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Blood & Magic #2

Kissed by Fire

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As Friend of the Pack, Aria Naveed should be untouchable, protected by the most influential group in the Pacific Northwest. But someone is unleashing rogue vampires to hunt her down, and she is determined to find out why.

When Aria gains command of Sanborn Place and takes on a case involving a mysterious paranormal, her life is put in more peril than ever as she finds herself bound to an influential power player. She doesn’t want to be anyone’s puppet, but must tread carefully as she traverses the streets of Spokane, WA, or risk being overwhelmed by the forces moving against her.

As the only known pyrokinetic in the area, Aria is in high demand, but not for her services. It seems that to those in power, she’s worth more dead than alive, and if a mysterious enemy has their way, she won’t live long enough to find out why.

164 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 13, 2015

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About the author

Danielle Annett

25 books521 followers
I'm just a girl with an obsession for Marvel movies, a love of all things Urban Fantasy, and a cheerleader for the underdog in any given story.

If you're looking for a heroine you can root for ... someone who defies the odds and gets up every time they're knocked down ... then look no further because that's what you'll find in my books.

I hope you'll join me in Aria Naveed's adventures. She's pretty badass if I do say so myself.

And if for some strange reason you want to know more about me, check out my website www.Danielle-Annett.com and catch me on facebook https://bit.ly/2t588Uu

Also don't forget to sign up for my newsletter so you never miss a new release: https://www.subscribepage.com/y7i0o9


Cursed by Fire -- Out Now
Kissed by Fire -- Out Now
Burned by Fire -- Out Now
Branded by Fire -- Out Now
Consumed by Fire --Out Now
Forged by Fire -- Out Now

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,394 reviews147 followers
September 24, 2015
I received Kissed by Fire from the author in return for an honest review as part of the tour presented by Coffee and Characters. Kissed by Fire is the second installment in the Blood and Magic series which tells the story about Aria Naveed who is learning to deal with her power of fire. Aria has inherited Sanborn Place after Mike was attacked after all she was like the daughter they never had. She’s not a fan of the local alpha after he played her with the coven in the past but with the offer of staying at the compound to keep her safe she couldn’t deny that everyone was after her.

After a vampire attack the local alpha makes Aria his mate so that she’s connected to the pack but she’s not sure how she feels because she still doesn’t trust him after everything that happened. Since she’s inherited Sanborn place she decides to take a case of a monster hunting down a herd owned by a human. As she dives deeper into discovering why the vampire was after her she uncovers more about the boy’s death that is connected to HAC which leads her to her mother. Seeing her mother dredges up the past including learning the truth about her father. Will Aria be able to stop HAC and figure out why the vampire is after her? What’s she going to do with Declan now that’s he staked his claim on her.

I like Aria she’s a unique character whose learning to find her place in the world of the monsters as well as how to control her ability with fire. I wasn’t sure how I feel about Declan but he’s growing on me more and more. I think he has a lot of potential after all he’s mate bonded to Aria she’s kind of stuck with him now. I’m curious to see how their relationship will play out in the future books.

When I received the tour invite I didn’t even have to read the synopsis because I enjoyed the first one I knew this one would be just as good if not better than the first. I really like the urban fantasy world that Aria lives in, where humans live among the supernatural beings. Kissed by Fire is a fast paced action packed novel that is filled with mystery suspense and a little romance tossed in. The concept for Aria is unique I enjoy seeing a new spin on my favorite genre urban fantasy the ability to control fire is intriguing. The author has a great writing style her stories flow smoothly and are well written. I really liked the characters I found them easy to connect with Aria is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. Kissed by Fire is one of those books I finished in just a few short hours in one sitting I had to know how it was going to end. I can’t wait for the next one to come out I already miss Aria.
Profile Image for BabyMooSaysWhat .
199 reviews30 followers
September 23, 2015
So, it's official...

... I'm addicted to this series! I most definitely just read the first two books on one sitting. I can't even begin to describe how awesome it was too read them back to back except for the fact that sleep is now a foreign thing to me and who's, I've got so many things to do today... Being an adult sucks sometimes.


