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Borderlands #2

The King's Own

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After a magical debacle lands him behind bars, and almost causes a riot, Rabbit, now a free man, is reaffirmed as King Jusson's heir and the official mage of the kingdom, and must save Iversterre from sliding into the abyss by mastering his immense powers before the enemy does. Original.

432 pages, Paperback

First published February 7, 2006

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Lorna Freeman

5 books160 followers

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Profile Image for Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller.
771 reviews1,485 followers
March 6, 2021
[3.5/5 stars] I still think this series is a hidden gem for all of its great components, but the King’s Own was a bit of a random tangent.

The first book did such a great job in gradually expanding the plot and the settings. The ultimate culmination of events left things wide open for the second book to push the boundaries even further. The stage was set for the conflict to get much broader, and I honestly thought this middle book would be a setup for some sort or final throwdown in the last book…. not so much.

The entire book was one random trip to a random town to solve a random mystery. And as far as I can tell, none of these random things added a single thing to the overall arc of the series. What’s more, it was a bit odd that, despite the interesting political maneuvering in the first book that shook the framework of this world, the king and his entire retinue decided to pack up and join the main character in this random town. For no compelling reason I could see other than the author just wanted include him.

It was a head-scratcher.

I normally don’t have the patience to continue series when too many tangents are in play. And although this was the Great Bambino of tangents, it was written beautifully and I somehow still actually enjoyed it. It did take me a good 30 or 40 percent in to figure out that it wasn’t going to go beyond its narrow framework, so I’m sure that was a factor. The main character is cool – I like how the author writes him with a subtle yet very distinctive voice. To my surprise, I enjoyed the writing, the characters, and the world building despite the fact that they didn’t add anything new of value to the series this time around (or so it would seem… I have yet to read the final book, so I could be eating crow at some point).

Overall, I both acknowledge that it’s a little weird and random yet appreciate most aspects of this book. The final novel will be telling and I’m hoping it’s good enough for me to continue endorsing the series.

Recommendations: this is an old hidden gem series (so far) that’s heavily character driven – the kind of slow-burn story that makes you feel like you’ve really gotten a lot out of your time reading it. The King’s Own lacked trajectory from the first book, but it was still an entertaining read. The jury is still out for the series as a whole…

Via The Obsessive Bookseller at www.NikiHawkes.com

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Profile Image for Dirk Grobbelaar.
639 reviews1,159 followers
February 3, 2020
This is a rather remarkable series. Book one (Covenants: A Borderlands Novel) was a ridiculously good debut novel and one of the finest fantasy novels I'd read. The magic system is extremely well thought out and very interesting. I would strongly urge any reader considering The King's Own to read these novels in sequence, starting with Covenants. The story of Rabbit, a burgeoning mage, is continued here, in The King's Own. As opposed to the sprawling tale of the first book, all the action is limited to a single town and takes place over just a few days. It is, at its heart, a mystery novel. A crime is committed and the guilty parties need to be discovered and nullified. Fast, since there is a lot at stake. There is, of course, a catch. The murder was committed using death magic, and Rabbit is the only mage around. Surprises follow. In between all this, Rabbit learns more about his skills and talents. Lorna Freeman has a great storytelling ability, and The King's Own is a fine read, although perhaps not quite as exciting as Covenants. Some reviewers have apparently experienced problems with a 'lack of detail' in the novel. To clarify, the story is told in the first person, from Rabbit's point of view, and most of the time he is not aware of all that is going on. A lot of the plot details are only explained later in the novel, as our protagonist starts putting two and two together. This actually works quite well, and similar to Dr Watson in the Sherlock Holmes stories, a lot is made clear only at the very end. A familiar plot device, but applied to great effect here. I'm looking forward to seeing what Rabbit and his friends will be conjuring up next.
Profile Image for Nicole Gozdek.
Author 9 books58 followers
September 7, 2023
Nachdem Hase, sein bester Freund Jeff, die Hauptleute Suiden und Javes mit ihren Truppen erfolgreich von ihrer Mission aus den Grenzlanden in ihre Garnison in Freston zurückgekehrt sind, hoffen sie auf Frieden und eine Rückkehr des Alltags nach den Rebellionen in Iversterre und den Grenzlanden. Die Aufständischen des Adelshauses Dru und die Verräter im Hohen Rat der Grenzlande sind gescheitert, die Schmuggler und Sklavenhändler wurden entlarvt und der drohende Krieg zwischen beiden Ländern abgewendet.
Doch Hases Leben hat sich im letzten halben Jahr dramatisch verändert. Nicht nur, dass er gegen seinen Willen zum Leutnant befördert, als hoher Adliger anerkannt und vom König zu dessen Cousin und Thronfolger erklärt wurde, er kämpft seitdem auch mit der Kontrolle über seine Magie und seinen vier Aspekten: Luft, Erde, Feuer und Wasser. Unterstützung bekommt er dabei von seinem Freund und Verbündeten, dem magisch begabten Berglöwen Laurel Faena, und seinem neuen elfischen Paten, dem Feuerzauberer Wyln.
Als jedoch ein grausamer Mord in Freston begangen, schwarze Todesmagie gewirkt und Hase von unsichtbaren magischen Mächten schwer attackiert wird, stehen er, seine beiden Lehrer, König Jusson und seine Königstreuen unerwartet einer Bedrohung gegenüber, wie es sie seit Tausenden von Jahren nicht mehr gegeben hat. Denn feindliche Hexer haben sich nicht nur gegen Hase und den König verschworen, sie wollen Freston und ganz Iversterre unter ihre Herrschaft bringen. Und dabei schrecken sie nicht einmal vor der Beschwörung eines Verderben bringenden Dämons zurück.

