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Utterly Forgettable

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Zane Mitchell does not do relationships, ever. When he lands himself in some seriously hot water with one woman, the last thing he expects is to be saved by another.

Cathryn Haines is taking a break from men. When she finds herself in a financial bind, her stepbrother has the perfect solution, move to Charlotte and work for his best friend.

Zane thinks Cathryn is plain.

Cathryn thinks Zane is emotionally stunted.

Both couldn’t be more wrong….

Neither of them is looking for a relationship.

Both of them fight it.

But in the end, love wins. Every. Time.

184 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 31, 2016

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About the author

R.B. Hilliard

23 books1,193 followers
RB Hilliard lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her husband, two kids, and crazy dog, Oscar. She loves books, music, red wine, chocolate, and writing suspensefully twisted stories. Hilliard published her first novel in 2014 and has since published multiple novels across several different genres.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews
Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews495 followers
April 21, 2016
Here's why I hated this book.

Fucking OW For 50% Isn't My Idea Of Romance


I Hate When The MMC Is Still Fucking OW after he 1) meets 2) realizes he wants and 3) says he has a connection with the FMC.

The MMC, Zane, brings a woman home and flaunts her in front of the FMC.

At 46% he is giving and receiving oral from yet another OW in public, in front of the FMC...because the FMC is off limits as his friend's sister and his employee. He wants the FMC but is too much of a chickenshit selfish ass. He knows seeing him with OW hurts the FMC ( "I'd fucked up again.")

She's Plain To His Adonis

I never buy a romance where the gorgeous Adonis MMC thinks the FMC is:

• stupid
• nondescript
• very plain
• annoying

Until he eventually really looks at her weeks later and she's beautiful, smart, funny, easy to talk to, has such a hot body, and is just so perfect.


Uhm, ooookay, yea that's plain Jane *eyeroll*. Her description of herself btw:

• 5'3
• big boobs
• big butt


This is a grown man condescendingly, often cruelly, picking on a woman he holds power over as his employee. He's a pussy when she feebly tries to do it back.

She's A Doormat : He's A Pussy

First of all, she's dumb as a brick. She actually believes the Adonis God MMC is in a relationship with an old lady that goes around in muumuus and curlers. Seriously?!?

I have zero respect for this chick.


She's a puppy tripping over herself to get attention through coffee, doing his laundry, playing nurse and mama to his rude cuntish self.

She has this thought right after witnessing him get blown by OW:

"I thought about Sally and wondered what he saw in her. Was it her wild hair, piercings, and tattoos? I always wanted a tattoo. I pulled up my shirt and stared at my less than flat stomach. Maybe I should get that belly button piercing I'm always thinking about.

** No, boo, maybe you should be you and expect a man who wants you for YOU, not tats and studs.

Then she eats Oreos, which is about the only thing she does I this book that I'm down with.


After they share a kiss that he runs away from (PusSY,) she overhears him call her "plain." She cries. She blames herself for thinking anyone as GD wonderful as him could like her. He walks in on her in her apartment masturbating before running away, again. Guess who apologies for all the above - yep, her.

After they finally screw, she overhears the BJ OW propositioning him for a repeat. She runs off without listening to his answer (TSTL.) He chases and demands (hypocritical bastard) she either instantly believe he has shed himself of his manwhore suit or they're over. He then runs off (pussy) without bothering with an answer (TSTL.)

Can you guess who goes back to apologize? Yep.

He threatens to fire her and insults her some more until she confesses her love and all is right again in the last 5% ... where they move in together and get married.



You know a book is bad when the most exciting thing is the OW scenes. Seriously. No shit. It's a cycle of waking up, doing their work chores, him screwing someone, her masturbating, woe is me they want each other, drinking coffee. Rinse and repeat.

Why Bother?


His former PA storyline of sexual harassment. Why bother to make a big deal of its existence and then never address it again?

All the oh so very obsessed OW appear, get em' some MMC dick, and just move on along never to be seen or heard from again. Why bother?