This series is just so captivating to me. I love the plot and the characters kick ass. The tension with the romance is building and I'm about to burst. I want, no, I NEED to know what happens next! I was totally thrown through a loop when Declan became the front and center with the mate bond. I definitely did not see that coming.... At all, although I hey this nagging sense that I should have.

Either way, I absolutely love this series and am disappointed that book three isn't out yet....

....Excuse me while I go throw a tantrum in the corner....

Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
June 10, 2018
Definitely loving this more as it goes and more is revealed and explained. It does remind me a lot of other UF series out there so it isn't exactly stand out for an particular reason other than its just a fun series so far and I like the characters.
Profile Image for Sapphyria  .
1,974 reviews55 followers
July 29, 2016
Warning ~ There will be book 1 spoilers! Proceed with caution.

After the murder of Mike the owner of Sanborn Place, Aria is informed that the company has been left to her. Her first case takes her to a farm with paranormal activity. When the supernatural being comes out of the shadows, it's more powerful than she could have ever imagined. Calling in her back up, she makes a decision that nearly costs Aria her life. Her savior does something that saves her life but binds her, as well.

This twist in Kissed by Fire was exactly what I, as a reader, needed, even though I didn't know I needed it until it happened. I was unprepared for the union but many things in book 1 began to fall into place after the turn of events. The emotional charges between Aria and her savior are dynamic. Certain scenes that played out were so realistically written that I felt the emotions that were conveyed. Powerful!

I enjoyed reading Kissed by Fire. The second book in the series is even better than the first - and I really liked the first one, too. The books are fast paced and easy to follow. Aria isn't the perfect heroine - in fact, she's extremely flawed. She's had a very tumultuous life thus far and a blast from her past makes things a bit hard for her. Aria is reckless and impetuous, acting before she thinks about the potential consequences, and is historically unable to ask for help because she has the "I can do anything" attitude. She learns a lot about herself in Kissed by Fire that helps tamp down the "I can do anything" attitude and forces her to realize that she's not going it alone anymore. There are other people in her life that care for her and want to help. Strong and independent is great but putting yourself in harms way to prove a point is just reckless.

The world created by Danielle Annett in the Blood and Magic series is standard for urban fantasy novels. While book 1 seemed typical and unoriginal, Kissed by Fire changes that up a bit, in my opinion. I liked the development in Aria's life that binds her to someone. He's not there to control her (although, I think she would beg to differ) but support her in a way that she's not used to, which is why she has such a hard time wrapping her head around what their binding mean. I also enjoyed the sneak peak into the compound where Aria is taken after a brutal vampire attack, bringing to light just exactly what is going at within the HAC. The characters include shifters of various animal clans, vampires, super-humans, and a harpy. There are action sequences that deliver and keep the reader engaged. All-in-all I found Kissed by Fire to be a great second book in the Blood and Magic series.

Review copy provided by the author, at no cost, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mel.
627 reviews8 followers
October 13, 2015
Kissed by Fire was a fantastic second book in Danielle Annett's Blood & Magic series! It was full of action. Aria is still in trouble and still trying to figure things out. It is full of emotion. This book puts a reader through a full range of emotions as Aria deals with the aftermath of what happened in book one as well as dealing with what is coming at her in this book. And we get just a hint of romance in the air. I love how Danielle Annett writes. Her books are so intriguing, action packed, and unique.

I do feel a reader needs to have read the first book so as not to be lost in this one. Too much has happened to Aria and they would not understand any of it without reading book 1. Aria is such a strong woman, she is almost detrimentally independent. All that is going to change and I am salivating for book 3!! This book has set it up to be one heck of a ride and I am not sure I can wait!
I would recommend this book to anyone loving a good action paranormal book with a hint of romance. I would even let my 15yr old read it so far. It is an amazing book with a fantastic set of characters and agendas that create an intricate puzzle that we are just beginning to see. I love it!
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,072 reviews11 followers
November 17, 2015
Review posted here...
Kissed by Fire is the second book in the Blood & Magic series and it was definitely as fab as the first!

