have saved my review until I read the trilogy. I was totally blown away by this collection, the writing and characterisation was phenomenal. I laughed and I cried and mourned in equal measure. This is a fantastically written story of Jensy and Sophie and the aftermath of their lives and love. So poignant and so real. I believed so much in all the characters and wept openly at their hurt. I haven't read anything like this since Erice Lee's Until I met You. So,so engaging and thought provoking. I hope Sara writes more of this calibre soon. Wonderful reading xxx
100 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2024
I Loved This Series

Three books tell Jensey Willet’s story. It has love, laughter, happiness and sadness. I loved both main characters. These novels are very true to life and Jensey’s story spans 25 years. Read the books in order and you will experience love, laughter, heartbreak, new beginnings and an appreciation for all a lifetime offers.
Profile Image for Lindsay Ottens.
345 reviews9 followers
July 4, 2024
I read the first 2 books a while back and didn’t realize there was a book 3. When I read the blurb I was panicked. To say I was completely devastated is an understatement but OH MY GOD did it come back!!! I cried so freaking hard!! I will be buying this series!!
239 reviews
July 25, 2024
love story

This book is full of love, trauma, grief & renewed love. It inspires regeneration after loss, personal growth and renewal. The author makes the reader get involved and captures the stages of adult life.
16 reviews
March 21, 2024
🥹 I loved every bit of this series with my now aching heart
3 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2024
The Jenny Willet series is one of the most immersive series I have read. Jenny and Sophie are two of the most heartfelt characters I’ve seen created in literature. Their acquaintance, awakening feelings, romance and life together, as they nurture and grow in each other, is so intensely experienced that it’s impossible to put down the read.
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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