He was almost molested as a child and she had an ex that almost wanted to fuck her with a wine cork. Is this explored? No. Is it detailed? No. Does it contribute anything on any front of the plot or romance? No. Again, why bother?


The whole brother will be oh so mad if they hook up. He's told and in the span of ONE PARAGRAPH, the brother goes from "I'll kill him" to 'let me tell you how to win him back because you didn't instantly believe the manwhore wasn't a manwhore.' Why bother, brother?


There's an entire chapter devoted to nothing but introducing a dozen other characters, who it's clear will or have gotten their own series. It's the most out of place pitch toward other books I've ever seen.

Here's what was good about this book..


Bottom Line


Is it really winning if the prize is a pussy asshat and a doormat?

I wouldn't piss on this book if it was on fire in my own hand. Yeah, "Utterly Forgettable" is just that.
April 3, 2016
The H slept with one woman the h saw the ow in the kitchen. There's another scene detailed blow job scene with another woman not the same woman from before and the h sees this and gets hot by it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alba M. .
1,723 reviews149 followers
March 19, 2017
3,5 en realidad podría darle un 4 pero no lo veo tan memorable. Es decir, la historia no está mal pero no me ha entusiasmado demasiado. Mucho sexo pero poco argumento. Incluso llegué a sentir que iban un poco rápido.
El momento "enamoramiento" de los protagonistas se me hizo poco creíble, pero vamos, que para gustos colores y quizá yo lo entendí mal y no supe ver la esencia de la historia. Vale para pasar el rato, pero como ya dije, nada especialmente memorable.
Profile Image for Lu Bielefeld .
4,274 reviews562 followers
August 1, 2020
3 ⭐⭐⭐ - OK decent reads.

Mitsy, with her tight skirt, curly hair and dramatic makeup was just my type, shallow, vapid and easy to brush off.

Other than her eyes she was very nondescript, very…plain.

“Lydia, this is my assistant Cathryn. Cathryn, this is Lydia,” Zane politely introduced. Lydia was tall and beautiful with her long dark hair, flowy dress and bare feet.

If Lydia hadn’t been waiting for me when I got home, who knows what I would have done. Lydia. The woman was relentless. She had called every day since that night. What is the deal with clingy women?

“Are you doing the honors?” I asked. She slowly licked her lips. “Sure, I could use a little recreational activity.” I wasn’t sure Sally was the correct remedy but I needed to get Cathryn off my mind. “How late do you work?”

How could I forget Cathryn’s bedroom window faced the pool? Suddenly my lackluster cock was hard as a rock. As I stared up into her gorgeous blue eyes, I placed my hand on Sally’s head to slow her down. Imagining it was Cathryn’s lips on my dick, I began to pump my hips. Eyes locked on her face, I slowly thrust in and out of Sally’s mouth.

I thought about Sally and wondered what he saw in her. Was it her wild hair, piercings and tattoos? I always wanted a tattoo. I pulled up my shirt and stared at my less than flat stomach. Maybe I should get that bellybutton piercing I’m always thinking about. When I realized what I was doing I blew out a frustrated breath. I need to get a life. For now I would have to settle for Oreos.

Not two days ago you stood at your window and watched a poolside fellatio fest. The week before that you sang Eye of The Tiger to the sound of him banging the decorator.

“No, she’s definitely not Bethany,” he laughed, and again I froze. “Well, let me put it to you this way, Cathryn is extremely dependable but utterly forgettable.”

“You and I both know it may have been Sally that night but it really wasn’t, correct?” She nodded, yes.
Profile Image for Tmstprc.
1,183 reviews133 followers
January 13, 2022
I don’t remember why this caught my attention, but some of the safety gang had issues and I thought that made it worth trying. How bad could it be? So I download KU version of it and realized I’d already read it—it opened at 100%.

As I started reading, I remembered the story as I went along.

I don’t normally have issues when the hero has sex with other women before he and the heroine become a couple, but here he’s imagining the heroine while he’s with the other women. After witnessing him with one of the OW, she overhears him describe her as utterly forgettable—@$$hole behavior.