As the dust settles on the aftermath of book 1, Aria finds herself dealing with mixed emotions – grieving for the loss of her father figure and employer Mike, guilt over his death, betrayal by more than one person which is seriously messing with her emotions and the need for normalcy. When she finds out that Mike has left her Sanborn Place in his will, she’s uncertain how she feels about it but after a talk with his widow she finally sees it as her chance to keep living. She dives straight into a case but seeing as she is staying on pack property, she gets a babysitter and that is stifling…… but when she finds herself hovering between life and death…. She gets a whole lot more than a babysitter – she gets bonded!

The bond makes her feel even more of a prisoner than she did already but it could come in handy when enemies start emerging and wanting her dead. More than one power player is fighting for her attention and they are not above taking what they want – forcing Aria to make some serious decisions herself.

I seriously loved everything about this book! My only grumble is that it is too short – I want more!

As I mentioned – Aria is going through a rough time following the loss of Mike and feeling guilt for it which is totally understandable, she is also reeling from the discovery about her mother & betrayal by someone she was becoming emotionally attached to. I really like Aria’s character, I like that she is fiercely independent and hates to rely on anyone but that is also a danger to her when she can’t accept help and it’s going to come to a head here. I liked the vulnerability she showed here as well, her grief for Mike was endearing and showed her in a softer light. Her love life is still a little tangled but I like where it seems to be going and I love the chemistry with the one she gets bonded to.

They may have diverted a war between the shifters and the vamps but that doesn’t mean there aren’t others actively seeking to create one still. She’s stuck on who to trust but the pack have her back and have given her a place to stay that brings safety to her life. Aria is put into dangerous situations time and again as she tries to work out who is behind the latest attempts on her life because it’s clear someone wants her out of the picture and she’s going to need to put that stubborn streak to one side and get help. She ends up in some precarious positions as it seems as if her life is spiralling out of control and she is being pulled in all directions. When she does find out what is going on… she’s in for a few shocks. Once again this book is fab! It is well written with great characters, the author has created a really good world & scenario and it’s everything you want from a book in this genre, it was perfect to me right down to the pacing and again, I am left wanting more!

Thank you to Danielle Annette for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,527 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2015
Holy nightmare! I about had a fit when this one ended! Really, I wanna know what's gunna happen NOW!!! I mean, there's a good bit of crazy going around, and I have totally fallen in love with this series. We picked up right where we ended in the first book, and it started with a whammy! This is the second book, and it's as good, if not better, than the first!!

So, Aria Naveed is trying to deal with her powers of fire. She is also trying to cope with a loss that rocked her. After the attack on her that killed someone special to her, she is trying to get moving again. She knows she has to do it, but no one ever wants to go on with that loss. But the world keeps moving, and vampires are being sent as assassins after her. So, she moves on, or tries to, and ends up getting into something series, like really serious, like OMG, did that just happen?!?!?! Serious! And she doesn't even get along with the local alpha, though her best friend is a wolf and in his pack. But the alpha offers her protection from the assassins. She can stay near her BFF and have a nice place to be. But this is gunna cause a stir as well.

So, let me see if I can talk about some things without spoiling other things... Things are complicated but seem to be going ok. But the road to hell is always paved with good intentions, and when Aria gets hurt, to save her life, someone does something that is very very irreversible. It's permanent and life altering and completely woah!! And she doesn't trust those around her, so she's in a not so nice place. And on top of that, her mother is not dead. Her mother is leading the bad guys. And that's some woah moments there too. She's strong, but I don't know if all of this won't drive her nuts. She's trying to figure out who she is and what's she's worth, as well as learning to control her powers. And her love life, well, it's complicated. I don't know what to say except bad words so I won't say anything LOL!