Meine Meinung:
„Die Königstreuen – Grenzlande 2“ ist die großartige Fortsetzung zu „Die Verpflichtung“ von Lorna Freeman und setzt wieder einen Meilenstein auf dem Gebiet der High Fantasy. Lorna Freeman verfügt nicht nur über einen erfrischenden, modernen Schreibstil und Humor, sondern auch über einen großartige Phantasie und die Fähigkeit, diese anschaulich und plausibel in spannende Geschichten zu verpacken.
Hauptfigur und Ich-Erzähler des Romans ist wieder der junge Soldat Hase, der sich in „Die Königstreuen“ neuen und alten Feinden, magischen Herausforderungen und erstmals auch den Auswirkungen seines neuen Lebens als Zauberlehrlings und Thronfolgers stellen muss. Dass er dabei immer noch bodenständig und der alte, liebgewonnene Hase ist, macht den besonderer Reiz dieser Figur aus. Als Leser begleitet man Hase nicht nur gerne auf seine Abenteuer, man fühlt und leidet mit ihm mit.
Doch nicht nur Hase ist eine tolle Sympathiefigur. Auch sein bester Freund Jeff und der weise Laurel Faena spielen wieder eine entscheidende Rolle dabei, den Roman zu einem erstklassigen Leseerlebnis zu machen. Neben König Jusson, dem Elfen Wyln und Lordkommandeur Thadro spielen auch neue Charaktere wie die Lords Beollan und Ranulf und die Friedenshüterin Chadde im Roman eine Hauptrolle ein und sorgen für zusätzliche Spannung. Insgesamt wieder ein überaus gelungener Fantasyroman, der nicht nur Fans von High Fantasy und Heroischer Fantasy begeistern wird.
Profile Image for Laura (Kyahgirl).
2,239 reviews151 followers
March 27, 2016
4/5; 4 stars; A-

This book takes up the story after Rabbit and company have returned from Loran's city to their garrison at Feston. King Jusson has been making his way north through the country to meet up with them in Feston. All hell breaks loose with more evil magical plots and non stop action.

I enjoyed this book as much as the first one, although I found myself feeling a bit impatient with the continued stupidity and blindness of some of the beings who supposedly are hundreds, if not thousands of years old and really should know better.