Way too many secondary characters and what’s with all the song references??

And, what was that weird “intermission” at 72%
Profile Image for Dai.
658 reviews49 followers
February 7, 2017

La historia es un poco cliché, pero divertida. Me gustó Cat, la mujer no se deja con tanta facilidad, y Zane aunque puede ser medio idiota es una amor. Amé las bromas entre ella y Zane y la forma en la que su relación se dio. Tanto me gustó que no se hiciera mucho drama alrededor de ellos.

Me gustaría saber un poco más de Blake y de Hunter... porque Blake, grrr.

pero sip, me gustó bastante.
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,549 reviews109 followers
December 20, 2017
Sex with OW and BJ by OW after the hero says he is interested in heroine...not for me.
Then the constant music references are annoying!

I love OW drama but I don't want to read detailed sex scenes with the hero and his f**k buddies. It also annoyed me how he describes some of these OW as beautiful like he did about Beth and that this Sally was wild in bed.

You may love it. My opinion.
Profile Image for ✮ rach ✮.
684 reviews108 followers
May 25, 2016
If you are someone who prefers to only read books where it is only all about the hero and heroine with no other women involved (because let's face it...it's always the hero that has to keep getting some from every available woman around!), then this is not the book for you.

Although it's not my favourite thing, I can read it as long as the story is good, the hero isn't an unredeemable prick and the heroine a spineless twat. Unfortunately, this is exactly what this was. It's a bit NA-ish (which I'm not that big a fan of) and I spent the majority of the time rolling my eyes and wanting to slap some sense of self respect into the heroine. The hero was too wishy-washy for me and I ended up being a bit bored. It could be because I should just avoid NA books from now on (or at the very least, reviewing them!) or I was just in a weird mood to begin with so my tolerance level for this bullshit was pretty low.

Either way, it might appeal to others...just not my thing.

ETA: had to change my rating from 2 stars to 1 star. After thinking about it some more, I just really didn't like either of the main characters. Nor do I have any interest in reading any other books in the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for shms.
1,307 reviews
March 3, 2017
I found this to be a bit of a snoozefest except for the last 10%, which I thought was done quite well. Sort of a fight and mature resolution. While the hero was a dumb ass to start with, once he resolved to be with the h, he straightened out nicely.
Profile Image for Giseli.
174 reviews
June 25, 2016
I am not reading this one because I refuse to perpetuate the use of the word retard in the most derogatory sense. Words matter and the author should know that.
Profile Image for Michelle .
176 reviews47 followers
February 7, 2017
Sencillo, sin muchos dramas, divertido y súper fácil de leer en una tarde. Si quieres una lectura liviana es bueno.
Profile Image for Grisette.
451 reviews61 followers
September 2, 2022

2.5 stars

A book with a light, airy feel to it. It had a decent and benign story, which was overall enjoyable to pass the time. The H/h were okay, even if a bit lacking depth and sometimes acting a bit immature. Their romance was mild, as was the angst which had a quick resolution.

There was a bit of too much tell and not enough show. Though it fit the airy ambience, it made the lack of character depth glaring. I was also destabilised by the introduction of many small plot elements with almost no context or even a one line explanation, e.g. The Dungeon. It took many chapters later to clarify that the bar business was in fact split into two separate areas. These are tiny details but it confused me in the world building. Obviously, this book is a spin off of another series of RBH and many characters pop in but again, they are sprung on the new reader with little context. More aggravating, timelines got mix up in the story telling, with the H saying at one point that the h had been in town only 1 month, when a few pages later (equivalent to hours, at most 1 day in-story), the h indicates that she has been here 5½ months! Confusing as hell! Definitely, a good editor would not be amiss.