The writing is excellent, fast paced and action packed. It's also got good suspense and mystery to surround it. This is the first that there's ever any major hints at a romance so keep in mind this is urban fantasy, though there will be romance to come because.... yeah, that happened. LOL I loved the plot line, I lost my jaw for a moment with that plot twist, and I couldn't believe how that played out. This is an engaging story with a wonderful leading heroine. I like several of the side characters as well, and one character that I want to love but just can't seem to let go of the things he's done. I want him to be a good guy so bad. No, no names or hints. Intrigue and suspense is a big part of this book, so it will stay that way with my review. I seriously need book three, like ASAP! I need it, not want it, need it. With that said, 5 WOLFY PAWS, all though maybe I should be saying tiger paws after this book :)
Profile Image for Anniek.
433 reviews259 followers
August 4, 2016
In this second book of the Blood & Magic series Danielle Annett continues writing about Aria, a pyrokineticon who's on her path to justice. After finding out who killed Daniel, a young shifter boy, and being attacked Aria now falls under the protection of the shifter pack. Aria found out some new facts that turned her world upside down. Aria is working through her grief after losing people who were close to her. She also learns that she is now the owner of Sanborn Place. This comes with extra responsibilities. Aria needs to adjust to her new world but she finds it hard to accept help.

Declan orders his pack to find a mate for Aria. He needs and wants her on his side. Aria is too valuable to let go. Declan thinks that if he can manage to make Aria fall in love with a shifter he can bind her to his pack. Because of the fact that Aria is so independent it's not uncommon for her to go out by herself. Declan can’t let anything happen to her, so he follows or accompanies her most of the time. Declan can’t deny that the more time he spends with Aria the more he’s beginning to feel
for her.

After everything that's happened Aria has grown emotionally. She still is a force to be reckoned with, but she also shows her vulnerability more. This, in combination with her skills and determination, makes her an interesting character. Instead of trying to overrule her Declan learns that Aria
responds better if he supports her. I loved the way that their romance slowly evolves into something deeper. When more enemies join the upcoming war will they be able to survive together?

Kissed by Fire is a great second book. All of the creatures that Danielle Annett writes about make the story engaging and a definite page-turner. The first book and the second book of the series both have open endings, so it's necessary to read the stories in the right order. Kissed by Fire shows you more of Aria’s background and Danielle Annett reveals a lot of new secrets. The twists and turns made this book hard to put down. The third book in this series, Burned by Fire, will come out on September 30th and I must say that I can’t wait to find out how the story will continue.
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews60 followers
November 21, 2018
Kissed by Fire begins about a month after the first book ends. Aria gets to take over Sanborn Place and takes on her first case. The problem is she needs back up, and when back up comes her life changes in ways she never imaged. Now, she must learn to deal with the new issues she has and other things including mommy dearest.... She's in for a wild ride.

I was anxiously waiting for this book once I finished the first one, and I was not disappointed!
I loved this one. It was very good. I loved what happened between the Alpha shifter and Aria. I can not wait to read more about them, and I also loved James and Aria's relationship as well.

I only had two things I didn't like about the book. It was way too short. I was reading and enjoying it and then it just ended. I freaked when I hit the end. i couldn't believe it was all ready over.
And the only other thing I didn't like was Aria sharing a kiss with someone I can't stand. I was glad she finally got her head out of her butt when it came to that though, and I hope in the future she doesn't make that mistake again. Now, I must anxiously wait the next one. *Sigh*
Profile Image for Diane Lynch Lynch.
1,811 reviews46 followers
September 18, 2015
Kissed by Fire takes place right after book one, Cursed by Fire; Aria Naveed is on a new case while simultaneously being attacked by rogue vampires.

I loved Kissed by Fire by Danielle Annett. It had some interesting twists and built on the foundation set in book one.

Aria is struggling with some of the aftermath from the first book. In addition, her association with Alpha, Declan Valkenaar, goes in an unexpected direction. The two are extremely strong-willed making every encounter attention-grabbing.

Aria’s mother and leader of the HAC, Viola Reynolds, makes an interesting adversary. Aria uncovers some questioning things happening at the HAC (Human Alliance Corporation). I am interested in seeing the direction this takes in future books.

Danielle Annett does a great job with her plot and character development. She creates a lot of depth and emotion. It is easy to visualize every scene. The story is exciting from beginning to end.