I am looking forward to book 3.
Profile Image for Beth.
817 reviews75 followers
March 6, 2016
I adore this series. Elemental aspects, swords and sorcery.
Action, adventure, intrigue, with witty banter & humor.
Complex characters and world building, with surprisingly deep concepts and repercussions.
First read September 2012?
Profile Image for Lisa.
410 reviews19 followers
July 29, 2020
Buddy Read with Youngest Brother!😁

Rabbit, the once reluctant hero must now master his new powers: all four magical aspects, the truth rune stamp and being the only mage in the Iversterre kingdom. The head jailer is killed and it's obvious magic is involved. With the Iversterre Kingdom understandably weary of magic, Rabbit must now stop the threat or he's next!

Rabbit To The Rescue

Instead of the long hero's journey from the first book, the author ramps up the intensity with a murder mystery ripe with intrigues: secret smuggling rings, assassination attempts, coups, murder and haunting dreams of Rosea, the street player in the green dress. A whole new set of characters is introduced: King Jusson, too young looking human king who names Rabbit as the heir of the Iversterre throne, Enchanter Wyln, Rabbit's cyhn fae mentor sent from the Dark Elves Kingdom to help Rabbit master his burgeoning power and Lord Commander Thadro, his new direct supervisor here in Fresron.

This time Rabbit is the untested hero, facing a threat that reveals all his glaringly obvious vulnerabilities of an OP character unable to protect the people he cares for. I liked in perfect symbolism that the bright red feather exchanged in the beginning of the first book during the meal covenant is literally the only thing saving Rabbit's life, a physical talisman representation of his connection to the Borderlands.

Also instead of the vague threats to Rabbit's life, assassination attempts and coups aside, there is strong direct and magical threat to his life, literally sucking Rabbit's power in his dreams.

The danger is real.

I'll admit there is a bit of a whiplash, with a much tighter plotline with action upon action but with little time to delve into the other characters like in the first book. Obviously a much faster pace story, with the first book spanning a few months and this book happening in a week's time. Again the climax for the story happens at the end with BIG FIGHT that has been characteristic of Freeman's first book.

Also Rabbit 😘
...waist-length braid with my feather attached to it, the butterflies in my shoulder and coming to rest on the plain, talk ash staff...
Profile Image for James.
64 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2016
3.5 but on the lower side...

There is definitely progression in the writers capability in this book but I find it lacking finesse and subtlety of a great book. Despite the improvement, there are ludicrous amount of foreshadowing, hinting, and blatantly ignored clues by main characters throughout the book. I find it really taxing reading over blatant clues over and over again, waiting for main characters who are supposedly brilliant/intelligent/possess some common sense, to catch up on major plot points.

While I feel characterization is good, in key moments, characters fail to act like themselves in order to move the plot in way or another in order to help out the author. This isn't blatantly wrong so much as frustrating for a reader who notices character inconsistencies. Take for example the king, Wynn, Laurel, and Jeff all failing to ask rabbit why he accidentally did magic in the first place. Despite him having never done this before, being relatively in control now, and them being able to read his thoughts more than half the time.... What the heck!!!

My other problem is that at key moments Rabbit becomes all powerful with little or no explanation afterwards on how or why. I feel like if much of this was explained and if Rabbit didn't spend half the time totally oblivious to his powers and using them I would find these books a lot better.

One last contributing factor is just an overall feeling that these are children's books. Every plot point is littered with a proverbial trail of bread crumbs for the least observant reader to pick up. In spite of itself though, this series manages to remain interesting with good cliffhangers.

These factors all contribute to yet another 3 star rating in the series despite obvious improvement in other areas. I've gotten two books in, why not read the third?
Profile Image for Rindis.
470 reviews75 followers
June 27, 2019
Covenants, the first book of Lorna Freeman's Borderlands series circles around and comes to an end pretty much where it started. The King's Own picks up very shortly after this, and has the further adventures of Rabbit after the Mountain Patrol returns to Freston.

However, while Rabbit is still the central character, there's a fairly extensive changeover in the rest of the cast. Some carry over, but Suiden and most of Rabbit's unit are largely absent as Rabbit gets transferred from the Mountain Patrol (Horse) to the King's Own Guard. This means that King Jusson IV and his inner circle take over as the bulk of the supporting cast, and the King is visiting as part of a progress to make sure everything's nailed down after some of the events of the first book.