Though the H, Zane appears to be sincere in having falling hard and true for the h, Cathryn, I still have a slight doubt on the 'strength' of his willpower. Before he gets with Cathryn, Zane was a manwhore. Which is his absolute right. But to hear him say that he often succumbed due to 'weakness' when pursued by determined OWs, or when he is drunk, makes me dubious of his self-control. And to hear him expressing how he "shot an obscene amount of semen down" the throat of an OW (who he declared is very good at BJs!) while the h was watching them... was not a welcomed image to me. Sure, he was not yet with the h, and he got off hard because she was the one watching them, but must he be that crass? Based on the book, Zane should be above 30, but by his 'weak' disposition he sounded even less mature. And somehow, I found his manwhorish ways in total contrast with his supposed serious business attitude. It did not fit, it clashed, not in a good way.

To read if looking for a quick, inoffensive book in between heavier themed books. The cover is nice.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Raj.
750 reviews58 followers
April 3, 2016
It's always entertaining to read as a man whore loses his crown as the man about town.There is zero cheating though there is an oral scene that the h witnesses but rather than it causing her pain she views it as being merely erotic as she & the H were not a couple at the time.That being said it was a fast & easy book to read with minimal angst.
Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,167 reviews1,769 followers
March 28, 2016
My Rating:


Favorite Quotes:

“… I received a visit from my across the hall neighbor, Miss Weston. I discovered the hard way that her request for help to find her missing glasses was really code for ‘I want to touch your package.’”

“In all fairness, the man wanted to tie me up and play hide-the-wine-cork. He called it experimenting with the new mediums. I called it abnormal.”

“She dramatically ran her long red nails down the sleeve of her Muumuu. ‘Jealousy is a bitter pill to swallow, my dear. I’ll have you know I special ordered this one of a kind Cat’s Eye Caftan from QVC.’”

“I need to get a life. For now I would have to settle for Oreos.”

“I thought I was happy. I had everything, but then you walked into my life and made me realize I had nothing.

My Review:

Witty, clever, fun, sexy, and sassy – that is the way I like my female main characters – and Cat was perfection. She was feisty, quick with the banter, smart, a tad neurotic, and a good mix of snark and sweet. I was fully engaged and delightfully entertained by this humorous and crisply written tale and adored the vibrant characters and the often humorous situations in which they found themselves. R.B. Hilliard is a new author for me, but she is one I want to follow around so I can absorb her mad skills and binge on her talent.
Profile Image for Stef - British Book Binge.
247 reviews13 followers
March 21, 2016
R.B gets it right every single time!!!

Ok I had a complete dumb moment a little way into the book. Here's why, while I was reading I kept getting the feeling that I knew some of the characters from somewhere, you know the inkling on the edge of your mind. Well Duh we have met a few on occasion during the MMG series which I love btw . So obviously my brain was having an epic brain fart haha. (This is a standalone and is not a part of the MMG series) So I was super glad when my mind actually kicked into action especially as I was intrigued by Zane while reading MMG, anyway I digress.

This book is Utterly UN-Forgettable and I was addicted the minute I started reading. Cathryn is a great girl and a girl that most could relate to. Then there is Zane, broody alpha male who can never sort himself out for long. No this book wasn't action packed but it was exactly what I wanted. I was amused and fell in love with all the friends and neighbours and their quirky characteristics. A total change of pace from R.B and it was faultless. I could have easily have spent a few more hours with this book, I was a little bit sad that i finished it all in one go :(.
Profile Image for Christine.
457 reviews28 followers
March 24, 2016
Utterly Forgettable by R.B. Hilliard is a spicy, feisty, brother's best friend romance that is anything but forgettable. Cathryn Haines is looking for a change and when her brother, Blake, offers her a job as a PA for his partner with a ridiculous amount of money and a free apartment there is no way she could say no. Zane Mitchell doesn't do relationships and works hard at everything he does. When Zane sleeps with his previous PA and finds himself without a PA his best friends sister seems like a good idea. You can't break the bro-code right? Boundaries are crossed, walls are broken down and rules are broken. Can Cathryn and Zane come out the other side unscathed?