Complimentary copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Misty Gee.
146 reviews4 followers
August 10, 2016
I was given this ARC in return for an honest review. Kissed by Fire is book 2 in the Blood and Magic series. I couldn't put this book down till I got the end of the book. Kissed by Fire is a great addition to Cursed by Fire.
Aria Naveed gets Sanborn Place from her long time friend and partner Mike who was killed in Cursed by Fire. She is also friend to the local pack. Aria is a pyrokinetic and is wanted by every evil paranormal entity dead.
Aria uses her training to try and figure out who wants her dead and why. She follows all the leads to try and figure it out. Along the way she finally finds out who and why and all hell breaks loose to save her life.
To find out who and why grab yourself a copy and read. This is an awesome story and I can't wait for the next installment. There was plenty of action, suspense and romance to keep you captivated to the pages of the book. Danielle Annett is a great story teller and knows exactly how to keep you hooked.
I give Kissed by Fire 5 stars and would recommend this series to any paranormal romance lover... Awesome book!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Emmyjo.
477 reviews9 followers
August 1, 2016
This book was also fast paced as the first book and I love that. Now we see Aria struggling and coming to terms with her mother being alive after all this time. And she works for the enemy or is the enemy?
Aria also learns there are so many more people just like her.
But Aria gets closer with the shifter pack and becomes a friend of sorts.
Her feelings for Inarus are complicated, she likes him but doesn't trust him or the cause that he is working for...
Then there is Declan the alpha of the shifter pack... He bugs Aria to no end.
Can Aria figure out who is behind helping her mother destroy the shifter packs? Is it the coven of Vampires?
I just loved this book and looking forward to reading another in this series.
Profile Image for Tia.
492 reviews
October 6, 2015
Well Written Second Book

Ari is independent, impulsive and kickass. After the death of Mike, she's working on control. She's put off balance and frustrated when everyone tries to keep her safe. She's lived on her own and survived for six years! What Ari doesn't get is she has people who care but it can feel suffocating. It's not easy to let yourself be taken care of. Betrayed previously and attacked for an unknown reason Ari has a face to face with the last person who she thought she'd speak to. It doesn't go well but something good comes out of it... you'll have to read to find out what. Nicely approached and great action.
Profile Image for Sheila Ryals.
2,296 reviews11 followers
September 3, 2015
Aria was just a bit to prickly for my taste. Kind of annoyed me. I did enjoy the storyline. I think it would of gone Just a tad bit smoother if she lightened up just a tad. The end was way better even though she went from prickly pear to sounding like a normal bad ass female. The twist with her and Declan most definitely made me very happy. Can not wait for the next book. I really hope her new attitude sticks.
Profile Image for Kel (Faerie-bookworm).
773 reviews61 followers
February 8, 2016
I received a copy from NetGalley for an honest review.

This was just as good as the first book! Now I have to anxiously wait for the next one. This is one of the best UF series I've started in a while and I don't want to wait for the next one!! The ending was a bit abrupt but it just makes me want the next book even more.
Profile Image for Betwixt the Pages.
567 reviews78 followers
October 22, 2016
As Friend of the Pack, Aria Naveed should be untouchable, protected by the most influential group in the Pacific Northwest. But someone is unleashing rogue vampires to hunt her down, and she is determined to find out why.

When Aria gains command of Sanborn Place and takes on a case involving a mysterious paranormal, her life is put in more peril than ever as she finds herself bound to an influential power player. She doesn't want to be anyone's puppet, but must tread carefully as she traverses the streets of Spokane, WA, or risk being overwhelmed by the forces moving against her.

As the only known pyrokinetic in the area, Aria is in high demand, but not for her services. It seems that to those in power, she's worth more dead than alive, and if a mysterious enemy has their way, she won't live long enough to find out why.

Rating: 4/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: awesome action, fast-paced plot; so much snark, I can't even!; lots of fights and life or death situations; Aria seems to "almost die" every few chapters; interesting addition of shifter lore; I'll admit, I'm swoony over Declan; love the character interactions and dynamics

Huge thanks to Danielle Annett and the crew at Bookmarks & Tours for sending me a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.

Why was it that men believed flowers could fix everything? Earth to men: flowers do not fix things. They are not a resolution to your problems.