Of course, Freston, a place so safe that politically sensitive officers and men can be assigned to it isn't safe. Whereas the first book was an extended trip with three major locales during the course of it, everything here happens in or around Freston itself. There's some really annoying parts, where important happenings get basically ignored for other events until things circle around and the first bit bites everyone again. There's a lot of that here, and one part of it is more a problem with delivery. Someone is trying to meddle with Rabbit through his dreams, and this doesn't really go anywhere because, well, they're dreams, and Rabbit doesn't have any clear memory of them when he wakes up. But it's told clearly with Rabbit's normal lucid narrative, so you get even more info that the characters aren't acting on.

However, some of the problems of the first book are much improved. Freeman had a habit of dropping wild, over-dramatic pronouncements as a end-of chapter... 'cliffhanger', and then the next chapter would pick up a few minutes later after things have been partially sorted out and calmed down again. There's some true cliffhangerish bits here, but the bait-and-switch melodrama is gone, which really makes the entire book flow better.

As can be expected, there's a fairly large cast, lots of action, lots of Rabbit (less, actually) being clueless, and something of a pretty creepy mystery for the first half. Sadly, there is still something of a habit of perfectly competent bad guys suddenly throwing out their smarts in a panic when Rabbit gets near, though there's much better reasons for most of that this time. Overall, still an extremely good story, with some real improvements over the original.
Profile Image for Devon.
344 reviews13 followers
August 7, 2013
What? Why Goodreads? Why did you have to lose my review? :simmers:

Rabbit is back and once again he is up to his eyebrows in trouble. In the beginning Rabbit is imprisoned for causing a stampede and damage to persons and property. However, after releasing Rabbit and his two companions, the jailer (who doesn't have a honest bone in his body and possibly loves playing or have his men play kidney punch to prisoners) turns up dead. To make matters worse, the jailor is killed with death magic. Rabbit and others (Laurel, Jeff, Wyln, King Jusson, and other characters) rush to find the ones responsible for the crime since tension between humans and magicals is a powder keg waiting to go off. I would say, this book is primarily a mystery book, it has bits of political intrigue, see Rabbits mageness develop further, and there's a continuation of the smuggling plot from the last book.

I really do like the world that Freemen has created but I wish I would have gotten a better sense of Rabbits ties to the magicals. For instance, the book takes place in a small town and the locals are prejudiced against anything magical. So, they aren't big fans of Rabbit. Even the Doyen (a priest of some sort, I think) who knows that Rabbit has been attending his services for five years, labels Rabbit as being a magical. Rabbit does seem irked by this the second it happens, but then it's forgotten.

Furthermore, I wish that the murder plot would've developed faster. It felt like it really dragged on throughout the book. Also, I was bugged by Rabbit's secrecy. For instance he keeps hearing the ocean in his dreams (and even dreams of drowning) and hears "it's not winter". I can understand not speaking to Jusson about it since the King might think Rabbit is a tad crazy, but not asking Wyln or Laurel about it... it weird since they both know he has visions and are his teachers.

But I still enjoyed the book and can't wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Gabrielle .
302 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2012
I have to say that I was not as impressed with this one as I was the first one. However that does not mean that it wa a bad book. I actually thought that it was quite good. The relationships between Rabbit and Laurel, Wyln and Jusson really help to make the whole thing more enjoyable. What helps to make Rabbit more whole as a character though is hiss relationship with Jeff and Arlis.
On that note this is a great book. I love this series so far. And have already started the third one.
Profile Image for Nightfox.
85 reviews6 followers
March 15, 2021
Besser aber noch nicht gut. Positiv hervorzuheben ist auf jeden Fall, dass die Handlung viel weniger auf der Stelle tritt. Es geht sogar recht flott voran und die Geschichte steckt nicht in ewigen sich wiederholenden Dialogen fest. Auch sind die Tier- und Fabelwesengestalten der menschlichen Charaktere nun sehr in den Hintergrund gerückt, was ich ganz angenehm finde, da ich kein großer Fan dieses Aspekts bin. Zunächst liest es sich auch ganz angenehm und die Ermittlung an den Mordfällen macht Spaß (auch wenn ich der Geschichte nicht abnehme, dass es in der Stadt seit fünfzehn Jahren keinen Mord mehr gegeben hat).