R.B. Hilliard had me from the first chapter, these characters push and pull at each other so well and their chemistry is off the charts. You'll run the range of emotions throughout this novel with realistic and grounded characters that will not soon be forgotten. 5 Stars for Utterly Forgettable by R.B. Hilliard - I can not wait to see what R.B. has in store for us next!

*** Reviewed for Sweet & Spicy Reads - ARC provided for a honest review ***
Profile Image for Bella'.
1,056 reviews21 followers
February 16, 2017
Le traía ganas al libro y la verdad es que aunque no es la octava maravilla del mundo, tampoco estuvo tan mal. Lo único es que es muy cliché, creo que un poco de más drama lo habría salvado, pero sentí muy predecible todo, entonces, así pues no... Los protagonistas necesitaban como que más fuerza, más garra no sé, los sentí mu apocados. No me gustó que Zane se cogía a todo lo que se moviera, y que Cat actuara como si nada. ESO es cero creíble!!!!
604 reviews16 followers
June 14, 2023
3 stars for this one
We’ll written, decent character building. Zane is the usual no strings attached guy, our h a bit of a plain Jane down on her luck. Her Stepbrothers (H best friend) gets her a job as the H’s PA
He does the need to get her out of my mind so smexes ow and the h watches. She also overhears him saying not so nice words about her.. theres not what I would call grovel but a believable HEA

It’s not utterly forgettable but it’s def not going in the re-read pile either (see what I did there 😉)
Profile Image for Suzy  (readaholicmom).
1,064 reviews19 followers
May 11, 2018
Zane and Cat’s story is adorable and all the forbidden banter is hilarious. Sweet story.
Profile Image for Coni Fernández.
229 reviews3 followers
May 23, 2017
entretenido y rápido de leer. la historia tenía elementos que la hacen única, los personajes salen del formato común de estas novelas, eso se valora mucho. Historia entretenida, tierna y bien real...sin esos dramones que hacen a algunas novelas poco creíbles.
ojalá escribiera otra historia con Blake
Profile Image for diana marcela Ballestas.
455 reviews56 followers
February 24, 2017
mi calificación sería un 3,5