I think it's official: I need more stories like this in my life. This series is ADDICTIVE, penguins. I know I've read a lot of reviews on goodreads about how this series is a huge ripoff from a few others out there in the book world, but.... I haven't read either of those other series, and therefore have nothing to compare to. And I have absolutely ADORED this journey so far!

Once again, the prose is fast-paced and full of high-stakes, intense action. Our main character, Aria, spends almost half of this book almost dying only to be miraculously brought back to life--I swear, the girl has either the worst or best guardian angel ever. Of course, one of these life-or-death situations leads to some interesting and unexpected shifter lore--which I actually adored from the get-go. Declan is new bae, guys; he's absolutely adorable and I just want to hug him.

"I don't know. Any words of wisdom for a friend?"

He snorted. "Yeah, come home."

I sighed. "Anything else?"

"Ari, you need to stop running away from your problems. Haven't you realized by now that they're just going to follow you?

I am just slightly confused about a few of the "magical" elements that occurred in this sequel. The biggest of which being the sudden appearance of the Chupacabra. We're never really given an explanation for its sudden existence--we're just thrown into the battle and expected to accept it at face value. But I'm the type of reader that wants to KNOW things, guys--why does it exist now? Have they always existed, but never been stumbled upon, or is there something bigger at work? What sort of magic was behind it, making it so super strong and dangerous? Things like this make the world-building much more seamless, and seem to go a bit awry in the storytelling for this series, which is a bit annoying.

This was an entertaining, quick read, and I'm really enjoying stepping into this world--even if I'm a bit disappointed with the world-building overall. Aria is super snarky, Declan is today's swooniest heart-patter, and I am intrigued enough to hurtle head-first into the third book. I recommend this to lovers of paranormal fantasies, shifter lore/mate-bonds, and hot-headed fire wielders with an impulse control problem. I cannot wait to dive into the next book in this series--and therefore, I will not be. Waiting, that is. Third book, here I come!
Profile Image for Nancy (The Avid Reader).
2,671 reviews117 followers
August 6, 2016
As we delve into Kissed by Fire book two in the Blood & Magic series we find Aria trying to come to terms with the fact that she has inherited Sanborn Place from her friend and father figure Mike. She feels guilt over the fact that he died because someone was looking for her. She was supposed to be the one who died not Mike after all she is the one that they want dead.

Someone wants her dead very badly and is sending vampires that are not ready to be on their own as of yet they are too young. While Aria is fighting one of these vampires Declan the Pack’s alpha just happens to be in the area and he kills the vampire to keep him from killing Aria but she is furious with him for doing so and tells him in not a very quiet manner either I might add. She lets him have it with both feet. She didn’t want the vampire dead she was trying to subdue him so she could find out what ever she could about whom and why someone is trying to kill her.

With someone wanting her dead Declan offers her a place to stay at the compound where the shifters live. Aria has been on her own for a long time now and thinks she is very capable of taking care of herself. But when she is attacked by a very big monster she realizes she needs help and calls James for backup. She hopes he makes it in time before this monster kills her.

By the time James, Declan and other pack members make it to where Aria is fighting the monster she is very serious trouble. Aria is almost dead and so that leaves James and Declan with a decision to make to keep her alive. Declan mates with Aria to keep her alive and when she finds out she is furious. Aria doesn’t like this idea of being mated to a shifter and being in need of a babysitter besides she still has a job to do and is determined to do it. She will find out who is trying to kill her. She doesn’t need any babysitter. Even though she ends up in trouble on more than one occasion that probably could have been avoid if she would have just listened to Declan or James and not been so stubborn. But Aria is one tough cookie and very independent. She has been taking care of herself since her parents were killed several years ago.

I have loved following along with Aria, James, Declan and all of the other characters on their journeys. I love the world that the author has created for the vampires, shifter and all of the paranormal creatures. If you have not read Kissed by Fire then I suggest you do but I would like to suggest that you read the first book Cursed by Fire first so that you will know what is going on with Aria and how it all started. I am very anxiously awaiting the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Judy.
694 reviews83 followers
October 1, 2015
After reading and enjoying the first book in this series, Cursed by Fire, I was excited to see the next book come available on Netgalley. It was on my sequels that I was very interested in reading, and it helped me to finish up my Month of TBRs quicker, so that I could get started on this. I wasn't disappointed and devoured it in one sitting.