Doch so wirklich warm werde ich mit Hases Geschichte dennoch weiterhin nicht. Gefühlt ist Hase dann doch nur damit beschäftigt entweder aus mysteriösen Gründen ausgeknockt zu sein (wird später aufgeklärt, aber es häuft sich schon arg), macht irgendwelche krassen Dinge mit Magie, die er selbst nicht versteht, oder ist am Essen. Wobei ich zugeben muss, dass das viele Essen schon geschickt eingewoben wird. Es ist ja Teil des Rätsels und Hases Hunger nimmt nach hinten raus mehr und mehr Überhand. Da hat man eine schleichende Entwicklung über das Buch hinweg.

Aus einer Ermittlung eines Mords entwickelt sich (mal wieder) eine Verschwörung. Ich muss sagen, dass es mir nach hinten raus ein wenig zu abenteuerlich wird. Ein Gauner hält eine ganze Stadt gefangen? Selbst wenn es mit magischer bzw. dämonischer Unterstützung ist, wäre hier doch eher weniger mehr gewesen. Das Finale selbst ist dann ziemlich konfus und zwischenzeitlich habe ich nicht mal wirklich begriffen, was jetzt eigentlich passiert (was vermutlich daran liegt, dass Hase selbst keinen Plan von irgendwas hatte und seine Magie da auch von selbst gehandelt hat). Die Verschwörung ähnelt im Großen und Ganzen auch der vorigen Verschwörung: Durch den Schmuggel werden die Verschwörer reich und haben es nun auf Jusson und Hase abgesehen. Wobei ich zugeben muss, dass zumindest die Idee, das Osttor zumauern zu lassen und dadurch die Lage der guten und schlechten Stadtviertel zu verändern, um davon zu profitieren, was Neues ist. Wieder sind natürlich die Unsympathen Teil der Verschwörung, wobei es hier immerhin differenzierter ist, da es einige unsympathische Charaktere auch auf Hases Seite gibt.

Alles in allem macht 'Die Königstreuen' einiges besser als 'Die Verpflichtung' Die Handlung ist deutlich fokussierter und hält sich nicht lange an Nichtigkeiten auf. Es passiert eigentlich durchgehend etwas. Allerdings wiederholen sich einige Motive und das Finale ist mir zu abstrus.
1,969 reviews15 followers
July 15, 2018
While the characters and setting are as interesting as the first book, the plot of this second book relies on everyone dismissing all the clues as coincidence or imagination for much too long. I was almost bursting with frustration by the time they finally start working things out. By that time there are absolutely no surprises, as it’s all been given away in hints and visions. And the setup wouldn’t work at all if everyone didn’t treat Rabbit like an idiot for no reason that’s ever explained, apart from the obvious that they’d have wrapped up the mystery in five minutes if they’d listened to him like they did in the last book.
Profile Image for Lynn.
464 reviews6 followers
March 6, 2017
My rating: 10 stars out of five.

Ms Freeman's writing continues to astound me with her intricate blend of humour, political intrigue, sorrow, nail-biting tension and drama.

I read this sequel immediately after finishing 'Covenants" and, although this book is also rather lengthy I completed it in a little over 2 VERY satisfying days. For those with a tendency to nitpick, the plot is sequential, cohesive and follows a logical sequence of events. If you are STILL not satisfied, you need to get a life, quickly.

By the way, the revenants are really, really creepy!
3 reviews
April 12, 2023
Awesome continuation to her first book!

She moved the story forward by going back and giving us Rabbit's history and an understanding of what was going on in the Borderlands.