la historia es entretenida y divertida de leer, tiene un toque de comedia que es refrescante en este tipo de lecturas, sin embargo creo que a los personajes les faltó un poco de profundidad, pese a ser adultos se compotaron en muchos aspectos como chiquillos y a mi gusto le falto un poco más de drama.
January 29, 2019
I just want to start this review by saying I Loved This Book!!!!
This story has the perfect mix of hot chemistry, undeniable passion, and laughs. Some of which had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Catherine is perfect for Zane. She can give as good as she gets. And in most instances she was the one with the upper hand and was putting Zane in his place before he even knew what was happening. Zane is your typical hot, I can get any girl I want, anti relationship guy. But the harder he tries to stay away from Catherine the more he can't. Even without trying she has him hooked. Their constant banter and hi-jinx made for a very funny ( sometime side splitting) read. But in all seriousness there were also those sweet caring moments that drew you right into their love story. And underneath all the laughs that's exactly what this was. The love story of Catherine and Zane. I have to hand it to RB Hilliard. She has done it again. While some of our favorite MMG players make an appearence in this book it is a totally different read. I really liked the way she weaved the two series together while keeping them different from each other. Once again she has blown me away and I can't wait to see what's next in this series.
I was given an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. Book Club Gone Wrong
Profile Image for Chalice.
3,273 reviews99 followers
May 25, 2021
Holy moly, this guy! He has sex with two other women that the heroine sees, and one other that she doesn't but that he's with after he meets her. That's a no-no for me. They're not together, so it's not cheating, but it still feels icky. Furthermore, knowing this about himself, he's still mad at the end of the book when she runs out after seeing him in a really compromising position with another woman. He can't believe that she doesn't trust him, gives her an ultimatum, and then doesn't even give her time to think about it, saying, (paraphrase) "too bad, you lose."
And even when they're moving towards getting together, he's a jerk. He's a jerk of a boss (and has slept with a lot of his employees, so there's that gem) and he's a jerk of a bf. The title alone was a gasp of a moment. I don't mind a hero who needs to be redeemed, but I feel that this hero was not. His redemption was left too late with too little to back it up. Character development is important to me, and I didn't get it here.
Also, small irritation, all the music references to specific bands/songs do nothing but make sure that your book will be dated a little faster. It doesn't make me think that the characters are cool or edgy or whatever the author was going for. They listen to music - but so do most people, and it didn't add anything to the plot or characterization.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mia.
71 reviews
April 1, 2016
I read this book straight through I was so enraptured! I could not put it down. I didn't know the plotline at all when I started reading, I went into it blind. I don't know what I was expecting, but I got way more! All good! No, great! Cat moves across the country to be a PA to her step-brother's boss, Zane after unexpectedly losing her job. Cat's sense of humor is on point! She was absolutely hilarious, I found myself laughing out loud, then looking around to make sure no one heard me! Zane seemed to be your average everyday hottie with a no romance chip on his shoulder and no shortage for female company, if you know what I mean. ;) Friends are made and feelings change. Laugh out loud banter and situations and steamy sex, what more can you ask for!?! Okay, I don't want to give away everything, but take my word on this one, you won't regret it. Don't miss this funny, sexy story with heart. One-click it ASAP! Oh, and watch out for flying objects! ;) lol (once you read, you will understand)
18 reviews
March 22, 2016
OMG RB Hilliard has done it again. Utterly Forgettable is unexpected love story between Zane a bar and apartment manager and his personal assistant Cat or Catheryn. Utterly Forgettable to is nothing like RB Hilliards other books but does have a mention for MMG and some of the characters from those books.
In Utterly Forgettable Zane makes a promise to Blake that he will not sleep with his PA since he has had a bad track record in the past with doing this. Zane also does not do relationships or so he thinks until he meets Cat. Cat's witty personality and funny sense of humor sure does a number on poor Zane and he cannot stop thinking about her.
Utterly forgettable seems so real as when the men speak you cannot help but to laugh at them as their conversations seem like something a real men would say.
There are a few sex scenes in the book but nothing over the top and absolutely nothing like 50 shades of grey.
If you are wanting a light hearted story about opposites attract then I highly recommend Utterly Forgettable by RB Hilliard
Profile Image for Chianti Summers.
Author 11 books42 followers
March 21, 2016
RB Hilliard gave me a fun, exciting and enjoyable read. I read this book in the matter of hours. Yes that is how good this book is from beginning to end. I laughed out loud so many times my abs hurt by the time I was done. Zane and Cat are great characters to read. Zane is hot and Cat is a whole lot of fun. These two were written so well that you just wanted to be in their world. The side characters were awesome as well. There is definitely hot and steamy scenes along with very memorable scenes that had me rolling with laughter. I am looking forward to more from these characters in the future. I LOVE IT! Highly recommend this relaxing and fun read and no ab workout need just read Utterly Forgettable.
Profile Image for Terra Oenning.
3,159 reviews
April 1, 2016
Zane Mitchell just lost his PA and is in need of one asap so his best friend Blake Meoeno ask his step sister Cathryn who is in need of a job. she agrees to try it for 6 months , but what she didn't bargin for was finding the love of her life. Zane is one who isn't willing to settle down but when Cat strolls in and destroys that all to hell will he give in or will they both be heart broken?
This book was such a great story and the banter between them was great .The tenant's in the story added so much humor that you will be laughing. RB Hilliard did it again and I absolutely love Zane And Cat Together.
Profile Image for Kelly.
241 reviews
May 12, 2017
Funny, sexy, and utterly UNforgettable! :) I love R.B. Hilliards books and this one was no exception! I love the world that RB writes in. Its different from the MMG series but still has the same world feel! They both take place in Charlette, NC.

Zane was crazy, alpha, rough, mean but ultimatlely he was the perfect fit for Cat. They were sugar and spice, salt and pepper, oil and vinegar.

Just do yourself a favor and READ it! :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews

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