The story begins a few weeks after the death of her mentor, Mike. When Aria finally works up the courage to go see his widow, she finds out that he left the business to Aria. As Aria heads over to check out the renovations from the battle that took Mike's life and try and decide what the next step is, she gets attacked in the middle of the street by a brand new, hours old vamp. Declan, Alpha of the Pack just happens to be in the neighborhood and kills the vamp before Aria can find out anything. Needless to say, she's not happy with his high handedness and tells him so.... loudly and forcefully. And so defines their relationship and most of their interactions throughout the book.

I really felt like we got more into Aria's head this book. Not just background wise, but emotionally as well. There is some romantic entanglements in this book, and I wasn't sure that I liked the direction they were going... at first. But by the end of the book, I could see the possibilities and possible end game, so I am willing to see how they play out. There is so much I would love to say and discuss about what happened to Aria, who she did and didn't meet, and what the ramifications of specific actions and reactions could bring... but I don't want to spoiler any of it. *insert evil laugh here* Let's just say that I will be encouraging my sister to read this so I have someone to really speculate over events with.

Sometimes sophomoric books don't live up to the first book, hey it happens. But I don't feel that was the case here. I could see new depth and growth as the author finds and refines her voice. I can't wait to see what book 3 will bring. I had a great time with Kissed by Fire and gave it 4 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review the book.
Profile Image for Mary aka scooby.
250 reviews
April 18, 2018
Fire is burning hotter. Aria is now friend to the pack. Rogue vampires are out to get her with her picture in their pockets . And if she wants to survive she needs to solve this mystery before someone ends her life. This book kept me entertained i started it and it sucked me right in and then the end was upon me . Aria is a strong female that can't be pushed around . i can't wait for the next book
Profile Image for Jana Gundy.
1,919 reviews17 followers
May 7, 2018
A great sequel

Okay so I really enjoyed this one and thought the author did A good job with continuing the story yet leaving enough hanging to continue the series. So, what happens to her and Declan is a tad abrupt but when you really look at Aria and her past, it's not hard to surmise that she has a hard time with any kind of soft feeling. She's really like Katniss from the Hunger Games. I look forward to the next in the series.
900 reviews7 followers
May 30, 2018
Love this series

Am on to book 3. A lot is going on this alternate world. Some very good people. Some very bad. There is no confusion. The characters are well rounded without that constant skipping back to the past that seems to be the norm. Their pasts get thrown in conversationally and gets what's important to the story.
Profile Image for Trinity.
727 reviews81 followers
September 3, 2015
I recieved an ARC of this novel through NetGalley.

This book is such a fantastic urban-fantasy novel. I had not read the first in the series (and didn't need to) but now I want to. Any fan of the Rachel Morgan series needs to give this one a shot!
Profile Image for Paula Genereau.
3,037 reviews39 followers
May 15, 2017
Just when Aria thinks she has got it all under control someone sends vampires to kill her. Seems they think she's more valuable dead than alive. Will she be able to out run the vampires and regain control or will they kill her
July 12, 2017
Too quick

It felt like I just started reading and then it was done. Definitely fast paced with so many exciting twists and turns!! Declan say WHAT?! And don't forget Inarus, but would James make a comeback?
344 reviews10 followers
July 22, 2017

This is a very good book as was the first one. Full of action, friendships, mystery, wereanimals, vampires and other magical creatures. Great story line and great characters. So grab your copy and enjoy reading.
196 reviews
September 30, 2017
Kissed by Fire: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy Novel (Blood & Magic Book 2)

Well this is just getting better as the books continue, definitely want more of this series for me it is 5 stars for the series so far and this is only book 2...
242 reviews6 followers
April 30, 2018
Hated the typos but loved this book

I raced through this book so fast I absolutely need more. I hated how many errors there were but I loved the romance the action the adventure... I have pre-ordered the next book already.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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