(Have physically gone through 3 of these as well.) 😁
Profile Image for MaryMargaret Norton.
585 reviews3 followers
January 2, 2021
I have really enjoyed this series. It has been a long time since I have been able to lose myself in a new world. I feel revitalized and awakened! The characters are well developed and interesting. But not so interesting as to turn you away.
Profile Image for mussolet.
254 reviews46 followers
June 14, 2015
"Die Königstreuen" ist bereits der zweite Band in der Serie "Grenzlande".
Nachdem Hase im ersten Band vom einfachen Soldaten zu einem mächtigen Magier mit Beziehungen und verwandtschaftlichen Verstrickungen zu allen möglichen und unmöglichen hochrangigen Persönlichkeiten aufgestiegen ist und ganz nebenbei noch einen Schmugglerring lahmgelegt und eine Verschwörung gegen den König aufgedeckt hat, kehrt er in diesem Buch wieder zurück zu seiner alten Garnison. Die Stadt ist noch ebenso sehr ein verschlafenes Nest wie vorher, und trotz der großen Nähe zu den Grenzlanden, die voll sind von Dunkelelfen, Feen, Drachen, Zauberern, Gestaltwandlern und anderen magischen Wesen, gibt es hier beinahe mehr Vorurteile gegenüber "unnatürlichen" Begebenheiten als im Rest von Iversterre. So steht Hase natürlich im Zentrum des öffentlichen Interesses - oder besser. des öffentlichen Ärgers, denn zusätzlich zu dem Mist, den er ohnehin selbst verzapft kommt es auch noch zu politischen Verwicklungen durch den Besuch des Königs und die Anwesenheit von Berglöwe Laurel und Dunkelelf Wyln - Hases Ausbildern in Sachen Magie. Und schließlich hat jedes Provinznest auch noch seine ganz eigenen Leichen im Keller...
Lorna Freemans wunderbarer Schreib- und Erzählstil aus dem ersten Teil findet sich hier schon auf den ersten Seiten wieder, und so ist auch dieses Buch pures Lesevergnügen. Die wunderschön ausgearbeitete Welt, der menschliche Held, der in ein Fettnäpfchen nach dem anderen tapst, und die kleinen politischen Spielchen, die durch den wundervollen trockenen Humor erst richtig gut kommentiert werden.
Man lernt jede der Figuren richtig gut kennen, und zieht trotz aller vorhandenen Hinweise doch immer die selben falschen Schlüsse. So kommt denn auch die Aufklärung recht überraschend, wenngleich sich die Autorin auch trotzdem wieder Zeit nimmt, am Ende alles noch einmal zu erklären. So findet man auch hier wieder ebenso wie im ersten Teil eine in sich recht geschlossene Geschichte, obschon die Welt so toll ist, dass man Hase gerne noch in viele andere Fettnäpfchen treten sehen möchte.

Fazit: Ganz eindeutig fünf Sterne (gibt ja leider nicht mehr). Jeder, der den ersten Teil gut fand, wird an diesem auch seine pure Freude haben; wer Lorna Freeman noch nciht kennt, aber einem gut gemachten Abenteuer mit einer starken Prise trockenem Humor nicht abgeneigt ist, der sollte schleunigst zum Buchhändler seines Vertrauens eilen und mit dem ersten Band "Die Verpflichtung" in diese wunderbare Welt eintauchen!
788 reviews8 followers
August 31, 2014
I really enjoyed this book. It had a great story in it that really held my attention - I forgot to keep track of the time the last 100 or so pages of the book because I was so caught up in the story.

This book picks up the day after the previous book in the series, though it took a little bit to completely figure that out. I knew it wasn't long after the end of the previous book, but it wasn't clear right away that it was just the next day.

The pacing was nice and fast - the story kept moving right along. In fact, for a change I wouldn't have minded the pacing being bit slower to give what was happening a chance to settle in and be clear.

My main issue with the book is the main character, Rabbit. He's a very nice person and all the interesting stuff is certainly happening around him and because of who/what he is - but none if it is due to his actions. In fact, if a main character could be a MacGuffin, I'd say he is - he's important for who he's related to and the magic that he can do, but he never actually purposely does anything of his own initiative. He's either following the orders of someone, trying to stay out of trouble and stumbling into it, or really having his magic act on it's own.

However, the story itself was strong enough that I don't really have problem with this, it just an interesting thing I noted.
Profile Image for Melinda.
469 reviews7 followers
February 4, 2017
I started this book without thinking there may be a story before this one; however, it made no real difference. I enjoyed the story anyway. Although I missed out on some issues from the first book, I didn't have any trouble keeping up with the story.

As the story progressed, I found myself loving the characters, especially Rabbit, King Jusson, and Lord Commander Thadro.

I'm sure that the story is building up to a final confrontation, but I think I'm going to start the series over. Since starting in the middle and enjoying the characters, I think it will be even better if I start at the beginning.

It's not often that I find a book that I think I can read over and over, but I'm pretty sure that I have found that in this series. So, if you enjoy a fantasy story with memorable characters, then try this series out. I think you will enjoy it as much as I have.
9 reviews3 followers
April 1, 2016
I came across this book several years ago at a flea market. I had been getting a little depressed as I hadn't found any new fantasy novels that really interested me in at least a couple of years. So, when I came across this book, I honestly didn't have high hopes for it, but it looked interesting enough for me to take a chance.

I'm glad I did, because I really enjoyed it, and as quickly as I could, I picked up the other two books in the series. It's definitely one of my favorite fantasy novels, and one I keep finding myself going back to read over and over again.

The writing style (the style, not the plot) reminds me most of the fantasy works of David Eddings, with the humorous interactions between the cast. I'd say fans of one would be fans of the other.
Profile Image for Macha.
1,012 reviews6 followers
May 28, 2012
3 stars. this one's okay, but it could have tried for more. a Borderlands novel, i've been interested in that form lately. there's a kingdom, and magic,and stuff. there's a semi-hapless hero called Rabbit, who wants to be a soldier but has been saddled with magedom, as the holder of immense power he can't control. and he's the king's cousin and sole heir. see? we already know the drill. presumably it's a series. i won't avoid it: it's innocuous, not bad. and it can get better, if it wants to. i wonder if it does want to, though. maybe it's only going for being restful. but a reader's life comes up short, when art's not long enough. maybe i'll dip into the series again five books down the line.but i'll have forgotten this one by tomorrow afternoon.
Profile Image for Lynn.
183 reviews17 followers
February 14, 2016
Not as good as the first book. I expected a lot of character growth but there's nothing there. Zilch. Nada. Rabbit is like a football being kicked all over the field by everyone around him. He gets bulldozed by everyone and is rarely able to finish a sentence without anyone elbowing him or stepping on his toes to shut him up. Add to that his doinh whatever he's told and letting everyone else run his life. This guy can be replaced by some magiv weapon and the story would be better for it. Also, the interesting side characters of book 1, especially the Dragon Prince, are pushed aside. Even the damn butterfly spies are conspicuously absent.

This is it for me I just can't take it anymore.
Profile Image for Becca C.
295 reviews7 followers
March 13, 2011
Okay, so Freeman, like many authors before her, seems to have suffered from the sophomore slump. Her second novel—though it does have its good parts—more or less just comes across as filler. Nothing extraordinarily plot-advancing takes place, and it also seems to take a step back from a few of the things that I had loved from the first book (the way Rabbit would sometimes see everyone as their animal-equivalent, for instance, is totally missing). The majority is pretty much skimmable, but there is some character and relationship development worth sticking around for.
401 reviews4 followers
January 1, 2015
King's Own is a decent sequel to Covenant, with the characters of Rabbit, Laurel, and more continuing to be enjoyable. It's only major issue is that Freeman tends to have a pattern of "lots of conversation and dialogue, followed by ~5 pages of dialogue + action, followed by lots more conversation and dialogue" While interesting, it feels unbalanced when you're talking about major clashes between mystical forces and mutinies.
24 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2010
I read this book right after I read covenants and I am still totally in love with the main character, Rabbit, and his issues. In this book, we get to see Rabbit's strength and just how strong the prejudice against the Borderlands. Once again we have the opportunity to see Rabbit battle against the forces of Evil (I've always wanted to say that).
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Author 7 books46 followers
July 15, 2014
Lorna Freeman wrote a very interesting and exciting novel. Her world is rich in imagination and characters feel alive. But the best part of The King's Own is it passes in a village. The adventure and dangers are world moving and epic but they occur in a small town. Richness comes from twists in plot and interesting characters.

Great book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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